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1、阅读表达解题技巧训练重点:1.主旨大意题 2.补全句子题 3.指代词的确认做题技巧做题技巧?高考考试大纲要求:高考考试大纲要求: 要求考生阅读所给的一篇短文,对材料信息进行分析、概括、整理、理解并根据文章后的题目要求进行简答。常见题目类型问题类型概括文章大意、标题、或指出作者写作意图Whats the best title/main idea of the text?Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage?短文转述填空Complete the following statement with proper words补全文章中空缺的句子

2、Please fill in the blank with proper words to make the sentence complete短文信息归纳表达Where /When / Why /What /How.?Which do you think is the best .? Why ?指代词的确认What does the word .probably refer to?评分标准:评分标准:2分1分0分作答内容准确,符合题干要求;语义完整;语言通顺、连贯;语法或单词拼写(含大小写)准确无误。回答内容基本符合题干要求;语义基本完整;语言基本通顺;有个别语法或单词拼写(含大小写)错误,

3、但不影响理解。没有作答;所答内容完全不符合题干要求;写出只言片语但不构成语义;无语法可言;无准确拼写之单词。课前练习课前练习76. What to Do If You Get Lost? 77. calls for help 78. Give them a signal79. Sit down and stay where you are. Because there will be no difficulties for your friends to find you. 80. the people who hear you 阅读表达解题思路阅读表达解题思路 1.浏览题目,了解题目和要求。

4、看清题目要求,注意词数要求。这样再带着问题去阅读,就增强了阅读的针对性和有效性 2.速读短文,清楚文体和大意。准确理解是正确表达的基础因此,对不同体裁的文章要根据体裁特点,运用不同的方法快速阅读,正确理解。记记叙文一开始交代人物、时间、地点、事件,然后叙文一开始交代人物、时间、地点、事件,然后按照时间、空间等顺序进行详细叙述按照时间、空间等顺序进行详细叙述;议论文中,议论文中,作者先提论点,再加以分析,或举例论证,得出作者先提论点,再加以分析,或举例论证,得出结论;结论;说明文中,作者先提出说明对象,然后从说明文中,作者先提出说明对象,然后从时间、空间、用途、方法、步骤等不同侧面加以时间、空间

5、、用途、方法、步骤等不同侧面加以说明。说明。清楚了文章的体裁特征,便会很快把握文章的大意。 3.逐题攻克,按要求准确表达。在把握文章大意的前提下,就可以逐题解答了。解答时,要紧扣文章内容,适当发挥自己的思维能力,推断并概括出答案;表达要简洁、准确,书写要工整、清楚。 各小题解题技巧各小题解题技巧 1.主旨大意题主旨大意题。根据文体特征和主题句概括主旨大意,如果题目要求给出文章标题,就要把主题句概括成短语或短句,并要规范书写标题。(即每个词的首字母要大写) 若回答purpose常用to do 不定式。如:课前练习76. 先找出主题句If you do get lost, though, this

6、 is what you should do.但是要做出归纳:What To Do If You Get Lost?主题句一般会出现在文章第一段或是最后一段。主题句一般会出现在文章第一段或是最后一段。主旨大意题常见的表达法:主旨大意题常见的表达法:Passage one: Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he o

7、r she wants to. Heres how.Topic sentence:Best title:(with 6 words) How To Become A Better Student First find out the topic sentence,then write the best title or main idea.Passage two Chat rooms and messaging can be great fun,but remember, you never really know who you are talking to online. It could

8、 be someone trying to trick you,some kind of weirdo(古怪的人),or someone really dangerous. Here are some tips to help you keep safe: Never use your real name in chat roomspick a special online nickname.Topic sentence:Main idea: (within 8 words)How to keep safe when surfing onlineSome tips on keeping saf

9、e when surfing online Thieves dressed as police entered a museum early Sunday and stole 11 paintings, including major works by Rembrandt, Dagas, Manet and Vermerr, FBI (美国联邦调查局) and the museum officials said. The first judgment placed value of at least $100 million on the works stolen from the Isabe

10、lla Gardener Museum, said Boston police spokes-man Jim Tordan Topic sentence:Main idea: (within 4 words)Thieves stole 11 paintingsPassage three Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illnes

11、s), cancer, cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems. For example, it can give one a “smokers cough”.Topic sentence:Best title: (within 6 words) Smoking is harmful to your health. Passage four2.补全句子题:补全句子题:在把握了文章主题和作者思路的前提下,充分利用文章中对比、转折、因果、递进、条件等关系的连接词,结合上下文语境,对残缺部分进行推敲预测,然后利用简练的几个词把所缺

12、的意思准确表达出来。最后把所填内容放回原文中检验,确保上下文内容连贯,语法结构准确。表并列关系:and, also, as well as, likewise, similarly, too, equally.表递进关系:whats more , moreover, further, in addition, then, besides.表转折关系:but, however, while, on the other hand, nevertheless, .表因果关系:because, since, as, for, now that, so, therefore, thus, hence,

13、accordingly, consequently, as a result。表让步关系:though, although, even though, even if, despite, in spite of.表时间关系:when, while, as, after, before, since, until, as soon as, once.表条件关系:if, suppose that, supposing that, unless, in case, as long as, without.表目的:to, in order to ,so as to, so that, in order

14、 that, .表解释:is , that is, that is to say, that means, the meaning is that.如课前练习78. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 5 words)3 There is another way to help your friends or other people nearby to find you. _ by shouting or whistling th

15、ree times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help. 可知这几句是顺序关系,先发出三声,然后停一下,再发出三声。可知答案为Give them a signal. 1 Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After_, you should make a schedu

16、le of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. Dont forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all the problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.after

17、是表时间顺序的词意为“.之后”,因此由前后逻辑可推断出之前的一件事是make a list ,但要注意after一般做介词用,因此答案为making the list2 My friend Bob had a problem because he liked to gamble(赌博) at all costs. He would play at any time and at any price. Sometimes he would win a lot of money on one card game. He liked to tell me that one day he would

18、break the bank. What a feeling it must be to win all of the money at a gambling table! Other times he neither won nor lost money. But sometimes Bob would _. When this happened, he would go into debt and owe people money.lose all his money 3 There are many different types of beer available in pubs. T

19、raditional British beer is called bitter, or ale, and is usually served at room temperature. As a result, the British are famous for their warm beer ! If you prefer a cold beer, ask for lager. This beer is a light yellow in color whereas bitter is usually a darker brown. All beers are served as pint

20、s (500ml) or halves (250ml). To order, you need to ask for a pint or half, and then name the beer. So, you could say “_”. A pint of bitter, please. A half of lager, please. 4 Do you spend over an hour each day texting messages to your friends? Do you frequently ignore work, study, and other activiti

21、es to check your phone for messages? Are you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone? Do you hardly ever use your phone to talk any more, and do your thumbs hurt from texting too much? If , then it is very possible that you are a textaholic. A textaholic can be defined as so

22、meone who is addicted to sending and receiving messages. you answer “yes” to any of the questions 3.代词指代题。这类题主要考查考生对相关成分复指关系的辨别能力。指代词一般是代词,如it,they,them,that,one,such,so等,用来指代上文出现的名词、短语或句子,以避免重复。理清文章线索,顺藤摸瓜,便可查找出代词所指代的部分。检查时可带入指代词所在的句子中看意思是否通顺。如课前练习:80. What does the word “They” (Line 2 Paragraph 4

23、) probably refer to? (no more than 6 words)4 Keep up the shouting or whistling, always three times together. Then the people who hear you will know that you are not making noise for fun. They will let you know they have heard your signal. the people who hear you 1 Help your child keep what he reads

24、a crucial skill, especially as he gets older and needs to gain important information from textbooks. Have him read aloud. This forces him to go slower, which gives him more time to process what he reads. Plus, hes not only seeing the words, hes hearing them, too. Have him read aloud. 2 Listen to you

25、r body.What does it feel like to be full? When youre eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they dont notice when they need to stop eating. your body3 Failure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to enjoying success is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less


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