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1、Lets talk & Lets playUnit 5 My clothesPEP四年级下册四年级下册Fashion ShowLook at the picture.Who are they?What are they talking about?Watch and answerLets talkRead and answerWhat clothes are they talking about?Are these shoes Amys?A. Yes, they are.B. No, they arent.These shoes are Chen Jies.What colour ar

2、e Amys shoes?A. B. C. Is this hat Mikes?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.OK. Its four oclock. Its time to go home!Amy, are these yours?No, they arent. My shoes are green. Theyre Chen Jies. 你的你的Its time to do sth./ Its time for doing sth.该是做某事的时候了该是做某事的时候了What about this hat? Is this Johns?No, it isnt. I

3、ts Mikes. No, they arent. My shoes are green. Theyre Chen Jies. Read in role OK. Its four oclock. Its time to go home! Amy, are these yours? What about this hat? Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. Language pointsAmy, are these yours? yoursyouryou你的;你们的你的;你们的你的;你们的你的;你们的你;你们你;你们名词性名词性物主代词,物主代词,等于

4、等于your+名词名词形容词性形容词性物主代物主代词,修饰名词词,修饰名词主格主格或或宾格宾格,可,可作主语或宾语作主语或宾语yoursyouryou你的是红色的。你的是红色的。 Yours are red.这是你的钢笔。这是你的钢笔。This is your pen.你是个好孩子。你是个好孩子。You are a good boy.Are these + 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 (yours)?Are these + 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 + 物物 (your pen)? 肯定答语:肯定答语:Yes, they are.否定答语:否定答语:No, they arent.询问

5、询问近处一些物品近处一些物品是否是某人的句型是否是某人的句型They are Chen Jies.They are Chen Jies.=They are Chen Jies shoes.=These shoes are Chen Jies.Theyre + 名词所有格名词所有格 它们是它们是的的Is this Johns?Is this+ +名词所有格名词所有格/ /名词性物主代词?名词性物主代词?这是这是的吗?的吗?肯定答语:肯定答语:Yes, it is. 是的,它是。是的,它是。否定答语:否定答语:No, it isnt. 不,它不是。不,它不是。询问询问近处的单个物品近处的单个物品是

6、否是某人的句型是否是某人的句型ActivityIs this yours?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Its LilysLucysLilysAlicesLucysCindysLilysLilyAre these yours?Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They areJimMikesJimsJimsLilysLets playAre these yours, Mike?Yes, they are.Is this Johns?No, it isnt. Its Wu Yifans.Group workA: Is this ?B: Yes,

7、 it is./ No, it isnt. ItsA: Are these ?B: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. TheyreExercise一、选词填空。一、选词填空。1. Its time _ (to, for) go home!2. John, are these _ (your, yours, you)?3. My shoes _ (are, is) green.4. What _ (about, with, to) that hat?toyoursareabout二、中英文对照连线。二、中英文对照连线。Its time to go home!Are

8、these yours?My shoes are green.What about this hat?Those hats are Johns.那些帽子是约翰的。那些帽子是约翰的。这个帽子呢?这个帽子呢?到回家的时间了!到回家的时间了!这些是你的吗?这些是你的吗?我的鞋子是绿色的。我的鞋子是绿色的。三、选择合适的句子补全对话。三、选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Is this bag yours, Sarah?B. Thank you so much, David.C. No, it isnt.D. Its 5 oclock.David: What time is it?Betty: 1._ Time to go home.David: Betty, is this your bag?Betty: 2._ My bag is blue. Its Sarahs.David: 3._Sarah: Yes, it is. My bag is red.David: Here you are.Sarah: 4._DCAB谢谢大家学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与


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