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1、五年级复习提纲第一模块 短语: 1. in london 在伦 2. be back from 从回来 3. come back 回来 4. last sunday 上星期天 5. live in住在 6. look at 看 7. ice cream 冰激凌 8. come with 与一起来 9. hurry up 赶快10. wait for 等待 11. by bus 乘坐公交车12.chinese friends 中国朋友13.句型: 一. 疑问词(放在句首)when什么时候 where在哪里 who谁 what什么 how怎样,如何二. (用什么提问,用什么回答)(疑问句直接回答)

2、1. did you walk to school? (你步行去学校么?)yes, i did. no, i didnt2. .did they go home by bike?(他们骑自行车去学校么?) yes, they did. no, they didnt.3. did you come back yesterday?(你们是昨天回来的吗?)no, we came back last sunday.i came back with sam yesterday.(昨天我和sam回来的。) 4. did lingling phone you? (玲玲打电话给你了吗) yes, she di

3、d. no, she didnt. 5. did daming come back?(大明回来了吗) yes, he did. no, he didnt. . i dropped my ice cream.我丢了我的冰激凌。6.we bought ice cream.我们买了冰激凌。7. yesterday i went to the park with sam and amy. 昨天我和萨姆,埃米去了公园。yesterday,last week,上星期,用过去时态。with 加某人放在后面。如:i went to school with sam.(我同sam去学校) 8.we met joh

4、n in the park.我们在公园遇见约翰。9. then we went home by bus.我们坐公车回家。by bus坐公车四、过去式:come-came来 go-went去 meet-met遇见 buy-bought买 drop-dropped使掉落 run-ran 跑 see-saw看见 walk-walked 步行 send(邮寄)-sent发送 eat-ate吃 live-lived居住 have-had 吃 do-did做第二模块 短语 1. shopping list 购物单 2. how many多少(可数名词复数)4. half a kilo 半公斤3. how

5、much 多少(不可数名词)make a list 做一个清单 7、at the supermarket 在超市 10、here you are给你 12.all right 好吧句型 1. how many +可数名词+do you want? 你想要多少呢? 对可数名词的数量提问。 例:how many bananas do you want? 2. how much +不可数名词+ do you want? 对不可数名词的数量进行提问 例:how much cheese do you want?(常见的不可数名词:milk juice water meat rice bread cake

6、 cheese )3.do you like ? 你喜欢吗?例:do you like cheese?yes, i do. no, i dont.4. how many bananas did you buy? 你们买多少香蕉? we didnt buy any bananas.我不买香蕉。any用于否定句中5. how much cheese did you buy? 你们买多少奶酪?half a kilo.半公斤。6. what did you buy? 你们买什么?we bought some apples.我们买一些苹果。7. we need a big bag for our pic

7、nic.我们野餐需要一个大包。8. you can use the bag over there.你可以用那边的包。 can+ 动词原形 能做第三模块 短语 1. at the weekend 在周末 2. lots of 许多3. the british museum 大英博物馆4. big ben 大本钟 5. the london eye 伦敦眼 6. like best 最喜欢 10. at ten oclock 在10点 11. take photos of 拍照12. by bus 乘坐公共汽车13. the great wall 长城 14、in the morning在早上 句

8、型1. what did you do at the weekend? 你周末干什么了?we visited lots of places。我们参观了许多地方。2. where did you go? 你们去哪里? we went to the british museum. where 对地点提问,回答用表示地点的词回答。3. how did you go to these places? 你们怎么样去这些地方? we went by bus.我们乘坐公交车去。how 怎么样4. did lingling like the museum? 玲玲喜欢博物馆吗? yes, she did. no

9、, she didnt.5.but she liked the bus ride best.但她最喜欢乘公交车。6.we took a boat trip along the river.我们沿着河乘船旅行。7.daming took a photo of his father.大明给他爸爸拍了张照片。8.they arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.他们早上十点到那里。9.they walked on the wall for one hour.他们在长城上走了一个小时。10.there were lots of people.那里有很多人。

10、第四模块一 单词人称代词的各种形式主语 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 宾格(用于句首) (用在名词前面) (用于句末) (用于动词、介词后)i 我 my我的 mine meyou 你 your你的 yours youhe 他 his他的 his himshe 她 her 她的 hers herthey他们 their他们的 theirs them we 我们 our 我们的 ours us二 短语1. whats the matter? 发生什么事了?2. on the line 在绳上3、don't argue不要争吵三 语法点1. linglings t-thirt玲玲的t-恤

11、。人名s +名词: 名词所有格,表示是谁的东西。例: tom的书 toms book sam的包 sams bag2. whats the matter? 发生什么事了?sam took my t-shirt。萨姆拿了我的t-恤。he wants to wear it。 他想穿。3. whats the matter with daming? 大明怎么了?he lost his bag.他丢了他的包。4. mum bought a new t-shirt for me.妈妈给我买了一件新t-恤。5. your red t-shirts are on the line.你们红色的t恤在线上。6.

12、 lets go and fly it.让我们去放风筝。lets =let us 后面加动词原型6 i am sorry.对不起。thats ok.没关系。 what was in it? my new sports shoes.什么在里面?我的新鞋子。7. i found this bag on the school bus.我发现这个包在校车上。8. where did you lose it? on the school bus.你在哪里丢的?在校车上。9. what colour is it? its blue.什么颜色?蓝色。10. is this your hat? yes, it

13、 is. no, it isnt.第五模块 短语 1. give out 分发2.give to 给3.in the class 在班级里4.have got 有5.putin 把放进去句型:1. there are +数量+可数名词复数 表示名词有多少个例: 有四个苹果there are four apples 2.there is a +可数名词单数。有。例:有一个苹果,有一根香蕉there is an apple. there is a banana. there is one on the floor.有一支在地上。 3.there is +不可数名词 there is cheese.

14、 有奶酪。3. there are so many.有很多。4. there are only nineteen crayons.只有十九支蜡笔。5. but there are twenty children in the class.但班上有二十个小孩。children复数,单数child小孩6. please give out the crayons.请分发蜡笔。7. how many faces can you see? 你能看见多少张脸?8. i bought twenty yesterday.我昨天买了二十支。9. did i lose one? yes, you did.no,

15、you didnt.你昨天丢了一支吗?10.theres one on the floor.地板上有一支。10. how many pupils are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?there are forty. 有四十个。第六模块 短语1.in the football team 在足球队2.play well 打得好3.run fast 跑得快 4 catch the ball well接球接得好5.pass the ball 传球6.jump high 跳得高7.be good at 擅长干 8. in china 在中国9. a fantastic go

16、alkeeper 一个出色的守门员 句型1. can you run fast? 你能跑得快吗?yes, i can. no, i cant. 2. you can catch the ball well.(你能接球接得很好。) 3. you can pass the ball well。(你能传球传得很好。)4. you can play football well。(你能踢足球踢得很好。)5. can you pass the ball well? 你传球传得好吗?not very well.不是很好。6. do you want to be in our football team? 你

17、想加入我们足球队吗?yes, i do. no, i dont.7. you are very good at basketball.你很擅长打篮球。8. so you can be a good goalkeeper.所以你会成为一个好的守门员。9. how well do you play basketball? 你打篮球怎么样?i cant play it at all.我不会打篮球。10.in the past, he ran very fast.以前,他跑得很快。第七模块短语1.a tv show about 关于的节目2.be useful 有用的3.sit down 坐下 4.h

18、ot dogs 热狗6.sausage香肠 句型cant 表示不能干某事。1. this man is blind. he cant see. this dog helps him. 这个男人瞎了。他看不见。这条狗帮助他。2. this girl is deaf. she cant hear. this dog helps her. 这个女孩聋了。她听不见。这条狗帮助她。3. there was a fire. this dog helps them. 有火灾。这条狗帮助他们。4.this little girl cant walk。her father helps her。 这个小女孩不会走

19、,她的爸爸帮助她。5.this old man cant sit down。a kind girl helps him.这个老人不会坐下,一个好心的女孩帮助他。6.this little girl cant swim。her mother helps her. 这个小女孩不会游泳,她的妈妈帮助她。7. can we have a dog? 我们可以养一条狗吗?yes, we can. no, we cant.9. theres a tvshow about dogs.有个关于狗的电视节目。10. dogs are very useful.狗很有用。11. here is your dinner

20、.这是你的晚餐。第八模块 短语2.what time 问事情什么时间点发生3.at nine oclock 在九点4.half past seven 七点半5. do exercises 做运动6.in the playground 在操场上7.skipping rope 跳绳8.get up 起床9sam and amys school sam 和amy的学校10.in england在英国11.do morning exercises 做早操12.go into the classroom 进入教室句型1.时间的表达 在几点几分用at(1).整点时间 数字+oclock 例 7点 seve

21、n oclock 在七点 at seven oclock 8点 eight oclock 在8点 at eight oclock (2)半点表达 half past +数字 例: 7点半 half past seven 在7点半 at half past seven 8点半 half past eight 在8点半 at half past eight2. a: what time does your school start? 学校几点开始?b : my school starts at nine oclock. 我学校九点钟开始上课。3.a what time do you get up?

22、你几点起床?b:i get up at half past seven。 我七点半起床。 4. whats the time? = what time is it? 几点了?its nine oclock.九点了。6.i dont want to be late for school tomorrow.我明天不想上学迟到。 want to +动词原型 想做某事7.lets go to bed.我们睡觉吧。lets take my skipping rope. 我们带跳绳去吧。8.i like lingling skipping with me.我喜欢和玲玲跳绳。9. do you walk t

23、o school? 你步行上学吗?yes, i do. no, i dont.do you skip in the playground?你在操场上跳绳吗?yes, i do. no, i dont.10 we play in the playground before nine oclock.九点前我们在操场玩。before在之前11.in the uk they dont start school at eight oclock.在英国他们不是八点钟开始上课。12. they all play in the playground.他们都在操场玩。13. i skipped with the

24、 girls.我和女孩们跳绳。14. then we went into the classroom.然后我们进了教室。15. what do you do at three oclock?三点钟你做什么? i have music at three oclock.三点钟我们上音乐课。第九模块短语1. whats the matter? 发生什么事了? 2. miss china 想念中国3. play chess 下象棋4. of course not 当然5. think about 思考,考虑6. on the farm 在农场上7. all day 整天 8. go out 出去 9.

25、 go out to play 出去玩耍10. noodle soup 面条汤句型:1.are you feeling ? 你觉得吗?yes, i am no, im not. 表示一种情绪状态。表示情绪状态的词有:sad 难过 : bored 无聊 angry 生气: happy 高兴: tired 劳累: hungry 饥饿2. whats the matter? 你怎么了?my grandma is ill in hospital.我奶奶生病住院了。3. how is my grandma? 我奶奶怎么样了?your grandma is better now.你奶奶现在好多了。4. h

26、ow do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?i feel happy. 我感觉到很高兴。5. how does he feel? 他感觉怎样?he feels happy.他感到高兴。6. is he feeling sad? 他感到伤心吗? yes, he is. no, he isnt.7. is she feeling sad? 她感到伤心吗?yes, she is. no, she isnt.8. does he feel sad? 他感到伤心吗?yes, he does. no, he doesnt.10. yesterday i helped my grandma on the

27、farm all day. 昨天我一整天在农场帮助我奶奶。11. i won a chess game last week.上星期,我赢得了象棋比赛。第十模块短语:1.be dangerous 危险句型1. where is sam?萨姆在哪里? he is in the bedroom.他在卧室。 2.he was in the kitchen.他刚才在厨房。3.where did you find john? 你在哪里找到约翰?i found john in the kitchen.我在厨房找到约翰。 4. where did you find lingling? 你在哪里找到玲玲? i

28、found lingling in the toilet. 我在卫生间找到玲玲。 5.i found john first.我第一个找到约翰。 i found tom last. 我最后找到汤姆。 6. is tom playing with you? 汤姆和你们一起玩吗?yes, he is. no, he isnt.play with 与玩7. he is hiding behind the sofa. 他正躲在沙发后面。8. he won the game.他赢得了比赛。9. dont shout, please. 请不要大叫。 my baby is sleeping.我宝宝在睡觉。10

29、. dont climb the tree.请不要爬树。sorry.对不起。11. dont walk on the grass.不要在草地上走。12. sorry。i didnt know.对不起,我不知道。13. lets go and see the pandas.我们去看熊猫。外研版五年级英语上册复习资料 一、常见特殊疑问句(由疑问词when、what、who、where、whose、how等引导1. when did you come back? we came back last sunday. 2. what did you do at the weekend? i visite

30、d lots of places. 3.where did you go last sunday ? we went to the british museum.4.how many bananas/oranges do you want? six, please.5.how much cheese do you want ? half a kilo.7.what time do you get up ? i get up at half past seven.8.what time does your school start? my school starts at 9 oclock.9.

31、what can you do? i can sing well.11.how did you go? i went by bike.12.what do you want ? i want a skirt.13.what are you going to do? were going to have lunch together.14.whats the matter? i lost my bag. 15.what are we going to take? lets make a list.二、常见一般疑问句及其回答(用yes或no来回答)1. are you feeling sad? y

32、es, i am./ no, im not.2. did they buy ice cream? yes , they did./no, they didnt. 3. can we have a dog, please? yes, we can .no, we cant.4. did you wash linglings t-shirt? yes, i did. no, i didnt.did lingling like it? yes, she did. no, she didnt.did he go to london? yes,he did. / no, he didnt. 6. do

33、you miss china? yes, i do. no, i dont. 7. do you skip in the playground? yes, i do. no, i dont.do you walk to school? yes, i do. no, i dont.8. do you want to play chess? yes, i do. no, i dont.9. do you feel tired? yes, i do. no, i dont.10. do you want to be in our football team? yes, i do. no, i don

34、t.11. do you live in london,too? yes, i do. no, i dont.12. can you catch the ball well? yes,i can. no, i cant. 13.are you good at table tennis?yes, i am. / no, im not.14. is this sams t-shirt? yes, it is. / no, it isnt.15. are there enough chair? yes ,there are./no, there are16. is he feeling sad? y

35、es, he is. no, he isnt.is she feeling sad? yes, she is. no, she isnt.17.can she catch the ball well? yes, she can. no, she cant.18. can i be a goalkeeper? yes, you can./no, you cant. 三。动词第三人称单数/一般过去时1. she plays football very well.2.he plays football very badly.3. he jumps very high. 4.she runs very

36、 fast.5. lingling wants to go to school with amy.6. they took photos of the mountains. 7.then we went to the classroom.8. today i helped my grandfather.9. i dropped my ice cream. 10.yesterday i went to the park with sam and amy.11.i went to the zoo by bus. 12.sam took my t-shirt.13.then we went by b

37、us. 14.we bought ice creams.14.i went to the park. 15.i saw lots of places.16.i went home by bus. 17.i bought twenty-five pencils yesterday.四、there be 句型1.there are 2 books on the desk.2.there are 3 apples in the bag. 3.there is only one hat. 4.there are too many people. 五、人称代词宾格:him/her/me/them/it

38、1. this man is blind. he cant see. this dog helps him.2. this girl is deaf. she cant hear. this dog helps her. 3. these firemen cant find people. these dogs help them.4. this little girl cant swim. her mother helps her . 六、can、cant之后用动词原形,词形不变.i can do it very well. 七、表达内心感受:happy/sad/tired/bored/angry/hungry/thirsty1. can i have some wa


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