1、英语口语教程(1)期末复习2004年12月23日 “英语口语(1)”是中央广播电视大学开放教育专科英语专业的必修课程。它采用由高等教育出版社出版,姚保慧老师编写的英语口语教程。本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。通过本课程的学习,学生应能运用简单的日常英语进行对话,并能就所听、读的材料回答问题及复述,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确。为帮助学生复习本课程,并顺利通过考核,拟分三部分进行辅导。第一部分:考核说明,第二部分:复习范围、复习、复习备考应注意问题。第三部分:课文中部分话题的参考答案。第一部分 考核说明一、 考核方式:本课程的考核
2、采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占30%,课程终结考试占70%。1、形成性考核:由辅导老师根据学生的学习记录(5%),作业完成情况(20%),参加面授课、小组活动和其它教学活动的情况(5%)综合评定。2. 课程终结考试:本课程的终结考试为口试,满分为100分,由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国统考。每场口试由两名教师主持,一名学生参加,考生进入备考室后抽取一套考卷。抽得考卷后考生准备五分钟,正式口试810分钟。二、
3、 命题原则:根据教材所涵盖的英语交际功能和话题设计考题,考题的难度与教材中的练习难度相当,体现教材“以功能和话题为纲”的编写原则,考题涉及教材内容不少于50%。三、 试形式及试卷结构:为了较好地考察学生的口语水平,使考试既具有科学性又具有可行性,本考试采取下列形式:1、口试形式:口试分三部分。第一部分为朗读短文并回答就短文所提出的问题;第二部分就学生所熟悉的话题作2分钟左右的连贯发
4、言;第三部分为与主考教师就日常生活中的一般情景进行交谈。2、试卷结构与时间分配:部分形 式考察要点为考生提供的信息题量 时间(分钟)朗读短文 朗读(发音的清晰度、准确度,连读、重读、节奏、语调运用的恰当程度) 一篇约150200词的短文 1 2回答问题 对阅读材料的理解和表述能力 口试教师提出的问题 4 2部分形 式考察要点为考生提供的信息题量 时间(分钟)连贯发言 利用基本的英语知识,清楚而连贯地讨论所熟悉的话题的能力 含有话题的试题卡 1 2简单交谈 就日常生活中的一般情景进行交谈的能力(互动交流及使用交际任务所需功能性语言和技巧。) 含有情景的试题卡 1 34四、
5、 考核内容:本考试重点考核学生对的学基本语言要素的掌握程度(包括发音的清晰度、准确度、连读、重读、节奏、语调、语流、词汇、语法等)和语言技能的初步运用能力(包括朗读、回答问题、就所给文字材料进行简短陈述及就日常生活中的情景进行口头交流。)1、口试涉及的语言功能和意念1)友好往来:介绍、问候、邀请、请求、提供帮助、道歉、感谢、祝贺、赞扬;2)劝说:建议、劝告、警告、命令3)态度:喜恶、偏爱2、口试涉及的交际话题结交新朋友、赴宴、教育、预约、英语国家文化、饮食习惯。3.
6、; 考核要求:本课程终结考试为闭卷,考生不得携带任何形式的参考资料和电子读物或工具。4. 评分标准和方法:口试满分为100分,主考教师依照口试评分标准进行评分。口试时一名教师主持考试,另一名教师专事评分。专事评分的教师应先根据评分的标准确定分数档次,与参与交谈的口试教师商议后给出综合分数。 样题学生用卷(A)卷Direction:In this test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your
7、ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions.Part2 Speak on a topicPart3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars and then an
8、swer the questions the examiner asks you. *Deng Ling is an English major in the Foreign Languages Department. This is her first year here and she finds college life interesting and exciting. She is getting to know many of her classmates who come from different parts of the country. She likes Mi
9、ss Jessica Robinson, her oral English teacher from America. Deng Ling is determined to follow Miss Robinsons advice in her study: that is work hard and speak English as much as possible. She has learnt from her teacher that foreign language learners have to practice a lot. At the same time they need
10、 to understand the culture of the language. * From her observations and her contacts with some of the foreigners, she has found that some topics are not suitable for conversations. Such topics include age, income and marital status. “Anything that might be considered private should be avoided,” Miss
11、 Robinson tells her students. Part 2 Speak on the following topic for about 2 minutes. What topics are suitable for conversations with foreign friends? State them and give your reasons Part3 Complete a role-play task with your teacher. Your conversation should last 3-4minutes. A
12、is a first year student majoring in English. B is Professor Li, an English language teacher from New York. A and B meet on the campus. You are A. You start a conversation with B. The following is the procedure you should follow. l Exchange gr
13、eetings with your teacher;l Find out a suitable day and time to visit him/her ;l Determine a place to meet;l Confirm the day, time and meeting place 教师
14、用卷(A)卷 Directions:In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts.Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions;Part 2 Speak on a topic;Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the
15、examiner as the conversation partner. Part 1Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars.*Deng Ling is an English major in the Foreign Languages Department. This is her first year here and she finds college life interesting and exciting. She is getting to know many of her
16、classmates who come from different parts of the country. She likes Miss Jessica Robinson, her oral English teacher from America. Deng Ling is determined to follow Miss Robinsons advice in her study: that is work hard and speak English as much as possible. She has learnt from her teacher that foreign
17、 language learners have to practice a lot. At the same time they need to understand the culture of the language. * From her observations and her contacts with some of the foreigners, she has found that some topics are not suitable for conversations. Such topics include age, income and marital status
18、. “Anything that might be considered private should be avoided,” Miss Robinson tells her students. Section B Ask the student the following questions.1. What does Deng Ling major in?2. Who is Miss Rob
19、inson?3. What is the best way to improve ones oral English according to Miss Robinson?4. What topics are not suitable for conversation with foreign friends?why? Part 2 Ask the student to speak on the
20、 following topic.What topics are suitable for conversations with foreign friends? State them and give your reasons Part3 Complete a role-play task with your teacher. Your conversation should last 3-4minutes. A is a first year student majoring in English. B is Professor Li, an English langu
21、age teacher from New York. A and B meet on the campus. You are B. Talk only when necessary. The following notes are for your reference.The student is AYou are BBack-up cuesGreetingsRespond to greetings.Good to meet you.Find out a suitable day and time to visit the teacher.Create a situation in
22、which you two have difficulty finding a suitable time when both of you are free.Im afraid Im not freeIm sorry I have to work then.I dont get off word untilIm sorry I already have an appointment.But I wont be home byDetermine a time and place to meet.Suggest other time and placeWhat about/How aboutWh
23、y dont weShall wePerhaps you could comeAgree to the suggested time and place.is fine/OKThats a good idea/Great.Confirm the day/time/place.End the conversation/Say goodbyeLooking forward to seeing you. 第二部分 复习范围,复习,备考应注意的问题复习范围是第一单元至第九单元。下面我们根据考试的内容进行复习。先看朗读和回答问题部分。说到朗读,大家都知道,这全看平时的功夫。因为考察
25、; What does Deng Ling major in?2. Who is Miss Robinson?3. What is the best way to improve ones oral English according to Miss Robinson?4. &
26、#160; What topics are not suitable for conversations with foreign friends? Why? 这几个问题中前三个是简单事实型问题,最后一个问题是综合性的,需要你总结短文的大意。通过以上的问题,我们可以看到,答好这一部分,在备考室准备是非常关键的。在抽到考题题签后,应该少在朗读上花时间,先阅读全篇,读懂全文,读懂后重点记一记一些细节:这篇短文如果是故事性的,你可以记一记讲的是什么?主要人物是谁?他们做了什么?在哪儿做的?什么时间做 ,怎么做的,为什么做等等,即我们平常说的who ,wh
27、at, when, where, how, why等问题,如果是说明或议论类的短文,当然就要记谈到几个要点,要点是什么等。下面我们说一说第二部分-连贯发言。这部分考察的重点是:学生利用基本的语言知识,清楚而连贯地谈论所熟悉的话题的能力。大家怎样正确理解以上这句话呢?首先利用基本的语言知识,实际上说的是你在连贯表达时所使用的语言应该是尽量用你所熟悉的句型,用简单的正确的语言来谈论所熟悉的话题;第二是要连贯的表达,考试的时候你要谈两分钟左右,如果只是简单的说一两句肯定是不符合要求的, 第三是熟悉的话题。熟悉的话题指的就是教程中涉及的话题。我们这学期一共学习了9个单元。每个单元都围绕一个话题展开,教
28、材中所涉及的每个话题都是我们应该熟悉的话题。在连贯发言这部分,教师评分的时候会从以下方面考虑:发言流利的程度、语言的准确性、内容及条理性(看你是不是能紧扣所给的话题有条理地组织自己的讲话),同时也要考虑你发言的长度。在复习阶段,建议大家干脆就每个单元所涉及的话题写一写。因为你下笔写的时候,更容易有头有尾,条理清楚,语言的正确性也会提高。如果你就教程中的每个话题都写了超过100字的小作文,口试的时候你肯定信心十足,而考试状态好,左右逢源,这对你在考试中取得好成绩也是重要的。 现在我们来整理一下本学期所涉及的话题。第一单元的课后思考题是:What topics of conversati
29、on are suitable between a Chinese and a Westerner? State them and give your reasons.在课文中我们都了解到很多对英美人来说哪些是 safe 或unsafe 的话题。主要是避免谈个人隐私问题。在打招呼、称谓方面体现的Cultural differences等等在教材中涉及了很多,有关的知识相信同学们在学习过程中已经了解了。但是了解了还不够,还必须能够用英语表达出来。第二单元与请客吃饭相关。课后的重点思考题是:What differences in culture do you see at a Chinese di
30、nner party and a Western dinner party? 这个看起来是一个话题。有的同学反映这个话题难。其实如果你思路清楚,也不难。像我们教程中是从做客的角度分不同的时段来谈的。教程中谈到了中国人去西方朋友家做客,什么时间到达是恰当的,然后谈到与陌生人相识时应该注意什么,开始吃饭了注意什么,告别时注意什么等等。如果你不愿意按照时段这个思路来谈,还可以谈中国人到西方朋友家做客要注意什么,中国人请客要注意什么等等。第三单元的话题是American Higher Education,本课的一个重要的思考题是: Are there any differences between C
31、hinese colleges and American colleges? 就这个话题该谈些什么内容呢?教程中只谈了美国的学制,谈了所授予的学位,另外还谈到比如选课的自由而带来的个人承担的责任等等。准备这个话题的时候,你可以先谈你所了解的美国高等教育的情况,后谈中国的情况;你也可以按照教程里的每个方面分别做比较。也就是中美两国在学制方面有什么相同和不同,在授予学位方面有什么异同,设课、选课方面有什么异同等等。 这里提醒大家除了就以上内容做些准备外,对与个人相关的常见的话题也要做一些准备,要能够介绍自己。比如我问你以下问题,你应该是能够流利地回答,脱口而出:What courses
32、does your university offer? 你的学校开什么课程?What courses are you interested in? 你对什么课程感兴趣?Whats your major? 你学什么专业?What extracurricular activities does your university organize for you? How do you benefit from these activities? 学校组织什么课外活动,你从中有什么收获? 准备了以上的问题,实际上为自己在语言上做了充分的准备,像开设课程、组织活动,授予学位等等都有特定的表达法
33、,动词和宾语几乎是固定的搭配.第四单元的话题是:What are the cultural differences between Chinese and Westerners in making appointments? 教程中涉及到文化差异的方方面面,像预约的场合,方式,甚至还有预约时的程序,先做什么后做什么。在准备这个话题的时候,同学们可以好好读一读这个单元中Topic to discuss中的短文,熟悉一下相关的表达法。第5单元是围绕Library and books 而展开的。这一单元需要同学们就下面两个话题进行流利的发言:一个是How do you make use of the
34、 library for your studies? 另一个是What books do you like to read? 其实这两个话题是有联系的。比如就How do you make use of the library for your studies?作答时,你可能会谈经常去哪个图书馆,图书馆有什么设施,借书是不是方便,当然不可避免就会谈到书,经常借什么书,喜欢看什么书。像What books do you like to read? 属于经常考的题目,也是在被问到不同的问题时可以随机应答的题目,比如问你What do you like doing in your spare tim
35、e? 你就可以回答我业余时间最常去的地方是图书馆、资料室。我最喜欢看书。然后列举自己喜欢看什么书。为什么喜欢这些书。如果问到过节的时候你一般都做什么,你当然也可以绕开过节,而谈书。对于这些常考的题更应该写写。写得越具体越好。可以谈你喜欢哪个作家,喜欢哪个作品,是汉语写的还是英语写的,是翻译过来的还是用英语简写的,读这些书给你带来什么益处等等。第6和第7单元都是和节日相关的。大家可以从西方的节日和中国的节日两个侧面做准备。这两个的单元中虽然没有涉及中国的传统节日,但在单元自测中有这样的思考题:Which traditional festival is the most important one
36、 to the Chinese people? Which festival is the most important one to the Westerners?准备这样的题目的时候,无非是谈什么时候,举行什么庆祝活动,在吃上有什么特别的地方。大家复习的时候还可以从自己喜欢的节日着手,讲一讲你的家,你的朋友通常都怎样过节日。第8和第9单元的话题是饮食习惯。这两个单元相对比较容易。既然谈吃,那肯定就是在什么地方吃,吃什么,怎么吃法。建议大家好好复习TOPIC TO DISCUSS中的短文,多听几遍录音,熟悉一下与饮食习惯相关的表达法,像Chinese food, western food,
37、help oneself to the food, fill the plates with food, healthy food, junk food, go on diet 等等。以上我们详细地讲解了本学期所学的9个单元中涉及的话题。希望大家就这些话题将自己的思考写一写,为口试做好准备。 下面我们谈谈第三部分:情景会话。这部分重点考察学生就日常生活中的一般情景进行交谈的能力,也就是互动交流的能力,和你交谈的是主考教师。这里提醒大家在拿到试题后应迅速判断会话的情景,对会话的时间、地点、你的角色,明确后,还要确定自己该使用什么样的口气,是直接的了当,还是婉转迂回等等。这一部分教师评分的时候除了
38、考虑你语言的准确性、流利程度以外,会从得体性、独立性、谈话时间来综合评定:得体性,就是看你能不能根据所规定的情景和角色进行有效的交际,在题目中原本限定你是和陌生人打招呼,你就不能一上来用Hi, how are you getting along with your work 来问候;明明限定你向自己的老师因为迟到而道歉,也不能用I apologize for being late. I assure you it wont happen again 这样正式的语体。关于独立性,在考签上有这样一段话需要提醒大家:You start a conversation with B. The follo
39、wing is the procedure you should follow.如果你已经读过考核说明的话,这段话你一定在样题中看到了。我想特别提醒大家的是start a conversation 这个词组。你是主动讲话的人,你是主角, 教师评分的时候会考虑你在对话中的参与程度。这一点特别重要。不要以为是教师来考你,教师问什么你答什么,在情景会话中,你是主要发话的人。独立性是指能不能恰当地导入话题,能不能主动地展开话题。有些学生平时习惯于回答别人的提问,但缺乏自己提问、提起话题、维持话题的能力,缺乏积极参与对话的主动性,考试时要特别注意克服这一弱点。谈话时间按要求要谈3-4分钟,可能有些同学担
40、心会没话可说。其实,如果能把九个单元中所学的交际功能和表达模式都复习好,就会有话可说。因为,在考试设定的任何一个情景中,要用到很多方面的功能,而不是某一功能。请看下面这个例子:You are David. You meet a Chinese friend and invite your friend to dinner at a restaurant. You ask your friend to recommend a restaurant 等等。表面上看只有邀请是最重要的功能,但是你见到你的朋友,要打招呼、问候,需要使用第一单元所学的功能及表达模式(结交新朋友);你邀请朋友做事要使用第2
41、单元所学的功能和表达模式(邀请),跟朋友商量去什么地方,哪家饭店好,对方喜欢吃什么又要使用第3、5、8单元关于个人偏好、提出请求、提出建议等功能和表达模式。通过以上的分析,我们可以看到,一定要全面复习。 复习过程中应注意的问题第一,要有计划。要明白自己哪些方面还有差距,根据自己存在的差距定出切实可行的查缺补漏的学习计划,这是关键。 第二确定了自己的缺漏之后,要进行有针对性的复习。比如前面我们讲了,大家应该根据所学的话题做一些书面的作文, 从语言上做些准备,也有利于考试时开阔思路,有话可说,发言连贯。 第三部分 话题及参考答案1. What topics of co
42、nversation are suitable between a Chinese and a Westerner? State them and give your reasons.As we know, different people have different culture. We should respect each others culture when we communicate. Westerners highly value their privacy. They do not like to talk about their personal affairs wit
43、h others. They prefer to talk about something that is neutral. So we try to avoid the touchy topics such as age, marital status, income, property, religion and weight etc. Safe topics that cause no offense would be weather, sports, jobs, hobbies, news, holidays and other forms of relaxation. However
44、, showing concerns about others is our Chinese traditional ethics. We like to ask about friends income, marriage, originality, illness, religion, etc to show our warmth and friendship. 2. What differences in culture do you see at a Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?What is polite
45、in one culture may not be polite in another culture. It would be wise if we follow the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Let me take the example of John and Mr.Wang in our textbook.When John was invited to a dinner party by his neighbour Mr. Wang. He brought a bottle of good champagne as a
46、gift. John arrived on the correct time, but in China it is common to find the hostess still busy in the kitchen.Chinese hospitality is expressed with more food than we can really eat and with much toasting and drinking. While in the West you would not be pressed to drink if you do not wish to.Drinki
47、ng tea is also a way of showing hospitality in China. The cup must be filled frequently. While in the West, tea or coffee would only be served after the guest had been there for some time, and the host or hostess might ask:” Would you like a cup of tea/coffee?” If you accept, the host would only off
48、er you one cup.In Chinese party many people smoke during the dinner. While in the West, you should ask permission to smoke, especially if a lady is present. In China you may just say” hello” to the person who is first introduced to you. John showed little understanding of Chinese culture when he put
49、 his arms around Mr. Wangs sister to show his warmth.I think both the Chinese and western people would say thanks to the host and hostess when they leave the party. 3. Please compare the Chinese colleges and American colleges.In both China and America, higher education is given in colleges and
50、universities. The average time is from two years to four years for academic courses. Students major in certain subjects. Also, in most large Chinese cities, like in most states in the U.S., there are colleges and universities where the fees are low. In the States, public taxes help to pay the cost f
51、or the student who is a resident of that state. In China, the government allocates special funds for higher education.Chinas system for higher education conforms in many aspects to international standards. A college that offers four years of courses awards a Bachelors Degree in various fields, such
52、as arts, science, education, and so on. Each college has its own courses and degrees at the Bachelors the Masters and sometimes at the Doctoral level.”However, there are some aspects that they are different from each other. In America, tuition is much more expensive than that in China. Tuition in th
53、e States may cost over $20000 for the nine-month academic year, not including room and board. American colleges credit system is very flexible. Students can choose how many credits to take in a term and decide for how long they take to get all the credits which qualify them to obtain the degrees. Am
54、erican undergraduate studies are very general for the first two years. While in China, students begin to specialize in their subjects during the first year. Also, American students have great personal responsibilities, such as deciding what courses to take, how to prepare for classes etc. while our
55、Chinese students must follow the syllabus and teaching time-table which are prepared by the teachers. In the States, college students have much personal freedom in everyday life. They choose where to live, when to eat, what friends to make. While in China, the colleges will arrange the room and boar
56、d for the students and the student instructors will offer guidance whenever the students need. 4. What is the importance of extracurricular activities in universities?Extracurricular activities are greatly encouraged in colleges and universities in China and in the West. Intellectual achievemen
57、ts are considered only part of a persons success.Sports, otherwise called” competitive sports”, play an important role in college life. In America, football, basketball and baseball are the most popular games, while in China, basketball, volleyball and table tennis are widely played. Football is mor
58、e a spectators sport. When a good football game is on TV in China, there will be many spectators glued to the screen. Participating in sports is good for nurturing good qualities, such as a winning spirit, fair play and teamwork, which often help the students to be successful in later life.Another i
59、mportance of extracurricular activity is to develop competitive, political and social skills, which is called student government in U.S. In China, colleges and universities have the student union. This helps the students to develop leadership and competitive skills and to take up responsibility in s
60、chool affairs in early life. There are many other advantages of extracurricular activities, such as broadening our mind, improving interpersonal skills and our health. 5. In the western countries is it common to make appointments to visit professionals such as doctors, dentists, barbers? Is it
61、 common to do so in China?In the western countries, you need to make an appointment to visit almost all professionals workers, including doctors, lawyers, dentists, teachers, barbers etc. because they all have busy schedules. Lets take the doctor as an example. In the West, many doctors are in private practice with
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