



1、彼得潘读后感彼得潘 又名 不会长大的男孩 (peter pan: the boy who wouldn't growup)(1904)是苏格兰小说家及剧作家詹姆斯马修巴禾1"james matthew barrie ,1860年 1937 年)最为著名的剧作,而彼得潘与温蒂(peter pan and wendy) 是他 1911年将其小说化的小说题目。 二者皆讲述了彼得潘, 一个会飞的拒绝长大的顽皮男孩在永无岛 (neverland) 与温迪以及她的弟弟们的所遭遇到的各种历险故事。小学生彼得潘读后感我读了一本书叫彼得潘 ,既然故事书名叫彼得潘 ,那么故事的主人公也该

2、叫彼得潘了?对了。这本书讲的是小飞侠彼得潘和温迪、约翰、迈克去永无乡的故事。他们在去永无乡的路上,他们遇到了海盗、又勇敢地战胜了海盗,最后他们顺利脱险了。到了永无乡,再次遇到海盗,他们又用自己的智慧胜了海盗。最后,温迪、约翰、迈克终于回到了自己的家。从此他们长大了、成熟了、坚强了、健康了。这个故事里我最喜欢温迪了。因为她温柔商量、乐于帮助别人。比如:温迪做了母亲以后,把屋子安排的井井有条、要迈克睡在吊篮里当婴儿,每天做各种好吃的食物,她很忙碌却很幸福。我最讨厌的人是叮叮呤,因为她贪婪自私,看见彼得潘和温迪交上了朋友,就想搞 破坏。我最羡慕彼得潘,因为他会飞。如果我也能飞,该多好呀!我要发明一个

3、飞行衣,让人们自由飞行。我还希望有个像温迪这么好的妈妈,对我更加温柔,对我要宽容、多 一些允许。我要学习孩子们的礼貌和教养,做一个人人喜欢的好孩子。彼得潘英文读后感the book chiefly narrates the adventure of several children in neverland. there lived a group of homeless children, fairies, mermaids, beasts, indian tribes and pirates. these children had a carefree and happy life the

4、re, except the only pity that there was not a single woman to care for them. peter pam, the leader of the boys and who had a hatred for adults, found a girl named wendy to be their mother. however, children are bound to grow up and shoulder their responsibilities. at last, they all left neverland ex

5、cept peter.everyone, i guess, ever had or still has the same wish as peter. he thought the world of adults was complicated, with a wide range of disciplines and responsibilities. therefore, he chose to be a child forever to avoid those adults stuffs.it also reminds me of a scene in the lion king, wh

6、ich simba cheerfully scampered with his two comrades, singing. he fled from his kingdom and led a simple and carefree life, aimless. for the time being, he was happy; but one day when he looked back on those days, he would find no memory worth cherishing.reit is the same with those who don t want to grow up. they close the door and keep themselves from the outside world which is really wonderful. to some extend, they are very timid.finally, i d like to cite a


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