



1、coneg 包裝材料法規coneg1989年,东北联军省长(coneg毒物起草示范立法旨在禁止使用铅、汞、 镉、六价铬、包装容器使用或者销售油墨这类立法的国家 .CONEG model legislation provides that as soon as feasible, but not later than two years after the legislation is adopted, no manufacturer or distributor may offer for sale or promotional purposes any package or pac kagi

2、ng component ,including printing inks used in packaging, (“ packag e”) that includes any lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium w hich is intentionally introduced as an element.coneg示范立法规定 ,只要可行 ,但最迟两年后通过立法 ,没有厂商或经销商可 出售或促销的任何包装或包装成分 ,包括用油墨印在包装 ("包"),包括任何作 为一种成分的铅、镉、汞或六价铬 .The legis

3、lation is aimed at metals intentionally introduced to a packa ge rather than metals which are incidentally present in the package.立法的目的是金属而不是刻意推出一系列金属所目前附隨的包装 .CONEG model legislation sets forth concentration levels for lead, ca dmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium.coneg示范立法铅、镉、汞和六价铬浓度水平.Specifica

4、lly, the sum of the concentration levels must not exceed 600 parts per million (“ ppm” ) by weight (0.06%) effective 2 years after th e state adopts the legislation, 250 ppm by weight (0.025%) effective 3 ye ars after the state adopts the legislation, and 100 ppm by weight (0.01%) effective 4 years

5、after the state adopts the legislation.具体地讲,总和浓度不得超过 600 ppm ("ppm ") ,按重量有效 2年(0.0 6%)国家通过立法后 ,按重 250 ppm (0.025%)3 年后,国家采取有效的立法、 按重量运算 , 100 ppm (0.01%)4年后,国家采取有效的立法 .However, the CONEG model legislation also provides exceptions to t hese concentration levels.然而,法律还规定示范coneg这些例外浓度.First,

6、 a package is exempt from the model act's requirements if it b ears a code indicating that it was manufactured before the effective date of the legislation.一是,一套是免征示范法的规定 ,如果有 ,这是一个代码 ,显示前出厂法律 的生效日期 .Second, a package is exempt from the model act's requirements if t he lead, cadmium, mercury

7、 or hexavalent chromium was added to the pac kage to comply with health or safety requirements of federal law or beca use there was no feasible alternative (i.e. the regulated substance is essent ial to the protection, safe handling or function of the package's contents).第二,一套是免征示范法的规定 ,如果铅、镉、添加

8、汞或六价铬的包装符 合安全卫生或联邦法律或规定因为没有可行的替代 (即规范是必要的物质保 证,安全处理功能或包装的内容 ).In these circumstances, CONEG' s model act requires the manufactur er to petition the state for an exemption.在这种情形下,coneg 的示范法规 定,厂家请示国家豁免 .The state may grant a two-year exemption if warranted by the circu mstances and, in some cases

9、, the exemption may be renewed for two yea rs.国家可给予两年豁免,如果情形需要 ,在某些情形下 ,豁免可续约两年 .Finally, CONEG' s legislation contains an exemption for packages t hat would not exceed the maximum contaminant levels set forth above bu t for the addition of post-consumer materials.最后,coneg的立法内容,包豁免的最高含量不超过上述规定,但

10、关于增补 后的消费资料 .This exemption expires six years after the state legislation is adopted. 这项豁免权届满六年后 ,国家通过立法 .CONEG's model legislation also requires that as soon as feasible, b ut not later than two years after the act is adopted, manufacturers or sup pliers of packages must furnish to purchasers a

11、 Certificate of Compliance.coneg的示范立法也需要尽快可行但最迟两年后通过该法案,制造商或 供应商必须提供给买主包合格证明书 .The certificate must set forth the specific basis upon which any exe mption is claimed.证明书必须提出具体的依据 ,任何要求豁免 .The model act does not contain enforcement provisions, rather it requ ires that each state add its own provision

12、s.示范法并没有规定强制执行 ,而是自行补充规定 ,每个州的规定 .The following states have adopted toxics legislation based on CONE G's model: Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylva nia, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and

13、 Wisconsin.以下国家已立法通过基于coneg毒物的模式:康涅狄格、佛罗里达、佐 治亚、伊利诺伊、艾奥瓦、缅因、马里兰、明尼苏达、密苏里、新罕布什 尔、新泽西、纽约、宾夕法尼亚、罗得岛、佛蒙特、弗吉尼亚、华盛顿和 威斯康星 .Wisconsin's law, entitled “Reduction of Toxics in Packaging,” is f ound at Wisconsin Statute section 100.285.威斯康辛定律 ,题为"减少毒物在包装 ",发觉威斯康辛规约第 100.285.With certain exceptio

14、ns, it now prohibits the sale of a packaging wit h a total concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury plus hexavalent chromi um that exceeds 100 ppm.某些例外 ,禁止出售一种包装 ,以总浓度铅、 镉、汞六价铬超过 100 ppm.The 100 ppm level took effect June 1, 1994.100 ppm标准生于1994年6月1日.It was preceded by a limit of 600 ppm, effective J

15、une 1, 1992, and 250 ppm, effective June 1, 1993.它的前提是一个极限600 ppm有效1992年6月1日,250 ppm有效19 93年6月 1日.Wisconsin's restriction does not apply to packaging made from recyc led materials until June 1, 1996.威斯康辛的限制不适用于包装材料制成的再造,直到 1996年 6月 1 日 .Moreover, the Wisconsin law does not contain a penalty prov

16、ision. 此外,威斯康辛法不包含罚则 .Though less than half of the states have adopted CONEG-inspired to xics legislation, the number of states that have toxics legislation is large e nough to affect the nationwide distribution of packaging.尽管不到一半的国家采取coneg启发毒物立法国家数目有毒物足以阻 碍立法分布在全国包装 . Moreover, several of the stat

17、es that have toxics l egislation are large and significantly influence practices elsewhere.另外,有几个州的立法是大毒物及其他作法明显阻碍 .Consequently, all manufactures of packaging materials and component s, including printing inks, should be aware of CONEG requirements .因此,所有的包装材料和制品的组成部分,包括油墨,应注意coneg要求.T he European

18、Union (EU) Restriction of the Use of Certain Haza rdous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC and WEEE Directive 20 02/96/EC places restrictions on materials and equipment containing cadmiu m, lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB' s) and Polybrominated diphenyl ethe

19、rs (PBDE's).他笔欧洲联盟(欧盟)限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)和2002/95/ecW EEE指令名额限制指令2002/96/ec材料和设备含有镉、铅、汞、六价铬、 多溴联苯(PBB)和多溴联苯醚(pbde的).As of July 1, 2006 materials and equipment placed on the market in the EU shall not contain these hazardous substances.截至 2006年 7月 1日材料和设备市场放在欧盟不得含有这些有害物质RoHS and WEEE establish lim

20、its for these substances.建立和 WEEE 指令 RoHS 指令限制这些物质 .These regulations require a maximum concentration value of up to 0. 1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, mercury, hexavalent chro mium, PBB and PBDE, and a maximum value of 0.01% by weight in ho mogenous materials for cadmium.这些法规规定 ,最高浓度

21、值高达 0.1%的同质材料重量铅、汞、六价铬、 多溴联苯和pbde,最高值0.01%的同质材料重量镉.Materials and equipment meeting these limits are considered, under th ese regulations, to meet the requirements for these hazardous substances.会议材料和设备的标准都认为 ,按照那个规定 ,符合这些有害物质 .Quantex Laboratories has extensive experience in analyzing a wide ra nge

22、of materials for compliance with CONEG.quantex有丰富体会的实验室分析各种材料coneg遵守.Our laboratories are well equipped to prepare a diversity of materials for analysis.装备精良的实验室预备多种材料进行分析 .We have the capabilities of preparing samples from ashing to wet di gestion to microwave digestions.我们有能力从样品制备微波灰湿地消化消化 .As for instrumental analysis, samples can be analyzed by Flame and /or graphite furnace atomic absorption, cold vapor atomic absorption ( for mercury) and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (I


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