



1、九年级英语学科复习课导学案 第_ 周第课时上课时间:2012 年 月 _日星期:_ 备课组长签字:_课题:七上 1-3 单元复习课学习目标:1.remember the words and phrases. 2.remerber the important sentences.3.do exercise.Step1.remember the words.1. 我的名字 3.时钟 4.好的 5.遇见 6.什么 7.问题 8.回答 9.看 10 第一 11 最后的 12 男孩 13.女孩 14.零 15.电话 16.数字 17.家庭这个 19.铅笔 20.钢笔 21.书 22 橡皮 23.尺 24

2、.箱 25.铅笔盒 26.字典 27.那 28 原谅 29 感谢 30.多么 31 拼写 32. 棒球 33.手表 34 电脑_ 35 游戏 36.钥匙 37 笔记本 38.戒指 39 打电话_ 40 遗失 41.找回 42.学校 43.-的 44.姐妹_45 妈妈 46 爸爸 47父 亲或母亲 48.兄弟 49.祖父(母 50.那些 51.这些 52.姨母 53 儿子 54.堂兄弟 55 女 儿 56.叔 57.照片图画 58 为了 59 这里 60 相片【检测】1.This is_ 我的 book.That book isn t 我的。2. Nice to_ 遇见 you . I_遇见 h

3、im yesterday。3. The_(one house is mi ne 4.Ma ny_家庭 joined the club.5._ Yesterday I borrowed two字典 fromthe library.6.I have many_ 照 片Step2 phrases1 名字_ 2 姓氏_3 电话号码 _4 身份证_ 5 铅笔盒_ 6 请原谅_ 7 电子游戏_ 8 失物招领 _9 为-而感谢 _10 用英语_ 11 你的家庭照片 _12-套13 打电话给- -以号_【检测】1.Zhou jielun s_ name is zhou.2._ A set of keys_(b

4、e on thedesk just now. 3.Tha nks for_ (help me.Step3 the importa nt senten ces.1. What is your n ame? -My n ame is Tom.2. What is your telepho ne number?-It s 5652008.3. Is this your pencil? Yes, it is ./No, it isn t .4. What is this in En glish? -It s a pen.5. Excuse me, Soni a. Is this your pen ci

5、l?-Yes, tha nk you.6. -How do you spell it?【检测】1. What is_ 她的 name? 2 Is this her brother? Yes,_ is. 3What is this_ En glish? 4_ , Tom. Is this your pen cil? -Yes, tha nk you.5.-_ do you spell it? Step4 .知识梳理1.写出下列单词的主格与宾格,形容性物主代词及名词性物主代词我.你.他.她.它我们你们.他们.她们它们我的.你的.他的她的它的.我们的.你们的他们的.她们的_它们的_【检测】1. (她

6、_is a stude nt and_ 她 n ame is Kate.2. (他_ bike is new . But_ 我 is old .3. (我_ have fini shed_我 homework. . Have (尔_ fini shed4. This is_ 我 MP4.(你_is over there.5. Is there any differe nee betwee n your idea and_ 她?6. His n ame is Thomas , but we usually call_他 Tom.7. Please send_ 我 best wishes to M

7、ary.8. _ 他 is a lovely boy ,_我们 all like_(他9. _ (它 is a beautiful bird ._(它 voice is very good.10. Who will teach_ (他们 Japa nese next term?11. My camera is less expe nsive tha n_ 他.12. He used to teach_ 我们 En glish.2.family 的用法1, 指家庭成员,谓语动词用 _。2 指家庭,谓语动词用 _ 数。【检测】1,My family_(be a big one. 2,my fami

8、ly_(be all here.2. tha nks for+_.Tha nks for_ (helpme.3._ 当别人称赞你时,你要说4 当你有事打扰别人时,你要说_。【课堂检测】1.连词成句.1. n ame, is ,her, Lily_ .2. my, is ,nu mber, 5652008,telephone,_ .3. this, is , book., your_ ?4. this, i n , what, En glish, is_?5. you,for,tha nk,helpi ng,me_.2 单选1.-You have a beautiful voice . I lo

9、ve your songs.-_.A.Sorry, you don t B.Tha nk you C.It s OK D.That s all right2 ,Tom and Mike are good friends._ofte n help each other.A.They B.Then C.Their D.Theirs3. Is this_ magaz ine? -No, it s not_.It bel ongs to_ .A.your;mine;his B.your;me;him C.his;his;me D.her;her;me4,I n the coming holidays,myfamily_ going to take a on e-week trip to Qingdao.A.is B.are C.was D.were4. -What s that_English?t s a m aA.in B.with C.by D.on5. Tha nks_me the n ews in time.A.to tell B.for telli ng C.to tell D.for tell6. Fred s family_ very large and now the family_ hav ing


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