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1、Words and phrases Discount At a discount Coincide with Quote quote sb a price for sth. commission Delivery date under separate cover (或by separate mail/post)另行邮寄 Place an order with sb both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price Be desirous of sth Assure sb of sth. that从句 be (or: rest) as

2、sure of sth. be (or: rest) assure that 从句Words and phrases Digital Cameras Cosmetics Portable computers Parts and components of Automobiles 数码相机 化妆品 手提电脑 汽车零部件Unit 4 Quotations, Sales Letters, Firm Offers & Counter Offer Introduction. 1、报价(quotation)是指按照规定的条款提供货物的一种承诺。但若卖方后来决定不出售,它则不像实盘那样具有法律约束力

3、,即它可以撤销。 报价可以有不同的方式,比如,可以给买方开个价供其参考;也可以给买方报虚盘,作为交易磋商的邀请;还可以报实盘,作为签订合约的意见。 卖方为了争取灵活主动,在报价时往往报虚盘。虚盘有如下表达方法: This offer is subject to our final confirmation. 该报盘以我方最后确认为准。 This offer is subject to the goods being unsold. 该报盘以货物未出售为准。 Introduction2、报盘(offer),也叫发盘,是卖方按照一定的交易条件在约定的期限内向买方出售某种商品的一种承诺。报盘一经对方

4、接受,就具有法律效力,卖方不得随意撤回。 买方可以直接接受、拒绝或还盘。如买主认为报盘中任何条件无法接受,可还盘就价格、包装、数量或交货日期提出异议,并提出己方条件。卖方对此还盘可进行再次还盘。实盘和虚盘: 实盘(firm offer): 1) 发盘的内容和词句必须肯定,不能用“大约(about)”“参考价(reference price)”等摸棱两可的词。 2) 发盘的内容明确完整,其内容应包括商品品质(Quality),数量(Quantity),包装(Packing),价格(Price),装运(Shipment),支付(Payment),有效期(Validity )等。 3) 发盘中不能有

5、保留条件如:以我方最后确认为准 subject to our final confirmation 以货物的未售出为准 subject to goods being unsold 4) 有效期 1、this offer is firm (or: valid, open, good) for days。 该报盘有效期为天 2、this offer is subject to your reply reaching us by (before) 11:00 am Beijing time, Friday, August 10. 3、We make you an offer as follows,

6、provided your reply (acceptance) reaches us within 10 days. 实盘和虚盘: 虚盘( non-firm offer) 是发盘人所作的不肯定交易的表示.凡不符合实盘所具备的上述三个条件的发盘,都是虚盘.虚盘无须详细的内容和具体条件,也不注明有效期.它仅表示交易的意向,不具有法律效力。Samples for Non-firm Offer : Without engagement. 不负任何责任. subject to prior sale 有权先售 Our offer is subject to approval of export lice

7、nse. 出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效 。 Our offers are subject to market fluctuation 此发盘价可按市价增减 Introduction3、还盘(counter-offer) 交易的一方在收到一项发盘后,不能完全同意对方的交易条件,提出不同的建议,这种口头或书面的表示成为还盘或还价。Letter-writing Guide完整的报价和发盘应包括以下内容:(1)对询盘表示感谢;(2)商品名称、质量、数量、包装及规格;(3)详细说明价格及价格所包含的内容;(4)说明付款条款;(5)装运期;(6)报价的有效期(如是实盘);(7)结尾表示希望该报价对方

8、能接受 I quotation Letter 1 (P60-61) Anticipate vs. Expect: 盼望、期望 1、anticipate doing sth. anticipate that从句 Eg. We anticipate receiving your early reply. 2、expect to do sth. expect that从句 Eg. We expect the shipment to arrive in a few days. 2、A sharp rise in price 价格急剧上升 a decline in prices: 物价下跌 3、The

9、captioned goods 标题项下的货物 4、Growing demand 增长的需求 A large (great, good) demand 大的需求 Latent (potential) demand 潜在的需求 Overfull demand 过多的需求 Eg 获悉你地市场对婴儿玩具有较大需求,借此机会现寄上1234号报价单供参考。 We have learnt that there is a good demand for baby toys in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our quotation

10、 sheet no.1234 for your reference. 5、On the high (low) side (价格)偏高(低) eg We regret to say that we cannot accept your offer, as your price is found to be on the high side. 6、provided conj.假若;倘使;假如 翻译:如果4月15日前收到贵方的订单,我们将给予贵方5%的货价折扣。 Provided we receive your order by 15 April, we would allow 5% discoun

11、t on the prices of goods.I quotation Letter 2 (P63-64)1、offer: n. 报盘名词offer的基本用法是make (send, give) sb. an offer for sth.We are pleased to make you an offer for infrared equipment as follows.很荣幸向你们就红外线设备报盘如下。翻译:请向我们报外科用品(surgical products)。Please make us an offer for surgical products.I quotation Let

12、ter 2 (P63-64)offer: v. 报盘动词的offer基本用法是to offer sb a pricefor sth 或 to offer sb sth。 Now we are offering you 50 metric tons of premixed concrete. 我们现在向你们报50公吨预拌混凝土。你来翻译: 能否向我们报服饰配件(garment accessories)价格? Can you offer us your prices for garment accessories?I quotation Letter 3(P64-66)1、Price: Ex-wo

13、rk U.S.A. in US Currency CIF Guangzhou. 在美国工厂交货,支付货币为美元,广州到岸价。解析:报盘中的价格必须有四个要素:货币、单价、计价单位和贸易术语。用at连接价格: We are glad to offer you 5000 yards of printed shirting at US$5 per yard CIF San Francisco. 我们很高兴向你们报5000码印花细布,每码5美元,CIF旧金山。你来翻译:现报2200箱鱼罐头(cartons of canned Fish),每箱50美元,FOB青岛价。 We are now offeri

14、ng you 2200 cartons of canned fish at US$50 per carton FOB Qingdao.I quotation Letter 3 (P64-66)2、effect: vt. 办理,进行,完成,实现to effect payment/shipment/insurance办理支付/装运/保险 effect: n. 效果;影响 take effect from (or:on) come (or: go) into effect from (or:on) 自(或在)时开始生效I quotation Letter 3 (P64-66)3、be subject

15、 to: 以为准/为条件,受制约注意to是介词,后接名词或名词性短语This offer is subject to our final confirmation.本报盘以我发最后确认为准。你来翻译:本报盘以你方一周之内复到有效。This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us within one week.II Offers Letter 1 (P72-73)1、as per 按照 根据指示,我们已要求工厂改进该产品的包装。As per instruction, we have asked the factory to improve

16、 the packing of the products. 根据你的要求,我随附我们最畅销货物的信息。 As per your request, I attach information about a number of our quick selling goods.II Offers Letter 1 (P72-73)as per ones request=at ones request=comply with ones request ¡°根据某人要求¡± eg. At your request, we are going to modify t

17、he color of the sample. 根据你们要求,我们将更改样品的颜色。 as requested: 根据要求Eg. We regret we can not bring down the prices as requested.很遗憾不能满足你们的降价要求。II Offers2、net price 净价 current price 现价; market price 市价; buying price 买价; selling price 卖价; retail price 零售价; wholesale price 批发价 net price without commission 不含佣

18、净价Eg All quotations are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise satated or agreed upon, all prices are net without commission. 所有报价须经我方最后确认,除非另有规定或达成一致意见所有价格都不含佣金。3. in reply: 答复,常作状语We have noted your request for advanced shipment. In reply, we regret to tell you that all the ships have

19、 been booked up.你方要求提前装运,此事我们已经知晓。现答复,遗憾告知所有船只均已订满。函电中常用in reply to sth:In reply to your email of yesterday, I am pleased to offer the following goods.兹复你昨日电子邮件,我很高兴向你报以下货物。你来翻译:现答复你关于我们服务的提问,建议你阅读一下我们的手册。In reply to your question about our service, we suggest that your read our brochure.II Offers L

20、etter 2 (P74-75)1、on the basis of 在基础上也可以说on basis,视中间词语的长短而定eg 1. This price is calculated on FOB basis.该价格是按FOB计算的。eg 2. We trade with people in all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们在平等互利的基础上和各国人民进行交易。你来翻译:价格主要是根据供求状况确定的。Price is determined mainly on the basis of supply and demand.II Offers2、in view of 鉴于,考虑到Eg. In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy commitment, your early order is absolutely essential. 鉴于我方库存极少,而且大量承约,你方早日发出订单十分必要。II Offers鉴于以上所述,我们强烈


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