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1、学英语选择题 61 道及答案精品文档1. The problem when the students refused to do their homework.A. aroseB. arousedC. roseD. raised2. When he suddenly up the subject of genetic engineering, there was anembarrassed silence.A. tookB. broughtC. showedD. came3.so many people in the United States been out of work as toda

2、y.A. More than ever beforeB. In the past, there have neverC. Never before haveD. Formerly, there never were4. It as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room.A. cameB. appearedC. arrivedD. reached5. Since William had been seriously 川 for several months, his parents were worried about to re

3、turn to school full-time.A. he wantedB. he wantingC. him to wantD. his wanting6. The association is to raising funds to help the blind.A. conductedB. committedC. concentratedD. concerned7. I won't those children making a noise in my house!A. allowB. letC. haveD. permit8. The TV station, in to ma

4、ssive popular demand, decided to continue thesoap opera (巴皂居 U).A. regardB. relationC. respectD. response9. The opposition leaders the government for not taking action sooner.A. warned B. criticized C. threatenedD. urged10. In some schools children who prefer to read books rather than footballbecome

5、 social outcasts被抛弃者).A. playB. playingC. to playD. to playing11. Others argue that since the earth has endured a long string of ice ages in the last two million to three million years, any warming is to be temporary.A. seemedB. likelyC. tendedD. possible12. the concert had begun did we realize what

6、 a splendid show it was going to be.A. No soonerB. Only afterC. HardlyD. Scarcely13.1, John has been to several foreign countries.A. Even he is youngB. Young though he isC. In spite of he is youngD. Young is as he14 .they've got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.A. Due

7、 toB. Ever sinceC. Now thatD. Regardless of15 . She got a job as an assistant stage manager at the Cambridge Arts Festival Theatre, thinking that it might to a career as a playwright 剧作家).A. pave the way B. work wonder C. point out D. stand a chance 16. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning

8、 the behavior of animalsdepends mainly on instinct.A. soB. unlessC. ifD. while17. After so many days without rain, the ground quickly the little rain thatfell last night.A. droppedB. floodedC. graspedD. absorbed18. If you want to find a decent location for your own home,Mr. Smith for advice.A. turn

9、toB. pass throughC. shut inD. write up19. Senior members of the staff competed eagerly the position of salesmanager in the company.A. inB. withC. forD. on20. It was three British sportsmen who banned drugs.A. were catching takingB. caught to takeC. caught in takingD. were caught taking21. The addres

10、s book the email addresses of your friends or groups ofcolleagues.A. makes it easy to recallB. makes it easy recallC. makes easy to recallD. makes recall it easy22. She her nervousness to the importance of the interview.A. contributedB. dedicatedC. distributedD. attributed23. We regret to that it ma

11、y not be possible to deal with every request.A. put offB. pass onC. help alongD. point out24. General Motors, one of the world's largest auto manufacturers, is expanding its in this country.A. existenceB. presenceC. locationD. residence25. to the papers is restricted to Defense Department person

12、nel only.A. ApplicationB. ExceptionC. AccessD. Glance26. We were told that Sue would be ideal for the job, but she badly whenwe talked to her.A. came acrossB. fell outC. looked toD. brought up27. from the occasional late night party, our neighbors are very quiet.A. ApartB. ButC. ExceptD. As28. I don

13、't know how we can make on the timetable for any more courses.A. scheduleB. placeC. planD. room29. I'm sorry I forgot to write; I had so much else my mind.A. overB. forC. onD. about30. The boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher's.A. commandB. convictionC. consentD. compromise31

14、. the movie I would have finished my paper last Sunday.A. In spite ofB. But forC. Because ofD. As for32. Be careful,you'll fall down.A. on the contraryB. or ratherC. or elseD. as for33. We must that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.A. assureB. secureC. ensureD. issue34. It is

15、useful to science the earth as an object in space.A. to considerB. which considersC. considersD. the consideration of35. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.A. If you compareB. Compare themC. When comparedD. A comparison36. A baby might show fear of an unf

16、amiliar adult,he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant.A. ifB. whereverC. so thatD. whereas37. The student found the novel. It provided him with so much information about the subject.A. enlighteningB. confusingC. frustratingD. delighting38. Sorry sir, we don't have wine or beer. We

17、are only licensed to sell drinks.A. pureB. sweetC. mildD. soft39. Let's drink Dicks' success in business.A. ofB. forC. toD. with40. The terrible noise is me mad.A. turningB. settingC. drivingD. putting41. The engine has broken and the boat is on the water.A. flowingB. floatingC. driftingD. s

18、ailing42. Attendance at football matches have since the coming of television.A. dropped inB. dropped offC. dropped outD. dropped down43. Each year in the United States, many black teenagers of school, eitherbecause they cannot keep up or they have to work to support their family.A. go outB. drop out

19、C. check outD. pull out44. When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to pay on a clockI had bought.A. taxesB. dutyC. finesD. fees45. I'm to graduate in the next half of the year.A. owingB. thanksC. dueD. because46. Take it. It is nothing but a joke.A. easyB. easilyC. seriousD. seriou

20、sly47. Construction of the railways helped to develop the national of Tanzaniaand Zambia.A. economicB. economiesC. economicsD. economical48. Only a(n)few were invited to the dancing party.A. electB. specialC. selectD. selective49. In the future, more should be placed on the education of the young.A.

21、 crisisB. implicationsC. impressionsD. emphasis50. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose him as their actor.A. popularB. desirableC. favoriteD. superior51. The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields were too wet and.A. earthyB. solidC. dustyD. muddy52. I bought this eig

22、hteenth century writing desk at a quite price.A. reasonableB. cheapC. smallD. expensive53. As you like pop music,I like literature.A. soB. thereforeC. asD. thus54. He thoroughly understood the society.A. he had grown upB. which had he grown upC. in which he had grown upD. he had grown up in it55. To study a foreign language,.A. a good dictionary should be boughtB. buying a good dictionary is necessaryC. you should buy a good dictionaryD. it is necessary that you will buy a good dictionary56. It's more to buy a season ticket if you travel every day.A. cheapB. economic


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