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1、 学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:八年级 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型T (八下1-5单元基础复习)授课日期时段教学内容 Unit 1 Whats the matter? 一、同步知识梳理短语复习:1. 喝足够的水_ 2.喉咙痛_3. 肚子痛_ 4.感冒_5. 量体温_ 6.躺下休息_7. 让他惊讶的是_ 8.多亏_9. 摔倒_ 10.休息_11. 习惯于_ 12.冒险_13. 用尽_ 14.掌管_15. 放弃_ 16.从.出来_17.考虑_ 18.做决定_(参考答案:drink enough water have a sore throat Have a

2、stomachache have a cold Take ones temperature lie down and rest To his surprise thanks to Fall down take breaks Be/get used to take risks .run out be in control of give up get out of Think about make a decision) 重点句型与语法:翻译:1. -你怎么了?(两种表达方式)-我胃痛。_2. -我该做什么?我该量体温吗? -不,你应该去看医生。_3. 她昨天讲太多话了,并且没有喝足够的水。(t

3、alk too much)_4. 你需要远离电脑休息会。(take breaks)_5. 他下车然后问那个女人发生了什么?_6. 感谢王先生和乘客们,医生及时救了那个人。(in time)_7. 作为一个登山者,Aron习惯去冒险。(take risks)_8.当他的水用完的时候,他知道自己得做点什么来拯救自己的生命了。_(1. Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?-I have a stomachache.)(2. What should I do? Should I take the temperature?-No. You should go to see a d

4、octor.)(3. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water.)(4. You should take breaks away from the computer.)(5. He got off and asked the woman what happened?)(6. Thanks to Mr Wang and the passengers, the doctor saved the man in time.)(7. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking ri

5、sks.)(8. When his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life.)语法1. 描述身体不适常用结构(1) 主语+have/has+a+病症(2) 主语+have/has+a+部位-ache(3) 主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位如: -Whats the matter? -I have a fever I have a headache so I went to bed early I have a sore throat and my chest hu

6、rts.【练习】翻译1.我背疼。_ 2.他昨晚牙疼。_2.情态动词should的用法should “应该” , 情态动词,后跟动词原形,表示责任和义务 should not =shouldnt 不应该 主语+ should/ shouldnt + 动词原形. .例句:You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 You shouldnt t go out at night.你晚上不应该出去。【练习】翻译1.你应该躺下休息。_ 2.你不应该开那么快的车。_二、同步题型分析(一)单词拼写:1.When I crossed the road yesterday,

7、 I saw an old woman l_ on the road.2.It seems that you have a fever. You should take your t_ right away.3.Seeing the old man get on the bus, many p_ get up from their seats and let the man take it.4.To begin with, I had t_ in English listening and speaking. But later my listening and spoken English

8、got better and better.5.What should you do when you meet an a_.6.The expression Between a Rock and a Hard Place means being in a difficult s_ that you cannot seem to get out of.7.In western countries, people usually use k_ and forks to eat food.8.We should know the i_ of lifelong learning. 9.We shou

9、ld have the same s_ as Aron. 10.Its hard to make a d_ that could mean life or d_.(lying, temperature, passengers, trouble, accident, situation, knives, importance, spirit, decision death.)(二)单项选择1. He hurried back home _ his schoolbag.A. fetched B. to fetch C. fetching D. fetches2. Why did you get u

10、p late this morning? _I stayed up late last night.A. Because B. So C. Because of D. But3. - What did your sister do? -She _the bus at the bus stop and went home.A. got to B. got up C. got down D. got off4. What did you see? I saw many boys_ games near the river.A. played B. playing C. plays D. to pl

11、ay5. Its _own business(事情)Please do it yourself.A. you B. your C. yours D. hisBADBB Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 一、同步知识梳理短语复习:1. 使.振奋 _ 2.分发食物_3. 关心,照料 _ 4.在四岁的时候_5. (梦想等)实现_ 6.因为.而感谢_7. 建立_ 8.想出_9. 推迟 _ 10.分发_11. 参加.选拔,试用_ 12.修理_13. 捐赠_ 14.影响,有作用_15. (外貌或行为)像_ 16.接电话_17.曾经,过去._(cheer

12、 up; give out food; care for; at the age of four; come true, thanks for;Set up; come up with; put off; hand out; try out; fix up; give away;make a difference; take after; answer the telephone; used to ) 句型和语法复习:翻译句子:1. 我想要了解更多如何去照料动物。_2. 当我看到动物好转(get better)的时候,我有一种强烈的满足感。(a strong feeling of satisf

13、action)_3. 我能做我喜爱的,同时还能帮助别人(at the same time)_4. 有很多人不如我们幸运(who引导的定语从句)_5. Mario认为这能帮助他去获得未来的理想职业(future dream job)_6. 这个组织被建立是为了要去帮助像我一样的残疾人。(disabled people like me)_7. 再次谢谢你改变了我的生活。_(I want to learn more about how to care for animals.I have such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the ani

14、mals get better.I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.There are many people who are less lucky than us.Mario believes this can help him to get his future dream job.The group was set up to help disabled people like me.Thank you again for changing my life.)语法:1. 动词不定式(to do)(1)作宾

15、语如:I find it useful to learn English well.(it 作形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语)We thought it wrong to tell her the secret.(2)作目的状语如:I come to tell you the good news You should run fast to catch the last bus I will do what I can to help you.(3)作宾语补足语 如:He asked me to give him a hand. Tim invited me to have dinner wit

16、h him.注:省了to的不定式,to do 在有些动词后面做宾补时需要省略to,例如:make sb do sth, see/hear sb do sth.等。2. Could 的用法 (1)表能力或可能性,为can的过去式。如:She said she couldnt follow me.(2) 比较委婉客气地提出请求如:Could you lend me some money?二、同步题型分析(一)单词拼写:1.His v_ experience at a hospital helped him to get the job to be a doctor.2.We could look

17、for more volunteers by putting up s_ and making some n_.3. He u_ to be a teacher, but now he is a businessman.4. People will have a feeling of s_ by doing what they love to do.5.Peter wondered how to repair the b_ car.6.We shouldnt look down upon the d_. We should help them as much as possible.7.-Ca

18、n you i_ that Jack won the first prize in the game. -Oh, I cant believe it.8. Dont be afraid of these d_. We can deal with them anyhow.9. Lucky is a specially t_ dog, and it can help the blind.10. -What makes you so e_? -The news that I passed the exam.(volunteering, signs notices; used; satisfactio

19、n; broken; disabled; imagine;Difficulties; trained, excited) (二)用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Would you like _(clean) up the city parks?2.Could you please_(give) out food at the food bank?3.We cant put off _(make) a plan.4.Two weeks _(be) enough for us.5.They _(set) up a food bank next year.6.He spends about two h

20、ours_(do) his homework.7.All the students will go out and play if it stops_(rain) later. unit 3 Could you please clean your room?一、同步知识梳理短语汉译英:倒垃圾_ 扫地_ 折衣服_ 洗碗_ 铺床_ 打扫起居室_ 帮助做一些事情_ 生某人的气_ 走开_ 我们两个都不_ 一.就_ 惊讶地_ 试图不要让它变湿_ 邀请我的朋友去一个舞会_ 浪费时间_ 频繁,反复_ 为了 ,目的是_ 得到好的成绩_ 依靠,信赖_照顾,处理_ Answer : take out the ru

21、bbish ; sweep the floor; fold the clothes; do/wash the dishes; make the bed; clean the living room; help out with a few things; be angry with sb; walk away; neither of us ;as soon as; in surprise; try not to get it wet; invite my friends to a party; a waster of time; all the time; in order to; get g

22、ood grades; depend on; take care of 重点句型与语法翻译句子:(1)至少让我可以看完这个节目可以吗?_(2)因为妈妈马上就购物回来了。而且她如果看见这一团杂乱会不高兴的_ _(3)我一在电视前面坐下来,妈妈就过来了 _(4)你能把狗带出去溜一下吗?_(5) 你总是在看电视,从来不帮忙做家事。 _(6) 在一个星期中,她没有做任何家务,我也没做。 _(7) 电影看完以后我们可以去买点喝的东西吗? _Answer:(1)Could I at least finish watching this show?(2) Because Mom will be back f

23、rom shopping any minute now.And she wont be happy if she sees this mess.(3) The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over(4) Could you please take the dog for a walk?(5) You watch TV all the time and never help put around the house.(6) For one week, she did not do any housework and neit

24、her did I.(7) Could we get something to drink after the movie?单元重点语法讲解情态动词could 的用法:在本单元中,情态动词could 用于有礼貌地提出要求或请求准许,用于疑问句,代替can,在时间上与can没有区别,但与其要比can委婉,有礼貌。并且回答时要用can,不能用could。此外,肯定回答还可以用sure./ certainly./ Yes, sure./ No problem./ With pleasure.等;否定回答还可以用I am afraid not. 等。如:- Could you please lend

25、me your dictionary ? 能把你的字典借我吗?- Yes, sure. 好的,当然可以。- Could I use your phone ? 我能用下你的电话吗?- I am afraid not./ No. You cant. I am waiting for an important call. 恐怕不行,我在等一个非常的电话。拓展:could 为can 的过去式,表示能力。He could swim when he was three. 他三岁是就能游泳。Could you read before you went to school ? 你去上学前能识字吗?表示可能性,

26、对某种可能情况的推测。This book could be Mikes. He likes reading science books. 这本书可能是迈克的,他喜欢看科学书籍。练一练:- 我能试一试那双鞋子吗?- 对不起,你不能。那双鞋子是陈列展览(on show)用的。我的手机坏了,我能用一下你的吗?那个男孩在十岁的时候就能自己写歌词(lyrics)。房间门开着,他可能在家里。Keys: - Could I try on that pair of shoes ? - Sorry, you cant. The shoes are just on show.My mobile phone bro

27、ke. Could I borrow yours ?The boy could write his own lyrics when he was 10.The door is open. He could be at home.二、同步题型分析(一)单词拼写1. Can you help me to f_ these clothes?2. I t_ down my bag on the sofa and went to the living room.3. P_ me the salt, please.4. She l_ her bike to Frank yesterday.5. He ha

28、s too much s_ to do the difficult job.6. It is necessary for the government(政府) to p_ a clean and comfortable environment for us. 7. F_ and justice(正义)to future generations(一代人;时代) are very important.8. China is an i_ country.9. The new house c_ them a lot of money.10. There are many s_ on the table

29、.Keys: fold ; threw; pass; lent; stress; provide; fairness; independent; cost; snacks(二)用所给单词适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Could I stay out _(late) tonight, Mum?2. My father often does the _(dish) at home after dinner.3. She will be happy if she _(see) me reading books.4. Tom _(throw) down his bag and went t

30、o his bedroom.5. Could you_(pass)the book to me, please? 6. Everyone has ten _(finger).7. Shes _(surprise) when she heard the exciting news.8. She spent much time on _ (collect) stamps.9. Its a waste of time_ (talk) too much with him.10. He was so tired that he _(fall) asleep quickly.Keys:late; dish

31、es; sees; threw; pass; fingers; surprised; collecting; to talk; fell; Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?一、同步知识梳理短语汉译英:快速查看;浏览_ 重要的事_ 成功地发展;解决_ 和睦相处;关系良好_ 删除,删去_ 比较,对比_ 依看_ 和朋友出去闲逛_ 和.打架_ 给某人打电话_ 以便于_ 害怕做某事_ 在电话上讨论它_ 归还_ 解决_ 提供帮助_ 和.交流_ 介意她看电视_ 从此以后_ 对自己的感觉更好_一条建议_ Answer : look through; big d

32、eal; work out; get on with; cut out; compare. with;in ones opinion; hang out with my friends; get into a fight with sb; call sb up; so that; be afraid of doing sth; talk about it on the phone; give back ; work out; offer to help; communicate with; mind her watching TV; in future; feel better about y

33、ourself; one piece of advice重点句型与语法翻译句子:(1)你看起来很累。怎么了?_(2)昨天晚上我学习到半夜,所以我没有睡够。_(3)为什么你不忘掉它呢?虽然她错了,但是也不是什么重要的事啊。 _(4)他应该跟他的朋友谈谈以便于他能够道歉。_(5) 我猜我可以,但是我不想让他惊讶。 _(6) 昨天我发现我妹妹翻看我的东西,而且她还拿走我的一些新杂志和CD _(7) 希望事情尽快解决。 _Answer:(1)You look tired. Whats the matter?(2) I studied unitl midnight last night so I did

34、t get enough sleep.(3) Why dont you forget about it?Although shes wrong,its not a big deal.(4)He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.(5) I guess I could,but I dont want to surprise him.(6) I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.She took some of my new magazines and

35、CDs(7) Hope things work out.二、同步题型分析(一)单词拼写1. Students arent a_ to bring mobile phones to school.2. R_ between my parents have become difficult.3. My teacher explained c_ the math problem.All the students have understood it.4. Parents find it difficult to c_ with their children.5. These days childre

36、n often fell lonely and n_.6. I feel stressed so you dont give me too much p_. 7. In order to get good grades, students often have to c_ with their classmates at school.8. He is a m_ of our English club.9. There is no t_ Indian any more.10. People can make robots like human with the d_ of science te

37、chnology.Keys:allowed; relations; clearly; communicate; nervous; pressure; compete; member; typical ;development.(二)用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. All the _ (communicate) with the outside world was broken.2. Jim is a doctor. His _ (old) brother is an engineer. 3. After high school Mike got a job instead of _ (go)

38、 to university.4. Its very kind of you to offer _ (help) us on the weekend. 5. To begin with we dont have much money, _ (second) we are too busy. 6. We shouldnt_ (argue) with our parents.7. You shouldnt_ (use) the phone in the classroom.8.could I use your dictionary?well, you_.A. can B. could C. sho

39、uld D. might9.youd better_(go) to school by bike.10 .How about_(go) hiking this afternoon?(三)选词填空perhaps, skill, opinion, continue, push, compare, crazy, usual, typical, cause1. Careless driving often _ accident. 2. Twelve oclock is the _ time to have lunch.3. He is a writer of great _. 4. It was _

40、of you to skate on such thin ice.5. In my _, people shall not smoke in public places.6. If you _ the two cars, youll find them very alike. 7. Will you help me to _ up the window?8. Its a _ Italian restaurant.9. Please _ what you were doing before I came in. 10. Id like to go away, _ France or somewhere. Answers: causes, usual, skill, crazy, opinion, compare, push, typical, continue, perhaps Unit5 What&#


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