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1、Classroom English(1)Categories of Classroom English o 本课程主要对象为:本课程主要对象为:o 1.中、小学英语教师和部分大学英语教师;o 2.大、中、小学从事双语教学的教师;o 3.师范院校英语或其他专业(如对外汉语)在读学生;o 4.希望能尽快熟悉和适应纯英语教学环境的人士。o 两个观念:两个观念:o 1.外语教师应该尽量使用目标语进行日常教学活动;o 2.外语教师课堂教学用语的运用能力对学生学习目标语言的积极性和学习效果至关重要。1. Classroom Situationo (1) Class Procedureso (2) Teac

2、hing Materials & Aidso (3) Class Activitieso (4) Language Worko (5) Class Policy2. Classroom Functions(课堂功能)o (1) Class Organizationo Class Management: Hold your noise!/Be quiet!o Class Instruction: Lets give you an example!o Class Supervision: Surely not!/Go ahead!/Lets hurry!/Be careful!o (2)

3、Classroom Interactiono Affective Attitudes: Calm down!/How disappointing!/Have a go/try!/How exciting!o Classroom Communication: Do you think so?/Right we agree!/Is that right?/How do you see things like that?o Social Ritual: God bless!/Better luck next!/Have a nice weekend!(1)Class Procedureso At t

4、he beginning of Class: o routine greetings/introduction/absences/lateness/o readiness for classo In the course of Class: o progress in work/movement/control/sequence/disciplineo At the end of Class:o conclusion/homework/valediction(告别词)/dismissalHow are you feeling today?Is everybody here?Stand up!/

5、Come inside!/Face the front!/Hands up!/Dont move!Take one and pass them on!/One between two!/Work in twos/threes! Look/See here!/Look this way!/Dont talk!(2) Teaching Materials & Aidso Textbook: o book outaway/page finding/position on pageo Blackboard: o writing /chalk/BB practice/wiping the boa

6、rdo Tape Recorder: o listening practiceo Language Lab: o preparing work/programming work(节目编排)/concluding worko Visual Aids(直观教具) (Slides/Pictures/Films/OHP): preparing/projecting/commenting/positioning/questioningThe next to the last line!/Its at the top/bottom/left/right of the page!Look at the bo

7、ard!Here goes!/As you listen, fill in the missing words!Have you switched your microphone on?Get ready to record!(3) Class Activitieso Examination:o examination announcement/final touches/regulations/instructionso Exercises:o assigning/marking/checking/scoring/commenting/grammar o vocabulary/writing

8、 reading/speaking listeningo Games:o making preparations/assigning tasks/guessing games/calculatingo Songs: singing a song/enjoying a songo Other Activities: reading/writing/drawing/actingDont cram the night before the exam.Lets have a song for fun! Exercises:o Assigning: Try exercise 3!/Lets go thr

9、ough this exercise!o Marking: Put a mark by the right answer!/Put a cross in the right box!o Checking: Lets check the answers./Whats the answer to number 2?o Scoring: Mark your own (tests).给自己的打分!给自己的打分!o Commenting: Good!/Much better!o Grammar vocabulary: Put the verb into the correct tense!o Writi

10、ng reading: Make these sentences negative!o Speaking listening: Listen to the tape and complete the following statements!(4) Language Worko Vocabulary: vocabulary work/parts of speech(词类)o Structure: structure work/parts of the sentence(句子成分)o Pronunciation: practicing/correcting/general ruleso Spel

11、ling: spelling rules/checking/correctingo Translation: o using mother tongue/using English/translation worko Comprehension:o vocabulary understanding/text understandingo Analysis:o usage/sentence structure/logicorganization/punctuationEight parts:the preposition, the conjunction and the interjection(5) Class Policy(班级规章制度)o Class Routines: Ss conduct/general course requirementso Attendance Policy:o missed class policy/grading penalties on absences/o make-up work policyo Course Components(课程构成):o homewor


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