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1、本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译院(系部)电气工程与自动化专业名称电子信息工程年级班级04 级7班学生姓名指导老师Infrared Remote Control SystemAbstractRed outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous , the baud rate be quick, point to poi

2、nt SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver

3、 a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application.The purpose that design this system is transmit customer information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate s

4、oporiginal signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 withcoding ke

5、yboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal anddemodulateoriginal information. The original signal was decodedby PT2272, so as to drive some circuit t

6、o accomplish customer demand. s operKeywords:Infrare dray ; Code; Decoding;LM386 ; Redoutsidetransceiver1 Introduction1.1 research the background and significanceInfrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many the wireless data transceive

7、r technology.Infrared transceiver products with low cost, small, fast transmission rate, the point-to-point transmission security, not subject to electromagneticinterference and other characteristicsthat can be achieved between the different products, rapid, convenient and safe exchange and transmis

8、sion, In short distance wireless transmissionthe portable product of a great role. At present, the world's 150 million piece of equipment used infrared technology in electronic products and industrial equipment. medical equipment and other fields widely used. For example, 95% of the notebook com

9、puters on the installation of infrared transceiver interface the majority of the cellphone is also the allocation of infrared transceiver interface. With the exchange of quantitative data, infrared data communications will enable cell phone data transmission more convenient. With infrared data trans

10、mission technology matures, perfect, low costs, Infrared Transceiver in short distance communications will be more widely applied.This chapter first describesthe infrared transceiver IC design issues to the background and significance. then briefed the infrared data communications technology feature

11、s and applications, and infrared transceiver product characteristics, domestic and international situation and development trend of the last under infrared remote transceiver system in practical application to establish a task of design orientation.1.2 Infrared Remote ControlTransceiver SystemInfrar

12、ed remote control system is divided into single-channel and multi-channel remote control. Only a command signal transmission channel, called single-channel remote control system; with more than two instructions signal transmission channelknown as a multi-channel remote control system. Relatively sim

13、ple single-channelremote control, in general, only a launcher directive Key receivers and only one circuit implementation. While in the receiving circuit to add more stable memory circuits that can be activated commands to launch a number of key, so that the receiver circuit multistable memory circu

14、it repeatedly to change the state, torealize many of the functional control, But such a state of change is the order. If we are to achieve an arbitrary control, resort to the use of multi-channel remote control system. Multi-channel remote control can be realized by the object of arbitrary multi-fun

15、ction remote control. As for the choice of several routes and what control methods, according to the actual situation (such as object, operational requirements and cost accounting, etc.) to decide. General infrared remote transceiver system by infrared remote control transmitter signal coding, infra

16、red remote control signal receivers and decoders (or decoder chip MCU) and the external circuit consistingof three parts. Signal transmitter remote control code used to generate pulses of infrared emission-driven output infrared remote control signal, receiver completion of the remote control signal

17、 amplification and detection, plastic and demodulation encoding pulse. Infrared remote control coded pulse is going to obtain a continuous serial binary code, and for most of the infrared transceiver system, This serial code as micro-controller of the remote control input signals from the internal C

18、PU completion of the remote control instruction decoder, on the other infrared remote control transceivers, the designers of electronic products, The internal micro-controller of the remote control decoder directive is not accessible. Therefore, people are using infrared encoder decoder chip and mic

19、rocontroller developed various generic infrared remote transceiver system, In various equipment infrared signals between the transceiver.Remote transceiver system generally transmitters and receivers is composed of two parts. Launchers from the general direction keys, coded instructions circuit modu

20、lation circuit, driving circuit, firing circuit of several parts. When pressed a key, the directive coding circuit, in the corresponding instructions encoded signal, the encoder signal to the carrier modulation, Driven by the power amplifier circuit after circuit fired from the field after firing in

21、structions coded modulation signals. General receiver by the receiving circuit, the amplifier circuit, demodulation circuits, instruction decoder circuit, driving circuit, circuit implementation of several parts. Receiving Circuit will launch vehicles coded modulation signal receiving instructions f

22、rom, and to enlarge evacuation demodulation circuit. Demodulation circuit will signal demodulation, namely, reduction of signal coding. The instruction decoder to the encoder signal decoding, Driven by the final circuit to drive the implementation of various instructions circuit to control the opera

23、tion.1.3 infrared remote control transceiver product profiles1.3.1 infrared remote control transceiver product structureand typeCurrently infrared transceiver in accordancewith the mode of transmission rate and can be divided into four categories : Serial mode, the can be divided into low-power cons

24、umptionand standard two categories, low-power type normally used 3 V power supply, transmission distance closer to about 0 - 30cm, which is commonly used standard 5Vpower supply, transmission distance away at least 1m above.1.3.2 infrared remote control transmitters of the status quo at technology i

25、n the development stage and there are several infrared communication standards, between different standards forinfrared equipment can not infrared communication. To1993 bymore than 20 large manufacturers initiated the establishmentof anInfrared Data Association (IRDA) unified the infrared communicat

26、ion standards , which is currently widely used in infrared data communication protocols and standards, also known as the IRDA standard.Since 1993 IRDA since the establishment of the Infrared DataAssociation members 150. IRDA standards of the industrywidelyrecognized and supported. Has been developed

27、 with the infraredcommunications equipment as many as 100 species. IRmodule,installed capacitysets. Although thereis also ashortdistancewireless Bluetoothtechnology, But ininfraredcommunicationtechnology low cost and broad compatibility advantages, Infrared data communication in the future will stil

28、l be a very long time inherent short-range wireless data communications fields play an important role.1.3.3 Infrared Transceiver product development trendInvariousinfraredtransceiverproducts,althoughthetransmission rate, transmission distance and othercharacteristics,transmission rate, increase the

29、transmission distance and lower power consumption, expanding launch reception angle of development. In particular, as the technology development and maturity, the means of transmission is moving in the direction of point-to-multipoint. Therefore infrared remote control transceiverproductsof knowledg

30、e2.1 infrared ray foundation knowledge2.1.1 infrared outlinedInfrared is actually a kind of electromagnetic wave. From the analysis of various natural component of the electromagnetic wave reflected spectrum is :-ray, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared,microwave and radio wave. From the viewpoint

31、 of form, and they did not seem to, but if the wavelength in descending order, and we will find ) accounts for the spectrum of 0.76 m- 1000 mof a major.Which micron wavelength range also includes UV, visible, near infrared, mid-infrared and far-infrared, microwave.From the above analysis shows that

32、infrared is a very rich spectrum resources, it currently production, life, military, medical, and other aspects widely used, such as infrared , infrared camera, infrared remote control, and so on. Infrared remote control is the many applications of infrared part of the current TV remote control, VCR

33、 remote control, VCD remote control, visible light and microwave a wave, it is with certain clinical characteristics of thewave. In the near-infrared, visible light and its adjacent, it is visible in certain characteristics, such as straight-line transmission, reflection, refraction, scattering, dif

34、fraction, can be certain objects and can be absorbed through the lens of their focusing. In the far-infrared region, owing to its neighboring microwave, it run through some opaque substances. Since in any object, natural profession, regardless of whether its own luminescence (referring to visible li

35、ght), as long as the temperature is above absolute zero (-273 C), moment will be kept around to infrared radiation. Only , low-temperature objects infrared radiation weaker. Therefore infrared feature is the greatest common in nature, it is called thermal radiation called thermal radiation. Infrared

36、 cameras, infrared night market pyroelectric infrared detectors and some other missiles aiming at is the use of this characteristic of infrared work.Infrared and visible light compared to another characteristic ofa variety of colors. As the longest wavelength of visible light is a wavelength of the

37、shortest times (780 nm-380 nm), So is called anoctave. And infrared wavelength is the longest shortest wavelength of a times, and the longest wavelength infrared is the shortest wavelength of 10 times, that is, 10 octave. Therefore, if visible light can be expressed as seven colors, infrared may per

38、formance 70 colors, showing the rich colors. Infrared smoke through the good performance, which is also one of its features.Because not visible to the infrared, it the environment. By the wave infrared rays than the long wavelength radio waves, infrared remote control will not affect the nearby radi

39、o equipment. Anotherwavelength of less than 1.5 mnear infrared light, transparent atmosphere in the visible light transmission characteristics much better than, because it close to the visible edge of the red light, linear transmission, reflection, refraction and absorption material and the physical

40、 characteristics very similar to visible light. Therefore, it can be used with similar visible focusing lens and other optical devices. Because infrared remote control is not as remote as the radio through the barrier to control the object's ability to control, so in the design of the infrared r

41、emote control, The same can control the frequency or coding, and no remote control signal "drop." This universal infrared remote control provides a great convenience. Infrared to visible light, is very subtle and confidentiality, therefore, the security, Alert and other security devices wi

42、dely used. Infrared remote control is simple in structure and easy, low-cost, anti-interference capability, indoor remote control optimized manner.2.1.3 infrared diode characteristicsInfraredis not visible, peopleas the IR emission diode) togenerate infrared.Infraredremote control transceiver is usi

43、ngnear-infrared transmission control instructions 0.76 m wavelength 1. 5 m.Near-infrared remote control as a light source, because there infrared light emitting diodes and infrared receiving device(photodiode. Transistor and PV) and the luminescence peak wavelength of light by the general 0.8 m 0. 9

44、4 m. in thenear-infrared band, both of the spectrum is the coincidence to a good match, access to efficiency and in figure 2 -2. The triode plans for the switch, when the base added a driving signal, Transistor saturated conduction infrared LED D is also Wizard Link, issued infrared (near infrared a

45、bout 0.93 m).D. The pressure drop ofabout 1.4 V and the current general for 10-20mA. To adapt to the working voltage of the D loop resistance often as a series of infrared diode current limit resistance.When the circuit diagram of the infrared emission controlcorresponding to the controlled device,

46、the control of the distance and D is proportional to the transmitting power. In order to increase the distance of infrared control, infrared diode D should work on the pulse state that work is the lifeblood of current. Because pulse light (optical modulation) the effective transmission distance and

47、pulse is proportional to the peak current, only maximize peak current Ip, will increase the infrared distance. Ip increase is a way to reduce the pulseduty cycle, that is compressed pulse width some TV infrared remotcontrol, its infrared luminescenceof the pulse duty cycle of about14-13; Some electr

48、ical products infrared remote control, its duty cycle of 1 10. Decreasing pulse duty cycle also enable low-power infrared LED distance of the greatly increased. Common infrared light emitting diodes, power is divided into small power (1 mW -10mW). Chinese power (20mW - 50mW) and power (50mW - 100mW

49、more) three categories. Use different power infrared LED, the allocation should be driven by the corresponding power control. Figure 2 -2 by the reflected infrared light-emitting diodes to make produce optical modulation, Drivers only need to add the control of a certain frequency pulse voltage.Infr

50、ared transmitter and receiver in the way the two kinds of straight, and the second is reflective. Luminescence pointed straight pipe and tube receiver placed in a relatively controlled and fired on the two ends, a certain distance away from the middle; Reflective means luminescent tube and pipe para

51、llel with the receiving peacetime, without always receiving tube light, luminescence only in possessionof the infrared light reflected from encountered, the receiving tube received from the reflected infrared before work.2.2 infrared communication basic tenets2.2.1 infrared communication PrincipleCo

52、mmunication is the use of infrared wavelength of 900 nm-infrared waves from 1000 to serve as an information carrier, through infrared technology between the two close communicationand confidentiality of information transmitted. Infrared communication system structure include : part launcher, channel

53、, the receiver part.Launcher source letter issued after the binary signal from the of photoelectric conversion of the original information of a masscommunication lose way. Afterwards the former Information received after receiving part of the drive circuit connected to the expected completion of the

54、 various functions. To which the modulation coding style pulse width modulation (by changing the pulse width modulated signal PWM) and pulse modulation time (through change the pulse train interval time between the modulation signal PPM) two.2.2.2 infrared communication system elements(1) Launches :

55、 Currently there is a infrared wireless digital communications system sources of information including voice, data, images. Its methods of work for the launch of the receiver can bedivided into different layout LOS way (Light-of-Sight , intracardiac way), diffuse (diffuse) mode. LOS way directional,

56、 it . Roaming means the main features of non-directional, and easy to implement roaming function, but its channel quality is better sometimesLOS way. Transmission of signals required for a few of (the sampling was quantified), the general need for baseband modulation, transmission, modulation, somet

57、imes signal source coding, the above-driven signals from photoelectric converter complete optical signal transmission. Infrared wireless digital communications system and its scope of work-for-fired power distribution, the quality of the communication. While using various methods to improve optical

58、transmitter power, the other using spatial diversity, so diffuse light for the launch of space optical power evenly distributed.(2) Channel : infrared wireless digital communication channel refers to the transmitters and receivers in the space between. Due to natural light and artificial light sourcessuch as light signals in the context o


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