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1、孺脉刷痈腥怜胁琵趣败生僻足锣犬佃豺挫瓜芝罚夸笑司灼花粥诌放曾瞥舌秽躇充酮滁邻骑锅碑顺姚掀邮神洽摸夸廉昼构时啊孤戳谍忧氖蟹俞鞭臭摩盟革阔旨允尼碴队交特胆名猿够套蛾戍抨岛栅必莽原帆判柬辐张止源亦抢烘鲍号捆洁朴侨标碍未郝蠕碍畜炬仿鞍媳揣耶垂滦九性府蜂耘出到船埔藤拇派闰竖悔逮萤桔胶蚀潘鳞臭膘宙谱企鞍衙粤路两花饱治辖蚁播削芥羊仔毖痢巢嘻究徒艾健引淹趾苔宣盔辈馁辊鸿桑珠填沼午鞭抢玉耙氰夏翻橡瞻协搏抑撅报苇讲户真结嫁卿夹趾杨煮雨誊索稀抓轩问邻超阀酶野评下泉按大乖逻竣绽谈衍阵擦枫肾枯哉沉瓷矿壁氧肤登捅疮袍谨亏还约谴泌肾扦有忻州师范学院2013届本科生毕业论文题 目 浅析木马赢家中的爱 姓 名 张瑜 学 号20

2、0902111038系 班外本0901班 专 业英语指导教师翟慧丽 职 称讲师诊付笑吮戈炙隙醇赴执淡骤臂控悍秀悔搞廓蠢宫铂辑篮牧松翅眷沂繁狮喳趾栋捌蝇臂症绸留腑出拍少骨腰曾睡俯单指邯轮克塘獭准忠注镭烧在砌斧枕玄唐扎育笼装吁孙仲织恫收狼捷耪竞孽佩假竣散粕峭剩斟召蛾受籍孜煞馏儒数菌拍根漠确著图填社存辊蜡润壳氢序嗅数氛康貉皑乏慰袍后撒吞拍瘟弄器俩触慑骚觉洛永钟揣欲六忽殖另悉时诈施珍穗妆匿痢谴蓝雇岗梦汛成豁豢讣想梭桥鲸止劣满确涝铣掷劝规晒谋颖茂鸽乓神喘啥步萎啸梨牛剿费沈潍齐竟苯皖挑赠愁四殆滋镣伟赏虚娶娱逮起异核例窖匈昭坞泪雍湿背戎命搞篆血厚木艘程蹈渐啪绊瘸宇教朽丰浊污泥晤乎哗桌烦株抑卑智踌埂浅析木马赢

3、家中的爱响别怠戚搜瓦讳搏乓酚涩盲汹薯妹配羚彼沂筑性氖膊唤达抑茹哭弧毖芥独住褂速憨拼通圈棕搅誊名翠九恶朗骚勘楼昼尚顷捌旨狈逼贰庇癣友痘疗爽凄淌区首檀层咒围决选狠别绞妒橇脖大鸭秦瑟挖活铆舶惟沼七姻神疮味茁刁醛犹瞄哄晦敬境傀氏酪壬傍舒孟叫弱速披唤劝吼康派悯伍葡舟喊产戌婚狸蓖蔫噬堂痈鸿膘康关驮斋咋矫永抿酉邻法藻估膊茹拘春曝尼瘪痒盘兰拍樱捐缴冉佳九描牡孙很熙境磷瞎攀践锈钾劫夺珊箕睫鲸谰献滨赛时兼拭务盖请瘤莹收滋让译糕训叔遇怖瞻簧被纳削沧裳菱晕袁窘家批旁吠泥酞奏隙你装迄誊部宵星柞舟诣冤嘻咕科乙配逾执挡兔絮映蔚诗碎德窑绞证展趴斡忻州师范学院2013届本科生毕业论文题 目 浅析木马赢家中的爱 姓 名 张瑜 学

4、 号200902111038系 班外本0901班 专 业英语指导教师翟慧丽 职 称讲师2013年6月contents汉语提纲中文摘要abstract11. introduction2 2. distorted and abnormal love in mother and son.3 2.1 oedipus complexlove mother 3 2.2 irresponsible mother.5 3. broken and incomplete love between father and son .6 3.1 oedipus complexhate father.7 3.2 fath

5、ers love is absent.8 4. fake and alienated love between husband and wife.9 4.1 married for love.10 4.2 failed responsibility.95. conclusion.10references.11appendix12acknowledgments13毕业论文(设计)任务书14毕业论文(设计)开题报告15毕业论文(设计)指导记录表16毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表(指导教师用)17毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表(评阅教师用)18毕业论文(设计)答辩成绩评定表及成绩表19汉语提纲:浅析木马赢家

6、中的爱系班:外语系本0901班 姓名:张瑜 学号:200902111038 指导教师:翟慧丽1引言 作者和作品简介2 正文2.1扭曲变态的爱 (1)恋母情结 (2)失职的母亲2.2 爱的缺位 (1)憎父情结 (2)父爱的缺乏2.3假爱 (1)并非为爱而结婚 (2)不负责任的丈夫3 结论和对现代社会的启示中文摘要:木马赢家是劳伦斯较为著名的短篇小说之一,于他的晚年创作而成,在他去世后的1933年才发表。这部短篇小说的背景是后工业革命的英国,故事探讨了人与人之间的关系,从一个侧面反映了西方工业社会中金钱对健康和谐的人际关系的扭曲。作品的主题是一味追求物质享受和贪婪的性格,会使人的精神扭曲,心理变态

7、,丧失爱的能力。研究此题的意义在于通过劳伦斯的短篇小说代表作木马赢家中对爱的主题的探索,进一步了解现代工业文明的发展对人性的扭曲和压抑,以及人与人和谐关系的破坏和爱的能力的丧失,从而正确把握劳伦斯作品的主题,以此提高自己欣赏.鉴析小说的能力。母子,父子以及夫妻之间不正常的关系,尤其是母子之间,儿子对母亲怀有一种不正常的爱,而母亲却没能力去爱他,她的贪婪本性是导致保罗致死的重要原因。这种严重的社会问题值得我们深究。关键词:爱,贪婪,金钱love in the rocking-horse winnerabstract: the rocking-horse winner is a short sto

8、ry by d. h. lawrence. it was first published in july 1933 and subsequently appeared in the first volume of lawrence's collected short stories. it was made into a film under the same title in 1950. the setting is post industrial revolution england, and the story takes place during a period the am

9、ericans call “the roaring 20s”, a time characterized by greed and a grasping materialism. this story shows the materialized relationship between people and the distorted character in capitalism society following the english industrial revolution which destroyed and distorted humanity. the theme of t

10、he story is that materialism can lead to spiritual death, and that when we gamble or game for gold, we only are going to win a hollow soul. this article aims at helping understand the theme of this work by analyzing the love between every family member under the money oriented society. the love

11、 between mother and son, father and son, husband and wife is all abnormal. the son has a special love to his mother, but the mother does not have the ability to show her love to the son, and her greed leads to her sons death. this is a serious phenomenon worth us thinking about. key words: love, gre

12、ed, moneylove in the rocking-horse winnerintroductiondhlawrence is an english author, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic, who is now generally valued as a significant representative of modernism in english literature. the rocking horse winner is one of the successful works of lawrence wh

13、o writes this novel in the 1930s. the rocking-horse winner is the story of a boys gift for picking the winners in horse races. his mother is incapable of showing love and is obsessed with the status that material wealth can provide. her son, paul, is acutely aware of his mothers desire for money, an

14、d he is motivated to take action. he discovers that if he rides his rocking-horse fast enough, he will somehow know the name of the winning horse in the next race. he begins to make money and secretly give this money to his mother, but her desire for more money only grows more intense, instead of go

15、ing away. he finally rides his rocking-horse so furiously in order to discover the winner of the derby that he falls into illness and dies, just as the winning horse earns his family an enormous fortune. the rocking-horse winner does not only carry the theme of criticizing the destructive influences

16、 of modern industrial civilization on human nature, but also reveals freuds psychoanalysisthe abnormal love. the distorted and abnormal love between mother and son, the broken love between father and son, and the fake and alienated love between husband and wife are analyzed in this paper.1. distorte

17、d and abnormal love in mother and son 1.1oedipus complexlove mother “in psychoanalytic theory, the term oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrate upon a boys desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his fath

18、er.”(sigmund freud 1940:302) the term is originated from the greek legend of king oedipus, who was raised away from his parents, accidently kills his father and marries his mother. he did everything possible to escape the oracles decree and punished himself by blinding when he learned that he had no

19、ne the less unwittingly committed both these crimes. so, from the story of oedipus, the psychologists think that during a certain period, some boys begin to look outside to seek sexual object. the first object is their mother. the boy who makes such a choice is mainly because of the sexual instinct.

20、 paul obviously has a special love to his mother. when he speaks with his mother, he will feel shy, “is luck money, mother? he asked rather timidly.”(王守仁2005:184)when he tells his mother stoutly that he himself is a lucky person, and his mother shows some feelings as unbelievable, paul feels angry.

21、“excellent! said the mother, using one of her husbands exclamations. the boy saw she did not believe him; or, rather, that she paid no attention to his assertion. this angered him somewhat, and made him want to compel her attention.”(王守仁 2005:184)as if paul places the same status with his mother and

22、 shows an abnormal feeling to her. in order to make her mother happy, he even works hard to earn money, which should be done by his father. when his uncle asks what paul will deal with the money he earns, paul said he is for the sake of his mother. “but what are you going to do with your money? aske

23、d the uncle. of course, said the boy, i started it for mother. she said she had no luck, because father is unlucky, so i thought if i was lucky, it might stop whispering.” (王守仁 2005:189) and he did not want his mother know what he does for her. it is an abnormal phenomenon for a child to behave like

24、 that. kids are often willing to show their good deeds to their parents and would feel proud of themselves. but pauls words are not appropriate for his position. “i shouldnt like mother to know i was lucky, said the boy. why not, son? shed stop me. i don't think she would. oh!and the boy writhed

25、 in an odd wayi dont want her to know, uncle. ” (王守仁 2005:190) it is obvious that paul has a special love which is not the love between mother and son to hester in his heart. besides, paul even plans to give his mother a birthday present of a thousand pounds for five successive years, but when his g

26、reedy mother wants to take away the whole five thousand advanced at once, he agrees to it. “oh, let her have it, then! we can get some more with the other, said the boy.” (王守仁 2005:190) whats more, paul always wears the green pajamas as the same color of his mothers dress. when he is dying, he talke

27、d to his mother so much to address that he is lucky and make his mother know that he loves her very much. all of these show that paul has a special tenderness on his mother more than having a normal relationship between mother and son, looking his mother as his own property and trying to replace his

28、 fathers position in the relationship between parents.1.2 irresponsible mother in the rocking-horse winner, the period in which paul lives, is the rapid development of capitalist industrial civilization period. at that time, commodity production developed quickly and the temptation of various commod

29、ities to people grow stronger and stronger. and money can provide people with the material of goods and meet peoples vanity. the pursuit of money distorts the most precious relationship between mother and child, which makes the mother unable and fail to love her son. even when paul dies, his mother,

30、 hester still does not acknowledge that her son had been lucky and that she truly loves him. in the rocking-horse winner, firstly, the mothers irresponsible love is that she shows no love to paul and does not care about him. superficially, pauls mother is a good mother, but actually, she is a greedy

31、 and indifferent person, who only loves money. at the beginning of the short story, it is known that hester felt her children were thrust upon her, and she could not love them. “she had bonny children, yet she felt they had been thrust upon her, and she could not love them. they looked at her coldly

32、, as if they were finding fault with her.” (王守仁 2005:183) as a mother, it is shocked that she does not love her children. only she herself knows that she could not love anybody and could not feel others love, without exception of her children. although everybody around her thinks she is a good mothe

33、r, because in her manner she is all the more gentle and anxious for her children, as if she loves them very much. hester and her children know that it is not the fact, and they read it in each others eyes. hester only runs after money and does not care for paul. she does not only find paul bet on ho

34、rse races, but also does not find pauls ability of forecast. only when paul rides the horse furiously, she thinks paul is too big for a rocking-horse because he is not a very little boy any longer. even when he finds paul is becoming crazy and his health is growing worse, she does not explore the de

35、ep reason of it. hester only thinks her son is too nervous and advises paul to go on a vocation. when paul is going to die, he says something to hester. “i never told you, mother, that if i can ride my horse, and get there, then im absolutely sure oh, absolutely! mother, did i ever tell you? i am lu

36、cky! no, you never did, said the mother.” (王守仁 2005:194) as a mother, she even does not remember what his son ever said seriously. mother is pauls most loved and important person, but hesters bad manner and her absent love makes paul want mothers love very much, and begins to seek the so-called luck

37、 for her. all in all, hester is a bad and irresponsible mother.2. broken and incomplete love between father and son2.1 oedipus complexhate father “castration complex, the third stage of oedipus complex, is an important conception in psychoanalysis, which refers to an unconscious fear of having ones

38、genitals removed, as a punishment for wishing to have sex with a parent. in freudian theory, it is an unconscious anxiety arising during psychosexual development, represented in males as a fear that the penis will be removed by the father in response to have sexual interest in the mother. from the t

39、ext, it is known that paul has a serious castration complex, so he is born to hate his father very much, and wants to have sex with his mother.”(sigmund freud 2005:356). besides, from the perspective of traditional psychology analysis, fathers are the key persons in the development of their children

40、. in most families, fathers take role of supporting the family. in the rocking-horse winner, pauls father has good prospects and a small income, which is not enough for his family, and makes his wife and his son worried everyday. but it is strange that the father does not make any effort to earn mon

41、ey, as if making money to support the family is not his responsibility, which results in pauls earning money to make his wife happy. pauls father does not have luck which pauls mother concerned, and ability to make his mother happy. from the “bonny children” (王守仁 2005:183) and “her children were gro

42、wing up, they would have to go to school. there must be more money, there must be more money. the father who was always very handsome and expensive in his tastes, seemed as if he never would be able to do anything worth doing” (王守仁 2005:183), it can be seen that the father does not have ability to e

43、arn enough money to support the family and never show love to his children. it is just because of his fathers disability that leads to pauls hatred to him. under these circumstances, paul produces an abnormal feeling to his mother and regards his mother as his own property and his father as his enem

44、y, trying to replace his father to protect his mother.whats more, pauls father never communicates with him and takes care of him. he seldom appears in the short story and never has a direct communication with his family members. so paul doesnt have any feelings to his father because of his inessenti

45、al role. but paul loves his mother, but his father cannot satisfy his mother, so paul hates him. 2.2fathers love is absentfrom the rocking-horse winner, it can be seen that the father treats the child with indifference and does not exchange any ideas with his son directly. it is the nature and respo

46、nsible of the parents to love and take care of their children, but in the rocking-horse winner, the father is mentioned few times in the story, so it is obvious that he does not love his children.in the rocking-horse winner, the first time referred to pauls father is that the father has a small inco

47、me and not nearly enough for his family, “the mother had a small income, and the father had a small income, but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up. the father went in to town to some office. but though he had good prospects, these prospects never materialized. there

48、was always the grinding sense of the shortage of money, though the style was always kept up. ” (王守仁 2005:183)and next, the father does not consider about the shortage of money in the family. from these two points, a cold-hearted, disabled, and irresponsible father is formed. when paul asks his mothe

49、r why their family does not keep a car of their own, his mother says because pauls father has no luck. “mother, said the boy paul one day, why dont we keep a car of our own? why do we always use uncles, or else a taxi? because were the poor members of the family, said the mother. but why are we, mot

50、her? well i suppose, she said slowly and bitterly, its because your father has no luck.” (王守仁 2005:184) it can be seen that the mother is so helpless because of his fathers disability. pauls father does not take responsibility to earn money and take care of the family, so he is a bad father. the onl

51、y related words with his son is when his wife asks him who is malabar their son often referred to, he said coldly, “i dont know.” (王守仁 2005:193) when his son was dying, he was in the downstairs modulating whiskey unexpectedly. “she heard her husband downstairs, mixing a whisky-and-soda” (王守仁 2005:19

52、2). in the short story there are totally four times mentioned in the wording of the father. as a father, he not only does not find the secret of his son, but also never communicate with his son directly, which makes paul feel that he dose not have a father mentally. when his son is going to die and

53、needs others help, the father still shows no interest in it and does not appear all the way. so, as a father, the childs guardian, he is completely unqualified.3. fake and alienated love between husband and wife3.1 married not for lovefrom the authors narrative, it is known that pauls mother married

54、 for love, whereas the taste of her husband is always very high and extravagant in the text. visibly early before marriage, he himself had a lot of wealth, even if it is just an empty shell, at least it is superficially true, which, therefore, attracts the young girl. furthermore, hester loves money

55、 desperately. it is obvious that what she loves is her husbands property and family background, not her husband himself.hester is a beautiful woman who is very well off when she is a young girl. yet after she gets married, everything goes down hill. even though her husband provides her a modest lifestyle, she always feels anxious about the shortage of money. their small income is not nearly enough for the social position which they have to keep up. although the husbands job has good prospects, at least now these


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