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1、 Module 5 A lesson in a Lab 外研社外研社高中英语高中英语第一册第一册new words When the iron is heated(加热) it will When the iron is cooled(遇冷) it willexpandcontractHow much do you know about general science?How many states does matter exist as?Use your mind!solidliquidgasoxygen metalVocabulary and speakingWe writeWe say

2、1203004,00050,000600,0007,000,00080,000,000900,000,0001,000,000,000onetwentythree hundred four thousandfifty thousandsix hundred thousand seven millioneighty millionnine hundred millionone billionthousandmillionbillionfifty-two million, four hundred and seventy thousand, three hundred and eighty-thr

3、eefifty-two million, four hundred and seventy, three hundred and eighty-three There are two mistakes in the following numbers. What are they?hundred millionthree hundred and sixty-five million, five hundred and twenty-eight thousand , four hundred and sixty-twoone thousand million52,470,383100,000,0

4、001,000,000,000365,528,462one/a hundred million62,809Competition1,001,240,000174,30159,7433452,789100,88898,47352,470,383750,000,000We writeWe say1/21/31/41/102/33/44/51/5one fifthCan you say the following in English correctly?cardinal numberordinal numbera halfa thirda quarterone-tenthtwo-thirdsthr

5、ee quartersfour-fifthsReading and vocabulary To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments To know how to do a simple experiment and write the report about it in English 3. To raise interests in science and form the right scientific attitude. Teaching AimsLead in Ar

6、e you interested in doing experiments? Why?Look at the pictures collected by our classmates. Do you know the name of these equipment?test tube tongs balancecrucible beaker & glass rod Bunsen burner Since you are interested in doing scientific experiments, now lets get to know some vocabulary and

7、 knowledge related to science and experiment.Potassium (钾)(钾) Sodium(钠钠) Calcium(钙钙) Magnesium(镁镁)Aluminium(铝)(铝) Zinc (锌)(锌) Iron (铁)(铁) Copper (铜)(铜)Read the words together Step I Pre-reading activity1 (p44) Put these words in the correct order to describe the stages of a scientific experiment.con

8、clusion aim result method When we do an experiment ,we should first of all have an _.We should use proper _.We should find out the _and get a_.aimmethodsresultconclusion1.Fast-reading Qs:1. What should we know when we use metals?Passages A Scanning: Listen to passage A quickly and choose the best ti

9、tle for it. The Different Uses of Metals The Reaction of Metals The Reaction of Metals with OxygenPassage A Careful Reading ;Read passage A carefully and answer: 1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? 2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? 3. Which metal

10、s react with steam? 4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? 5. Does copper react with water? Potassium, calcium and sodium.It burns to form an oxide.Magnesium, aluminium and zinc.It has a slow reaction.No, it doesnt. Passage B :Some important words about the experiment: apparatus (appa

11、ratus (仪器仪器, ,设备设备) ) holder (holder (台、架等台、架等) )支持物支持物, , 固定器固定器 cotton wool cotton wool 棉絮棉絮 bunsenbunsen burner burner本生灯本生灯(煤气(煤气喷灯)喷灯)labtest tubebalanceBunsen burnercrucible本生灯(煤气喷灯)本生灯(煤气喷灯)conclusion, method, result, aim, apparatus An Experiment Report1. _:2. _:3. _: (1) (2) (3)4. _:5. _:Put

12、 these words in the correct order.1. Read the passage carefully and fill the chart on page 45. 2. Read the passage again and complete the sentences on page 46. Passage Bcotton woolnailswaterwaterwaterThe nails havent rustedThe nails donot rust.The nails rust.Passage B:A Simple Scientific Experiment1

13、. In the first part of the experiment, the _ is dry ,not wet .2. It shows that iron _ when the air is dry .3. In the second part of the experiment, you must _ the water to make sure there is no _ in it .airdoes not rustboilair4. You add _ to the water because this keeps _ out of it.5. It shows that

14、_ does not rust in water that has no _ in it .some oilairnail airComplete the passage with proper words according to passage A and BIt is hard to think of a world without metals. Different metals have different uses, for example, iron can be used in _ equipment. But above all we should know whether

15、it will _ under different conditions .electricalreact Otherwise, it will keep the equipment from working well. As we all know, if iron is heated in oxygen, it will react slowly but will not form an _. On the other hand , if it is put together with water or _, there will a _ reaction. Next lets do an

16、 _ to support the above . First , get a test tube fillde with water and put it over the _ to _ for three minutes . oxidesteampartialexperimentbunsen burnerboilThen put three or four clean nails in the water with some oil added to it and leave the tube for one week . What happens? The iron does not _

17、 in air-free water. Another experiment , if you put the nails in the tube with the air in it for one week, then what happens ? Iron rusts in _ water . rustordinaryIf you want to do scientific experiments well, what qualities (品质品质) should you have in your opinion? Possible answers: We should be care

18、ful / serious / diligent /patient /thoughtful/ etc.Discussion Lets do a simple experiment to test if magnesium can burn in the air and write a short report:Aim:Methods:Result:Conclusion:To find out if Magnesium burns in the air 1)use a pair of tongs to pick up some magnesium2)light it Magnesium is b

19、urning with a bright flame in the airMagnesium can burn in the air Magnesium can burn in the air write a simple experiment report Aim ApparatusMethodResultConclusion(language points)6Language points1.react with sth. 化学反应化学反应 to sth. 反应反应 eg. An acid can react with a base to form a salt. How did your

20、 mother react to the news?2.put sth. in order 按顺序排列按顺序排列 in order of 按按的顺序排列的顺序排列 in order to do sth. 为了做某事为了做某事3. at the top of at the bottom of 3.make sure of sth. that clause eg. I made sure of his arrival. Youd better make sure when and where the meeting will be held. 4.add to 把把 加入加入 add to 增加增

21、加 add up 加起来加起来 add up to 总计是总计是5.think 短语小结短语小结:think aboutthink overthink of asthink outthink highly/much ofthink lightly/little of考虑考虑仔细考虑仔细考虑把把看作看作想出来想出来, 想清楚想清楚看重看重轻视轻视_ and youll have a good idea.A. think it over B. think over itC. thinking of it D. if you think about it 6.leave1. 1. 他把衣服忘在操场上

22、了。他把衣服忘在操场上了。He left his clothes on the playground.2.Who left the door _(开开/关关)? Who left the lights _(亮着亮着)? open / closed on3. Leave the girl where she is.4. Just leave the engine _(run).running镜头再现镜头再现The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order . In order /in order /in the or

23、der of /out of order 1. 在图书馆,图书通常是按作者姓氏的在图书馆,图书通常是按作者姓氏的第一个字母顺序排列的。第一个字母顺序排列的。 In the library, books are usually put in the order of the first letter of the writers surname .2. 他桌子上的书摆放整齐有序。他桌子上的书摆放整齐有序。 The books on his desk are in order (orderly).将下列句子翻译成英语将下列句子翻译成英语3. 请按照正确的顺序将下列单词排列。请按照正确的顺序将下列单

24、词排列。 Please put the following words in the correct order .4. 我们这次是按照年龄顺序而不是按照我们这次是按照年龄顺序而不是按照身高站队。身高站队。 This time we stood in line in the order of age instead of in the order of height .镜头再现镜头再现Half-fill a test tube with water . fill with = be full of将下列句子翻译成英语将下列句子翻译成英语1. 请将这个瓶子装满水。请将这个瓶子装满水。 Pleas

25、e fill the bottle with water .2. 听到母亲的话听到母亲的话,他顿时充满了自信。他顿时充满了自信。 Hearing mothers words , he was filled with confidence immediately.3. 他满脑子都是知识他满脑子都是知识, 但他不是一个书但他不是一个书呆子。呆子。 His brain is filled with knowledge but he is not a bookworm .4. 看到这个恐怖电影看到这个恐怖电影,这个女孩心中充满这个女孩心中充满了恐惧。了恐惧。 Seeing such a frighte

26、ning film, the girl was filled with horror.镜头再现镜头再现Add some oil to the water . addto/add to /addup/add up to 1. 毫无疑问这是火上浇油。毫无疑问这是火上浇油。 There is no doubt that it is like adding oil to the fire .2. 这些新建的公园增添了这个城市的美丽。这些新建的公园增添了这个城市的美丽。 These newly-built gardens add to the beauty of the city .3. 1到到100

27、加起来总计是加起来总计是5050。 1,2,3.and 100 adds up to 5050.4. 把这些数字加起来然后告诉我结果。把这些数字加起来然后告诉我结果。 Add all these numbers up and tell me the result .5. 8_5 is 13. A. add to B. added up to C. added up D. added to 镜头再现镜头再现This will keep air out of the water. keep out of /keep out /keepfrom / keep off /keep up with1.B

28、efore you go to bed youd better close the doors and windows to _ thieves _.2.The fire is dangerous so you should _ the child _ the fire.3.Please _ the grass.keepoutkeepoffkeep off1. I had to walk faster than before so that I could _ him.2. In winter we usually put on more clothes in order to _ the c

29、old _.3. I wonder what _ him _ attending the meeting yesterday.keep up with keepoutkeptfrom4. Youd better _ yourself _ their quarrel. It is none of your business.5. Close the door please so that we can _ the heat _ the room .keepout of keepout ofGrammar镜头再现镜头再现1. The earth is forty-nine times larger

30、 than the moon .2. The more books I read, the more information I learn.上面两个句子中重点强调的是比较级。上面两个句子中重点强调的是比较级。这一语法现象我们在初中已学过这一语法现象我们在初中已学过,现在现在我们对这一语法进行总结。我们对这一语法进行总结。三种比较句型的转换:三种比较句型的转换:1) A+be+four times +比较级比较级than +B2) A+be+four times+as+adj/adv+as +B3) A+be+four times +the +N of BThe well is four ti

31、mes deeper than that one.= The well is four times as deep as that one.=The well is four times the depth of that one.哪一些词可以来修饰比较级?哪一些词可以来修饰比较级?1) much/rather/a bit/a little/a lot/a great deal/any/2) 倍数、分数、百分数、小数倍数、分数、百分数、小数3) 一些名词一些名词The weather in winter in Beijing is much colder than that in Shangh

32、ai.This book is 50% percent more expensive than that one.John is a head taller than I.一个固定句型一个固定句型: the +比较级比较级, the +比较级比较级1. The more often you stay with him, the better you will find he is.2. The faster we walk, the more likely we will be to catch the bus.3. The more, the better.4. The sooner, the better.1. That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul. Ive seen _. What did you like most about the film ? A. better B. worse C. best D. worst Choose the best2. The number of people present at the concert was _than expected. There were


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