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1、三峡人家 导游 词篇一:宜昌三峡 导 游词 3 篇宜昌三峡 导游词 3 篇三峡人家 风景区,是国家 AAAAA 级旅游景区,湖北省宜昌市夷陵区西陵峡内,位于 长 江 三峡中最为秀美壮 丽的西陵峡境内,三峡大 坝和葛洲 坝之间,下面是宜昌三峡 导游词,欢 迎大家 阅读 。篇一:宜昌三峡 导 游词女士 们,先生 们:长江三峡旅游,可以从重 庆顺流而下,快 镜头地观赏 三峡奇特 风光,也可以从上海、南京 或武 汉逆流而上,慢 节奏地 饱览长 江沿途美景。然而,从 长江三峡 门户 宜昌出 发,畅游神 奇美 丽的长江三峡,是 长江三峡旅游最佳起始点。长江三峡 东起湖北宜昌南津关,西至重 庆市奉节县 白帝

2、城,由西陵峡、巫峡、瞿塘峡 组成,全长 193公里。它是 长 江 风光的精 华,神州山水中的瑰宝,古往今来, 闪耀着迷人的光彩, 无数中外游客为之倾倒。朋友, 让我 们开始神奇壮 丽的三峡之旅吧。南津关 这就是南津关, 长江三峡的起始点, 长江上游的分界 线。这 里有著名的西陵峡口 风景区,是国家 级风景名 胜区,省 级旅游渡假区。主要景点有 嫘祖庙、桃花村、白 马洞、三游洞、 下牢溪、龙泉洞、仙人溪和五洲休 闲乐 园等景点。穿 过南津关后,江面由 2000 多米骤然 左右 变窄到 300 米,展 现在你眼前的便是色彩斑 斓、气象万千的壮 丽画卷。西陵峡风光绮丽的西陵峡,西起秭 归县香溪河口,

3、 东至宜昌市南津关,全 长 76 公里,是 长江三 峡中最 长的峡谷。因位于 楚之西塞 和夷陵 (宜昌古称 )的西 边,故得名。西陵峡以 险出 名,以 奇著称,奇、 险化为西陵峡的壮美。西陵峡中有三 滩(泄滩、青 滩、崆岭 滩)、四 峡(灯影峡、黄牛峡、牛肝 马肺峡和兵 书宝剑峡),峡中有峡, 滩中有滩,大 滩含小滩,滩 多水急,自古三峡船夫世世代代在此与 险滩激流相搏。 西陵峡中行 节稠,滩滩 都是鬼 见 愁。随着葛洲 坝工程的建成蓄水,回水白里,水位上升, 险滩 礁石永睡于江底,加上解 放后的航道整治,西陵峡中 滩多水急的奇 观、船夫搏流的壮景不复 见了。今天我 们 沿途可 欣赏博大恢弘的

4、三峡工程及西陵峡两岸的美妙景色。灯影峡过南津关西行 约 10 公里,就到了灯影峡。灯影峡又名明月峡,峡 虽不长,但景致不凡, 可谓无峰非峭壁,有水尽 飞泉。峡壁明 净可人, 纯无杂色,如天工 细心打磨而出。当 这明净 的峡壁被明 净的天空映 衬着时,酷似一幅水墨国画,崖壁映入江水中,静影澄碧;江水瑟瑟,更添明 丽之趣。若晚 间过此,月 悬西山,月光之下的山光水色形成的那种 净界, 难以言喻,所谓明月峡 ,由此得名。灯影峡得以以形取景,船左方 (南岸)的马牙山上有 四块奇石,酷似西游 记唐僧师徒四人西天取 经高兴归来的生 动形象:手搭凉蓬、前行 探路的 孙悟空 ;捧着肚皮、一步三晃的猪八戒 ;肩

5、落重担、 紧步相随的沙和尚 ;安然座 骑,合 掌缓 行的唐僧。形象逼真、惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,妙不可言。每当夕霞晚照,从峡中 远望 极似皮影 戏(当地人叫灯影 戏 ),故名灯影峡。黄牛峡 乘船继续西上约 10 公里,翘首南望,便可于彩云 间见一排陡峭的石壁, 绝壁下九条蜿蜒 下垂的 绿色山脊,宛如九 龙奔江,气 势十分雄 伟壮观。那横空出世的石壁便是黄牛岩,岩 下河谷便是黄牛峡。黄牛峡中乱市星 罗棋布,犬牙交 错。其 间,河道似九曲回 肠,泡漩如沸水翻 滚,水急礁 险, 号称黄牛 滩。古歌 谣发出了: 朝发黄牛,暮宿黄牛,三朝三暮行太 迟。三朝有又三暮, 不觉鬓 成丝。这反映了以往木船上水的 艰

6、难,因为这段江流,不但水急,暗礁也多,木 船上水,十分吃力,又要 时刻小心,所以行 驶缓 慢。感慨黄牛一名由来, 贯穿着夏禹开江治水的神 话故事。相 传 玉帝降生夏禹到人世来治理洪 水,同 时又派遣天神下界来 协助他。当他率民开 凿到 现 在的黄牛峡,天神化 为 神牛前来 协 助。一日,天刚麻亮,有一民 妇送茶 饭给治水的民夫。她来到江 边,猛然看到一 头巨大、 雄壮的黄牛,身 绕霞光, 扬蹄腾越,愤怒地以角触山, 顿时天崩地裂,响声如雷 鸣。民女 吓的瞠目 结舌,大声呼喊起来。喊声惊 动 了神牛,便一下跳下山岩。从此把影像留在石壁 间。传说诸葛亮撰写的黄陵 庙记也有这样的记述:熟视于大江重复

7、石壁 间,有影象 现 焉,鬓发须眉,冠堂宛然如彩画者。前 竖旗旌,右 驻以黄犊;前面还有块岩石呈黑色,吉人 牵牛壮。 策牛者何人, 尔行何日也 ?这是人 们对 征服大自然的美 丽想象,黄牛象征人民改 造河山的 伟大创造力。黄牛助禹开江有功,古人便在山下修了黄牛庙来四 时祭祀;今日,在这里投资 3.9 亿元的国债支持项目黄牛岩生 态旅游区正在抓 紧建设。仙人 桥船继续 西行不久,在江北可 见一跨径 15 米,宽仅 1 米有余的天然石 桥,这 就是仙人 桥。 这里是欣 赏西陵秀色的最佳点,站在仙人 桥上俯 视,上下百里的西陵峡里大半尽收眼底, 但见,云卷细浪,雾散轻烟,千轮万舟,形如柳叶,使人仿佛

8、置身天上。 传说有一樵夫 为 仙女所 爱,但仙凡路隔, 难结连 理,仙女乃抛下裙 带化为仙人桥,引渡樵夫登台而上。宋 代诗人田 钧有诗云: 仙人 桥上白云封,仙人 桥下水汹汹,行舟 过此停桡问 ,不见仙人空碧峰 !中堡 岛-三峡大 坝坝 址船过西陵长江大 桥,就到了三峡大 坝坝 址。这里原来是个 长方形的小 岛,成为中堡 岛,是 周恩来 总理亲自选定的大 坝坝址。中堡 岛是个神奇的 岛,历史上不 论发 生多大的洪水,都 淹不了 这个小 岛。1870 年的特大洪水淹了位置比中堡 岛高的多的黄陵 庙,却没能淹没中 堡岛,这中水涨岛 高的奥秘,至今 还没有令人信服的科学解 释。牛肝 马肺峡出崆岭峡,

9、行不多 时,便 进入了牛肝 马肺峡。全 长 4.5 公里。在九畹溪入 长江处,对岸(北 岸)悬崖峭壁上,有几片重叠下垂黄褐色的岩石,形如牛肝,在它旁边还有一 块 肺状岩石,叫做马肺,因而 这段峡谷就叫牛肝 马肺峡。其 实 都是地下水中的碳酸 钙沉淀而 形成的 钟 乳石。大家看,牛肝石 还保持原 样,而马肺下半部残缺不全, 这是清光 绪 26 年侵入西陵峡的英 帝国主 义军舰 炮轰 两岸岩石,打掉了 马肺的下半部,同 时也留下了帝国主 义侵略我国大好 河山的罪行。郭沫若 诗留下:兵 书宝剑存形似, 马肺牛肝 说寇狂的 诗谴责这 个罪行。崆岭峡 船驶过 三峡大 坝后,再西行 约 10 公里,便 驶

10、入了一个 险峻的峡谷之中, 这就是三峡中著 名的崆岭峡。崆岭峡峭壁 耸 立,如斧削刀劈一般。此峡又称空冷峡,全 长约 2.5 公里。据 舆经纪胜 描述,它: 绝崖壁立,湍流迅急,挽舟甚 难, 务空其 (船),然后得 过。两岸 绝壁之 间,夹一天下 闻名的 险滩-崆岭 滩。这里水流湍急,大小礁石密布水中。因而有所 谓:青 滩泄滩不算 滩,崆岭才是鬼 门关的民 谣流传千年。峡中原有一 块突出水面的礁石, 上刻三个打字 对我来 。航船经过这 里,必 须直冲着 这块礁石 驶去,便可借着流水的回冲 力,安全地擦石而 过 ;如果想要 躲开它,反而会被它撞沉。 1900 年,有一艘外国 轮船开 进 峡江,船

11、 长不知其中奥妙,又不听峡江水手告 诫,结果被礁石撞沉。解放后, 经过 多次航 道整治,炸掉了 这块礁石。葛洲 坝建成后,水位抬高, 险滩 也不复存在。航船到 这里安然 无虞,只是少了一 处够 刺激的景 观。兵书宝剑峡 船过新滩,便到了兵 书宝剑峡。在峡谷北岸陡崖石 缝中,看去好似放着一个象 书卷的 东西, 传说 是诸葛亮的 兵书兵书石的下面突起一根上粗下尖, 竖直查向江中,酷似下面浮雕的 一柄宝 剑的石 头。经过 考古学家 实地考证,所 谓兵书乃是半山腰古代 悬棺葬的 遗物。宝 剑石是绝壁上突出的 岩块 ,是石灰岩沿着垂直 发育的 节理崩塌跨落而形成的。此段峡谷 还有两段 传说:其一 说诸葛

12、亮将他一生的用兵 经验 写了一本 书,有一次他得了重 病, 环顾周围的人都不配授予,又怕后人生吞活剥,照本指 挥作战,死守老本,便 选了险 要之地把 这部书放在难于攀登的峭壁上, 让后世有才智的人去取。另一 说是秦末 张良的兵 书。香溪名人故里 船行出西陵峡不久就到了香溪 宽谷。在 这绿水悠悠的香溪之 滨,历史上曾出 现过两位著名 人物:一位是 伟大爱国诗人屈原,一位是 汉代的王昭君。 传说 有一天,昭君在溪 边洗脸,无意中把 颈上 项链 的珍珠散落溪中,从此溪水清澈,水中含香,故名香溪。香溪河似一条 流香溢美的彩 带,她架起了通向充 满神奇的神 农架原始森林的 桥梁。三峡工程蓄水后,游 船可

13、从 长 江直到昭君村,中途也可达到屈原故里 -乐 平里。篇二:宜昌三峡 导 游词在三峡明珠宜昌市,璀璨的江城坐落在悠悠 长 江以北,一江之隔的江南, 则是城区的制高 点磨基山。每天从清晨一直到黄昏之 际,前来登山的人 络绎 不绝。我们身处上班一族,只 能在每一个周末到江南登山 远眺,舒展情 怀。?星期六的下午,是一个秋高气爽 风和日 丽的好天气。深秋的阳光, 给人暖融融的感 觉。 我和妻子从 镇江阁附近的住 处出发。一路疾走。用了不到一个小 时,就已 经上了美 丽的夷 陵长江大 桥了。站在 桥上,看秋日的 长江水,碧 绿清澈,好想掬一捧 尝一下!清澈的江水 中,几位 爱好冬泳的男女在展臂遨游

14、长江。细细 再看我再熟悉不 过的家 乡在宜昌城,一天 一个模 样。29 层的均瑶城市广 场在一片片楼 层密林中独 领风骚 。气 势恢弘。再看大 桥前 方的磨基山,在清澈的 苍穹下,显得是那么郁郁葱葱,那么俊俏秀美 !像是在招手 让我们 快去攀爬。于是我 们一鼓作气,又快步走 过大桥。然后,开始向山 顶 冲刺。?我们一边爬山一 边领略山上的 风景。只 见沿上山的石 阶两旁,密密的橘子 树被厚厚的金 橘压弯了腰。 蓝天白云之下,碧水青山之 间,金灿灿的蜜橘,就像是孩子 顽皮的笑 靥,在 树枝中闪动着身影。 拨开树丛,我们缓慢地穿行在橘子 树下,想起了著名的古代 诗人屈原 的橘 颂,更是一番感触涌上

15、心 头。伟大的爱国诗人屈原把高 贵的人生品 质比喻为 金橘 我想真是再 贴 切不 过了。此情此景, 让人真有一种久 违 的感 动。大自然篇二:宜昌三峡人家英文 导 游词压缩 版Three Gorges Tribe Scenic Spot(欢迎辞) Welcome speechGood morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Three Gorges Tribe scenic spot. I am your localguide and my English name is XX. Today I am very pleased to show you

16、around Three Gorges Tribescenic spot. If you have any questions or problems, please don me. I will try my best to help you and Ihope you will have a good time here.(游程安排) SchedulingIt will take us about 3 hours to visit the scenic spot. In the three hours, we will visit Dragon Stream andwatch 3 perf

17、ormances. One is about the palace music and dancing, another is a boatman performanceand the other is a crying wedding performance.t hesitat长 江第一湾明月湾) The first bay of the Yangtze RiverYangtze River turns 70 degrees here. There are hundreds of zigzag turns in the Yangtze River. But this one is calle

18、d“ the first bay of the Y.aIntgcthzaenRgievserthe direction ofthe rip current mostly.(灯影石) The Shadow-play StonesThe four stones we see now are called Shadow-play Stones. The most famous stone of them is that one. Its named asNO.1 Stone along the Yangtze River. It stands at the mountain peak of the

19、cliffs taking the form of mushroom. It weighs tomore than 100 tons while the bottom is only 200 square centimeters. Every square centimeter bears the weight of nearlyhalf ton on average, which rates as a wonder of the world. (石令牌) Stone tabletPlease look at the huge stone at the mountainside. The Sh

20、ipai Village where the scenic spot is located is named after it.The Stone Tablet is about 32 m high, 13 m wide, 4 m thick and 4300 tons in weight. In the Five Dynasties and the LaterZhou Dynasty, the Xiazhou Prefecture was once set up here. During the anti-Japanese war (1937-1945) , Shipai becamea v

21、ery important battlefield. In May 1943, 100,000 Japanese invaders began to attack Shipai. They attempted to gainShipai, and then obtained Chongqing City which was the temporary capital of China. Chinese arms and people resistedthe enemy in unity. Although circumstances were difficult, everybody was

22、so brave that the enemies were defeated. Onemonth later, the Chinese army annihilated 27,000 enemies and won this battle and the temporary capital Chongqingbecame safe. After this battle, Japanese invader had no power to invade the west part of China. More than 10,000Chinese army men sacrificed thei

23、r lives in the battle.( 巴王寨工 艺作坊 ) Profile of the Folk Arts and Crafts in the King Ba Village I. Paper-CutPaper-cut is a very distinctive visual art of Chinese handicrafts. It originated from the 6th century when women used topaste golden and silver foil cuttings onto theirhair at the temples, and m

24、en used them in sacred rituals. Later, they were used during festivals to decorate gates andwindows. After hundreds of years development, now they have become a very popular means of decoration amongcountry folk, especially women.The main cutting tools are simple: paper and scissors or an engraving

25、knife. When you look at items made in this methodcarefully, you will be amazed by the true to life expressions of the figures sentiment and appearance, or portrayal ofnatural plants and animals diverse gestures.II. Tujia Nationality Brocade Weaving (Brocade is called Xilankapu)Xilankapu is a traditi

26、onal handcraft of Tujia Nationality. On the weaving machines with narrow lathe, it is woven by hand,with blue, black, red, and white threads as the longitude, silk, cotton, and wool of many kinds of colors as the latitude. It isboorish and clear, with energetic structure, bright and beautiful color,

27、 and unique patterns, showing significant artisticeffects. It is the quintessence of the folk art of Tujia. The pattern of Xilankapu usually adopts the techniques ofsymbolizing and abstraction, straight-line modeling, symmetrical in succession.Most of the traditional kinds of patterns are taken from

28、 the life of Tujia. These patterns are unique in design, fantastic andlifelike in modeling, and honestly reflect the life, history, folkways and customs of Tujia people. They are also a reflectionof Tujia peoples affection for life. Xilankapu pays great attention to the contrast and foil in color to

29、 highlight theharmonious artistic effect colorful but not vulgar, clear, fresh and steady, and reflect Tujias national character bold,unconstrained and natural.III. Corn SweetCorn sweet is commonly called Daba er sweet in the Three Gorges area. Its main elementsare corn, wheat germ, gingeli, walnut,

30、 peanut, jujube and ginger. Corn sweet is a natural food with joyful flavor. It is sweetand tasty and beneficial to the health and it is a favorite food of the Three Gorges people.(巴王宫) King Ba palaceWe can see an ancient building in the mountain. That is the King Ba palace. Long time ago the Ba Nat

31、ionality tribes livedhere. The ancient Ba Nationality was one of the minorities in the southwest China. It died out in the Three Gorges areatwo thousand years ago. The construction of the Ba tribes is blockhouse or fortress. The King Ba Palace is rebuilt at theriverside of Xiling Gorge and modeled o

32、n the architecture of the ancient Ba tribes. The Ba people worshiped at tigers andso we can also call it Tiger Castle. The King Ba Palace was the residence of the last king of the Ba tribes and hisnationality after they retreated in the Three Gorges area and it was also a military fort to stand agai

33、nst enemies. SomeTujia Nationality people that are the descendants of the ancient Ba Nationality are still living here and later we will heartheir songs and participate in their wedding performance.(蛤蟆泉) Toad springThis is the Toad Spring. The spring runs day and night and provides the best water fo

34、r tea making. Lu Yu, who was afamous scholar in the Tang dynasty, drunk the water from the spring and called it “ the forth spring in the world” . Before the construction of GezhoubaDam and Three Gorges Dam, there was a stone like a toad by the spring. The Toad Spring is named after the stone.Althou

35、gh the toad is underwater, the spring still exists.(往 龙进 溪的路上) On the way to Dragon StreamWe will walk by the riverside about 10 minutes to the Dragon Stream. The statues we see along the walkway by theriverside are totems of the ancient Ba Nationality in the Three Gorges area. We are now in the Sha

36、dow-play Gorge whichis a part of the Xiling Gorge. The elegant Xiling Gorge is the longest in the three gorges with a total length of 76 km. Thegreatgorge is known for the dangerous and spectacular landscape. In Xiling Gorge, there used to be many reefs and gorges.Series of gorges and reefs made wat

37、er flow speedy and complex here. Xiling gorge was famous for a lot of rapids anddangerous shoals. After we built Gezhouba dam and Three Gorges dam, the water level rose up and the reefs and shoalswere underwater.The three Gorges include: the Qutang Gorge which features magnificence, the Wu Gorge whi

38、ch features serenity andbeauty, and the Xiling Gorge which features numerous shoals and rapids.长江三峡The mysterious and splendid Yangtze Three Gorges are the exclusive ones that can provide tourists a whole long gorgetour in the world.The Yangtze Three Gorges start from Nanjin Guan of Yichang in the e

39、ast, and end to Baidi Castle of Fengjie County,Chongqing in the west. Its whole length about 192 kilometers consists of the Xiling Gorge, Wu Gorge and Qutang Gorge.It s the best scenic part of theYangtze River, as well as the best in China s landscape. Of all ages, its shining beauties keepattractin

40、g the eyesight from every corner of the world. The Xilang Gorge starts from the bayou of Xiangxi River in ZiguiCounty, Yichang, Hubei Province in the west and ends to Nanjin Guan of Yichang. Its total length of 66 kilometers ranksthe longest in the three gorges.After the construction of the Three Go

41、rges Project dam, more sightseeing platforms and scenic spots have been builtaround the dam. In this area, there are rich tourism resources and series of scenic spots that have been built. The ThreeGorges are just like a large museum of Chinese history.( 船工号子表演 ) We are now watching a boatman perfor

42、mance. In the past, there were many reefs and shoals in thegorges and boat sailing was very dangerous. Sailing down the wind, the boat can move easily and arrive at the destination quickly and the idiom“ plainsailing ” comes into being. Sailing against the stream, the sail will be lowered down and t

43、he boat will be hauled forwardby boat trackers with towlines. A punter will propel the boat in it. Boat tracking was a bright view in theThree Gorges area. But now, the tracking age has gone and it is difficult to see boat tracking in the Three Gorges area.(龙进 溪) Dragon StreamThe stream in front of

44、us is Dragon Stream. Standing on the bridge and looking at the mountainside on the other bankopposite the mouth of Dragon Stream, we can see a dark blue rock that stands out from the mountain. It zigzagsdownwards from the mountain to the Yangtze River. When it reaches the river, its head suddenly ri

45、ses, just like a giantdancing dragon flying into the stream. So the stream is named after the rock and the bridgethat we are now on is called Dragon Stream Bridge. ( 喊高腔 ) Now the song we are hearing is a folk song in themountain area. It was very difficult for people to communicate with each other

46、in the past. Singing was a special way ofcommunication. The songs are always about love, everyday life and labouring. (ladies and gentlemen, watch your stepplease. )(乌篷船) Please look at the fishermen over there. In the past days, people lived in the small fishing boats with darktarpaulin covers. Fis

47、hing boats were their important living facility and residence in the river. A fishing boat consists of twocabins. The lower cabin is a sleeping room and the upper one at the end of the boat is an operation room. Everydaypeople fought against wind and wave in the fishing boats. They witnessed the cha

48、nges of the life of the people in theThree Gorges area.(扳罾) Now, on the other side of the bank, we can see a fishing boat in the stream.A thick rod supports a big fishing net. The net is opening. The fisherman uses this big net tocatch fish. In Chinese it is called“ BanZeng ” . It is difficult to ca

49、st so big a net that fishermenuse a fishing rod to cast and collect the net easily.(水车 ) The waterwhee ls don t have any practice uses but they are a bright view in the scenic spot. The waterwheelis an ancient device that uses flowing or falling water to create power by means of a set of paddles mou

50、nted around awheel. The force of the water moves the paddles, and the consequent rotation of the wheel is transmitted to machineryvia the shaft of the wheel. In the past, they were used for crop irrigation, grinding grains, supply drinking water to villagesand later to drive sawmills, pumps, and so

51、on.(吊脚楼) Please look at houses over there. This kind of house is called suspended house and it is a common buildingin Tujia nationality area. The houses are built around mountains. It has two storeys. The first floor is for feeding domesticanimals and storing foodstuff. The second floor is for livin

52、g and cooking. Suspending over the ground, the house is goodfor protecting against attack from beasts and snakes. (洗衣少女) Below the suspended houses, two girls are washingclothes by mallets on slab stones. They always sing songs when washing clothes.(猴山) Now please look up at the mountainside before

53、us. This is the Monkey Hill and it is a good place for monkeys tolive in. There are more than 200 wild monkeys in the scenic spot. We may have a look at the notice board here.(鹊桥) The bridge we are now on is called the Lover Bridge. It is a good place for lovers to meet in. If your lover is withyou

54、right now, please go across the bridge hand in hand with him or her together.(黄 龙瀑) The Huanglong WaterfallOutflowing from a cavern and spreading like a sector, the Huanglong Waterfall howls and pours into a deep pond. It isalso called a Waterfall of Man.(哭嫁) Crying wedding performanceWe can see a c

55、rying wedding performance right now.It is a custom of Tujia nationality.A Tujia girl will cry when she getsmarried because she is very sad and unwilling to leave her parents.The host today will declare that there is a beautiful girlan she is going to throw a bouquet to us .If one of us is so lucky t

56、hat he can catch it or is hit by it.He will be the son-inlawof Three Gorges Tribe Scenic Sport.And then he will change to wear the local traditional costume.(Several of us will be chosen to carry the bridal sedan chair and send the bride to the bridal chamber.)Now a traditional Chinese wedding is ex

57、pected to be on.The host that is coming to us is the matchmaker of todays wedding performance and he is disguised in wonans clothes.The beautiful girl on the second floor is looking at us and she will select her husband from us. Now this gentleman is solucky that he has become the sonin-law of the T

58、hree Gorges Tribe Scenic Spot.He will go up to the room to fetch his bride.The bride and groom are coming down to us. Now please follow me and lets transfer to another show room and see thenext scene of the wedding performance.The bride and groom will perform formal bows in the old custom in China.F

59、irst,bow to heaven and earth; Second,bow to parents;Third and the last,the bride and groom exchange bows. Thegroom is taking off the veil of the bride. Is the bride beautiful? Is the groom handsome? Now the bride will teach the groomto sing a love song to us. The bride and groom are drinking a wedlo

60、ck wine. And then they will share the wine with theirrelatives and friends that are present here. Now please send the bride and groom to their bridal chamber and let themhave a happy time. The wedding performance is ending and a banquet is waiting for our presence on the ship (送 另 U 辞)Ladies and Gen


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