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1、广州华夏职业学院教案首页授课题目Text A Touring in London授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级课 次第 次课教学方法Situational Teaching MethodGroup Discussion & Pair Work课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课 习题课 其 他教 具Multimedia,projector.ppt教学目的1. To help students master some knowledge of foreign cultures and teach them how to make intercultural communi

2、cation.2. To help students master how to introduce themselves.3. To help students enlarge their vocabulary .教学重点1. How to make self-introduction2. Britains culture & places of interests3. New words and phrases 4. Analysis of the text 教学难点1.Adverbial Clause2.Subjunctive Mood 课后作业与思考题1.transltaion

3、 (C-E) on P612.Try to master important words and phrases in the text教学后记Students are very interested in cultures from other countries, which can be a very good lead-in part and also a good chance to arouse their interest in English. Given enough time and information, more exercise should be done lat

4、er. Meanwhile, more encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.广州华夏职业学院教案纸教学过程:一 新课导入(1) 教师准备一些短语和句子Adams Apple(喉结),fair play(费厄泼赖),约翰牛 (John Bull)让学生进行英汉互译,从简单的翻译中让学生对英国文化有进一步的认识英国文化具有浓厚的宗教色彩,充满着自由和自律的文化精神;同时,它也透射出“费厄泼赖”的光芒。(2) 教师用图片展示英国有名的景点,在介绍景

5、点中让学生设想下自己英国之旅,从而引出本课的口语环节introduction。二 讲授新课1 expressions of introduction Hi! /Hello! ImI believe weve met before. My name isHow do you do ? My name isAllow me to introduce myself. My name isLet me introduce myself, by the wayMay I introduce myself ?May I present?Id like to introduce?How did you gu

6、ess?Id like you to knowMr./Mrs./Miss, this 2 Pair workSample1 to samples 3 on Page 55-563 Role-play Imagine you want to introduce a new friend to Lily, follow the samples to play your role.4 New words and phrases in Text A(1) locate vt. 把设置在,使坐落于vi. 住下来eg. a)Locate an agent in Rochester.把代理处设于罗切斯特。b

7、)After he retires hes going to locate in Califonia.他打算退休后到加利福尼亚定居。(2) influence vt. 影响 n.影响力,有影响的人或事物eg a)His parents no longer have any real influence over him.他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了。 b)Dont le me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定。(3) stainless adj.纯洁的,无瑕疵的,不锈的eg. a) If I had a bicycle made of stainle

8、ss steel, it will never get rust. 要是我有一辆不锈钢制造的自行车,它就再也不会生锈了。b) These appliances are made of stainless iron.这些器具是用不锈钢制成的。 (4) be familiar with 熟悉eg. a) She is not familiar with botanical names.她不太熟悉植物名称。 b) Im familiar with the nature of your job.我熟悉你的工作性质。(5) avenue n.大街eg. a)An avenue is usually a

9、wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees.大街通常指两旁有房子的宽阔街道,常指郊区的林荫道。b) Books are avenues to knowledge. 书是通向知识的道路。 三 课文讲解四 课堂练习五 总结六 课后作业1.transltaion (C-E) on P612.Try to master important words and phrases in the text广州华夏职业学院教案首页授课题目Text B New York City授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级课 次第 次课

10、教学方法Task-based Teaching MethodGroup Discussion & Pair Work课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课 习题课 其 他教 具Multimedia,projector.ppt教学目的1. To help students master some knowledge of foreign cultures 2. To improve the students abilities to analyze articles by introducing some reading skills3. To help students enl

11、arge their vocabulary教学重点1. Americas culture & places of interests3. New words and phrases 4. Analysis of the text教学难点1. the Non-finite Verbs2.Appositive课后作业与思考题1. Review text B2. Try to remember important words and phrases in the text教学后记To some extent, students are very interested in foreign c

12、ultures .However, it is difficult for them to be interested in English grammar and master the usages of the Non-finite Verbs. More encouragement is needed and more exercises should be done.广州华夏职业学院教案纸教学过程:一 新课导入1) 电影了不起的盖茨比(the Great Gatsby)片段赏析, 片段欣赏完后,学生讨论美国梦和中国梦的区别。2) 教师用图片展示美国国旗,国徽,美国有名大学和景点,重点介

13、绍纽约,从而进入文章New York City 的学习。二 讲授新课1 fast-reading exercises“Have a try” on Page 632 New words and phrases in Text (1)finance n.财政,资金 v. 给提供资金,负担经费eg. a)He is a well-known expert in finance.他是知名的金融专家。b)The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。(2)architectu

14、re n.建筑学,建筑式样,建筑风格 Eg a) This church is a fine example of Norman architecture. 这座教堂是典型的诺曼式建筑。 b) The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks.这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。 (3)concrete adj. 具体的,混凝土的 v. 凝结Eg. a) The new concrete building is an abomination. 那座新混凝土建筑是个讨厌的东西。 b)Shoes and trees are concre

15、te objects. 鞋和树是具体的物体。 c)The workmen are concreting the road. 工人们正在用混凝土铺路。三 课文讲解1) Facing the Atlantic, it is on the northern eastern coast of the United States, and most of the city is built on island.它面向大西洋,坐落于美国的东北海岸,且全城大部分建于岛上。Facing 现在分词作状语的用法 2)Located at the mouth of the Hudson River, New Yor

16、k city is the busiest port of the country. 纽约位于哈德逊河口,是全美最繁忙的港口。Be located in/at/on : be situated 3) Every day hundreds of ships bring in oil, sugar, coffee, tea, fruit, paper and many other products. 每天,成百上千的轮船载来油、 糖、咖啡、茶、水果、纸张以及大量其它产品。bring in 介绍,带劲,引入,He intends to bring in some reforms.他打算提出些改革措施

17、。4)Those running from North to South are called avenues.那些南北走向的叫做大道。Avenue 比street 要长要宽,在美国城市里avenue 指南北走向的道路,而street 则指东西走向的道路。5)The streets and avenues ,forming squares ,or “blocks” ,are lined with many expensive stores and huge apartment houses.东西南北的道路构成广场或街区,两旁是昂贵的精品店和庞大的公寓。be lined with 被排满Her

18、face was lined with many cares.由于烦心的事多,她脸上已有了皱纹。6)There the houses are in worse condition than anywhere elseold ,dirty, needing repairs, and sometimes dangerous. 那里的居住条件是最差的:都是些又脏又乱又旧需要抢修的危房。Incondition 处于的状况Under the condition 在条件下四 课后习题五 总结和作业1. Review text B2. Try to remember important words and

19、phrases in the text 广州华夏职业学院教案首页授课题目Text Messages &Verb授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级课 次第 次课教学方法Task-based Teaching MethodGroup Discussion & Pair Work课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课 习题课 其 他教 具Multimedia,projector.ppt教学目的1. To help students master some knowledge of how to send text messages 2. To help students m

20、aster usages of verb教学重点1 expression of text messages 2 analysis and usages of verb教学难点1 expression of text messages 2 usages of verb课后作业与思考题Exercises on Page 67-68教学后记Frankly speaking , students are very interested in editing text messages .However, it is difficult for them to be interested in Engl

21、ish grammar and master the usages of the Verbs. More encouragement is needed and more exercises should be done.广州华夏职业学院教案纸教学过程:一 新课导入 教师让学生设想周末快到了,让学生给自己最好的朋友发一条英文祝福短信,哪位同学短信里面表达的内容最多可获得奖励,从而引出本次课主要内容-短信编辑。 二 讲授新课Part 1 Applied WritingText Messages (also called SMS, shorten for Short Message Service

22、) through cell phones became very popular in the late 1990s.It is becoming a preferred and cost-effective way of communicating with others.2 Requirements of text messagesIn order to shorten the length, a text message should be very brief and to the point.3 Some abbreviations in the text messagesOIC

23、Oh I see Thx-thanksBRBbe right back Cya-see you BFN-bye for now BCZ -becauseLOL-laughing out loud L8rlaterFTF-face to face K-OKASAP-as soon as possible D8 -dateBTW-by the way Y-whyFYI-for your information U -you JK-just kidding B4-beforeCWOT-complete waste of time 2morro-tomorrowTTYL-talk to you lat

24、er 4 Exercises(Read the following text messages. Then rewrite them with complete words)1) CU LBR B4 GO 2 WRKa) My smmr hols wr CWOT.B4,we usd 2 go 2 NY2Cmy bro,hisGF&3kds FTF.Part 2 Grammar (verb)a)动词(verb): 它表示行为或者作为行为过程看待的状态。b) 动词分类:1)动词按其词汇意义、形态和语法功能进行分类,可分成实义动词(Notional Verb):具有独立的意义,可独立作谓语或者带上宾语、状语结构成为谓语。表示行为的动词多属于这一类。系动词(Link Verb):连系动词不能独立作谓语,而需要和表语(名词、形容词)连用构成谓语。表示状态的动词多属于这一类。助动词(A


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