1、硕士英语综合教程2 课后习题答案Unit 1 Human-based Strategy1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) A(5) Bb. Fill in the blanks with the information youve learned in the text.(1) they value cultural diversity; they are family fr
2、iendly; they invest in employee training; they empower their employees(2) their employees; Howard Schultz(3) cultural and technical aspects; coffee knowledge, product expertise, customer service and interpersonal skills(4) full health and dental coverage, vacation, and participation in the companywi
3、de stock plan called Bean Stock(5) selfmanaged work teams; crossfunctional teams2. Vocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) astute(2) ignite(3) enthusiasm(4) turnover(5) transaction(6) interact with(7) come into contact with(8) em
4、power(9) superior(10) drop outb. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) B(2) D(3) A(4) C(5) B(6) A(7) D(8) B(9)C(10) A3. ClozeChoose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change th
5、e form where necessary.(1) motivated(2) selecting(3) retain(4) relied(5) differentiated(6) recruited(7) adaptability(8) prospective(9) require(10) efficiently(11) comprehensive(12) challenge(13) survived(14) rate(15) tripled(16) generous(17) financial(18) reveal(19) premium(20) morale4. Translationa
6、. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.(2) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable med
7、ia attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls
8、have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart.(5) The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global econom
9、ic growth.(6) Chinas accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies,
10、 erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8) The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.Its
11、actually pretty natural, and almost unavoidable, for managers to form expectations of their workers. Research has found that in an organization, our expectations of others can be tied directly to productivity, profitability, and yesmotivation! If you have high expectations of your employees, you wil
12、l possess a powerful and effective tool for improving performance and motivation within your organization.Performance is often a matter of expectations. Managers and supervisors form expectations of others, which then influence how they interact with those people. If you dont expect much from your e
13、mployees, they will sense that and perform poorly. Why? Because your expectations of them affect their desire to do well. The point is that people naturally try to live up to our expectations of them, or live down to them, whatever the case may be. So expect the best from your employees and dont be
14、surprised if thats exactly what you get!b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.哪些做法才能区分以人为本的公司呢?我们至少可以列出四条:第一,它们重视文化的多样性。他们根据年龄、性别和种族积极寻求一支多元化的员工队伍。第二,它们具有家庭氛围。公司通过为其员工提供灵活的工作时间以及现场托儿服务设施等帮助员工平衡工作和个人职责之间的关系。第三,它们对员工培训进行投资。这些公司花费巨资以确保员工的技能水平始终保持最新状态。这不仅确保员工可以处理该公司的最新技术
15、和工艺,而且还使这样的员工极具市场竞争力。第四,以人为本的公司将权力下放给员工。它们将权力和义务下放到公司的最底层。2) Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1) 首先,如果你把他们安排在那些既能够体现他们自身价值同时又对公司发展有利的岗位上,他们将会更加愿意展现出自己最棒的一面。(2) 如果你想激励员工让他们尽最大努力完成自己的工作,如果你想让他们成为公司最有价值的资产,那就让他们有公司的主人的感觉吧。(3) 你作为领导应该知道员工积极性与其工作表现之间有直接的联系。事
16、实上,这种联系取决于你公司的文化以及公司文化灌输给员工的热情。(4) 员工能提出越多关于自己工作的想法,也越有可能接受你的看法。(5) 只有当员工像老板进行投资那样决定投入自己的能力和精力的时候,他们才是真的“认同”,因此请给员工参与制定绩效标准的机会。Text B Designing Cities for PeopleKey to the Exercisesa. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.(1) end up with(2) overwhe
17、lming(3) espouse(4) unprecedented(5) be identical to(6) revive(7) deprived of(8) deemed(9) rely on(10) biasb. Complete the sentences with the information given in the text.(1) the ratio of parks to parking lots(2) 150 million people; 2.8 billion people; more than half of us are living in cities(3) w
18、hat could be done for who did not own cars(4) they are the only places where people meet as equals(5) an alternative transportation system; inexpensive and commuterfriendly(6) “biophilia hypothesis”; deprived of contact with nature; a measurable decline in wellbeing(7) budget allocations for transpo
19、rtation; heavily biased toward; highways and streets; shifting resources from roads and highways; urban transit and bicycle support facilities(8) concentrate fiscal resources; the small fraction of their people who own cars(9) functional and affordable; making them attractive, even cultural centers(
20、10) redesign communities; the centerpiece of urban transport; pedestrian and bicycle friendlyc. Decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text.(1) F(2) T(3) F(4) F(5) T(6) F(7) T(8) F(9) F(10) FUnit 3Cyberspace Network1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expr
21、esses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) A(2) C(3) B(4) C(5) Ab. Fill in the blanks with the information youve learned in the text.(1) infrastructure, including air traffic, financial markets and even basic email;incompetent, indecisive and confused(2) if the worlds most innovative techn
22、ology company can not protect its computers from degital aggressions, we can not expect to be protected by the government(3) they have responsibility to povide some hard evidence to support their claims(4) spamming, scamming and identity fraud, which are the inevitable casts of democratizing access
23、to multipurpose technologies(5) not a question of national security but a question of basic government incompetence2. Vocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) derail(2) hype(3) spamming(4) nascent(5) simulate (6) parlance(7) weapo
24、nry(8) unplug(9) hostage(10) civilians b. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) D(2) B(3) A(4) C(5) C(6) B(7) A(8) C(9) D(10) A3. ClozeChoose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE.
25、 Change the form where necessary.(1) attack(2) disruption(3) described(4) assaults(5) traced(6) authorized(7) identified(8) sophistication(9) rogue(10) intrusion(11) demonstrate(12) issue(13) ultimate(14) eventual(15) launch(16) offensive(17) analysis(18) security(19) investigation(20) shined4. Tran
26、slationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind openbut most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything. (2) The soldiers were so courageo
27、us that they sworn to wipe out any enemy that dare to invade into their country.(3) Theyre so lacking in confidence in the attraction of broadcasting the games on TV that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.(4) Whats worse, there are t
28、hose who would unleash malicious network attacks designed to exploit these hidden vulnerabilities to uncover the prized data within. (5) The change of the governments interference strategies on housing ushered in a period of stable house prices.(6) This shows true leadership, sustained vision, and s
29、olid commitment. They were applauded for sticking with it for so many years with great subtlety.(7) How to single out the most succinct way to finish the work still remains a problem.(8) But Defense Secretary Gates said the United States has put a lot on the table in terms of missile defense proposa
30、ls and it is time for the Russians to reciprocate. 2) Translate the following paragraph into English.According to some media reports recently, the cyberattacks to Google and many American companies seemed to have originated in China. The Chairman of Chinese Internet Association refutes that it was a
31、n irresponsible prejudice to allege on that cyber attacks originated in China without thorough investigation,and was therefore absolutely arbitrary. With the rapid development on internet in the globe, it was difficult to determine the origin because of the ease of hiding identities online. The hack
32、er may hide identities, log on the computer of a foreign country and commit cyberattacks to the computers in the third one.However, Chinas information network, as well as many other countries, also faces severe threat of cyber attacks. Chinese government has always attached great importance to the s
33、ecurity of the computer network and strengthened international cooperation to crack down on crossborder cyber crimes, as well as enhanced its crackdown through consultation and collaboration with the International Criminal Police Organization. Therefore, it is wholly nonsense to allege on that cyber
34、attacks originated in China judging merely from computer IP address of China.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.为什么这些在军事领域里被认为是“计算机网络攻击”的策略没有被更广泛地运用?尽管互联网带来了巨大的变化,但它并没有使悠久的战争规律变得过时或毫不相关。比如,按照军事惯例要求在攻击时区分平民和军事目标。在既相互分离又相互连接的网络空间里,这个要求并不容易满足: 在网络攻击敌人的手机塔时,也会影响到平民目标。
35、在2008年美军决定解散一个沙特阿拉伯的网络论坛。这个由CIA创立的论坛本来是用来收集情报的,但是却越来越被圣战分子用来计划对伊拉克的攻击。这次解散不经意间造成了在沙特阿拉伯、德国、德克萨斯州的300多台服务器的中断。网络攻击当然不具备外科手术的精确性,且对平民的伤害很难避免。军事指挥官们不想因战争罪受到审判,即使这些犯罪是通过网络进行的。2) Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1) 根据最近的一项有关网络功能的民意调查显示,46%的受访者将因特网描述为朋友,43%的人
36、则把它看成是敌人,还有11%的人心里不清楚。(2) 网络能通过减少填写和更新应聘者资料的时间和成本来提高招聘效率,提升评估的有效性,以此来增强搜索公司提供给客户的建议的价值。(3) 设想他们电脑的桌面上有一个图标,能够让他们提醒你一些任务,并且可以用鼠标将具体细节发送给你,这对客户来说将会是多么方便的事啊!(4) 也就是说,一个设计良好的网络招聘程序能用网络来处理数据,每日不知疲倦地工作并且能跨越地理障碍,因此用人单位可以辨识候选人之间的细微差别,评估他们的优缺点,并且抓住机会推销他们。(5) 这些新聘用的人员很快就被送到高价的培训项目中去学习在线获取应聘者资料的技术远端网络数据挖掘工具然后马
37、上就能投入到工作之中去。Text B Worldwide Musha. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.(1) aggregate(2) tyrannically(3) surgical(4) algorithms(5) benevolentness(6) impede(7) cede(8) appalling(9) fallacy(10) lucrativeb. Complete the sentences with the informatio
38、n given in the text.(1) instead of sitting;making those contributions unpaid(2) develop unique approaches; a global mush(3) the big venturecapital firms; a single collective operation(4) dollop of online recognition; less cerebral work(5) benefit from intellectual property; information can roam arou
39、nd(6) acctually make a living; a peasant every day(7) go away; become much less wellpaid (8) less inclined to; not thought of(9) of extending the experience; an attempt(10) as individuals; they and their childrenc. Decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text.(1) F(2) T(3) F(4
40、) T(5) T(6) T(7) F(8) F(9) T(10) TUnit 4Love and Marriage1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.(1) A(2) B(3) C(4) C(5) Ab. Fill in the blanks with the information youve learned in the text.(1) those traditionally unique advantag
41、es of marriage, such as raising children and enhancing ones status and financial situation(2) that marriage is dead, but that a growing number of adults are spending more of their lives single or living unmarried with partners(3) get out of marriage (or any type of romantic relationship) and to get
42、into a new marital relationship (or any other type of romantic relationship)(4) although the attitudes toward marriage are largely dominated by a countrys cultural and religious beliefs, the wish for a stable, long term relationship is still a desired goal(5) accept the possibility of having shorter
43、 marriages, in which love is more likely to remain alive; accept that marriage should essentially involve a companionable love rather than a romantic one2. Vocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) encapsulate(2) proclaim(3) compan
44、ionable(4) respectability(5) intrinsically (6) justification(7) contractual(8) exclusivity(9) gratifying(10) flexibility b. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) A(2) C(3) D(4) B(5) A(6) B(7) C(8) A(9) C(10) B3. ClozeChoose an appropriate word from the follow
45、ing list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the form where necessary.(1) equation(2) temporarily(3) how(4) back(5) version (6) or(7) problem(8) trap(9) into(10) presents (11) romantic(12) insane(13) let down(14) what(15) last (16) though(17) marketed(18)
46、 wooed(19) caring(20) and4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Potential investors exploring more promising areas, such as lowcarbon energy and infrastructure, are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework.(2) Fortunately, most manager
47、s welcome such initiative, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy, and authority in their jobs.(3) We are offering a package deal which includes the whole office computer system, staff training and hardware maintenance. (4) Although this socalled cont
48、inuous speechrecognition approach has indeed improved accuracy, it is by no means infallible.(5) This is a concrete illustration of what we mean by one and the same thing having two contradictory aspects. (6) Actual demand in a particular year, in particular in the private sector, depends on the eco
49、nomic factors and the commercial decisions of developers and consumers.(7) If you ever need a blood transfusion, its important that you only receive blood compatible with your own type.(8) Therefore, the Europeanization of Chinese does not stem from an internal force, but rather originates from an e
50、xternal pressure.2) Translate the following paragraph into English.Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruderbut as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had
51、 never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that “caused” the break, but the lack of a real relationship.On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party”. This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for
52、 dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from himand so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a homebreaker. In t
53、he vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any “third party” has appeared on the scene.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.现代社会,大多数由于解除婚姻关系所受的惩罚已经取消,而婚姻关系提供的许多鼓励措施也能在其他的社会结构中获得。因此,选择保持婚姻关系更多的是因为爱的缘故,而不是传统婚姻的一些独特优势,
54、如抚养孩子,提高身份地位和改善经济状况。如果一个人觉得她目前的婚姻状态阻止她感受真挚的爱情,(从她的个人发展和满意度来看)她就没有太多的动力继续维持婚姻关系。事实上,现在许多离婚案件以缺乏爱情作为终止婚姻的理由,这表明爱情在当代婚姻中具有非同寻常的重要性。2) Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(1) 就生于不同国家、结合于第三国、目前在别国工作且子女、养老金和其他资产又散布于世界各地的跨国夫妇来说,他们的离婚大战在律师看来是福音,在其他人看来却是梦魇。 (2) 法国规定
55、经济实力较弱的一方(通常是女方)离婚后必须立即自立;英格兰和美国一些州则要求终生赡养。有的国家仅要求对“婚后财产”(即婚后创建的资产)进行分割,有的却要分割所有财产。(3) 英国法院正逐步采用这样一个原则(在美国一些州已得到确立),即婚后妻子为增强丈夫财富创造能力所付出的努力必须给予补偿,也就是说现有资产以及丈夫未来的收入都必须与妻子分享。(4) 第三,一旦离婚迫在眉睫,女方也许想移居英格兰或者美国(但应避免到佛罗里达之类“无赡养费”的州);此时,男方宜留在欧洲大陆不动。 (5)戴安娜王妃的弟弟厄尔·斯宾塞同其第一任妻子离婚时,是在他们当时的居住地南非提起离婚诉讼的,这着实让他的妻子
56、吃惊不小。因为如果放在他们曾定居过的英格兰,她也许就能得到更好的待遇。Text B I DontThe Case against MarriageKey to the Exercisesa. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.(1) rote(2) feminist(3) staggering(4) consumerism(5) sanctity (6) caveat(7) subsidy(8) throes(9) debunk(10) fracti
57、onb. Complete the sentences with the information given in the text.(1) rite of; an institution (2) the divorce rate peaked; made singledom chic (3) their spouse(4) has risen(5) unmarried taxpayers; a real tax break(6) samesex couples; unmarried monogamists(7) less competent, less ambitious; less lik
58、ely to be hired(8) a business partner; love; chores(9) financial independence(10) less realistic; naive, almost arrogantc. Decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text.(1) T(2) T(3) F(4) F(5) T(6) T(7) T(8) F(9) F(10) TUnit 5Medicine and Illness1. Reading Comprehensiona. Choose the sentence t
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