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1、学科:英语教学内容:Unit Teenagers should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes.教材分析 (教学分析)重点 1. be ( not ) allowedto do sth.被/不被 允许做某事She / He is ( not ) allowed to We / You / They are ( not ) allowedto 应该/不应该 被允许做某事I/She/He/We/You/They should(nt) be allowed to 注意,可联系上个单元学过的 be afraid of 的用法,如下:be ( not ) af

2、raid of (doing) sth.害怕、担心(做)某事She / He is ( not ) afraid of We / You / They are afraid of didnt use to be afraid of ( doing ) sth.过去常常(不)害怕(做)某事I/She/He/We/You/They used to be afraid of I/She/He/We/You/They didnt use to be afraid of 重点 2. agree 和 disagree 的用法agree/disagree with sb.agree / disagree o

3、n sth.agree / disagree + that 从句同意/不同意某人同意/不同意某事同意/不同意重点 3 need 的用法指主语的主观特殊情况而需要。need 既可以作情态动词,又可以作行为动词.作情态动词时,need 无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,否定式为 neednt.作实义动词时,need 同别的行为动词一样,有人称和数的变化,后接带 to do 的不定式,此时,否定式要在 need 前面加 dont (doesnt, didnt),疑问句用 do (does, did)提问。注意: 作情态动词用时, need 只用于疑问句中和否定句中,而在肯定句中常用 must, hav

4、e to,should, ought to 等。任务设计任务 I. 翻译词组:1. 驾驶执照3. 15 岁的青少年5. 代替7. 通过一次考试9. 对要求严格11. 向学习13. 对有好处2. 打耳洞4. 熬夜6. 参加一次考试8. 考试不及格10. 几天以前12. 目前14. 英汉辞典任务 II. 选词填空:agree, allow, pierced, choose, fail, silly, license, instead of, learn from, bestrict with1.Are you allowed to _ your own clothes?2. We should _

5、 our monitor. He is the best in our class.3. I _ teenagers should be home by 9:00 pm.4. If we dont study hard, we _ the test.5. Some students often play games _ playing computer in computerclass.6. I am _ towear jeans at home.7. Our teachers _ us. They make a lot of strict rules for us.8. You can go

6、 with Tony. He just got his drivers _.9. We shouldnt be allowed to get our ears _.10. The boy is a little _.He often goes out without an umbrella on rainydays.任务 III. 连词成句:1.be, part- time, allowed, jobs, sixteen-year-olds, to, should, have_.2. teenagers, to, with, I, be, do, think, allowed, friends

7、, homework, should_.3.not, to, late, am, to, class, allowed, get, I_.4. should, strict, teenagers, be, parents, not, too, with_.5. to, with, time, teenagers, spend, need, friends_.6. arent, that, enough, they, age, serious, at_.任务 IV. 用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Teenagers should be _ (allow) to choose their cloth

8、es.2. Sixteen-year-olds _ (be) not allowed to drive.3. He should stop _ (wear) those silly earrings.4. Young people need _ (sleep) about 8 hours at least.5. We should pass the test instead of _ (fail) the test.6. We have a lot of _ (rule) at school.7. I think your father _ (be) strict with you!8You

9、have to _ (be) 18 before you are allowed to drive.任务 V. 朗读下面的文章。Should Students Wear School Uniforms?As we know, wearing school uniforms is indispensable for Japanese students, whereasfor American students, it is not such a case, so should Chinese students wear schooluniforms?Some believe in the adv

10、antages of wearing school uniforms. Firstly, uniforms cancultivate collective spirit, which is typical of Japanese students. Secondly, schools can bekept in good order with uniform since the outsiders will be recognized immediately. Beside,wearing school uniform can help students develop simple life

11、 habits. However, others dontthink so. They claim that wearing school uniform will deprive students of individuality, whichis always the source of amazing creativity. As for collective spirit, attending sports gamesseems to be more effective, and wearing school uniform doesnt result in simple life h

12、abit aswe expect.根据文章,写出赞成与不赞成穿校服的理由 。Pro任务 VI.con针对初三这一年的学习生活,结合自己的理想,谈谈在饮食、健康、学习等方面自己的打算,并给家长或老师写一封信,谈谈自己应该被允许和不被允许做的事情,并阐明理由。_ ,_参考答案及分析任务 I.drivers license, get ears pierced, fifteen-year-olds, stay up, instead of, take a test, pass atest, fail a test, be strict with sb., a few days ago, learn f

13、rom, at present, be good to,English-Chinese-Dictionary任务 II.1. choose, 2. learn from,3. agree,4. will fail5. instead of,6. allowed,7. are strict with8. license,9. pierced,10. silly任务 III..Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs.I think teenagers should be allowed to do home

14、work with friends.I am not allowedto get to class late.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.5. Teenagers need to spend time with friends.6. They arent serious enough at that age.任务 IV.4. to sleep5. failing1.allowed6. rules2. are7. is3. wearing8. be任务 V.pro1. uniforms can cultivate collect

15、ive spirit2. schools can be kept in good order withuniform3. wearing uniforms can help studentsdevelop simple life habits.con1. wearing school uniform will deprivestudents of individuality2. attending sports games seems to bemore effective3. wearing school uniform doesnt resultin simple life habit任务

16、 IV.Dear Mr. Wang,It seems that Im very busy this year because we are going to take the entranceexam to high schools. I think I should be allowed to eat snacks during the break because Ialways get hungry near noon. I should be allowed to eat junk food everyday, because itsdelicious and I really like it. I should be allowed to play soccer after school


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