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1、Unit 3 The Millio n Pou nd Ba nk Note1. birth? place1. (尤指名人的)出生時的住宅,出生地2. 發源地;發祥地 :Hawaii was the birthplace of surfi ng.夏威夷是衝浪運動的發源地。2. no vel1. (長篇)小說 :to write/ publish/ read a novel創作/發表/閱讀長篇小說detective/ historical/ roma ntic novels 偵探/歷史/傳奇小說2. 新穎的;與眾不同的;珍奇的 :a novel feature新特徵3. adve nture1.

2、C冒險;冒險經歷;奇遇 :her adventures travelling in Africa 她在非洲旅行時的冒險經歷 When you're a child, life is six big adve nture. 在孩提時代,生活是一大不尋常的經歷。adventure stories 歷險故事2. 冒險的刺激;大膽開拓:a sen se/ spirit of adve nture冒險意識/精神4. phrase1. 短語;詞組;片語2. 成語;習語;慣用法;警句 :a memorable phrase 易記的警句VN sth (as sth)(以某種方式)表達,措辭,推敲 :a

3、 carefully phrased remark 措辭謹慎的話語I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.我贊同他說的,但我會以不同的方式表述。Her order was phrased as a suggesti on.她的命令措辭好像是一項建議。5. scene1. C, usually sing. (of sth)(尤指不愉快事件發生的)地點,現場 : the scene of the accident/ attack/ crime 事故/襲擊/犯罪的現場 Firefighters were o

4、n the scene immediately. 消防隊立刻趕至U現場。2. C (of sth)事件;場面;情景 :The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the coun try.球隊的勝利使舉國上下出現一派歡樂的場面。She wit nessed some very distress ing seen es.她目睹過一些令人非常痛苦的場面。3. C場面;片段;鏡頭 :The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartme nt.電影開頭的一場戲發生在紐約一套公寓裏。 lov

5、e/ sex scenes 愛情戲;牀上戲I got very nervous before my big scene在演那場重頭戲之前,我非常緊張。4. (尤指當眾、有失體面的)爭吵,吵鬧 :She had made a scene in the middle of the party.她在聚會中間大鬧了一場。'Please leave,' he said. 'I don't want a seen e.'"請你走吧,”他說,"我不希望發生爭吵。Idm beh ind the 'see nes1在後台;在幕後:The stu

6、de nts were able to go beh ind the see nes to see how programmes are made.學生可以跑到後台,去看看節目是怎麼製作出來的。2秘密地;背地裏;在幕後 :A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the seenes. 廣泛的談判一直在秘密進行。behind-the-seenes work 幕後工作not sb's 'see ne 不對某人的路子;不合某人的胃口set the 'see ne (for sth)1. 為做好準備(或鋪平道路):His ar

7、rival set the scene for another argument. 他這一來,又會弓I起一場爭論。2. (向)介紹背景,事先介紹情況:The first part of the programme was just sett ing the see ne. 節目的第一部份不過是介紹背景而已。6. wa n?der1. 漫遊;遊蕩;閒逛;徘徊;流浪;漂泊V +adv./prep. She wandered aimlessly around the streets.她在大街上漫無目的地到處遊蕩。We wan dered baek towards the ear.我們遛達着回到汽車那

8、裏。VN The ehild was fou nd wan deri ng the streets alo ne.那孩子被發現獨自在大街上瞎轉。2. V (away/ off) | (from/ off sth) 偏離(正道);走失;離散 stray :The ehild wa ndered off and got lost.那孩子走散後迷路了。They had wan dered from the path into the woods.他們離開小路消失在樹林裏。3. V (away, baek, to, sth) (of a person's mind or thoughts 人的

9、思想或想法)走神;神志恍惚;(思想)開小差 drift :It's easy to be distraeted and let your atte nti on wan der .很容易走神分散了注意力。Try not to let your mind wa nder .盡量別讓你的思想開小差。Her thoughts wandered baek to her youth.她浮想聯翩,思緒回到了青春歲月。4. V, usually +adv./prep. (of a person's eyes 人的眼睛)慢慢地移開 :His eyes wandered towards the

10、photographs on the wall.他的目光慢慢地移向牆上的照片。She let her gaze wa nder.她東瞅瞅西望望。5. V, usually +adv./prep. (of a road or river 道路或河流)蜿蜒;迂迴曲折:The road wa nders alo ng through the hills.這條路蜿蜒曲折地穿過丘陵。Noun si ng. 遊蕩;遛達;閒逛;徘徊 :I went to the park and had a wander around. 我去公園轉了一圈。7. paveme nt n1 C (US sidewalk ) 人

11、行道Don't ride your bieyele on the paveme nt. 不要在人行道上骑自行车.2 U (US) hard surfaee of a road, street, ete(道路等的)硬路面 .3 C paved area or surfaee 用石或砖铺的面 .8. permit1. 允許;准許:VN Radios are n ot permitted in the library.圖書館內不許使用收音機。VNN We were n ot permitted any con tact with each other.我們不許彼此有任何接觸。VN to in

12、f Visitors are n ot permitted to take photographs.參觀者請勿拍照。She would not permit herself to look at them. 她避免看他們。(formal) Permit me to offer you some advice. 請允許我向你提些建議。also V -ing2. 允許;使有可能:V We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.如果時間允許,我們希望能參觀一下主教座堂。I'll come tomorrow, weather permitti

13、 ng. 天氣許可的話,我明天過來。VN The password permits access to all files on the hard disk.這個密碼可調出硬盤上的所有文檔。VN to inf Cash machi nes permit you to withdraw money at any time.取款機可讓你隨時取款。Noun .許可證,特許證(尤指限期的):a fish ing/ reside nee/ park ing, etc. permit 釣魚、居住、停車等許可證to apply for a permit 申請許可證to issue a permit 簽發許可

14、證9. ahead adv1. (時間、空間)向前面,在前面:I'll run ahead and warn them.我要跑在前頭,警告他們。The road ahead was blocked.前面的路被圭寸了。This will create problems in the mon ths ahead.在以後的幾個月中這個就要出問題。He was looking straight ahead. 他逕直往前看去。go ahead2. 提前;預先;提早 in advanee :The party was pla nned weeks ahead.聚會提前幾個星期就已籌劃好了3. 佔優

15、勢;領先 :Our team was ahead by one poi nts.我們隊領先六分。You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持領先優勢。Ahead of1. (時間、空間)在 前面:Two boys were ahead of us .有兩個男孩在我們前面。Ahead of us lay ten days of in te nsive trai ning. 我們還要進行十天的強化訓練。2. 早於:I finished several days ahead of the deadline .我是在最後期限的前幾天完成的。3. 領先:She

16、 was always well ahead of the rest of the class.她總是遙遙領先班上的同學。His ideas were way ahead of his time.他的思想遠遠超越了他那個時代。10. stare (at sb/ sth)盯着看;凝視;注視 :I screamed and every one stared.我尖叫一聲,眾人都盯着我看。I stared bla nkly at the paper in front of me. 我茫然地看着面前這張紙。He sat staring into space他坐在那兒凝視着前方。She looked at

17、 them with dark staring eyes.她那雙深色的眼睛專注地看着他們。Idm be stari ng sb in the 'face1. 明擺着;顯而易見 :The an swer was stari ng us in the face.答案明擺在我們面前。2. 必定發生 :Defeat was staring them in the face.他們必遭失敗。be stari ng sth in the 'face 不可避免 :They were staring defeat in the face.對他們來說,失敗不可避免。Phr stare sb 

18、9;out (BrE) (also stare sb 'down NAmE, BrE)盯得某人轉移目光(或慌了神)Nou n(尤指不友好或吃驚的)盯,凝視,注視 :She gave him a blank stare .她面無表情地看了他一眼。ll.spot n1斑点(通常指圆的)a white skirt with red spots白底红点儿的裙子Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?豹跟虎哪一个身上有斑点?2圆形的斑点或污迹spots of mud on your trousers 你裤子上的泥斑 .3 (皮肤上由於疾病而起的)红斑

19、,红疙瘩;丘疹a teenage boy worried about his spots因出粉刺而烦恼的十几岁的男青年She had chicken-pox and was covered in spots. 她得了水痘,出了一身丘疹 .4地点;场所a nice pic nic spot/spot for a pic nic 野餐的好去处a well-known beauty spot 风景胜地This is the (very) spot where he was murdered. 他就是在这儿遭谋杀的.There are several weak spots in your argume

20、nt. 你的论点中有几处经不起推敲.5 drop 滴:Did you feel a few spots of rain? 下了几滴雨,你感觉到了吗?6 (usu sing通常作单数) of sth少量的某事物Are you ready for a spot of lunch? 你想吃点儿午饭吗 ?What about doing a spot of work? 做点儿事怎麽样 ?You seem to be havi ng a spot of bother with your car can I help?看来你的汽车有点让你伤脑筋了-要我帮忙吗?7 (fig比喻)性格上的缺陷;品行上的污点T

21、here isn't a spot on her reputation.她的声誉没有半点瑕疵spot, v (-tt-)1 I, Tn, Tn.pr usu passive 通常用於被动语态 sth (with sth)(使某事物)有斑点或污点 material that spots easily 容易沾上污斑的料子a table spotted with ink 墨迹斑斑的桌子.2 T n, Tw, Tng, Cn.n/a sb/sth (as sth)(不用於进行时态)(从许多人或事物中)找出,辨出,认出(某人或某事物);瞥 见;发觉She spotted her friend i

22、n the crowd.她在人群中认出了她的朋友.I can't spot the differenee between them. 我看不出两者的区另U .spot the winner of a race预先料到赛跑的获胜者I soon spotted what to do.我很快就知道该怎麽办了.3 I, Ipr (Brit infml 口) (used with it 与 it 连用)rain slightly; spit 下小雨It's beginning to spot. 开始下小雨了 .It's spotting with rain. 正在下小雨 .spo

23、tted adj 有斑点的;满是斑点的a spotted dog身上有花斑的狗a spotted dress 带花点儿的连衣裙 .12. acco untn1 (abbr缩写a/c)帐目;帐单send in an acco unt 报帐keep the acco unts 记帐The accounts show a profit of 9000.帐上显示盈利 9000 英镑.2 (abbr缩写a/c)帐户,户头(与银行,商店等在财务或商务交易上的约定,尤用於以下示例)have an account at/with that bank在那个银行有帐户open/close an account 开

24、结束户头pay money into/draw money out of an account在一帐户中存 取钱)3 report; description 扌报告; 叙述She gave the police a full accou nt of the incident. 她把事件向警方作了详细叙述Keep an acco unt of your daily activities. 把你每天的活动都记下来.4 (idm 习语)by/from all accounts 据说;根据报道rve n ever bee n there but it is, by all acco un ts, a

25、lovely place.我从来没去过那个地方,人家都说那地方很好.by one's own account 据某人自己所说 .call sb to acco un t (for -)His boss called him to account for faili ng to meet the deadli ne.老板叫他解释未能按时完成的原因give a good/poor account of on eself表现好,不好等(尤指於竞赛中)Our team gave a splendid account of themselves to win the match. 我们队表现出色

26、 ,赢了那场比赛 of no / little ac'co unt (formal) not importa nt 不重要;無足輕重a man of no account 无足轻重的人 .on accou nt掛賬;(先付小部份款額的)賒賬on sb's account 爲了某人的緣故:Please don't cha nge your pla ns on my acco unt. 請別因爲我而改變你的計劃。on acco unt of sb/ sth 由於;因爲 :She retired early on accoun t of ill health. 她體弱多病,所

27、以提前退休。on this/ that accou nt (formal)由於這個/那個緣故 :Weather conditions were poor,but he did not delay his departure on that account.天氣不好,但他並沒有因此延期啟程。on no account ; not on any account决不可以;切莫Don't on any account leave the prisoner unguarded. 这个囚犯决不能没人看守.on your own ac'co unt1. 爲自己:In 1992 Smith s

28、et up in bus in ess on his own accou nt. 1992 年史密斯自己開始經商2. 自願地 : No one sent me,I am here on my own account. 沒有人派我,我自己來的。put/ turn sth to good ac'count(formal) 善用;禾U用take acco unt of sth | take sth into acco unt 考慮至 U; 顧及 :The compa ny takes acco unt of en viro nmen tal issues wherever possible.

29、只要有可能,這家公司總是盡量考慮到環境問題。Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results. 除考試結果外,課程作業也要計入成績。The defe ndant asked for a nu mber of other offences to be take n into acco unt.被告要求考慮其他一些罪行account v1 Cn.a regard (sb/sth) as; consider 将(某人某事物)看做;视为In En glish law a man is acco un ted innocent un til

30、 he is proved guilty.根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪2 Ipr (to sb)(对自己掌管的钱等)作令人满意的交代We must acco un t (to our employer) for every penny we spe nd duri ng a bus in ess trip.我们得把我们出差时所花的每一分钱(向雇主)交代清楚3 (idm 习语)there's no accounting for taste(saying 谚)it is impossible to explain why people havediffere nt likes

31、 and dislikes 人各有所好(人的好恶是无可理喻的)4 (phr v) account for sth作某事物的解释;解释某事物的原因His illness accounts for his absenee. 他因病缺席.Please acco unt for your disgraceful c on duct. 对你的可耻行为请作解释.account for sth/sb 摧毁某事物;杀死某人Our an ti-aircraft guns acco un ted for five en emy bombers. 我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机.13. seek v (pt, pp

32、sought )1. (for) sth/ sb 尋找:VN Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.請駕車者另尋其他路線。V ( BrE) They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.他們怎麼也找不到一個藏身的地方。2. 尋求;謀求;爭取 :VN to seek fun di ng for a project 爲項目籌募資金Highly qualified secretary seeks employme nt. 優秀秘書求職(廣告用語)。We are curre ntly seek ing

33、new ways of expa nding our membership.目前,我們正探索發展會員的新途徑。3. VN sth (from sb)(向人)請求,尋求 :I thi nk it's time we sought legal advice. 我想我們現在該咨詢一下律師了。She man aged to calm him dow n and seek help from a n eighbour.她設法使他平靜下來,然後向一位鄰居求助。4. V to inf試圖;設法 attempt :They quickly sought to dista nee themselves

34、from the protesters. 他們迅速設法遠離抗議者。Idm seek your 'fortu ne (literary)外出尋找發財機會;外出闖蕩;闖世界seek sb/ sth 'out挑選出;物色14. con traryadj1. to sth相對立的;相反的 :Co ntrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.與普通的看法相反,許多貓不喜歡牛奶。The gover nment has decided that the publicati on of the report would be 'co

35、n trary to the public in terest'. 政府認爲發表這份報告將會”違背公眾的利益”。2. only before noun(在性質或方向上)截然不同的,完全相反的opposite :contrary advice/ opinions/ arguments 完全相反的建議/觀點/論點The contrary view is that prison provides an excellent education in crime.截然不同的看法是監獄在犯罪方面提供極好的教育。3. 好與人作對的;逆反的;犟的 :She was such a contrary ch

36、ild it was impossible to please her.這孩子老跟人作對,沒法讓她高興。 con traryn1. the contrary sing.相反的事實(或事情、情況) :In the end the contrary was proved true: he was innocent and she was guilty.最後證明事實正好 相反:他是無辜的,而她則有罪。on the 'con trary與此相反;恰恰相反 :5'lt must have been terrible.' 'On the contrary, I enjoye

37、d every minute.'"那一定是很糟糕。"恰恰相反,我非常喜歡。”quite the 'con trary恰恰相反;正相反 :I don't find him funny at all. Quite the co ntrary.正相反,我覺得他一點兒也不可笑。to the 'con trary 相反的;相反地 :Show me some evidenee to the contrary. 給我看看有什麼相反的證據吧。I will expect to see you on Sun day uni ess I hear anything

38、 to the con trary我星期天等你,除非你說不來了。15. desertC, U.沙漠;荒漠;荒原 :the Sahara Desert撒哈拉大沙漠Somalia is mostly desert.索馬里大部份地區都是荒漠。burning desert sands沙漠裏灼熱的沙(figurative) a cultural desert文化沙漠Desert v1. VN拋棄,離棄,遺棄(某人)abandon : She was deserted by her husband.她被丈夫遺棄了。2. VN often passive 捨棄,離棄(某地方)abandon :The vil

39、lages had bee n deserted.這些村莊已經荒無人煙了。The owl seems to have deserted its nest.這隻貓頭鷹似乎不要這個窩了。3. VN廢棄;放棄;撇下不管:Why did you desert teachi ng for politics? 你爲什麼棄教從政呢?4. VN背離;使失望 :Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment.她一時間似乎失去了勇氣。desert ?sdadj 1.無人居住的;空寂無人的:deserted streets空無一人的街道2.被拋棄的;被遺棄的;被捨棄的ab

40、a ndo ned :a deserted village被捨棄的村莊deserted wives遭遺棄的妻子16. amount v to sth1 add up to or total sth 总计;共达The cost amounted to 250.费用共达 250 英镑.Our in formatio n does n't amount to much.我们的资料有限 .2等於或相当於某事物It all amou nts to a lot of hard work. 这一切就相当於很多繁重的工作What you say amounts to a direct accusati

41、on. 你所说的话等於直接的指责.amount n (of sth) (used esp with U尤与不可数名词连用 )1总数;总额;总值Can you really afford this amou nt? 你真付得起这个总数吗 ?2 quantity 数量:a large amount of work, money, furniture 大量的工作 ,钱,家具Food was provided in varying amoun ts. 食物供应多少不等 .No amount of encouragement would make him jump. 无论怎么鼓励他 ,他也不跳.3 (i

42、dm 习语)any amount of sth 大量He can get any amount of help.他能得到大量的帮助 .17. rude adj (-r,-st)1 (指人或人的行为)粗鲁的,粗野的,无礼的It's rude to interrupt.打断别人的话是不礼貌的.What a rude reply!多麽粗鲁无礼的回答 !2 (euph婉)(指故事等)近乎下流的,有伤风化的a rather rude joke颇为粗鄙的笑话.3 attrib 作定语primitive; simple 原始的;简单的rude stone implements 原始的石制工具 .4

43、attrib 作定语violent; startling; abrupt 狂暴的;惊人的;突然的a rude awake ning to the realities of life 突然觉醒而回到现实生活中来a rude reminder of the danger they were in 使他们突然觉察到所处的危险之事5 (idm 习语)in rude 'health (fml or rhet 文或修辞)vigorously healthy 十分健壮的18. manner n1 sing (fml文)方式;方法the manner in which he died 他死的方式1 d

44、on't object to what she says, but I stron gly disapprove of her manner of say ing it.我不反对她说的话,但她说这话的方式我很反感.2 sing态度He has an aggressive manner.他的态度咄咄逼人 .I don't like her manner - she's very hostile.我不喜欢她的态度-待人如仇敌.3 manners pl(a) social behaviour 礼貌;规矩good/bad manners 有没有礼貌It's bad ma

45、 nn ers to stare at people.瞪著眼睛看人是不礼貌的.(b) habits and customs 习惯;风俗4 sing (fml or rhet 文或修辞)kind (of person or thing); sort(人或物的)种类What manner of man is he? 他是哪种人?5 (idm 习语)all manner of sb/sth各种各样的All manner of vehicles were used. 使用了各种车辆.in a manner of speaking不妨说;可以说;在某种意义上说His success is in a ma

46、nner of speak ing our success, too.他的成功也可以说是我们的成功 in the ma nner of sb 以某人的文艺风格a painting in the manner of Raphael 拉斐尔风格的画 .not by 'any manner of means/by 'no manner of means 点都不; 绝不She has n't won yet, (not) by any manner of means. 她还未获胜 ,远未获胜.18. genuine adj1真的;名副其实的;非伪造的;非人工的a genuine Rube ns鲁宾斯的亲笔画a genuine pearl 一颗天然珍珠 .2 (fig 比喻)sincere; honest真诚的;诚实的She seems genuine but can I trust her?她似乎很诚实,但我可以信赖她吗19.i ndeed adv1. (強調肯定的陳述或答覆):&#


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