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1、THE ULTIMATE IELTS SPEAKING GUIDE THE ULTIMATE IELTS SPEAKING GUIDE BOOKBOOKTable of Contents:1. About IELTS 1.1 Definition and Overview of IELTS SPEAKING 1.2 Basic Things to consider when answering IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions2. Types of questions in IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 1.1 Yes/no questions 1.

2、2 preference questions 1.3 enumeration questions3. IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGE4. CONVERSATION FILLERS5. Frequently asked IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 questions with answersWHAT IS IELTS?WHAT IS IELTS?(A quick overview of what IELTS Speaking is about)(A quick overview of what IELTS Speaking is abo

3、ut)IELTSIELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. Its an English proficiency and literacy test taken by non-native speakers of English who either want to study or work overseas. IELTS Speaking is divided into 3 parts - parts 1, 2 and 3.IELTS IELTS SPEAKING IS MAPPED OUT THIS WA

4、Y:SPEAKING IS MAPPED OUT THIS WAY: Part 1 ( (4-5 minutes Introduction and questions on familiar topic areas such as work, study, hobbies, holidays)Part 2 (3-4 minutes - 2 minute talk on a familiar topic)Part 3 (4-5 minutes Two-way discussion on issues related to the topic in part 2) REMEMBER: REMEMB

5、ER:Before the part one questions start, there is a brief introduction. The examiner will introduce himself or herself and you will need to tell the examiner your name and show your identification such as a passport or ID card.Part 1 is the easiest part. The examiner will ask you general questions ab

6、out yourself. Common topics are on your home, family, job, studies, interests, and a range of similar familiar topic areas.The examiner will choose three topic areas and youll have about four questions on each. So youll have around 10-14 questions, depending on how long you speak for on each.These a

7、re the some basic things to consider whenever you are These are the some basic things to consider whenever you are thinking about IELTS speaking thinking about IELTS speaking practice:practice:Speak Speak as much as possibleas much as possible - Youve got 12 minutes to show how good your speaking sk

8、ill is.Dont pre-learn your answersDont pre-learn your answers - These sound rehearsed and examiners will notice this and move on to a different topic.Avoid yes/no answersAvoid yes/no answers Always include details to fill out your answer.Correct yourself if you make a mistakeCorrect yourself if you

9、make a mistake This is what native speakers do and you wont lose marks for it.Make sure your intonation is not flatMake sure your intonation is not flat - English speakers have melody in their intonation. If the way you speak sounds flat, you will sound bored - the examiner might think that you are

10、not interested or dont care! TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:1. . YES/NO question YES/NO question (this question is answerable by a yes or a no. Usually they start with can you./ do you./ would you.first sentence answer directly (if its a yes or no)second sentence give a re

11、asonthird sentenceadd an addition informationEXAMPLE:EXAMPLE: QUESTION: Do you like to cook?QUESTION: Do you like to cook? -(yes answer) Pretty much, yes! Cooking is an activity I enjoy the most. In fact, Ive been into cooking for a long time now and I can whip up a variety of mouth-watering dishes.

12、QUESTION: Do you like to cook?QUESTION: Do you like to cook? - Well, honestly, cooking is not just my thing since I am very much tied up with a lot of activities like studies, family, sports and many more. But who knows, in the future, I might be into it.whip up - cookvery much tied up with - very b

13、usy withREMEMBER:REMEMBERREMEMBER: Do not just say yes or no. There are other ways to express them.Yes “Pretty much, yes! ” / ” I absolutely do! ” / “ I do, indeed! ” No “ Well, honestly xxx isnt just my thing ” / “ Im afraid I dont. ” TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:2. PRE

14、FERENCE questionPREFERENCE question (this question is asking you to choose one)QUESTION: Do you prefer to cook your own meal or eat in QUESTION: Do you prefer to cook your own meal or eat in restaurants?restaurants?TO ANSWER THIS, you can use any of these:TO ANSWER THIS, you can use any of these:Wel

15、l, if I have to choose one, Id go for cooking my own food rather than dining out because.Well, Id pick cooking my own food over dining out because.REMEMBER:REMEMBERREMEMBER: If you are to choose between two options, you can sayWell, if I have to choose one, Id go for xxx rather than xxx because/sinc

16、eWell, Id pick xxx over xxx because/sinceTYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN PART 1:ENUMERATION questionENUMERATION question (questions starting with what are the. This question is asking you to say some examples)QUESTION: What are the kinds of movies that you like?QUESTION: What are

17、the kinds of movies that you like? - Quite a lot actually. In fact, Im a big movie buff. I love to watch horror movies, action, drama or tearjerker, sci-fi and many more. Watching movies is something I consider a stress-buster.QUESTION: What are the kinds of movies that you like?QUESTION: What are t

18、he kinds of movies that you like? Just a few. Honestly, watching movies is not just my thing since I am very much tied up with heavy school load.a stress-buster - an activity that you do that helps you relieve stressREMEMBER:REMEMBER:REMEMBER: If there are lots of things you want to say, you can say

19、 Quite a lot, actually.and then give the examples. If there are a few things you want to say, you can say Just a few.and then give some reasons.IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:REMEMBER:Try to do more than simply answer the question if you want to achieve

20、 a high score. The following useful language will give you ideas for expanding an answer by talking about the past, present and future. It will also help you speak more fluently and with an awareness of collocation and idiomatic speech. Some idiomatic expressions are explained in parentheses.IELTS S

21、PEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:Asking for repetitionAsking for repetitionCould you say that again?Im sorry, I didnt catch that.Did you say ( )?Stalling for timeStalling for timeWell, let me see.In my case, Hmm, Id have to say IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGU

22、AGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:Describing frequencyDescribing frequencyEvery other day, (= Frequently)Once in a while, (= Occasionally)Once in a blue moon, (= Rarely)Adding moreAdding moreAlso, Another thing (as well) is Oh and one more thingFurthermore.In addition.Additionally/ added t

23、o that.IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:Comparing with the pastComparing with the pastBut when I was (a bit) younger I used to But in my school days I used to But back in the day I used to (= In the distant past)Comparing self with othersComparing self wi

24、th othersBut some of my friends But I know there are others who But it takes all sorts, I suppose. (= Everyone is different.)IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:Expressing hopeExpressing hopeBut Id like to try it if I ever get the chance.But it would be nice

25、 to try it someday.But hopefully luck will shine on me one day. (= Hopefully Ill get the chance.)FinishingFinishingSo, thats a bit about my Anyway, thats my So, to cut a long story short, (= To sum up) IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 USEFUL LANGUAGES:Saying something neg

26、ativeSaying something negativeIm sorry but Im afraid (to say that) To be (perfectly) honest, Well, honestly, Im not very much into.To be honest, xxx is not just my thing.Giving an exampleGiving an exampleFor example, For instance,.A good example is Maybe youve heard of CONVERSATION FILLERSCONVERSATI

27、ON FILLERSUse fillers to give yourself time to think before you speak. This will make you Use fillers to give yourself time to think before you speak. This will make you sound much more fluent.sound much more fluent.1. Er let me think What do you think are the most common causes of road accidents? E

28、r let me think I would say there are two main causes2. Hmm thats a good question Is listening to the radio more beneficial for children than watching TV? Hmm thats a good question. I guess it is, because3. Actually Ive never really thought about it Why do teenagers love texting their friends? Actual

29、ly Ive never really thought about it It might be, because they4. Umm (repeat the question) Where do you see yourself in ten years time? Umm Where do I see myself in ten years time? Maybe, I willCONVERSATION FILLERSCONVERSATION FILLERSUse fillers to give yourself time to think before you speak. This

30、will make you Use fillers to give yourself time to think before you speak. This will make you sound much more fluent.sound much more fluent.Well, you know Would you give up your car and cycle to work?Well, you know I work quite far from homeNOW HERE ARE SOME SAMPLE IELTS SPEAKING NOW HERE ARE SOME S

31、AMPLE IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS AND SAMPLE ANSWERS:PART 1 QUESTIONS AND SAMPLE ANSWERS:Lets start off with the basic IELTS Part 1 questions:Hi, good morning. My name is Sam and I am your examiner for today. Its so nice to meet you - Oh, hi! Its nice to meet you too.(REMEMBER: In this part, don

32、t introduce yourself yet.)May I see your proof of identification, please? Sure. Here you are. Thats my passport.What is your full name? My full name is Kim Eun Ji, but you may call me Chris, my chosen English name. I prefer to be called that way.Where are you from? I am originally from Seoul, an eco

33、nomically-progressive city and the capital city of Korea. Ive been living here all my life. In fact, this is where I was born and raised in.chosen /cHzn/ an economically-progressive city - a city whose economy is really goodIELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH AN

34、SWERS:ANSWERS:Chris, what do you like the Chris, what do you like the most about your hometownmost about your hometown? Id say its the scenic spots. In my free time, Id always visit those places. What do you dislike the most What do you dislike the most about your hometown? about your hometown? Its

35、the weather I cant stand because its unpredictable. The bad weather makes me feel uncomfortable, which is very annoying.Chris, Id like to know what you do. Are you a Chris, Id like to know what you do. Are you a student or do you have a job?student or do you have a job? Well, Im a senior university

36、student in Seoul National University and I am majoring in Engineering.scenic spots - magnificent and beautiful placesunpredictable - always changesannoying - irritatingWhy Why are you taking the IELTS?are you taking the IELTS? Im taking this test because Id like to study overseas, particularly in Au

37、stralia. An acceptable IELTS band is a major requirement to be admitted in prestigious universities there. The required score is 5.5 but Id like to get a higher one. prestigious universities - universities with high standard of education/famous universitiesIELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER

38、S:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:HOME AND ACCOMMODATIONHOME AND ACCOMMODATIONDescribe your homeDescribe your homeWell, our 3-bedroom house is modern. There is a kitchen, living room, a dining area, and then there are the bathrooms and an area for doing laundry and other household chore

39、s. My house is spacious, which is why living there is very convenient. Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment?Honestly, if I have to choose one, Id go for living in a house. Obviously, a house is usually bigger and more private and most apar

40、tments dont have gardens. IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:VEGETABLES AND FRUITSVEGETABLES AND FRUITSWhats your favorite vegetable and fruit?Whats your favorite vegetable and fruit? Hmm, well I am most fond of carrots and cabbage, and with reg

41、ards to fruits, I like apples and bananas the most. They taste really good.How often do you eat fruits?How often do you eat fruits? I eat fruits on a daily basis, and I see to it that they are included in my usual meals. After a big meal, I eat an apple because its my favorite dessert. There is a sa

42、ying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and I believe in that.I am most fond of xxx I like xxx very muchwith regards to - abouton a daily basis - everydayI see to it that I make sure thatdesserts sweet food you eat after eating a big mealAre there any special fruits in your hometown?Are there

43、 any special fruits in your hometown? My hometown is famous for its pineapples. The trees bearing pineapples can be seen everywhere and they can be bought in almost all stores. The price is relatively low as well.Should we eat vegetables every day? Should we eat vegetables every day? We absolutely s

44、hould! Fruits can provide our bodies with the necessary fiber, nutrients and minerals that we need every day. Apart from that, it can help strengthen our bones and make our skin radiantly glowing. Fruits are also healthier than meat.The price is relatively low DO NOT USE THE WORD cheap in IELTS Writ

45、ing and DO NOT USE THE WORD cheap in IELTS Writing and SpeakingSpeakingIts best to use the following words :affordable/reasonable/reasonably-priced/easy on the pocket/budget-friendlyprovide - giveApart from that additionally/in addition/ furthermore/ added to that/moreoverstrengthen our bones can ma

46、ke our bones strongerIELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTATIONWhats the most popular Whats the most popular means of transportationmeans of transportation in your hometown?in your hometown? Well, its the subway because it c

47、an bring us to our destination faster than other modes of transport. In addition, the fare is more affordable than others.How often do you take buses?How often do you take buses? I seldom take the bus. I am a hands-on mom and I dont usually go out but if I have to, for instance, go to the shopping m

48、all or cafes, I drive my own car. Can you compare the advantages of planes and Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?trains? Sure. Traveling by plane is safer and more convenient than by train although the fare tends to be more pricy. When we travel by train, its quite crowded and nois

49、y. However, we can feast our eyes on the magnificent sceneries we pass by.tends to be more pricy can be more expensivewe can feast our eyes on - we can happily seeIs driving to work popular in your country?Is driving to work popular in your country? Yes, absolutely! Here in Korea, most employees pre

50、fer to drive their own vehicles rather than take public transport or walk to work because they find it much more convenient regardless of the dreadful traffic congestion they face on a daily basis. With the economic growth that we are experiencing nowadays, more and more people can afford to buy the

51、ir own private vehicles.Do you think people will drive more in the future?Do you think people will drive more in the future? Absolutely! Well, with the economic progress, well, I guess more and more people can afford to buy their own vehicles. They also find it hassle-free to drive around in their o

52、wn cars. However, there is one big set-backit will surely contribute to the horrendous traffic congestion we suffer from everyday.IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTATIONWould you ride bikes to work Would you ride bikes to

53、 work in the future?in the future? Well, Id love to go green by riding bikes especially if my workplace is quite near, but if its a bit far from where I live, I would go there by any modes of transport available.dreadful horrible/horrendous/terriblehassle-free - convenientset-back disadvantage/pitfa

54、ll/drawbackhorrendous traffic congestion terrible traffic jamWhat will become the most What will become the most popular means of transportation in popular means of transportation in China in the future?China in the future? Id say its the underground subway because the fare is relatively low compare

55、d to other modes of transport. Apart from that, the subway can bring us to our destination in real time which other vehicles cannot really do.Do you prefer public Do you prefer public transportation or private?transportation or private? I prefer private vehicles rather than public because I can cont

56、rol my travel time and its not very crowded. I can go anywhere I want, anytime, and its more convenient and safer.IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:SPORTSSPORTSDo you like to watch sports Do you like to watch sports on TV?on TV? Pretty much, ye

57、s! I am a sports buff. Sports spark up my interest. I love watching basketball on tv in my spare time.Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? I do, yes. I love to go swimming especially in summer because it can help me relax, keep fit and beat the heat of summer. a sports buff a person who l

58、ikes sportsDo you have a favorite sports star?Do you have a favorite sports star? Well, yeah theres one. I admire the world-renowned NBA player named Michael Jordan. For me he is the best ever athlete since he plays basketball exemplary well. Whats the most popular sports in Whats the most popular s

59、ports in Korea?Korea? Its baseball. Its been Koreas national sports for decades now although lots of people nowadays do not know the mechanics of the game itself and seldom play it nowadays. Too bad, baseball isnt as popular now as it was before. world-renowned - famous all over the worldwhen someon

60、e does something exemplary well it means that he or she does it really wellthe mechanics of the game the rules of the gameIELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS:ANSWERS:FILMSFILMSDo you like to watch films? Of course, I do. Im in fact, a big movie buff. I g


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