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1、8bunit 5 词组打断(谈话),插嘴到处乱扔垃圾把水龙头一直开着在图书馆里保持安静在公园里摘花遵守交通规则排队等候邀请某人做某事正确的问候他人的方式与某人握手以亲吻方式问候人们亲密的朋友开始谈话其他的事情避免像的话题避免做某事表现得有礼貌公开地在别人前面插队挡住某人的路从某人身边挤过去也劳驾一直压低声音大叫或大笑在罗马尽量不要做某事偶然;意外地向某人问好在一个陌生的地方改善我们的礼仪参加讨论清楚地表达自己的观点写下所有的要点忙于她的舞蹈课公共标志被用在公共场所向某人解释某事给我们有用的信息使我们安全脱离危险1. cut in (on sb/sth)2. drop litter everyw

2、here3. leave the tap running4. keep quiet in the library5. pick flowers in the park6. obey traf fic rules7. queue for one 's turn8. invite sb to do sth9. the proper way to greet people10. shake one's hand = shake hands with sb11. greet people with a kiss12. close friends13. start a conversat

3、ion14. something else15. avoid subjects like16. avoid doing sth17. behave politely18. in public19. push in before others20. in one's way21. push past sb22. as well23. excuse me24. all the time25. . keep your voice down26. shout or laugh loudly27. in rome28. try not to do something29. by accident

4、30. say hello to someone31. in a strange place32. improve our manners33. join the discussion34. express oneself clearly35. write down all the main points36. be b usy with her dancing lessons37. public signs38. be used in public places39. explain sth to sb40. give us useful information41. keep us saf

5、e from danger42. in places like hospitals43. no smoking / photos / parking / littering44. this famous painting by picasso45. i didn 't notice that sign just now.46. in a foreign country47. soon after48. in order to be successful49. risk doing sth50. just as the saying goes51. after years of hard

6、 work52. keep practising speaking english53. at one time54. become tired out55. be better at it56. make his dream come true57. give a talk on good table manners58. the purpose of (doing) sth59. make too much noise60. reach for sth61. over someone 's plate62. make sure63. both guests and hosts64.

7、 at the table65. at table66. in class67. in the class68. take place69. hold a talk on70. rules for eating71. above all72. eat with your mouth open73. talk with food in your mout h在像医院这样的地方禁止吸烟/拍照/停车/乱扔杂物这幅毕加索的名画我刚才没有注意那个标志。在国外不久以后为了成功冒险做某事正如谚语所说经过多年的努力坚持练习说英语一次过度疲劳更擅长它使他的梦想实现做一个关于好的餐桌礼仪的访谈(做)某事的意图发出

8、过多的噪声伸手去拿.某物越过某人的盘子确保主人和客人都在餐桌旁在就餐在课堂上在这个班发生;举行举行一个关于的报告吃饭的规矩首要的是张着嘴吃饭嘴里含着食物谈话8bunit6 短语1 受训成为一名奥运会的志愿者 train to be a volunteer for the olympic games/ the olympics2 支持我 support me3 做某事是有意义的 it s meaningful to do sth.4 需要更多一些吃的食物need some more food to eat5 在工作时 at work6 盲人 / 聋哑人 / 残疾人 / 年纪大的人/无家可归的人/

9、 穷人the blind/ deaf/ disabled/ elderly/ homeless/ poor (people)7 没有住的地方 have no place(s) to live/ don t have any place to live8 给当地政府写信write to the local government9 为无家可归者提供居住的地方 provide special places for homeless people to stay reading1当的志愿者 volunteer for10 期待什么 what to expect11 他一生中最惊人的经历the most

10、 amazing experience of his life12 以志愿者身份工作work as a volunteer13 给某人一个做某事的机会give sb a chance to do sth14 有智力缺陷的孩子和大人children and adults with intellectual disabilities15 与相似 be similar to16 放弃他们的空余时间 give up their spare time17 在开始执行任务前接受训练receive training before doing the task18 . 给运动员提供支持 provide sup

11、port for the athletes19 . 使比赛获得巨大成功 make the event a great success20 来自华北的一个小伙子a young boy from north china21 . 游泳教练the swimming coach22 . 生来有智力障碍be born with intellectual disabilities23 . 参加比赛join (in) the competition24 . 获得金牌/银牌win a gold/silver25 . 获得第四名finish fourth26 . 感到更自信feel more confident2

12、7 . 来自不同背景的志愿者 volunteers from different backgrounds28 . 感觉像大家庭的一份子feel like part of one big family29 感觉像某事feel like sth 想要做某事feel like doing sth30 与某人密切合作work closely with sb31 有机会做某事/得到做某事的机会get to do sth32 实现他们的梦想achieve/realize their dreams33 不计酬劳主动提供帮助 offer to help without getting paid34 获得第一名

13、 win the first prize27那就是的原因 that' s why28 使他们的梦想变成现实 make their dreams come true29 一定能赢得比赛be sure to win the competition30 的目的是什么? what are for?31 把座位让给老人give the seats to the elderly32 给慈善机构捐款donate money to charitiesgrammar33 很多组织 many organizations 34. 一对一地开展工作 do their work one-to-one/ one-

14、on-one35. 做某事有困难 have trouble (in) doing sth 36 给某人献血 donate blood to people in need37 在中国西南部/西北部in the south-west/ north-west of china= in south-west/ north-west china38 在中国南/北部in the southern/ northern part of china39 改善他们的生活improve their lives40 节约我们的零花钱save our pocket money41 了解不同的文化 learn about

15、 different cultures42 帮助我们的大脑放松help our mind relax43 青少年的课外活动teenagers after-school activitiestask:44 一种严重的血液病44 a serious blood disease45 给某人做手术have/ do an operation on sb.46 尽早,尽快as soon as possible47 丧生 lose one s life48 人多力量大many hands make light work 49 伸出援助之手give a helping hand50 没有父母的孩子childr

16、en without parents 51 地震幸存者 earthquake survivors翻译。1. 钓鱼真有趣。 it is interesting to go fishing.2. 对我来说帮助他是必须的。 it is necessary for me to help him.3. 他真聪明,解决了这个难题 。 it is clever of him to solve the problem.4. 他们这样做真是愚蠢。 it is foolish of them to do so.5. 我认为你的父母不会支持你。 i don t think your parents will sup

17、port you.6. 如果人人都为残疾人提供帮助,这个世界将会变得更美好。if everyone provides help for disabled people, the world will become better.7. 为什么不给当地政府写信求助呢?why not write to the local government to ask for help?8. 当一名志愿者是很有意义的,对吗?it s meaningful to be a volunteer, isn t it?9. 我们怎样帮助盲人呢? how can we help blind people?10. 工作时我

18、需要更多一些食物吃。 i need some more food to eat at work.11. 我正在训练成为奥林匹克的一名志愿者。i am training to be a volunteer for the olympic games.12. 为奥林匹克做些事情很有意义。 it s meaningful to do something for the olympics.13. 有没有其他的办法帮助老人?are there any other ways to help the elderly?14. 他生病住院是因为一种严重的血液病。he was ill in hospital be

19、cause of a serious blood disease.15. 他们没有足够的钱做这样一个手术。16. they don t have enough money for such an operation.16 对他来说尽快做手术是很重要的。it s important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.17. 人多力量大。 many hands make light work.18. 如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他可能很快就会康复。if all of us can give a helping hand, he may

20、 get well soon.8bunit8 短语国际慈善机构有一些剩余的零花钱剩余5公里(没走)将钱捐给该是吃午饭的时候了是做某事的时候了为而担心(2种)然后吃一顿丰盛的午餐太以至不能我太累了,不能再往前走了。(2种)位口油,快点儿了吧世界各地的慈善机构收集一些信息国际慈善机构了解一个叫做联合国儿童基金会的慈善机构给贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育(2种)为女童及妇女的平等权利而工作welcome to the unit1. international charities2. have some pocket money left3. have five kilometres left4. don

21、ate money to5. it ' s time for lunchs time for sth.it ' s time to do sth.=it6. worry about=be worried about7. after that8. have a big lunchlet me(have) lunch first. 9. too to i am too weak to walk any further.=i am so weak that i can ' t walk any further.a) i want to go abroad for(farthe

22、r, further) study.b) jack jumps(farther, further) than me.10. come on11. charities around the world12. collect some information13. international charities14. know about15. a charity called unicef16. provide basic education for children in poor areas=provide children in poor areas with basic educatio

23、n17. work fort he equal rights of girls and women18. it helps build a better world for everyone, especially for children all over the world.它帮助为每个人,尤其是全世界的儿 童建立一个更美好的世界。19. it works to prevent the spread of some serious它也致力于阻止如艾滋病之类的diseases,like aids, among young people.严重疾病在年轻人中蔓延。20. prevent sb (

24、from) doing sth =stop sb (from) doing sth =keep sb from doing sth21. among / between22. you' ve done a good job.阻止某人做某事(3种)在三者(或)以上之中 /在两者之间 你做得相当不错。patient39. can ' t afford to do sth40. go to the hospitalmany of our patients can41. local doctors and nurses米访某人(2种)告诉某人关于某事告诉我们一些关于失明的情况遍及全世界

25、(2种)三百万人数百万人有眼部问题主要在贫困地区其中百分之八十的案例(cure).没有钱接受医学治疗(2种)药(名词)/医学的;医疗的(形容词)治疗(动词/名词)飞行眼科医院手术(名词)/做手术(动词)做手术给某人做手术眼部手术被用做培训中心我们的很多病人42. on boardthey(invite) on board43. teach(they) new skills44. by(train) them45. during my last visit46. do a(real) important job47. be proud to do sth.be proud of=take pri

26、de in48. help people see again49. improve their lives50. something elsea) what do you need?b) what things do you need?c) is there in the room?在船(火车、飞机)上(learn) eye operations.教他们新的技能通过训练他们在我的上一次出行中做一份真的很重要的工作为做某事而自豪以为骄傲(2种)帮助人们重见光明改善我们的生活其它事(参见笔记)reading23. have an interview with sb=interview sb24.

27、tell sb about sth25. tell us something about(blind)26. all around the world=all over the world27. three million peoplemillions of people28. hav e eye problems29. (most) in poor areas30. 80 percent of these cases80 percent of these cases can(prevent) or31. don ' t have mney for medical treatment=

28、have no money for medical treatment32. medicine / medical33. treat / treatment34. flying eye hospital35. operation(s) / operatedo operationsdo an operation on sb=operate on sb36. eye operations37. be used as a training centre38. many of our patients。(名词)病人 )(形容词)耐心的不能承担做某事去医院看病t afford(go) to hospit

29、al.当地的医护人员a. anyone elseb. else anyonec. other anyone d. anyone other现代医学发展迅速发展(动词/名词)(形容词)发展中的 /发达的51. modern medicine52. develop quickly53. develop / development developing / developed a) the of china is amazing.country.继续进行我们的工作非常感谢占用你的时间取出吸收b) the village quickly in the past 20 years.c) china is

30、 a country while the usa is a54. carry on with our work55. thank you very much for your time.56. take out take intake off®脱下(衣服);(飞机)起飞取下(形容词)生病的 / (名)疾病为支付费用能够做某事/不能够做某事另外还有更多人没必要付钱去医院(看病)take down57. ill / illnessmake an illness(go) away58. pay for something59. be able / unable to dothe condi

31、tion of(be) unable to see60. many more people61. don ' t have to pay62. go to hospital63. most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured绝大多数眼音b问题及疾病可以治疗或治愈grammar策划/安排慈善活动65. plan to do sth66. the poor67. give out leaflets68. hand outhand in64. plan charity activities计划做某事穷人分发传单分发;散发()上

32、交;递交()()your homework must be finished before tuesday,so don ' t forget to on time.a. hand it in b. hand in itc. give it in d. give in it筹钱用法参见笔记为穷人收集寒衣举行一场慈善演出阅读一本关于乐施会的书69. raise moneyraise70. collect warm clothes for poor people71. hold a charity show72. read a book about oxfam73. set up=foun

33、d74. open the first oxfam shop75. including books76. include / including77. with sb ' s help78. millions of children all over the country建立;创立(2种表达方式) 开办首家乐施会商店 包括书籍包括(动词/介词)在某人的帮助下全国数百万的儿童integrated skills79. part of the united nations80. change many children ' s()the weather(life) colder a

34、nd colder in winter.联合国的一部分改变很多孩子的生活d.keepsa. changes b. gets c. become81. because of the war82. receive basic education83. want all children to be healthy84. donate money85. try to do sth86. prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth =keep sb from doing sth87. prevent them from getting illnes s88. a health c

35、entre of unicef89. what' s the matter? =what ' s the touble=what90. get toothache91. it hurts.92. feel well93. feel like this94. look pale95. have a check96. nothing serious97. take the medicine98. after meals three times a day99. you' ll be all light in a few days.task100. a secretary o

36、f a company101. be afraid of flying因为战争接受基础教育想要所有的孩子健康捐钱尽力做某事阻止某人做某事(3种表达方式)防止他们患病联合国儿童基金会的一个保健中心s wrong送么啦? ( 3种表达方式) (患)牙痛太疼了。感觉舒服感觉像这样(面色)看上去苍白检查一下没什么严重的吃药饭后(服用),每日三次 过几天你就会好了。102. train as a nurse103. live in a comfortable flat104. drive to work105. travel to many places106. see a tv programme a

37、bout orbis107. make up one ' s mind to do sth=decide to do sth一家大公司的秘书害怕飞行培训当护士住在一套舒适的公寓里开车去上班去许多地方旅行看了一个关于奥比斯的节目 下定决心做某事(2种) 下班后参加课程108. attend courses after work109. get used to travelling by plane110. don t have as much money as before111. used to work on the farm all day112. can t read or wr

38、ite113. a unicef officer114. learn about the conditions of the local people115. enter a school116. hope to become a teacher习惯了坐飞机旅行 钱没有以前多过去整天在农场上劳动不识字也不会写字一位联合国儿童基金会的官员了解当地人的条件进入一所学校希望成为一名老师8b unit8 短语welcome to the unit1. more trees be planted this year? trees are good

39、 for us.i like digging in the garden.reduce air pollution by riding bicycles. save water by taking shorter showers save energy by turning off the lights protect the environment by recycling waste what should we do to live a green life?used to drive me to school take the underground cause serious air

40、 pollution过去开车送我去学校乘地铁产生严重的空气污染今年会种更多的树?树对我们有益。我喜欢在花园里挖土。通过骑自行车减少空气污染通过少洗澡来节约水关灯节约能源通过循环利用废料的方式保护环境为了过上环保的生活我们该做什么呢?it s wise for people to choose public transport or ride bicycles.人们选择坐公交或骑车是很明13.14.缩短淋浴时间来节约用水 记得关灯智的。take shorter shower to save water remember to turn off the lightsreading1. a coun

41、try with high mountains and clean blue lakes 一个拥有高山和清澈湛蓝湖水的国家2. try to keep it that way 努力保持它的原貌3. be separated into different groups 被分成不同的组4. even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. 甚至旧衣服旧鞋业被循环利用。5. an organization for recycling clothes 一个循环利用衣服的组织6. be sold in charity shops 在慈善商店出售7. be given to the poor 给贫困的人8. be sent to factories for recycling 送到工厂进行循环利用9. sendto 把送给10. have many laws to protect the environment 制定许多保护环境的法律11. be not allowed to cut down trees 不允许砍树12. will be punished 会被惩罚13. drop litter in a public place 在公开场合丢垃圾14. be fined by


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