



1、中考英语名词考点归纳中考英语名词考点归纳名词是英语中一种重要的实词,同时也是每年中考英语试题考查的一个热点?本文拟就最近两年全国部分省市的中考英语试题中的单项选择”题对名词的考查作一归纳,供同学们学习时参考?(备选项下面划横线的为正确答案 )一?对可数名词与不可数名词的考查1. How manyare there in the intern ati onal village?A. Ch in ese B. Russia n C. America n(2006 年汕头市)2. The restaura nt is so popular here. Look, there are so manyh

2、ere.A. food B. dish C. people D. waiter(2006 年徐州市)3. Can I help you?I ' d likefor my twin daughters.A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoeC. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes(2006 年滨州市)4. Mrs Jenny gives uson how to lear n En glish well.A. some advices B. many advicesC. some advice D. an

3、 advice(2005 年天津市)5. Are there anyon the farm?Yes, there are some.A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep(2005 年吉林省)考点归纳这类试题要求考生区分可数名词与不可数名词以及修饰可数名词与不可数名词的常用词语,并掌握将可数名词由单数形式变为复数形式的基本方法,还要熟记dear,sheep, Chin ese, Japa nese等单复数形式相同的名词,以及一些不规则名词的单复数形式,如 man men, woma nwome n, childchildre n, policema npoli

4、ceme n, mouse mice, foot feet,tooth teeth, stomach stomachs 等?二?对名词所有格的考查1. The computer on the desk is.A. twins B. the twin ' sC. the twins D. the twins'年孝感市)2. Mrs Black is a friend of.A. Mary ' s mother ' s B. Mary ' s motherC. mother' s of Mary D. Mary mother ' s(2年6阳

5、市)3. It is overfrom Shijiazhua ng to Beiji ng.A. three hours ' drive B. three hour ' s driveC. three hours ' drives D. three hours drive(20年河北省)4. Today is September 10th. It isDay.A. Teachers B. Teachers 'C. the teachers ' D. Teacher ' s年常德市)5. Do you know the woma n over th

6、ere?Yes. She ' saunt.A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily ' s and Lucy ' sC. Lily ' s and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy '年济05市)6. After play ing football for more tha n half an hour, the stude nts tookrest.A. a few minute ' s B. a few minutes'C. a little minute ' s D. a little minutes 年天

7、津市005考点归纳这类试题主要考查名词所有格的构成及其用法?名词的所有格一般在词尾加这种形式的所有格主要用于有生命的名词以及表示时间?距离等名词的后面?注意:如果名词本身以表示复数意义的s结尾,构成所有格时直接在词尾加上“即可?另外,注意“A sand B '型'名词短语所有格表示两者分别拥有某物,而“ A and B型名'词短语所有格表示两者共同拥有某物?三?对名词作定语的考查1. There are threeassista nts in thatshop.A. wome n; shoe B. woma n; shoeC. woman; shoes D. women

8、; shoes(2006 年孝感市)2. Where are the?They are playingfootball on the playgro und.A. boys stude nts; the B. boy stude nts; theC. boy students;DXboy student; (2005 年乌鲁木齐市)3. Bill said they would haveholiday.A. a two-mo nth B. two-m on thsC. two-mo nthes D. two- mon th' s(2005年 天津市)考点归纳一般情况下,名词作定语修饰主

9、体名词时,常用单数形式;主体名词为复数形 式时,作定语用的名词一般用单数形式,如boy friends?但以man, woman等名词作定语修饰主体名词时,若主体名词为复数形式,man和woman也要变为复数形式,如men doctors?由 基数词+连词符号+名词”或基数词+连词符号+名词+连词符号+形容词”构成 的复合词作定语修饰主体名词时,复合词中的名词只能用单数形式?四?对易混名词的考查1. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but theof the running water.A. shout B. noise C. vo

10、ice D. sound(2006 年天津市)2. Beth has a beautiful. Liste n! She is singing very well.A. voice B. look C. sou nd D. smell(2006 年杭州市)3. What happe ned to you this morning?The teacher asked me for mywhe n I was late aga in.A. meaning B. idea C. excuse D. answer(2006 年武汉市)4. Oh, there isn ' t enoughfor

11、iusthe lift.No hurry. Let ' s wait for the next.A. floor B. ground C. room D. place(2006 年黄冈市)5. Tom regards Nanjing as his secondbecause he has bee n here for over ten years.A. family B. room C. house D. home(2005 年南京市)6. Football is a populararound the world.A. match B. goal C. game D. play(20

12、05 年安徽省)7. Excuse me, waiter. We ' re leaving. Can you bring me the, please?A. money B. note C. bill D. list(2005 年杭州市)考点归纳这类试题主要考查一些语义相近而极易混淆的名词?考生在平时要注意积累?掌握一些常见易混名词的用法区别,如:family, home, room, house; problem, question;match, game; note, bill; door, gate, entrance 等?五?对名词所表示的相关意义的考查1. Once upon

13、 a time we Chin ese made the first kite. People used kites to sendtoother places, because they did n ' t have teleph on es, computers, or eve n radios.A. la nguages B. n ewspapersC. messages D. magazines(2006年临沂市)2. Heil on gjia ng is in theof China.A. n ortheast B. n ortheaster nC. northwest D.

14、 northwestern(2006 年天津市)3. Lao She is theof Tea House(茶馆).A. doctor B. actor C. scientist D. writer(2006 年陕西省)4. I want to go to different places, but I don' t know the.A map is helpful, I thi nk.A. price B. way C. time D. ticket(2006 年江西省)5. Thomas Edis on n ever gave up. During his lifetime, h

15、e had 1,093.A. in struct ions B. competiti onsC. inventions D. injections(2006 年盐城市)6. The TVon Channel Five are about sports.A. experie nces B. performa ncesC. programs D. problems(2005 年天津市)7. Please give me awhe n you get to Beiji ng.All right. I ' ll tell you everything when I get there.A. n

16、 ewspaper B. ticketC. present D. ring(2005 年宁波市)考点归纳这类试题常常涉及其他学科的知识和日常生活常识,主要考查考生的综合素质?只要考生能读懂句意,把握语境,一般不难作出正确的选择 ?六 ? 对含有名词的固定短语的考查1. Sorry, Jane. I took your school bag by. It doesn ' t matter.A. hand B. mistake C. bike D. heart(2006 年盐城市 )2. Brian is so kind that he often gives me a when I &#

17、39; m in trouble.A. reply B. seat C. hand D. reason(2006 年安徽省 )3. There will be many kinds of shoes this Sunday. I ' ll go and buy a pair for mydaughter.A. on duty B. on showC. on business D. on watch(2005 年南宁市 )4. We should have in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try.A. success B. confidenceC. progress D. knowledge(2005 年大连市 )考点归纳 这类试题主要考查考生对一些


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