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1、描写新年的英语作文带撷译新年英语作文(1)when the orientation of the bell, the whole world is boiling, people shouting: in the new year new year arrived. continuous firecrackers resounded through the whole of the sky, boundless fireworks exploded flower, like a meteor shower began to fall. dark night suddenly become co

2、lorful, is permeated with thick beaming.flow, the crowd in the street like a sea of pentium, moving forward. everyone's a sweet smile on her face, the little children with hands tightly grabbed a wide variety of helium balloons, chasing behind their parents. ubiquitous lanterns, matches the

3、eye red, like a small sun, radiation. the ground filled with flowers and blooming, red red, yellow, yellow, white, white, purple, purple is mind-boggling. the peach blossom, traditional auspicious cuckoo, represents the elegant tulips, symbol of health chrysanthemum. trying to outshine each other. t

4、o faint scent in the wind, is invigorating, eliminate the fatigue problems as well. all kinds of flowers, auspicious name, bright color, pure and fresh fragrance, let us so love. lily together gently up to, and how small it is lovely, tender and white petals, like the baby's face, it feels s

5、oft and slippery. the leaf is also very nice lily, green, they picked out with white. it filled up with orange trees, attracted many people's attention, every little oranges, against the night sky, seemed so bright. cheerful with carefully selected orange tree home, prosperous, who do not lo

6、ve? !look at that, zhongshan road, a chrysanthemum cut into the fish alive, wide mouth looked up at the sky, as if in the day. on both sides of the fin, waving gently in the wind, like is going to move. looked at the lifelike fish, can not help but think of it: the moral of every year. it' s

7、 there, really adds a lot of chinese new year atmosphere!on the way home, everywhere is decorated, with the spring festival couplets on both sides of the door of every household, always let i can' t help but want to read. the door is put on the orange trees and flowers, just stay quietly, bu

8、t still let a person feel beaming. reference great poet wang anshi's poems "find tong tong, always put the new peach in old operator to represent the scene第2页/总共io页again.the end of last year, means the beginning of a new,gently shut down 20xx of the world, is opening 20xx slowly. the ne

9、w year, carrying our dream too much, let us fly wings, freedom of flying, i am looking forward to the sunrise that a brand new day!当迎新的钟声敲响时,整个世界都沸腾了,人们高喊着: 新年到了,新年到了。连续不断的爆竹声响彻了整个天空,漫 天的焰火炸开了花,就像下起了流星雨一样。昏暗的夜晚顿时变 得五光十色,洋溢着浓浓的喜气。街上的人群川流不息,像一片奔腾的大海,涌动着。每个 人的脸上都露出了甜蜜的笑容,小孩子们用小手紧紧地拽住各式 各样的氢气球,追赶在父母的身后。

10、随处可见的灯笼,红的直逼 眼球,就像一个个小太阳,放射着光芒。地上堆满的花朵,尽情 的绽放,红的红,黄的黄,白的白,紫的紫,令人眼花缭乱。传 统的桃花,寓意吉祥的杜鹃,代表高雅的郁金香,象征健康的菊 花。争奇斗艳。随风飘来的淡淡清香,令人心旷神怡,消除了疲 劳也带走了烦恼。各种各样的花,吉祥的名字,鲜艳的颜色,清 新的香味,让我们如此喜爱。轻轻地凑上去,百合花是多么的小 巧可爱,嫩白的花瓣就像小宝宝的脸一样,摸起来嫩嫩的、滑滑 的。百合的叶子也特别好看,绿油油的,衬托着那朵朵洁白。那 摆满的桔子树,吸引了众多人的眼球,每一个小桔子,在夜空的 映衬下,都显得那么明亮。兴高采烈的端着精心挑选的桔子

11、树回 家,大吉大利,有谁不爱?!看那,兴中道上,一条用菊花切成的鱼儿活灵活现,张大 的嘴巴仰望着天空,仿佛在对天长啸。两旁的鱼鳍,在风中轻轻 舞动,就像快要游动起来了一样。望着那惟妙惟肖的鱼儿,不禁 会想到它的寓意:年年有余。它的存在,还真增添了不少过年的 气氛啊!回家的路上,到处是张灯结彩,家家户户的门两侧都贴上 了春联,总让我忍不住想要去读出。门口摆放上的桔子树和花, 只是静静的待着,但还是让人感觉喜气洋洋的。引用大诗人王安 石的一句诗千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符来表现这一场景 再合适不过了。旧年的结束,意味着崭新的开始,轻轻的关闭20xx的世 界,慢慢地敞开20xx的大门。新的一年,承

12、载着我们太多的梦 想,让我们放飞翅膀,自由的翱翔,我期待着日出那崭新的一天!新年英语作文(2)distant bells, off a memorable yesterday; crispy crackers, heralded a new era. mountain, spring accumulation in the depression; water, under the frozen the billow to west; life, just in this continue refining extract; hope that spread in the germinal no

13、w. new year is coming, the pace towards the streets, the fields, the harmonious urban villages, great river north and south. tune is my biggest wish in the heart, above is the only wealth in front of my eyes!new year begins, we shine the sky with hope, across all the clouds on the sky, it is waving

14、the banner of progress. we use power across the earth, and the fresh wind blows the earth, that is the pace of progress of eager feelings.harmony belongs to the steps.in the new year, there is a starting point that call, have a kind of journey called eagerly, have a kind of speed that transcend, hav

15、e a kind of rhythm called halma. in china, the pace of progress is so sonorous and forceful. the compositionnew year begins, in front of the pace, we have our own sweat and pay, with harmony and magnificent, with pride and happiness! the pace of belongs to the unity of harmony.the new year, is in ou

16、r hands. because, we have opened the first page table calendar, the good wishes for a note into the thick, new year' s day, with the power of a year a new starting point. the new year, is in our hands. because we control the new verb: vision, overlooking, plan, listening, waiting and change.

17、 we listen to the storm of the past, and listen to the song of the new year, listen to your heartbeat, listen to the pace of the harmonious society, and listen to sweat surge wave, listening to the sound of good news to fly. we accompany with these verbs. we look forward to the eleventh five-year pl

18、an. before the threshold of the first year, we held his head high, walk together hold and firm confidence and extraordinary perseverance. the compositionwe look at the beauty of the year, grazing and a piece of sunshine. in the first place, the heart shout out spring greetings, then pick up the read

19、 pen depict the blueprint of heart. good news waiting for us. we change with the new year, meet a year of good news. . . the pioneers of the new year, i am your time. a second, i also cross. the motherland, i am your blood wayfarers。 a drop of, i also go beyond.in china, in the new year auspicious s

20、ign, every day is very solemn, dignified one heart to a place called the rhythm of advancing with the times.in the market tide, practice a kind of idea, to create a kind of value, in both inside and outside the great wall and in the end of the world, can be a model in the market;in science realm, un

21、lock a proposition, design a brand, no matter in the up and down the river or on the camels jiangnan, can be a hero of the independent innovation. the motherland, everywhere have my stage, everywhere have wayfarers of the shore! along the tang poetry, we write beautiful chapter of the new year; alon

22、g the silk road, our pursuit of the market economy. let us in the new year' s hard work, tenacious distances!a second, i also cross. i am your time in portland, new year! a drop of, i also go beyond. i am in your blood wayfarers, our motherland! reflected which belongs to the most beautiful

23、heart and soul.cultivation of the new year. in ruling ability, the new year how many, the seeds of wisdom, sweat and innovation has, how many flowers, fruits and applause and how many.in the new year, a chamber enthusiasm is the starting point of the seeds, but also a starting point of the road; wal

24、k the line is the starting point of people, is also the starting point. with beautiful dress up in the new year. in the land of hope, into the prosperous policy, reform and opening to the outside through the long march. all the wisdom and potential burst, blossom and bear fruit in sweat;第7页/总共io页all

25、 the power and drive out, thrive in harmony. the yearning heart, one step one step forward; to hard pads under their feet, step by step forward, beauty is a flower bursting in sight, the new year with heart. before the new year, drunk is not only a heart!heart belongs to the most beautiful and stret

26、ch of beauty.悠远的钟声,送走了一个难忘的昨天;清脆的爆竹,宣告 了一个崭新的纪元。山,在萧条中把春光积淀;水,在冰封下把 清波激涌;生机,就在这继往的凝练里提取;希望,就在这开来的 生发上焕然。新年走来了,步伐迈进大街小巷、田间地头,和谐 充满城市乡村,大江南北。合拍是我心中最大的愿望,超越是我 眼前惟一的财富!新年开始了,我们用希望擦亮天空,天空上飘过朵朵云彩, 那是前进的旗帜挥舞的情景。我们用力量横扫大地,大地上吹过 清新之风,那是前进的步伐展现的热切情怀。和谐属于整齐的步伐。在新年,有一种起点叫呼唤,有一种征程叫热切,有一种 速度叫超越,有一种节奏叫豪迈。在中国,前进的步伐就是如此 铿锵和有力。作文新年开始了,在步伐面前,我们拥有汗水和付出,拥有和 谐和雄壮,更拥有自豪和幸福!步伐属于统一的和谐。新年,掌握在我们手上。因为,我们亲手翻开第一页台历, 把美好的祝福注进厚厚的新年,用一年的力量修饰崭新的起点。 新年,掌握在我们手上。因为,我们掌握着新年的动词:憧憬、 眺望、计划、倾听、等待和变化。我们倾听过去的风雨,倾听新 年的歌声,倾听自己的心


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