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1、 九年级英语 unit 3 family lifewarm-up: 口语角last saturday, i went to see my friends mr. and ms. wang. they have a daughter, rose. like many children today, rose is a big fan of pop music. i know my friends care a lot about their daughter, but sometimes they get angry with her.i asked rose if she was happy

2、and what kind of problems she had. she said that her her parents didnt understand her. “ they think getting high grades is the most important thing in the world.”一、复习展示1. 决定 2.商务,公事 3. 介意 4.在国外 5. 分享 6.帮着做 7. 出差 8.对.没有兴趣 9. 过时的 10.关系 二. 知识探究1. but i feel lonely when my parents are away from home. 但是

3、当我父母不在家时我都感到寂寞。lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的the woman always feels lonely. 那个妇女总是感到很孤独。【拓展】辨析:lonely 与 alone aloneadv. 独自地,单独地 做状语不带感情色彩adj. 独自的,单独的 作表语 lonelyadj. 孤独的,寂寞的 作定语和表语具有感情色彩 【即学即练】though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _ for he has many things to do .a. alone ; lonely b. lonely; alone c. alone; lon

4、ely d. lonely ; lonely2. although it sometimes feels crowded in our little flat, we dont mind . 尽管有时在我们的小公寓里感到很拥挤,但是我们并不介意。mind 可以作不及物动词,也可作及物动词,意为“介意;反对”,常用于疑问句,否定句或条件句中,后接名词,动词或从句。do you mind if i borrow your bike ? 如果我借你的自行车你介意吗?i dont mind a joke , but this is going too far. 我不介意开玩笑,但这玩笑太过分了。do

5、you mind telling me how to use the camera ? 你介意告诉我怎样使用这部照相机吗?- do you mind my smoking here ? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗? - not at all. / im sorry, but i do. 毫不介意。/ 对不起,我介意。【拓展】never mind .意为“不要紧;没关系;不要担心”,用于安慰,鼓励对方。 - we missed the train . 我们没有赶上火车。 - never mind . theres another one in 20 minutes . 没关系,20分钟后还有一列。【即

6、学即练】 - nick, would you mind _ out of the bathroom ? - sorry, i wont be long .a. come b. to come c. coming d. be coming 3. im writing to ask if youd like to be my friends . 我写信想问一问你是否想成为我的朋友。if 连词,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句,常常可与whether 互换使用。i wonder if / whether it will be fine tomorrow . 我想知道明天是否是晴天。【拓展】 if 还可意为

7、“如果”,引导条件状语从句。若主句为一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表将来。if it rains tomorrow, i wont go swmming . 如果明天下雨,我就不去游泳。【即学即练】well plant trees tomorrow , and i dont know _ tom will come and join us .a. if b. which c. what d. where 4. yes , i suppose they set some rules for me . 是的,我认为他们给我制定了一些规则。suppose 及物动词,意为“(根据所知)认为”。i su

8、ppose they will come next monday . 我认为他们下周一来。【拓展】a. suppose + ( that ) 从句 i suppose ( that ) the prices will go up . 我认为物价会上涨。 b. suppose +宾语 + 宾补 she supposed him (to be ) very rich . 她原以为他很富有。 c. i/ we suppose 后的宾语从句是否定含义是,应将否定转移到主句,即 i/ we dont suppose i dont suppose he will agree. 我以为他不会同意。【即学即练

9、】翻译:我以为他明年不会去香港。 _5. for example , unless i finish all my homework , i cant watch tv, and i cant go out with my friends either . 例如,除非我完成了所有的家庭作业,否则我不能看电视,我也不能和我的朋友一起出去。unless 连词,意为“除非;如果不”,引导条件状语从句。若主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。i always sleep with the window open unless its cold . 我总是开着窗户睡觉,除非天冷。【拓展】 unless

10、 在意义上相当于“if .not ”,它引导的条件状语从句有时可与“if.not ”相互交换。 the baby wont cry unless shes hungry. = the baby wont cry if she isnt hungry. 这个婴儿如果不饿的话,她就不会哭。【即学即练】句子转换 you wont make great progress if you dont work hard .(同义句) _6. who makes most of the decisions in your family? 在你家里谁做大多数决定?decision可数名词,意为“决定,抉择”。m

11、ake/take a decision意为“做决定”,相当于decide。they took the decision to put off the meeting. 他们决定推迟会议。【拓展】decide及物动词,意为“决定”,decide to do sth. 意为“决定做某事”,相当于make a decision to do sth.【即学即练】 1). i decided with them. a. go b. to go c. going d. goes单词拼写we need to make a d on this by saturday.7. it seems that has

12、a bigger family and likes to help with the housework. 似乎 有一个较大的家庭并喜欢帮着做家务。help with意为“帮着做”,相当于help do sth.how often do you help with the housework?【拓展】help sb with sth意为“在某方面帮助某人”,help sb (to) do sth意为“帮某人做某事”,【即学即练】 i often help him with his maths. (同义句转换)i often him maths.完成句子。我可以帮助你做家庭作业。i can yo

13、ur homework.8. no, im not expected to do the housework. 不,我不用做家务。 expect及物动词,意为“指望,要求”,be expected to do sth. 意为“被要求做某事”we are expected to work on saturdays. 我们星期六要上班。【中考链接】:-you look sad. what happened?-everyone us to win the match, but we lost.(2013.山东青岛) a. expects b. expected c. hopes d. hoped9.

14、 no, they dont usually set rules for me, and since im a good daughter, they never punish me. 不,他们通常不给我制定规则,因为我是个乖女儿,他们从不惩罚我。since在此用作连词,意为“因为,由于,既然”,通常表示众所周知的原因。since从句通常位于主句之前。since you wont help us, well ask someone else. 既然你不肯帮助我们,我们就去问别人了。【拓展】since作介词,意为“自从。以来”,是现在完成时的重要标志词,后面跟过去的时间点;常位于主句之前。sin

15、ce也可作连词,后面跟一般过去时的句子。【即学即练】he home since 1980.a. is b. was c. has been d. beenthey in the house since they moved to the city.a. lived b. have lived c. has lived d. were10. its much bigger than our last one. 它比我们上一栋公寓大得多。much bigger意为“大得多”,用来修饰比较级,相当于a lot。【拓展】其他修饰比较级的词有:a little / a bit意为“一点,稍微”,even

16、意为“甚至,更”,far意为“.得多”,rather意为“相当”its rather colder today than yesterday.11all parents are invited to com and see the wrong trousers, our english language play.所有的父母都被邀请来看我们的英语剧引鹅入室。invite 在这里是及物动词,be invited 为被动语态,意为“被邀请”。invite 常用的结构有1) invite sb. to例如:they invite the american students to dinner.2)

17、invite sb. to do sth.例如:we invite our teacher to join our play.【即学即练】 i to her birthday party.我被邀请去参加他的生日聚会。12. tickets cost 10yuan each. 票价每张10元。cost ( cost, cost) 此为动词,意为(价钱为,花费)。 注意cost 的主语为物。用法:cost (sb.)+ money如:the meal cost us about 100 yuan.拓展:你知道四大花费的区别:spend take cost pay的用法区别吗?cost, pay,

18、spend 和take 都表示“_”但它们的搭配各不相同:主语花费搭配1. _costsb. money: 如:how much did that bag cost?2. sb_money for sth:如:he has paid 10 for the meal.3. sb _time/money (in)_sthtime/money _sth如;he spent ¥20 on the pen.i spent a week (in) finishing reading the book.4._/sth./doing sthtakesb time_ sth.sb time.如:it

19、took me three days to travel in beijing.the work will take us two hours.【即学即练】 完成句子1). 他们用三年时间修完了这条路。it _ them three years to build this road.2). 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。they _ two years _ _this bridge.3). 他花了一个下午修车。repairing this car _ him the whole afternoon.4). 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。a new computer_ a lot of money.5)

20、. 我每个月要付20英镑的房租。i have to _ them 20 pounds _this room each month.13 .but i can manage ,.但我们应付 manage 动词,意为“设法做成,努力完成”。后面接不定式to do,设法做成某事。如: the box was very heavy but he managed to carry it.拓展:辨析manage to do 与 try to domanage to do sth.设法做成了某事强调结构try to dosth.试图做某事强调动作,不表示成功与否【即学即练】 翻译句子:你是怎么设法到达那里的

21、?: 我们将设法改进教学方法。 14, amy, do you need any help?need 此处用作实意动词,意为“需要”,后可接动名词或不定式。如: we need to have a good rest.拓展:need 的用法need 做实义动词表需要, 后接名,代,不定式。need后接动名词,主动形式表被动need 做情态动词表必要,没有时态,数, 人称,其后直接加动原, 多用于疑问句与否定句【即学即练】 he have a good rest.他需要好好休息一下。you become very nevous.你没有必要变得紧张。must i bring my homework

22、 now?no, you . you can bring it tomorrow.15, do you ever prepare meals? 你曾经准备饭菜吗?prepare 及物动词, 意为“准备,预备”辨析:prepare 与prepare forprepare强调准备的过程或动作,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者,prepare for为 而 做准备,for 后面接要达到的目的或目标例如:they are preparing dinner.they are preparing for the new years【即学即练】 those days our teachers were bus

23、y_the final exam papres. a.to prepare for b.preparing for c.to prepare d.preparing16,many young people have trouble communicating with their parents.许多年轻人很他们的父母交流有困难。have trouble in doing sth. 意为:做某事有困难,相当于:have trouble with sth.trouble(不可数名词) 前可以加表程度的副词如:some, much , no. 例如:she has trouble getting

24、a new job.【即学即练】 they (find) his house.他们毫不费劲找到他家。i dont with spelling.我的拼写没有问题。17,it is no good for you to require everything to go your way. 对你来说,要求每一件事情都按你的方式进行时没有好处的。be no good 意为“没有好处” 相当于be not any/much good. good 在此处为不可数名词,例如: it is no good for us to smoke. 抽烟对我们来说没有好处。【即学即练】翻译句子:对我们来说,再等也是么有

25、用的。 那台机器没有多大用处。 随堂练习一、首字母填空1. he is famous , both at home and a_.2. it s hard to make a d_ between the two sweaters.3. i s_ my cake with him yesterday.4. you e_ too much of your son.5. i have lived a_ for ten years.6. my little d_ if five years old.7. taking a trip to the island c_ him not only mone

26、y but also time, because he thought it worthless.8. the girl is upset because her clothes are out of d_.9. i like my classmates and we have a good r_.10. he doesnt like bananas. i dont like them, e_.11. my parents dont usually s_ rules for me, and they never punish me.12. we eat m_ together every da

27、y.13. i s_ they should come and support our work.14. would you like to s_ your happiness and sadness with your friend?15. i dont m_ helping you with the volunteer work.16. he has no i_ in things like fashionable clothes.17. his father plans to watch a f_ together with him this sunday.18. when my aun

28、t travels to the usa on b_ she will brings back many local snacks to me.19. we should take care of our p_ things when we are out to have a trip.20. we had berrer keep a good r_ with our parents and then we can live happier. 2、 完成句子1) 父母分享我的喜悦和悲哀。my parents _ joys and sorrows _ me.2) 你被要求在圣诞晚会上扮演圣诞老人

29、。you _ _ _ play santa claus at the christmas party.3) 你出过国吗。have you ever _ _?4) 我将出差去波士顿。im going to boston _ _.5) 当我的父母不在家时我觉得很孤单i _ _ when my parents are away from home.6) 不是你错就是我错。_ you_ i am wrong.7) 海豚用声音相互沟通。dolphins use sound to _ _ each other.8) 在城镇自行车通常比小汽车更方便。a bicycle is often _ _ _ than

30、 a car in towns.9) 他身体健康且又聪明。_ _ to good health, he has a good brain.10) 她对学生特别有耐心。shes very_ _ _ students.11) 我可以帮助你做家庭作业。i can _ _ your homework.12) 我对玩电脑游戏没有兴趣。i _ _ _ playing computer games.13) 新的服饰很快就过时了new fashions soon go _ _.14) 很多学生和他们的父母交流有困难。many students have trouble _ _ their parents.15

31、) 你玩电脑游戏一次不可以超过一个小时。you mustnt play computer games for _ _ an hour _ _ _.16) 为了让我们能多睡点,妈妈悄悄地帮我们准备好了早餐。_ _ _ let us sleep more, our mother has prepared breakfast for us quietly.17) 旅游是加强家庭成员关系的好方式。_ _ is a good way to close the relationships between family members.18) 关于这件事情,格林太太没有说什么,因为她对这个话题不感兴趣。mr

32、s. green didnt say much about it because she had _ _ _ _ in this topic.19) 他被羞辱了感到很羞愧。he _ _ _ being bullied.20) 为了省钱供他读书,他妈妈依然穿着一些过时的衣服。 in order to save money to pay his school fees, his mother still wears the clothes that are _ _ _.八下unit 3单元训练一) 单项选择。( )1.timmy has no interest in playing footbal

33、l. a.is interested in b.isn't interesting in c.doesn't like d.likes( )3.her mother shared the story with her. a.told her the story b.wrote the story to her c.made up the story for her d.listened to the story with her( )3. the boy is _ in the _game. but his girl friend has no _in it.a.interes

34、ted; interesting; interested b.interested; interesting; interestc.interesting; interested; interest d.interest; interesting; interest( )4.the mirror _her 300 yuan. a.costs b.spends c.paid d.took( )5.neither she nor i _ a doctor.a. am notb. amc. ared. is( )6. _ a meeting here tomorrow.athere are bthe

35、re will be cthere be dthere is going to have( )7.the material _very soft. a. is feeling b. feel c. feels d. is felt ( )8.what you have said_. a. is sounded interesting bsounds interestingc. sounds interested dlistens interested ( )9. if you don't take back what you just said, mother _ angry.a. i

36、sb. will getc. gets. feels( )10. my english teacher _.a. all look youngb. looks youngc. look youngd. all looks young2) 语法选择a driver saw two man walking along a quiet country road. they were 1)_ heavy bags. 2)_ he at once telephoned the police. because the police asked 3)_ information about two thiev

37、es who had stopped a train and stole bags 4)_ a lot of money in them. the police soon arrived. they questioned the two man but 5)_ of them could speak english. the men tried hard 6)_ with the police and kept 7)_ loudly on the way. when they arrived at the station, both men refused to say anything an

38、d only 8)_ at the bags. the police opened them 9)_ and knew that they had made a terrible mistake. the bags were full of tomatoes! apologizing for 10)_ mistake, the police set the men free at once.1. a. carry b. carrying c. carries d. to carry2. a. for b. but c. or d. so3. a. for b. of c. at d. in 4

39、. a. on b. in c. with d. of5. a. both b. neither c. one d. all6. a. to not go b. didnt go c. not to go d. not go7. a. shouting b. to shout c. shout d. shouted8. a. point b. pointed c. to point d. pointing9. a. quick b. more quickly c. most quickly d. quickly10. a. they b. them c. theirs d. their三) 完

40、形填空。it was the last day of school and i planned to travel to my friends hometown. i hadnt seen him for years and this was a good _1_ to meet him again.i was busy at school so it was rather _2_ when i came back home. it was already 10 oclock at night. time was running out. after a hurried meal i left

41、. _3_ i found a taxi very soon. asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, i relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. i was soon at the station and was sure that i would be able to _4_ the train. unfortunately, i fell on the way and lost some time. to my complete _5_ ,

42、when i reached the platform, i saw that the train had just left! it was the last train so i had to _6_ home.my mother was glad to see me back as she had a bad feeling about my trip. but i was unhappy. i tried to relax and went to bed but i had a _7_ sleep. the next morning i was very tired. as i was

43、 having breakfast the _8_ arrived. i read over the pages and was shocked to _9_ that the train i missed had had an accident. how _10_ i was that i missed the train!1. a. signb. chancec. sensed. dream2. a. strangeb. coldc. lated. quiet3. a. finallyb. suddenlyc. strangelyd. luckily4. a. stopb. seec. c

44、atchd. miss5. a. satisfactionb. hopec. surprised. joy6. a. callb. leavec. reachd. return7. a. deepb. badc. greatd. heavy8. a. newspaperb. ticketc. milkd. train9. a. findb. hearc. feeld. remember10. a. hopefulb. thankfulc. carfuld. painful四) 阅读理解。questionnaireread the questions and answer yes or no,

45、then you will find out how good you are.1. when you don t understand something, you ask questions.                   2. you like listening to older people talk about the post.      

46、;                  3. you think that you con learn something interesting from everyone around you.   4. you ore brave enough when you have to talk to people you don't know.     

47、;     5. you enjoy reading books about famous people.                             6. you always see and talk to different people.  

48、;                              7. you are interested in learning new ways of doing things.           

49、;           8. you enjoy shying experiences with friends and learning from people of all ages.   9.you talk o lot about yourself.                  

50、60;                          10. even if you ore often wrong, you make your own decisions.              &

51、#160;     11.you hate teaching what you are good at: sports, technology, whatever.             12.your parents don't understand you, so you don't talk to them much.        

52、       score now!score 2 points if you answer yes to each of tile first 8 questions, and 0 if you choose no.score 2 points if you answer no to each of the last 4 questions, and 0 if you choose yes.18-24. you are friendly and open-minded. you make people feel important b

53、y listening to what they have to say. you'll probably succeed in learning al1 kinds of interesting things. good for you!10-16 remember that every single person you know can teach you something. you will greatly make your life rich and colorful.0- 8 about 400 years ago, a famous writer wrote, &qu

54、ot;no man is an island. "this is still mm today. try to be more open and interested in people around you.1. if you say "yes" to all these questions , you'll get _ points.    a. 12              b. 16       


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