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1、 摘要  本次说课是课程说课,说课教材为新视野英语教程,说课内容共六个部分,简要评说设置课程的必要性,教学软硬件,教学内容及处理,课程实施及手段,课程评价及方法,课程改革和效果。说课时间30分钟。关键词  课程目标  教学资源  教学内容  课程实施  课程评价  课程改革中图分类号:G642                  文献标识码:A

2、60;               文章编号:1623-7629(2009)11-(0045)-(02)一、课程目标 (一)设置课程的必要性。依据教学大纲,设置课程的必要性在于满足学生现在和将来的多方面需要:加强英语语言能力习得的需要,达到高职英语三级水平的需要,为学习专业英语打基础的需要,在工作中使用英语工作的需要,专升本以及四六级考试的需要。(二)课程教学目标的确立和实现教学目标的基本思路。课程教学目标确立为加强英语语言能力习得,前提是学生有一定的听说


4、、师生合作、同学合作。二、教学资源(一)师资队伍。下面三个图显示的是教研室的师资比例情况(图略)     如图所示,从年龄结构看,以中青年为主,教学热情高。从学历结构看,以研究生为主,  英语水平高。从职称结构看,以中高级为主,科研能力强。一支教学热情高、英语水平高、科研能力强的师资队伍是英语教学成功的第一保证。(二)教学环境。教研室具有三室两台一角的教学环境。三室:教室、语音室、多媒体教室。两台:学院英语广播电台,人手录音机一台。一角:英语角。良好的教学环境是英语教学成功的第二保证。(三)学情分析。在校生为未达到普通高校录取分数线的高中毕业生


6、频,学院优质课程网站,学习方法辅导报,英语三级辅导教材。制作目的是促进英语习得,通过三级考试。(二)教学内容的选择和建构。选择课文一、课文二和写作建构教学内容,理由是二语习得从这里开始。四、课程实施(一)根据语言习得规律与教学目标要求,选择适合的教学模式。根据语言习得规律和习得语言能力的教学目标,主要采用情景教学模式,讲授+视听说模式,不仅符合大学英语培养英语能力的目标,符合学院学生需要加强英语能力的学情,也是解决哑巴英语的教学模式。(二)课程内容与学时分配序号 课程内容         

7、60; 学时数合计讲授听说1第一单元 关于大学生活6422第二单元 关于英语学习技巧6423第三单元 关于从故事中得到的启式6424第四单元 关于高科技的对生活的影响6425第五单元 关于体育运动6426第六单元 关于假期6427第七单元 关于世界各地的迷信6428第八单元 关于肢体语言6429第九单元 关于当今的新工作64210第十单元 关于性别的区别642复习考试422  总计644222(三)教学方法和教学手段1、讲授式教学法  英语讲授:讲授是输入新知识同时是复习旧知识,英语讲授既能输入英语新知识又能输入英语旧知识。英语十聋九哑的原因是因为英语教学十年九“汉”。2、

8、启发式教学法  启发英语思维:英语思维的前提是用英语解释英语的单词短语句子,用判断解释概念是最基本的语言习得逻辑客观规律。3、任务式教学法  英语口语解释:把无声的文字转换成有声的语言被定性为任务。4、教学手段  用教材教:在教教材的同时实现用教材教。(四)学生学习方法的指导。(1)自主学习法:让学生达到“我主导我学,我激励我学,我监控我学。”让老师“教是为了不教。(2)合作学习法:和英语合作,和老师合作,和同学合作。首先是和英语合作(3)复习巩固法:脑图,作业,文字变成声音。文字变成声音是首要的。(4)英英词典法:英语思维形成的一种有效方法。牛津、柯林斯、韦伯斯


10、评价以提高以后的教学效果。六、课程改革(一)教学内容从理论性英语教学内容向实用性英语教学内容转变。听说读写译的课程内容已经或正在走向实用教学,教学内容的转变是学习观的具体应用,是学以致用理念的具体实践。 (二)教学模式从“以教师中心”向 “以学生为中心”转变。 一切为了学生的英语习得,学生是学的主体,教师是教的主体。从教学生英语,到教学生学英语,到教学生学会英语经历了三次转变。教学生学会英语才是转变为以学生为中心。有什么样的教学观,就有什么样的教学模式。(三)教学方法从教英语到用英语教的转变。从英语到汉语是语法翻译法,从汉语到英语是语法翻译法的反用,从英语到英语是直接法的改进。英语教学不是把英

11、语汉语化。教学方法的改革是语言习得观的变化。是科学发展观指导下语言习得观的具体化。有什么样的语言习得观,就有什么样的教学方法。(四)教学的指导思想。教是为了教会,教是为了不教。学是为了学会,学是为了应用。方法重要路线更重要,方向错一切方法都错。用英语教才有英语环境,用英语学才有英语环境。英语环境不是地理环境决定的而是教学环境决定的。这一观点是符合中国英语教学国情的。(五)教学方法灵活多变。方法可以多变,方向不能够变。语言习得规律是指引英语教学的正确方向。方向对了,方法才起正向迁移作用。这一点是最后的也是最重要的。I Teaching Aims:1. To develop Ss basic sk

12、ills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is the focus in this lesson. Reading skills for Ss include (predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting.)2. To encourage Ss to practice, participate, and co-operate in the classroom activities.3. To get Ss to know something about and have a

13、better understanding of the importance of . As for teaching approaches, I think II Teaching ApproachesCommunicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction are to be used in the course of this lesson. And I will try my best to limit TTT, that is, limit Teacher Talking Time and increase STT (Stude

14、nt Talking Time).So during this lesson, emphases are to be laid on:1.       Student-centered teaching2.       Task-based learning3.       Activity-based teaching (individual work; pair work; group work; class w

15、ork) III Teaching Aids: 1.       a projector 2.       a multi-media computer systemThey are for showing Ss some pictures, some audio files, some visual files, some topics or reading tasks.IV Teaching ProcedureStep 1. Warming-up & lead-i

16、nActivity 1 Free talk (class work)I will invite Ss to answer the following Qs.Q1: Who do you think looks coolest in our class?Q2: Do you like him/her?Q3: If so, why? If not, why?Activity 2 Picture-talking /Music-talking (individual work)Download some pictures/music from the Internet. Guiding Qs may

17、be:Q1: Whos she/he?Q2: Do you like him/her? Q3: If so, why? If not, why?Q4: Do you think he/she is perfect?Goal: To lead up to the topic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the topic.Step 2. Pre-readingActivity1 Look and guess (class work)In this activity, Ss are required to look at the

18、title/subtitle and guess what they will read.Activity2 Brain-storming (class work)In this activity, Ss are encouraged to think of as many words as possible to describe the picture/ Goal: To develop Ss reading skill-predicting and present some new words in the passage such as Step 3. ReadingActivity

19、1 Skimming (class work)Ss are required to go through the whole passage quickly to get the general idea and pay special attention to the first or last Para of the article (or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.)Goal: To develop Ss reading skill - skimming, that is, how can we get th

20、e general idea of a passage as quickly as possible.Activity 2 Scanning (group work)Encourage Ss to read the passage again, exchange their understanding of the passage with their group members and work together to fill in the following form:Title Part/Para.Main ideaDetailed information1 a.

21、topic sentences/introductionb. examples/supporting ideasc. conclusion2 a.b.c. Goal:Activity 3 Report (class work)Invite some group members to report their work to the whole class.Goal: To overcome Ss shyness and stimulate Ss to speak in public.Activity 4 Further understanding and word stud

22、y (pair work)Encourage Ss to discuss the following Qs in pairs (A PowerPoint will be used here to present some blank-filling exercises and multiple choices.)Q1: What does the word “this” in the last Para. but 3 refer to?A. sjkdfkjdkB. klklklklC.opieporiwpD. jdlkjflkdQ2: What is the Chinese equivalen

23、t for the phrase “investing in loss”?A.B.C.D.Q3: The word “flawless” in Line 5 of Para.2 can be replaced by _Q4: Which of the following statements is true or not true?Goal: To help Ss to guess the meaning of certain unknown words and understand the passage exactly.Step 4. Post-readingActivity1 Role-

24、play(pair work)Suppose one student is a and the other . Ss are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face-to-face interview.Activity2 Discussion (Group work)Topics may be :Q1:Do u want to be perfect?Q2: Do u think there is anyone in the world that is perfect? Q3: Look at the subti

25、tle/title “Remind yourself”, remind yourself of what?Activity3 Poster-designing/Cartoon-designing/(group work)Goal: These post-reading activities are intended to develop Ss creative thinking and get them to know the importance of Step 5. HomeworkTask 1 Write a summary of the passage (about 100 words

26、) (Individual work)Goal: To spur Ss to consolidate what they have learned.Task 2 Look up some more information about (Individual work)Encourage Ss to go to the school library or get on the Internet if possible to consult related English websites on the topic.Goal: To encourage Ss to study English sp

27、ontaneously and independently after class, arouse Ss interest in traditional Chinese culture and develop Ss culture awareness and cross-culture communicative skills.As for my blackboard-design, since time is limited, Id like to give a brief introduction.TitleHere is the formHere are some new words f

28、or SsSo much for my presentation. Thank u very much. Bye-bye.英语说课稿范文 2009-11-01 12:19:46 阅读8003 评论5 字号:大中小  一、Introduction(导言)英语说课是英语教学中的重要一环,也是衡量一位英语教师对教材的把握、分析及教师本人对上课进程的宏观控制能力的有力手段,能从理论上指导教师贯彻教学大纲,真正做到教与学相结合,将教材、大纲、教师、学生、课堂融为有机整体,对不断提高教师教学能力和教研能力,有着突出的作用。二、说课的基本原则1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课的区

29、别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间的层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”的误区。2. 以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现先进的教学理念。3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课的完整性。4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。三、说课的基本程序1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中的地位和作用。2. 说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。3. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。4. 说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目的、意图何在?结果如何?6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计的根据

30、和理由,力求体现说板书设计的程序性、概括性和艺术性。四、注重说课信息和反馈与总结说课的对象可以是专家、同行甚至是学生。向说课对象征询意见、获取信息,力求不断改进和提高。五、附SB 2B U16 Lesson 63说课稿Unit 16 Lesson 63Hello, everyone. Today Im very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(

31、2). It is made up of four parts.Part 1 My understanding of this lessonThe analysis of the teaching material:This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their rea

32、ding ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education.

33、Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being

34、 polluted.Key points / Teaching important points:How to understand the text better.Teaching difficult points:1. Use your own words to retell the text.2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.Something about the Ss:1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through t

35、he Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They dont often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aidsBefore dealing with this lesson, I

36、ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.Teaching method

37、:Double activities teaching methodQuestion-and-answer activity teaching methodWatch-and-listen activityFree discussion methodPair work or individual work methodTeaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardPart 3. Teaching steps / proceduresI have designed the following

38、 steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.The entire steps are:Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, H

39、omeworkStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2. Revision1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in d

40、eep water?c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and

41、prepare for the new lesson.Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for readingShow them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.Purpose: Arouse the students in

42、terest of study.Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.Step 4. Fast readingRead the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?2. What does the whale feed on?

43、3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?Method: Read the text individually, use questionandanswer activity.Purpose: Improve the students reading ability.Understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 5. Listening(book closed)1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb

44、 page 90, part 1)2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)Train the Ss listening ability and prepare for later exercises.Step 6. Intensive readingRead the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.1. How much does a whale eat at a time?2. Do all the whales feed on smal

45、l fish?3. How deep can a sperm whale dive?It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.Step 7. Preparation for details of t

46、he text on the screen1. .its heart slows to half its normal speed.slow-v. to become / make slower.2. .using sound wavePresent participle used as adverbial.3. provide sth. for vide sb. with sth.4. at a time: each time5. grow to a length of.Purpose: Train the Ss ability of understanding and usin

47、g laguage.Step 8. Consolidation1. Find out the topic sentences.2. Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. Whats more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to


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