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1、POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITEDNO.24,Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate , Mahe , Seychelles 动点管理(塞舌尔共和国)有限公司 地址:塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号Certificate Of Incumbency 委 任 书We, POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED,being the duly appointed Registered Agent of Snowsled

2、 Polar Incorporated, an International Business Company incorporated in the No. 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate,Mahe, Seychelles, on the 2014/5/19, Registration Number 146745, Authorized Share Capital US Capital US$10,000,000 hereby confirm the following:我们,动点管理有限公司(塞舌尔),经极地雪橇国际商

3、务公司委托作为其注册代理。极地雪橇国际商务公司于2014年5月19日注册于塞舌尔共和国,马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号。注册编号为146745,经核准的股本为10,000,000美金,证明如下: 1. that the company is in Good Legal Standing in the Seychelles. 该公司在塞舌尔共和国具备法律资格。2. that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the Company, the Direct

4、ors appointed are as follow: 根据留存于公司注册办公室的文件,任命董事如下: APPOINTED PASSPORT NO. DATE OF APPOINTMENT SHANG, DEFU E17955442 2014/5/26 任命董事 护照号码 任命日期 尚德富 E17955442 2014年5月26日that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the Company, the Shareholders appointed are as f

5、ollows:根据公司注册处的文件审定,任命股东如下 APPOINTED CERT. NO. NO. OF SHARES % OF SHARE(S) SHANG,DEFU 1 10,000,000 100% 任命董事 证书号码 股份数额 股份百分比 尚德富 1 1千万 100%5. that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the Company, no Register of Mortgages and Charges pursuant to Section 70A

6、 of the International Business Companies Ordinance field at the Companies Registry or held on file at the Companys Registered Office.可以根据留存于公司注册办事处的文件确认,依照公司注册办事处国际商务公司条例70A章节规定,公司注册处或公司注册办公室所持有的文件不用于抵押贷款登记和收费登记。Dated this June 5,2014.确认日期为2014年6月5日 For and on behalf of POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCH


8、IC OF SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔金融服务管理局 19 MAY 2014BOX 991, VICTORIA, MAHE SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛维多利亚市区 邮政信箱991 2014年5月19日 2014年5月19日POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINE

9、SS COMPANIES ACT, 1994国际商业公司法(1994年修订版)Snowsled Polar IncorporatedMEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION公司大纲1. The name of the company Snowsled Polar Incorporated公司名称为极地雪橇公司2. The registered office of the company is situated at 24, Lesperance Complex. Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe,Seychelles.公司注册地址为 塞舌尔共和国马

10、埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号3. The registered agent of the company is POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED of 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe. Seychelles. 公司注册代理为 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司4. The objects of the company are to engage in any act or activit

11、y that is not prohibited under any law for the time being in force in Seychelles, except that the company shall not carry on any banking, insurance. reinsurance or trust business and subject to specific limitations as set forth by the Seychelles International Business Companies Act 1994.公司行为活动须遵守塞舌尔

12、现行法律。另外,公司不得经营任何银行、保险、再保险或信托业务,且受到塞舌尔国际商业公司法(1994年修订版)提出的相关限制的约束。5. The authorised capital of the company is TEN MILLION United States Dollars US$ 10,000,000.00 which consists of 10,000,000 shares of One United States Dollar (US$1.00) each and the aggregate of the Par Value of the shares that the co

13、mpany is authorised to issue is equal to its authorised capital.公司注册资本为 一千万美元 $10,000,000.00 分成10,000,000股,每股面值1美元。公司法定发行股份总面值与其注册资本相等。6. All the shares in the company shall be issued in United States Dollars.公司所有股票需以美元发行。7. All the shares in the company shall be of the same class and series.公司所有股票为

14、同类别和序列股。8. All the shares in the company shall be ordinary shares. which shall carry:公司所有股份均为普通股,股东应:a) equal voting rights;b) equal rights to dividends;c) equal rights to the return of the capital and participation in surplus assets on a winding-up; and rank parri passu every other respect. a) 有平等的

15、投票权;b) 按出资比例分红;c) 公司清算时,在资金返还、盈余资产分红等各方面享有平等权利。9. The company is not allowed to issue bearer shares. The directors are authorised to issue shares as registered shares by resolution. 公司不得发行无记名股票。董事经授权可根据决议发行记名股票。10. 10. The company has no power to:公司不得: 1. carry on business in Seychelles; 2. own an i

16、nterest in immovable property situated in Seychelles; 3. lease an immovable property situated in Seychelles; 4. carry on banking and/or trust business; 5. carry on business as an insurance company; 6. carry on business of providing the registered office for companies.1. 在塞舌尔经商;2. 与位于塞舌尔的不动产有利益关系;3.

17、出租位于塞舌尔的不动产;4. 开展银行和/或信托业务;5. 作为保险公司开展业务;6. 为其他公司提供注册办事处业务。We, the undersigned subscribers are desirous of being formed into an International Business Company to be governed by this Memorandum of Association.我们,即以下签名申请人,希望成立国际商业公司,我们将严格遵守本章程。Dated this: 19/05/2014日期Subscriber's signature: _认股人签名

18、Signature: _签名Name: CHANG, PI-CHU姓名Address POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelle 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办 公楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司 Witness to the above signature以上署名者见证人Name: YU,SZU-WEI姓名Address: POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHEL

19、LES) LIMITED 地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公 楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔金融服务管理局 19 MAY 2014BOX 991, VICTORIA, MAHE SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛维多利亚市区 邮政信箱991 2014年5月19日 REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES塞舌尔

20、共和国THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994国际商业公司法(1994年修订版)ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION公司章程OFSnowsled Polar IncorporatedCOMPANY NUMBER: 146745公司编号:1467451. INTERPRETATION 解释In these Articles, if not consistent with the subject or context, the words and expressions standing in the first column of t

21、he following table shall bear the meaning set opposite them respectively in the second column thereof.本章程中,除文意另有所指外,下表第一列中用语具有各自对应的第二列所示含义。Expressions: Meanings:用语 意义1.1 Capital The sum of the aggregate par value of all outstanding shares with par value of the Company and shares with par value held

22、by the Company as treasury shares plus:1.1 股本 含公司面值的所有流通股份总面值及含公司持有库存股份总 面值的股份加: 1.1.1 the aggregate of the amounts designated as capital of all outstanding shares without par Value of the Company and shares without par value held by the Company as treasury shares; and 1.1.1 不含公司面值的所有流通股份的指定总资本和不含公

23、司持有库存股份总面值的股份;和 1.1.2. the amounts are from time to time transferred from surplus to capital by a resolution of directors. 1.1.2 可随时根据董事决议将盈余转为股本的总额。1 .2 Member A person who holds shares in the Company股东 公司持股人1.3. Person An individual, a corporation,a trust, the estate of a deceased individual, a pa

24、rtnership or an unincorporated association of Persons.人员 包括个人、公司、信托、已故个人财产、合伙企业、非法人 团体。1.4 Resolution of directors董事会决议 1.4.1 A resolution approved at a duly constituted meeting of the Board of the Directors of the Company or of a committee of directors of the Company by the affirmative vote of a si

25、mple majority of the directors present who voted and did not abstain where the meeting was called on proper notice or, if on short notice if those directors not present have waived notice; or 1.4.1 经正式通知,或临时通知而一些董事放弃出席召开的董 事会会议或董事委员会中,出席且投票的董事以简单多 数赞成票通过的决议;或 1.4.2 A resolution consented to in writi

26、ng by all directors or of all members of the committee, as the case may be. 1.4.2 根据具体情况,所有董事或股东以书面形式同意的决 议。1.5 Resolution of Members股东会决议 1.5.1 A resolution approved at a duly constituted meeting of the members of the Company by the affirmative vote of: 1.5.1 由正式召开的公司股东大会通过的决议,赞成票为: a simpl

27、e majority of the votes of the shareholders present at the meeting and entitled to vote thereon and who voted and did not abstain; or 与会股东、有投票权人员和未投弃权票人员 简单多数赞成;或 a simple majority of the votes of the shareholders of each class or series of shares present at the meeting and entitled

28、to vote thereon as a class or series and who voted and not abstained and of a simple majority of the votes of the remaining shareholders entitled to vote thereon present at the meeting and who voted and did not abstain; or 与会有投票权且未投弃权票的类别或序 列股份股东作为一类或序列简单多数赞成, 其余有投票权且未投弃权票与会股东简单 多数赞成;或 1.5.2

29、 A resolution consented to in writing by: 1.5.2 以下情况以书面形式通过的决议: An absolute majority of the votes of each class or series of shares entitled to vote thereon; or 有投票权的每一类别或序列股为绝对多 数赞成;或 An absolute majority of the votes of each class or series of shares entitled to vote thereo

30、n as a class or series and of an absolute majority of the votes of the remaining shares entitled to vote thereon. 有投票权的每一类别或序列股份作为一类 别或序列列为绝对多数赞成,其余有投票 权的股份为绝对多数赞成。1.6. Securities 证券 Shares and debt obligations of every kind, and options, warrants and rights to acquire shares or debt obligat

31、ions.股份、各类债券、期权、认股权证以及获取股份和债券的认股权。1.7 Surplus 盈余 The excess, if any, at the time of the determination of the total assets of the company over the aggregate of its total liabilities as shown in its books of accounts, plus the Company's capital. 账本中显示的公司总资产对负债总额的超额(若有的话),加上公司股本。1.8 The Memorandum

32、组织大纲 The Memorandum of association of the Company as originally framed or as from time to time amended.最初制定或之后随时修订形成的组织大纲。1.9 The Act 法案 The International Business Companies Act 1994.国际商业公司法(1994年修订版)1.10 These Articles 条款 These articles of association as originally framed or as from time to time am

33、ended.最初制定或之后随时修订形成的章程条款。1.11 Treasury Shares 库存股份 Shares in the Company that were otherwise acquired by the Company and not cancelled. 公司收购的未注销的股份。1.12. "Written" or any term of like import includes words typewritten printed, painted,engraved, lithographed, photographed or represented or

34、reproduced by any mode or representing or reproducing words in a visible form, including telex. telegram, cable or other form of writing produced by electronic communication. 1.12 “书面文件”或类似术语包括以打印、印刷、雕刻、石印、拍照或任何方式重现重制的文字及其它可见形式,包括电传、电报、电缆或其它电子通讯形式形成的文字。1.13 Save as aforesaid any words or expressions

35、 defined in the Act shall bear the same meaning in these articles. 上述用语在法案中的定义应与在本章程中的定义一致。1.14 Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine or neuter gender is issued in these articles. It shall equally, where the context admits, include the other.以单数或复数形式,阳性、阴性或中性形式出现的用语,本章程对

36、其和其另一种形式都平等承认。1.15. A reference in these articles to voting in relation to shares shall be construed as a reference to voting by members holding the shares. except that it is the votes allocated to shares that shall be counted and not the number of members who actually voted, and a reference to shar

37、es being present a meeting shall be given a corresponding construction. 本章程中所涉及与股份相关的投票是指由该股份持股人进行投票,另外,股票份额对应选票不应算作实投票股东人数,出席会议股份应给出相应解释。1.16. A reference to money in these articles is a reference to the currency of the United States of America unless otherwise stated.除特别提出外,本章程所提及金钱均为美利坚合众国货币。2 RE

38、GISTERED SHARES记名股票2.1 The Company shall issue to every member holding registered shares in the Company a certificate signed by a director or officer of the company and specifying the shares or shares held by him, and the signature of the director or officer. 公司应给每位记名股份持股人发放由公司董事或主管签署的证书,指明其所关联的股份,含

39、董事或管理人员签名。2.2 Any member receiving a share certificate for registered shares shall indemnify and hold the Company and its directors and officers harmless from any loss or liability which it or they incur by reason of the wrongful or fraudulent use or representation made by any person by virtue of th

40、e possession thereof. If a share certificate for registered shares is worn out or lost it may be renewed on production of the worn certificate or on satisfactory proof of its loss together with such indemnity as may be required by a resolution of directors.持有具名公司股票证书的股东可免赔并且应使公司董事和管理人员免于因对股份错误或不当的使用

41、形式造成实际资产亏损或负债。若记名股票证书磨损或丢失,可依董事决议要求用磨损证书或丢失证明和保函进行更新。2.3 If several person are registered as joint holders of any shares, any one of such persons may be given an effectual receipt for any dividends payable in respect of such shares. 若多人联名登记为任何股权的持有人,则其中任何一人应持有所持股票股息应收款项的有效收据。3. SHARES, AUTHORISED CA

42、PITAL AND CAPITAL 股份,法定股本和股本3.1 Subject to the provisions of these articles and any resolution of members, the unissued shares of the Company shall be at the disposal of the directors who may, without prejudice to any rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class or seri

43、es of shares,offer. allot. grant options over or otherwise dispose of the shares to such persons at such times and upon such terms and conditions as the Company may by resolution of directors determine受本章程规定及本公司任何股东大会决议的约束,本公司之未发售股票应由董事进行处理,不对上文规定赋予任何现有股份或类别或序列股份股东的任何权利构成限制或影响,以本公司董事可能决议决定的时间、条款条件、售

44、予对象,将股份出售、配售、授予期限或做任何其他处理。3.2 Shares in the Company shall be issued for money, services rendered, personal property, an estate in real property, a promissory note or other binding obligation to contribute money or property or any combination of the foregoing as shall be determined by a resolution of

45、 directors.本公司的股票应是为董事决议决定的货币、服务的提供、私人财产、不动产、期票或其它有约束力的债务、金钱或财务或上述各项的任何组合而发售。 3.3 Shares in the Company may be issued for such amount of consideration as the directors may from time to time by resolution of directors determine, except that in the case of shares with par value, the amount shall not b

46、e less than the par value, and in the absence of fraud the decision of the direction as to the value of the consideration received by the Company in respect of the issue is conclusive unless a question of law is involved. The consideration in respect of the shares constitutes capital to the extent o

47、f par value and the excess constitutes surplus.本公司的股票发行数量可考虑董事根据董事决议作出的决定,具有票面价值的股票除外,发售价不得低于其票面价值。且当无欺诈存在时,董事就发售该等股票时本公司应取得的代价价值做出的决定将作为结论性的决定,除非有关决定涉及法律问题。有关股票的代价中,票面值构成资本,超出票面值部分构成盈余。3.4 A share issued by the Company upon conversion of, or in exchange for, another share, a debt obligation or othe

48、r security in the Company shall be treated for all purposes as having being issued for money equal to the consideration received or deemed to have been received by the Company in respect of the other share, debt obligation or security.本公司发售的股票在转换为、或者交换为另一种股票或本公司的一种债券或其他证券时,于任何方面均应被视为为取得相当于本公司已收或被视为本

49、公司已收的其他股票、债券或证券的款项而发售该股票。3.5 Treasury shares may be disposed of the Company on such terms and conditions (not otherwise inconsistent with these articles) as the Company may by resolution of directors determine .库存股票可由本公司按本公司董事决议决定条款条件(不会与本章程规定矛盾)予以处理。3.6 The Company may issue fractions of a share and a fractional share shall have the same corresponding fractional liabilities, limitations, preferences, privileges, qualifications, restrictions, rights and other attributes of a whole share of the same class or series of shares.本公司可发售零数股,零数股将拥有与相同


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