



1、2016年12月17日0:00:25红色字体是我认为需要修改的地方PAGE 46 A1. I can't remember exactly what triggered the explosion but it was pretty devastating.我不能准确地记起是什么引发了爆炸,但爆炸是相当具有毁灭性的。2. Of course, that posed a new set of problems for Mum and Dad who were constantly running around trying to contain my wanderlust.当然,这给爸妈

2、造成了一系列新的问题,他们不断地东奔西走尝试控制我的流浪癖。修改成:旅行欲3. The industry has pumped massive amounts of money into political campaigns, making it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.工厂已经给政治运动注入了大量资金,使政治家们不太可能更理智地处理问题。修改为“可能越来越不能理智地处理问题”4. I was asked to contribute to a newspaper artic

3、le making predictions for the New Year.我被要求去投一篇关于新年预测的新闻稿。5. If it were as cheap and easy to get online here as in America, the British might triple their time at the computer.如果在这里上网像在美国一样既便宜又容易的话,那么英国人在电脑前花的时间能达到原先的三倍。修改为“英国人会花三倍的时间在电脑上”6. After 1989, the external menace vanished, but the danger t

4、o American civilization remained.1989年后,外部的威胁消失了,但美国文明的危险因素依然存在。7. As the surgeon's health worsened, he became a liability to the hospital.外科医生的健康问题恶化了,他变成了医院的一个不利因素。修改为“随着外科医生健康恶化”8. Today, that consensus has given way to a myriad of family styles as a result of people living longer, marrying l

5、ater, divorcing more often and changing mates to suit the seasons of their lives.如今,由于人们寿命增长、结婚推迟、离婚率上升、变换伴侣来应对人生阶段的不同需求,这种观念已经为多种家庭生活方式所取代。修改为“无数的”9. In order to avoid a good deal of frustration (not to mention time, effort, and shoe leather) that a job search entails, you might want to consider th

6、e following approach : conduct a planned, focused job search.为了避免求职势必带来的深重的挫败感(更不用说付出的时间和努力),你可能需要考虑这个方法:进行有计划有目标的求职。修改为“以下的”10. A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.更合理的解释似乎是人们对保守党政府感到厌烦。修改为“一个更合理的解释”PAGE 46 B1. As we feel our way aro

7、und the first months of the 21st century, what seemed impossible in the last is becoming more and more believable(plausible).大概21世纪的头几个月,当我们摸索前进时,曾经看起来不可能的事正在变得越来越可信。2. In one sense, this could be good news for America: it could predict(portend) greater social consensus, with virtually everyone agre

8、eing about the proper functions of government. 某种意义上来说,这对美国来说可能是好消息:它可以预期更全面的社会共识,同时几乎每个人都认同政府的适当职能。3. What kind of task was that for a man who couldn't even discover(pin down) the truth about himself?对于一个甚至不能准确认识自我的人,什么样的任务才是合适的呢?修改为“还”4. It may be the band's trademark, but after the briefe

9、st exposure, it becomes annoying (aggravating) to a large degree.它可能为是乐队的商标,但一经公开就广受恶评。5. If the value of services exchanged or booked online were included as well, the figures would be more astounding(staggering) still.如果网上交换或预订的服务的价值也包括在内,数字会更惊人。6. Parts of Glasgow are the same as(on a par with) t

10、he worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.就入室盗窃来看,格拉斯哥的部分地区和伦敦及利物浦的最差地区一样差。7. The most profound change in our society since the sixties has not been the arrival of new Britons but the appearance(emergence) of a new class. 16世纪以来我们社会最深刻的变革不是新英国人的到来而是一个新阶层的诞生。8. Police say drugs trafficker

11、s are behind the increase(resurgence) of violence. 警方说,掩藏在日益增多的暴力事件背后的是毒贩。9. They said yes, provided he did not publish anything that would take away from(detract from) their reputation.他们同意了,(前提是)只要他不公开有可能损害他们名誉的任何信息。10. The shortage (inadequacy) of clean energy resources plagues all nations.清洁能源短缺

12、困扰着每个国家。PAGE 581. The industry, consequently, has been with rife rumors that Ford Motor Company might be about to wield an axe and eliminate between 4, 000 and 5, 000 jobs.因此,业界(已经)普遍传言说福特汽车公司可能壮士断腕裁员4000至5000人。2. I urge the government to change its position and work toward a viable alternative wher

13、e the public is involved in the decision-making process.我敦促政府改变其立场,致力于制定出切实可行的有公众参与决策过程的措施。3. Nature is full of wonderful surprises and our ship, by virtue of her mission and size, is guided by it.大自然充满了奇妙之处,凭她的广博,指导我们的航行。4."You don't need to rely on donations or seek special legislation to

14、 get an equitable return from filming companies," says Obergh.Obergh说:“(想)从电影公司获得应有的回报,你不需要依赖捐赠或者寻求特别司法援助。”修改为“你不需要依赖捐赠或者寻求特别法律法规来从电影公司获得应有的回报”5. The implication is that you have drunk foolishly the night before and will not be up to the daily workload.后果就是,你昨晚酩酊大醉,你将无法达到日常的工作量。修改为“你昨晚酩酊大醉后果就是你

15、无法完成日常的工作量”6. The simple fact is, salt is added to so many processed foods in such large amounts that if such foods are a mainstay of your diet it's very difficult to avoid sodium.事实很简单,太多加工食品使用了大量的盐以至于如果日常进食以这类食物为主就很难避免摄入钠。7. The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of i

16、ndividual power and opportunity.贯穿这许多提案的主线围绕个人权力和机遇这一主题。8.My view is simple and clear-cut: the idea of discriminating against a man simply because of the color of his skin is totally alien to everything I have been brought up to believe.我的观点简单明了:仅仅因为肤色而歧视一个人的想法与我所相信的一切都是格格不入的。9. Forty-five thousand

17、pounds was a lot of money for playing cricket, but that was virtually all the deal had going for it.尽管四万五千磅用来打板球是一大笔钱,但几乎所有的交易都是这样的。10. Once they migrate, women often make little improvements in their relative status-indeed, their downward mobility as migrants generally far exceeds that of men.一旦移居,

18、在相对地位上女性鲜有提升实际上,作为移居者,总的来说女性地位的下降程度要远远超过男性。PAGE 13921. It is apparent that winning the scholarship is testimony of her intelligence in the field of physics.显然,赢得奖学金是她在物理领域突出的证明。修改为“天分”22. As for the final test, the medical students were asked how they would treat a hypothetical case and were marked

19、according to their responses.期末考试时,医科学生被问及如何治疗一个假想的病例,临场发挥的水平决定了他们的分数。修改为“他们的回答”23. Students should be taught how to quote other people's statements and also how to paraphrase them.学生应该学会如何引用他人的语句,做出相应的诠释。做出相应的诠释修改为“以及如何做出相应的诠释”24. It is believed to be the band's trademark, but after the briefest exposure, it becomes aggravating to a large degree.它曾被认为是乐队的商标,但一经公开,就广受恶评。25. If the value of services exchanged or booked on


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