



1、主谓一致练习(二)1( )1 -Have you got some water to drink? FE|$Am5&+  -Here you are. There_ still some in the bottle. #?&+uG  A. are B. were C. is D. was tCD nW  ( ) 2 _ there many American friends in the school last Friday? eP+ <  A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were tYp.Inj  ( )

2、3 There _ a great many accidents last year. U?Z5V9FDF  A. were B. are C. is D. was u$(+v1W  ( ) 4 -How many children _ in the picture? c=0CusV   -Three. =P;1N  A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there (P*m<l-&  2 *8O:jnm5  ( ) 1 In 1850, about a third

3、of U. S. A_ covered by forests. Wk80g?   A. were B. has been C. / D. was i'4S  ( ) 2 Most of our earth_ covered by water. """CH$h   A. are B. is C. was D. were =2erpvK  ( ) 3 Sunday _ the first day of the week. Cstwz>t   A. is B. are C. am D. be .rt6#.q

4、7  ( ) 4 Neither_right. p q0y   A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't l:R qZ?|  3 9<=<U%?v  ( ) 1 The population of the world _ still _ now. !e& . h  A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is grown b82OHr&s  ( ) 2 The

5、re _ many people running in the park every morning. GO_uJ T  A. is B. were C. are D. have rq>Hn=%  ( ) 3 These police often_the children across the street. .CNaRR  A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping Gmt>  4 L$Sc4"%l4  ( ) 1 _ going to England by air next we

6、ek. r9KVN%eM  "nw2U) A. The Green family are B. The Greens family are k2oLbNV   C. The Green's family are D. Green family are 0+$| f"7  ( ) 2 The whole family _ enjoying the beautiful music now. k*H8Yb  A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are all cStTPsJAF  ( ) 3

7、 Our class _ big. P59W6L   A. is B. are C. were D. will l)zSCC  5 bk, /Gx  ( ) 1 Neither he nor I _ from Canada. We are from Australia. /BxeeU   crX_A. is B. are C. am D. be kQoR_2j  ( ) 2 Either you or he _ right. LQei* fTt   A. are B. is C. does D. were Idx Ka  (

8、 ) 3 Neither Mary nor her brother_ good at singing. He"!B   A. is B. are C. is not D. are not C0u8  ( ) 4 Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary _ busy. K%"bkp <+   A. is B. was C. are D. has 9DhH4#  6 #c5RTp=h.  ( ) 1 Physics _ interesting to us. :c7:v&m.I &#

9、160; A. are B. has C. is D. were tC"Tt  ( ) 2 The news_ exciting. We got excited at it. RVUzA -WW   A. is B. was C. were D. are =FvyXu>  ( ) 3 Though mathematics_ hard, we all work at it hard. gc k3kO  A. are B. were C. was D. is B/1R35f  巩固练习1. Two thousand miles _

10、(be) too far for us to travel over a short vacation. 2. The old in my country _ (be) cared for by their children and grandchildren. 3. There _ (be) a pair of trousers on the sofa. 4. Ten divided by two _ (equal) five. 5. The Chinese people _ (be) a great people. 6. Nobody but Tim and Tom _ (be) in t

11、he room. 7. Li Fang like many girls _ (like) dancing. 8. Every boy and every girl _ (want) to go there. 9. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _ (be) sea. 10. All of the work _ (be) finished. ( )1. The rich _ not always happy. A. are    B. is  C. has  &#

12、160;        D. have ( )2. The old woman, together with her two grandsons, _ crossing the road. A. are             B. is           C. has   &

13、#160;          D. have ( )3. This pair of trousers _ Lucys. Your trousers _ on your bed. A. is, are         B. is, is          C. are, are     &#

14、160;   D. are, is ( )4.  Ten kilometers _ a very long way to go in a day. A. are      B. has    C. is       D. have( )5. Climbing hills _ better than having classes. A. are    B. is

15、0;  C. was    D. have ( )6. What he wanted to know _ why they didnt tell him. A.are    B.was    C. were        D .is ( )7. Either you or he _ to stay at home this afternoon. A. has   &#

16、160;  B. have       C. are      D. is ( )8. Neither of the twins _ bread. A. like          B. likes          C. liked   

17、          D. is like ( )9. Fish and chips _ my favorite food. A. is        B. are      C. has            D. become ( )10. The singer and dan

18、cer _ come to our city. A. are      B. is      C. have         D. has ( )11. Three-fourths of the water _ gone. A. is      B. are          C

19、. have      D. were ( )12. Everybody, men and women, young and old, _ listening to the radio here. A. enjoys      B. enjoy       C. is enjoyed     D. are enjoyed ( )13. Either Tom or Maria _ sure to k

20、now the answer. A. are       B. be     C. is       D. were ( )14. Neither you nor he _ how to answer the question. A. know      B. knows        C

21、. knowing       D. to know ( )15. I as well as they _ ready to help you. A. am        B. are         C. is            D.  be ( 16. The

22、number of the students in the class_about forty. A. is    B.are   C. were        D .have ( )17. Every hour and every minute _ important. A. are        B. be        C

23、. is          D. were ( )18.Look! The Turner family _ having supper under the tree in front of their house. A. is         B. are        C. like      &

24、#160;   D. like ( )19. Not only the twins but also their father_the film. A. like   B. likes     C. liking   D. is like ( )20. He is one of the children who_fond of playing football. A.is   B.was   C. were 

25、;   D. are应用性训练。 I.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Neither the teacher nor the students _ (have) enough time. 2. Most of the houses _ (need) painting. 3. A person who has good friends _ (enjoy) life more. 4. John, together with his family, _ (be) flying to London. 5. Few of my family really _ (under

26、stand) me.6.One third of the students_(be) boys. 7.There_(be) twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class. 8.Many a students _(have) this new dictionary. 9.Every man, woman and child _(be) asked to contribute. 10.An old man or mature(成熟) woman_(be) needed for this job. II. 选择填空。

27、1.  There _a lot of people at the street corner when the accident happened. A. Was   B. were    C. have been   D. had 2.   Neither she nor Dick and I _interested in maths. A.    Is       B.

28、are       C. am     D. be 3.   Fish and chip_the most popular take-away food in England. A.  Are   B. is    C. were     D. was 4.  How many students are there i

29、n your school ? -_the students in our school _over two thousand. A.  The number of; of      B The number of ; are C.A number of ; of     D. A number of ;are 5.  All my classmates, except Wu Lin,_ interested in singing English song

30、s. A.  Is      B. am      C.are       D.be 6. Neither he nor I_from Canada. We awe from Australia. A.   Is      B. was     C.am     D.be 7.

31、The teacher told us yesterday that December 25_Chritmas Day. A is   B.was  C.has been     D.will be 8. He thinks that two moths _quite a long time. A.  is    B.are     C. be   D. was 9. There _a sports mee

32、ting in our school next week.  A.will hold   B. will have   C. is going to be   D. is going to hold 10. Are the twins on thee team -No, neither of them_on the team.  A.is   B. Are    C. were   D.be 11.   Im going to

33、 do some shopping this Sunday.-So_. A.  do   B. will   C. am I   D.I am 12.  What_ the popular of Canada? Do you think it will_? A. is; become  B. are; become  C. are; grow  D. is; grow 13.   This pair of trousers_. A. &

34、#160;    is mine   B. is my   C. are my   D. are mine 14.   Even a child knows that _are made of_. A. glasses; glass  B.glass; glass C. glasses; glasses D. glass; glasses15.   The number of pages in this book _three hundred.

35、A.      is   B. are  C. has  D.have 16.   The Smiths _China since the summer of 1993.    A. has been to   B. have been to  C. has been in  D. have been in 17.   Not only the parents but also Mary _ London

36、.They will come back in five days. A.has been to   B. have been to   C. has gone to   D. have gone to 18.   In our country, the old _taken good care of and the young_ well educated.  A.is   B. are     C. has   

37、    D. have 19.  Each man and each woman_bring some water here. A. Has   B. have  C. has to  D. have to 20.   Every one except Tom and John_ there then. A.is    B. was    C. are     D.w

38、ere 参考答案1. 1-4 C D A D 2. 1-4 D B A C 3. 1-3 C C A 4. 1-3 A D A 5. 1-4 C B A C 6. 1-3 C B D初中英语总复习专题(19)主谓一致答案 三、巩固练习: I. .用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.is  2. are  3. is  4. equals  5. are  6. are  7. likes  8. wants  9. is  10. is  II.选择填空:15 ABACB  610 DABA

39、D  1115 AACBA  1620 ACBBD 四、应用性训练。 I.        用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. have  2. need  3. enjoys  4. is  5. understand6.is 7.are 8.has 9.was/is10.is II. 选择填空。1-5BBBAC 6-10CAACA 11-15CDAAA 16-20DCBCB1. Either Jane or Steven

40、0;_ watchingTV now. A. were  B. is  C. was  D. are 2. Two days _enough for me to finish the work, I need a third day. A. isnt  B. is  C. aret

41、0; D. are 3. How many lessons do you usually have a day? Six lessons a day. And each of then _45 minutes. A. last  B. lasts  C. have  D. are 4. N

42、either Liping nor I _ a basketball player. A. am  B. is  C. be  D. are 5. There _ many new words in lesson one,It is very easy. A. is  B. arent  C. isnt  D. are 6. The number of the students in our school _1200.A. is  B. are  C. has  D. have 7. Maths _ my favourite subject. A. be  B.


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