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1、2014年春季郑州大学远程教育英语2网上考试答案窗体顶端窗体底端一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、contract (1分)a、合同b、联系c、图解d、内容2、review(1分)a、观察b、复习c、提议d、反应3、inevitable  (1分)a、必要的b、巨大的c、不可避免的d、有责任的4、in the long run     (1分)a、实际上b、最终c、在路上 d、长跑5、pay off(1分)a、抑制b、寻找c、成功d、付清6、和平的 (1分)a、particularb、peacefulc、negatived、p

2、ersonal7、有力的 (1分)a、festivalb、precisec、powerfuld、complex8、不同的(1分)a、legalb、variousc、curiousd、absent9、追捕到 (1分)a、track downb、work outc、run awayd、go down10、尽管 (1分)a、in spite ofb、in form ofc、in memory ofd、for the good of11、the manager gets h

3、imself into a dangerous situation _ he has no control.(1分)a、over thatb、forc、sinced、over which12、he didnt know french, _ made it difficult for him to study at a university in france.(1分)a、thatb、itc、thisd、which13、these trees cannot be grown in such a cold _ as ours.(1分)a、weatherb、seasonc、spa

4、ced、climate14、i should have insisted on _ a thorough rest before you left for new york.(1分)a、you to takeb、your takingc、that you taked、yours taking15、henry looked very much _ when he was caught cheating in the exam.(1分)a、excitedb、embarrassedc、disappointedd、conceited16、so

5、 little _ about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.(1分)a、i knewb、did i knowc、i have knownd、have i known17、the child didnt let go of her mothers hand and was _ to leave her mother.(1分)a、willingb、reluctantc、inclinedd、declined18、the chinese spring festi

6、val falls on the first day of the first _ month.(1分)a、globalb、roundc、solard、lunar19、_ you take a taxi, youll still miss the train.(1分)a、but forb、except forc、even ifd、if only20、if the design is wrong, the project is bound to fail, _ good all the other ideas might be.(1分)a、whatever

7、b、howeverc、whatsoeverd、even21、the ancient egyptians believed all illnesses were related to _ was eaten.(1分)a、whichb、itc、whatd、that22、_ us light and heat, the sun is shining bright in the sky.(1分)a、to giveb、givec、givend、giving23、in ancient times, people creaed many different ways to _ time.(1分)a

8、、controlb、cherishc、measured、master24、if you have mosquito problems, remember that they reproduce in water. be sure to _ these spots in and around your home. (1分)a、releaseb、occupyc、eliminated、decrease25、i gave her a _ on the back and told her she had done fine work.(1分)a、beatb、touchc、moved、pat26、he w

9、as _ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分)a、rewardedb、forwardedc、awardedd、towards27、they _ a general understanding of the present situation.(1分)a、lack ofb、are lacking ofc、lackd、are in lack28、it is common sense _ a left-handed mans right brain is more developed.(1分)a、

10、whichb、thatc、whyd、how29、without the computer, we _ the tremendous medical advancements in the last few decades.(1分)a、would not makeb、will not have madec、could not maked、could not have made30、love is when your lover _ into your eyes and it warms your

11、heart.(1分)a、glaresb、gazesc、staresd、watches31、peter to the match, but he went.(1分)a、didnt need gob、neednt to goc、neednt have goned、didnt need to have gone32、if you had told me about your problem, i _ able to help you then.(1分)a、could beb、had 

12、;beenc、would bed、might have been33、when _ this machine, you must read the instructions first.(1分)a、useb、usingc、to used、having used34、mr.johnson preferred _ heavier work to do.(1分)a、to be givingb、to be givenc、to have givend、having given35、no

13、t until the sun set _ at the mountain village.(1分)a、had he arrivedb、could he have arrivedc、did he arrived、might he have arrived36、we are happy to find that this italian restaurant is _ to the one we went to last week.(1分)a、superiorb、inferiorc、lesserd

14、、exceeding37、he was very busy yesterday; otherwise he _ to the meeting.(1分)a、had comeb、would comec、could comed、would have come38、it _ us years to find out that father loved us very much because he  never expressed it.(1分)a、spentb、experiencedc、tookd、valued39、we have lear

15、ned _ the rocks on the moon are 3,500 million years old.(1分)a、howb、whichc、whatd、that40、luckily, most sheep _ the flood last month(1分)a、enduredb、survivedc、livedd、passed41、那位老师和许多学生被邀请参加聚会。(3分)a、the teacher and a number of students was asked to attend&

16、#160;the party.b、the teacher and a number of students were asked to attending the party.c、the teacher as well as a number of students was asked to attend the party.d

17、、the teacher as well as a number of students were asked to attending the party.42、这间教室比我们昨天开会的那间教室大。(3分)a、this classroom is large than the one in which we had the meeting

18、 yesterday.b、this classroom is larger than the one which we had the meeting yesterday.c、this classroom is larger than the one in which we had the meeting yesterday.d、this

19、 classroom is large than the one which we had the meeting yesterday.43、考试作弊的学生要受到学校的处罚。(3分)a、students cheated in the exams will be punished by the school.b、students cheated in 

20、;the exams will be punishment by the school.c、students cheating in the exams will be punished by the school.d、students cheating in the exams will be punishment by the

21、0;school.44、i recalled the words to mind when i thought of all the things that my sister-in-law had no opportunity to do because of her unexpected death.(3分)a、当我想到嫂子因为去世得突然,很多事情还没有机会去做的时候,又把这些话记在了心里。b、当我想到小姑子因为去世得很快,很多事情还没有机会去做的时候,又回忆起了这段话。c、当我想到小姑子因为去世得很快,很多事情还没有来得及做的时候,又把这些话记在了心里。d、当我想到嫂子因为去世得突然,很

22、多事情还没有来得及做的时候,又回忆起了这段话。45、they send their workers to countries across the globe seeking to put an end to poverty housing and homelessness.(3分)a、公司把工人派往世界各地,旨在结束贫困人群住房和无家可归等问题。b、公司把员工派往世界各地,旨在消灭并根除贫困人群住房和无家可归等问题。c、公司把员工派往世界各地,旨在消灭并结束贫困、住房和无家可归等问题。d、公司把工人派往世界各地,旨在消灭并根除贫困、住房和无家可归等问题。二、阅读理解(3道小题,共30分)&#

23、160;   the family tv show happy days ran for 11 years from 1974 to 1984, creating several by-product series. in one episode (一集) , there was a new  character,  an  alien  from outer space. he was played by an unknown actor. people roared with laughter at his crazy antic

24、s (滑稽动作). no one had seen this type of comedy before, and they protested for more. the network administrators knew they had a new star on their hands: from that single performance, robin williams became the star of a brand-new comedy series, mork  and mindy. he played the character of an alien

25、who comes to the earth in a giant egg-shaped spacecraft. he is friendly, and observes and reports back to  his  planet.  he  sleeps standing on his head, thinks that all eggs are spacecraft, and sometimes wears his clothes backwards. his kind new friend, mindy, helps to take care

26、 of him. they  marry,  and have a child together. but mork gives birth, and the child is actually an old man who ages backward! in addition to his work as a comedian on this and other  projects,  robin williams is also an excellent dramatic actor. anyone who has seen his films wi

27、ll agree that he is a man who can make you laugh, cry, think, and feel.1. which title suits this passage best? a) the family tv show happy days. b) the life of robin williams. c) robin williams-an excellent comedy actor. d) the performance of robin williams.2. what made robin wil

28、liams become a new star according to the passage? a) his role in happy days. b) this new type of comedy. c) his handsomeness. d) both a and b.3. what does the word alien mean in the passage? a) a stranger from another city. b) a creature from another world. c) a fo

29、reigner from another country. d) a guest from a suburban area.4. which of the following is not true about the character of an alien robin williams played in mork and mindy? a) the alien comes to the earth in a giant egg-shaped spacecraft. b) the alien sleeps standing on his head. 

30、;c) the alien wears his clothes backwards. d) the alien comes to the earth accidentally.5. what can you learn from the passage? a) robin williams is a gifted actor. b) robin williams is a diligent (勤奋的) actor. c) robin williams and mindy married and had a child. d) robin wil

31、liams was famous during 1974-1984.    my mother, at age 75, is a very tough person. she looks like a tiny dainty (小巧玲珑的) doll, but shes made of steel. when she was ten, she witnessed japanese  soldiers killing her parents, leaving her the head of the household with a younger brot

32、her and sister. other family members took her brother and sister,  but  she  was  left  to  fend (保护) for herself. she became a soldier, rising to a high rank, then worked in the government for a number of years.    five years ago, mother took a tour of t

33、he united states, and was hit by a japanese-made car accidentally. every bone on the left side of her body was  broken.  her  brain swelled (肿胀) , and she went into a coma (昏迷) for eight months. no one expected her to survive. one day she woke up, and the first thing she said was,

34、0; nothing  made  in japan is going to kill me!    there are so many brave and wonderful people who have survived the hell of war, and its aftermath (后果) . but mother is my favorite person. she has sweetness, a sense of humor, and determination to lead a good and full life d

35、espite everything. i wonder how many of us could face the challenges and losses she has faced, and still  believe  that life is a wonderful gift.1. what happened to the authors grandparents when her mother was 10? a) died of illness. b) killed by japanese soldiers. c) divorc

36、ed each other. d) left their motherland.2. which of the following is not true of the authors mother? a) she brought up her younger brother and sister. b) she worked in the government for years. c) she ever served in the army. d) she began to fend for herself at the age of 10

37、.3. what happened to the authors mother when she traveled to the united states several years ago? a) she died in a car accident. b) she was badly hurt by a car. c) she survived a japanese murder. d) she was murdered by a japanese.4. in the authors mind, what kind of a woman is he

38、r mother? a) tough. b) optimistic. c) humorous. d) all of the above.5. whats the authors attitude toward her mother? a) critical. b) pessimistic. c) respectful. d) sarcastic.    girls dream of having the perfect wedding, but when i got engaged,

39、i have up any dream of the perfect day. my mother has to have her own way. shes a  very  nice  woman, but shes convinced that what she wants is exactly what you want, and you cannot tell her otherwise. since my parents were paying for the wedding, i kept my mouth shut,  and let h

40、er decide everything! i was not married in church, but in the same hall where my brother was married. it had recently been remodeled, and all the charming features, such as a large stone fireplace, were removed. she insisted that my cousin make my wedding dress. i wanted a simple long white dress wi

41、th long sleeves.  my  cousin  made  a  short dress without sleeves. my cousin also added a huge bow on the back of the dress that looked as if i sat in a wedding cake! my mother also insisted on making the cake, but she ran out of time to frost (给覆上糖霜) it, and a huge, plain

42、cake was served. i wanted a single rose for a bouquet (花束) ; my mother insisted  that  my  sister,  a  florist (花店店主) , make me a huge bouquet of lilies (百合花) , which i am allergic to! my mother referred to this as “my daughters dream wedding”. dream wedding?  more 

43、; like  a nightmare!1. why couldnt the author dream of having the perfect wedding? a) because she was very poor. b) because she didnt have enough time to prepare. c) because her mother organized everything. d) because her parents loved her sister and brother more.2. what was

44、 the author dissatisfied with? a) her wedding dress. b) her wedding place. c) her wedding cake. d) all of the above.3. why didnt the author protest against her mothers arrangements of her marriage? a) because her parents were paying for the wedding. b) because its a custom to follow her brothers wedding. c) because she was used to listening to her par


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