高考作文概要写作Summary-Writing(必修三第四单元课文)PowerPoint 演示文稿_第1页
高考作文概要写作Summary-Writing(必修三第四单元课文)PowerPoint 演示文稿_第2页
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高考作文概要写作Summary-Writing(必修三第四单元课文)PowerPoint 演示文稿_第4页
高考作文概要写作Summary-Writing(必修三第四单元课文)PowerPoint 演示文稿_第5页
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1、.1Summary writing.22017高考新作文概况高考新作文概况PART I 应用文写作:应用文写作:80 20词词 共共15分分PART II 读后续写:原文读后续写:原文350词左右词左右 续写续写15020词词PART III 概要写作:原文概要写作:原文350词左右词左右 概要概要6020.3A summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 读者在读者在正确理解文章正确理解文章的的基础基础上上, 在在不改变原文中心思想、不改变原文中

2、心思想、体裁和结构体裁和结构的的前提前提下,用下,用简明、精练的语句高度浓缩简明、精练的语句高度浓缩文章文章的的主要内容和观点主要内容和观点。 It is a brief, thorough and objective restatement of the main idea and key points of a longer composition. What is a summary?.4a 60-word summaryuse your own wordsin the third personwith a brief sentenceconnection between sentenc

3、es(句子衔接句子衔接)Requests of Summary Writing.5Step 1. Determine the type of writing and identify the topic as well as the authors purposeStep 2. Divide the passage & summarize the main idea of each partStep 3. Highlight the key information of each partStep 4. Make an outline of the passage Step 5. Wr

4、ite the first draftStep 6. Revise the summarySteps of Summary Writing.6Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Section 3- Text RevisionTask 1-Listen for the main idea.7Step 1. 确定体裁,明确主题,确定体裁,明确主题,Step 2. 划分文章结构,划分层次划分文章结构,划分层次Step 3. 找出每层主旨信息找出每层主旨信息Step 4. 列出文章提纲列出文章提纲 Step 5. 拟写草稿拟写草稿Step 6. 修改

5、文章修改文章Steps of Summary Writing.8Step 1. Determine the type of writing and identify the topic as well as the authors purposel确定体裁,明确主题确定体裁,明确主题l体裁:体裁:l主题:主题:记叙文记叙文文艺复兴时期的艺术文艺复兴时期的艺术.9 提炼提炼要点要点 整合整合 删除细节删除细节删除具体例子(引用一两个说明问题即可)删除具体例子(引用一两个说明问题即可)避免重复避免重复 同义转换同义转换: 近义词、同义词等替换近义词、同义词等替换语言语言 句子重构句子重构: 调整词

6、类、时态、语态等调整词类、时态、语态等 逻辑:逻辑:衔接(照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接衔接(照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接 ) Skills of Summary Writing.10typeskey information记叙文记叙文narration人物人物+时间时间+地点地点+事件(起因事件(起因+发展发展+结果)结果)说明文说明文exposition描写某事物的性质功用。即描写某事物的性质功用。即“对象对象+性质功用性质功用+利好利好”;针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即即“问题问题+解决方法解决方法”;介绍某现象及其原因和结果。即介绍某现象及其原

7、因和结果。即“现象现象+原因原因+结果结果”议论文议论文argumentation论点论点+论据论据(+结论结论)1. 确定文体 the types of the passage.11Step 2. Divide the passage & summarize the main idea of each part明确文章结构明确文章结构Para2Para 1Para3Para4Para5.12Step 3. Highlight the key information of each part划主题句与关键信息划主题句与关键信息.13Para 1-TheoryMain idea: How

8、ever, according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a “Big Bang”that threwmatters in all directions.Tip1: 注意语句标记词如注意语句标记词如however后所说的话往往就是后所说的话往往就是point。 然而,如何改写用自己的话来概扩呢?然而,如何改写用自己的话来概扩呢?Main idea: The “big bang” theory explained the origionof the Universe.Tip2: 省略定语从句,改写主语和宾语的位置省略定

9、语从句,改写主语和宾语的位置.14Para 2- EarthTopic Sentence: None.(6个句子的逻辑关系理清楚)个句子的逻辑关系理清楚)Information: the earth was a cloud of dust. the dust settled into a solid ball produce gases to be atmosphere water appearedTips:有些段落需要把信息点提炼出来在进行归纳。因此有些段落需要把信息点提炼出来在进行归纳。因此此句概括为:此句概括为:The earth exploded violently but in ti

10、me created atmosphere and water appeared.如何和第一段(如何和第一段( The “big bang” theory explained the origionof the Universe.概要相连接呢概要相连接呢?After that,the earth. .15Para 3-waterTopic Sentence:Water made life develop possiblyTips: 补充说明第二段水的作用,可以作为次要点补充说明第二段水的作用,可以作为次要点放在第三段结合处理。放在第三段结合处理。.16Para 4Topic Sentence:

11、 None points:plants in water, shellfish, fish, plants on land land animals, forest, reptiles,dinosaurs,mammals.Main idea: Thanks to the water, various wildlife developed and appeared on the earth.。Tips:学会使用概括性词汇来代替具体事实学会使用概括性词汇来代替具体事实.17Para 5-HumansTopic Sentence: None points:finally, clever animal

12、s appeared and spread. not look after the earth well. the earth may be too hot to liveon , whether .depend onMain idea: Fianlly, Humans rule the earth but the time of their existence is uncertain.Tips:积累概扩性词汇。积累概扩性词汇。.18Step 4. Make an outline of the passagePara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5 Topic Sente

13、nce:TheoryEarthWaterLifeHumans.19Step 5. Write the first draft The “big bang” theory explained the origionof the Universe.After that ,The earth exploded violently but in time created atmosphere and water appeared.Thanks to the water, various wildlife appeared anddeveloped on the earth.Fianlly, Human

14、s ruled the earth but the time of their existence uncertain.(49).Rewrite: .Rewrite: .20Step 5. Rewrite the summary The theory explained that the origion of the Universe began with a big bang. After that ,The earth exploded violently but in time created atmosphere and water appeared on its surface wh

15、ich made life possilbe.Thanks to the water, various wildlife appeared and developed on the earth.Fianlly, Humans ruled the earth till today but their existence and future depends on their problem solving .(62).21Idea 1: People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic

16、 attitude to life. Rewrite: Firstly, people focused more on humanistic themes rather than religious ones. Idea 2: At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were.Rewrite: Secondly, painters returned to classic

17、al ideas, which attached great importance to real people and nature.focused more on 同义转换同义转换句型转变句型转变短语连接短语连接删除细节删除细节.22Para 1In the Renaissance, new viewpoints were in place of those hundreds years ago. Firstly, people focused more on humanistic themes rather than religious ones. Secondly, painters

18、returned to classical ideas which focused on real people and nature. (38 words) Step 6. Revise the SummaryPeople had new viewpoints during the Renaissance. Meanwhile, painters preferred the classical ideas and painted real people and nature.Firstly,Secondly,.23 People had new viewpoints during the Renaissance. People focused more on humanistic themes rather than religious ones. Meanwhile, painters preferred the classical ideas and painted real people and


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