1、锡东高中2016-2017年度秋学期 高一期中考试二 单项选择21. -Ill talk to my son bill about it as soon as possible. He usually listens-we need _listening; we need action. A. more than B. less than C. not more than D. no more than22. I wonder if john has forgotten my number. I _ him to call me for the past two hours.A. was ex
2、pecting B. have expected C. have been expecting D.expected23. “Is this the recorder you want _?”A. to have repaired B. to repair it C. to have D. it repaired24. The animal walked very slowly and hard, _it had been seriously hurt on one leg.A. even if B. as if C. now that D. only if25. I like this bo
3、ok _has a photograph of the author.A. of whose back cover B. which back cover C. whose the back cover D. of which the back cover26. We will discuss some cases _a single word may have different meanings in different situations.A. why B. how C. where D. which27. By 16:30, _was almost closing time, nea
4、rly all the paintings had been sold.A. what B. when C. which D. that28. He was such _at the party that they never invited him again.A. a top dog B. a wet blanket C. a green finger D. a green hand29. Every time _they met, they would talk several hours together about the persons and things _ they reme
5、mber in the middle school.A. that; who and which B. when; that C. /;that D. which; /30. The person who is _of the factory _ill since last week.A. in charge; has been B. in the charge; has fallen C. taking charge; was D.in charge; fell31. The hotel _ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we st
6、ayed at it B. we stayed at C. we stayed D. where we stayed at32. My new classmate, Lucy, deserves _because her time is always made use of _high grades.A. praising; achieving B. to praise; to achieve C. to be praised; to achieve D. praise; achieving33. Youd better leave your iPhone at home. Our schoo
7、l doesnt _ a mobile phone in the exam.A. approve students of bringing B. approve students to bringC. approve of students to bring D. approve of students bringing 34. It is reported that he has been _ wild animals for 10 years.A. devoting to studying B. devoted to studying C. devoted to studying D. d
8、evoted himself to studying35. - its useless crying over spoiled milk, _?- Its better late than never. Actually, no one has expected it,_?A. is it; have they B. isnt it; have theyC. isnt it; hasnt he D. is it; hasnt he三 完形填空My mother has been a true inspiration to me and changed the way I look at lif
9、e. Since my birth she has made it evident that I would become _36_ and that I would be one of the great ones. She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my _37_to it.As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came _38_ to others. I had problems with writing, reading and especially spea
10、king. I didnt talk the way _39_kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert (警觉的) to my surroundings. My reading was poor _40_ with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to _41_. My writing was not at the _42_it should have been. Even simple things like knowing my left from my right
11、 or being able to snap my fingers (弹手指) were _43_.My mother _44_ all my challenges and as a professor with a PH.D., decided to _45_ the situation early in my development. She didnt want me to _46_. After a while, we did indeed get over all the problems that had _47_ me. She spent hours every day _48
12、_ me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn. _49_ her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now.In addition, she gave _50_ for my life. She told me what to do and what not to do. Her expectations have always been high _51_ she knows that I can do it. For that, I thank her
13、. She would not allow her son to be incapable. She never _52_ on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must. I will be a _53_ person if I continue to follow her lead. She encourages me to study hard for my _54_ and attend college.She used her gifts as a _55_ to help a child - her child - a
14、nd now I have the opportunity to become something. 36:AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething37:Amind Bbrain CfeelingsDwork38:AsmoothlyBstronglyCfrequentlyDeasily39:AaverageBordinaryCnormalDcommon40:Ajust Bever Ceven Donly41:Ahear Bwrite Cread Dunderstand42:Alevel BlengthCspeed Ddegree43:AproblemsBex
15、cusesCworriesDduties44:AsufferedBobservedCremovedDtolerated45:Astudy Bfind CchangeDkeep46:Afight BstruggleCstrike Dchallenge47:AinterruptedBdisturbedCterrifiedDtroubled48:AteachingBgiving CsupportingDreminding49:AWithoutBExceptCBesidesDBeyond50:AinformationBadviceCpromiseDexpectation51:AbeforeBthoug
16、hCbecauseDunless52:Aset upBgave upCpushed upDlooked up53:Arich BfamousCsuccessfulDpowerful54:AtrainingBgradesCexperimentsDabilities55:AwomanBdoctorCsister Dteacher四 阅读理解AWhen I was a baby, I entertained you and made you laugh. Whenever I was “bad”, you'd shake your finger at me and ask, “How cou
17、ld you?”-but then you'd give up, and roll me over for a belly scratch and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.My housetraining was a long process, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. We went for long walks, runs in the park and car rides. We stopped for
18、 ice cream. I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate. Eventually, you fell in love. She, now your wife, is not a dog person, but I still welcomed her int
19、o our home. I was happy because you were happy. Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement, I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them too. Your wife was afraid I would bite them. But nevertheless, as they began to grow, I became their friend
20、.Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets. You've made the right decision for your “family”, but there was a time when I was your only family.I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the dog pound. It smelled of
21、dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said, “I know you will find a good home for her.” They shrugged and gave you a pained look. The children were in tears as they waved me goodbye. And “How could you?” were the only three words that swept over my mind.Is it bett
22、er to live with hope or without hope? At first, whenever anyone passed my pen (围栏), I rushed to the front, hoping it was you, that you had changed your mind and that this was all a bad dream.My beloved master, I will think of you and wait for you forever. I hope you receive more faithfulness from yo
23、ur family than you showed to me.56:Why did the dog's owner take his dog to the pound?AHe had a newborn baby.BHis wife did not like the dog.CHe was moving into a new building.DHe thought the dog too troublesome.57:Which is true about the dog when it lived at the pound?AIt hoped to be adopted by a
24、nother family.BIt continued to love its former owner.CIt did not trust humans any more.DIt was excited about the pound.58:What is the theme of the story?ABe ready for changes.BNever expect too much.CNever complain about your life.DBe faithful to those who love you.BThe Pacific island nation of Nauru
25、 used to be a beautiful place. Now it is an ecological disaster area. Nauru's heartbreaking story could have one good consequence other countries might learn from its mistakes.For thousands of years, Polynesian people lived the remote island of Nauru, far from western civilization. The first Eur
26、opean to arrive was John Fearn in 1798. He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship. He called the island Pleasant Island.However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first. The whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and al
27、cohol. These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island. A ten-year civil war started, which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.Nauru's real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate (磷酸盐) on the island. In fact, it found
28、 that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate, which a very important fertilizer for farming. The company began mining the phosphate.A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground; it is a strip mine. When a company strip-mines, it removes the top layer of soil. Then it takes away the material it
29、 wants. Strip mining totally destroys the land. Gradually, the lovely island of Nauru started to look like the moon.In 1968, Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world. Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.Unfortunately, the leaders invest
30、ed the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses. Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing. By 2000, Nauru was financi
31、ally ruined. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This will probably never happen.59. What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?A. To seek help for Nauru's problems.B. To give a warning to other countriesC. To sho
32、w the importance of moneyD. To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.60. What was Nauru like before the Europeans came?A. Rich and powerful B. Modern and openC. Peaceful and attractive D. Greedy and aggressive61. What can we learn about Nauru from the last paragraph?A. The ecological damage is difficu
33、lt to repair.B. The leaders will take the experts' words seriously.C. The island was abandoned by the NauruansD. The phosphate mines were destroyed.CIf you are a male and you are reading this, congratulations: you are a survivor. According to statistics, you are more than twice as likely to die
34、of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman. There are many reasons for this, men take more risks than women and are more likely to
35、 drink and smoke, but perhaps more importantly, men don't go to the doctor."Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should," says Dr. Gullotta, "This is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike." Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor
36、 every year or two. For those over 45,it should be at least once a year. According to a recent survey, 95%of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group. "A lot of men think they are invincible (不可战胜的)" Gullotta says "They
37、 only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think 'Dear me, if it could happen to him, '" Then there is the ostrich (鸵鸟) approach, "Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know," says Dr. Ross Cartmill. "Most men get their ca
38、rs serviced more often than they service their bodies," Cartmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups. Regular check-ups for men would inevitably (不可避免地) place stress on the public purse. Cartmill says. "But prevention is cheap
39、er in the long run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the final cost is far greater."62. Which is the most important reason why men die five years earlier on average than women according to the passage?A. Men drink and smoke much more than women. B. Men aren't as cautious as women
40、in face of danger. C. Men don't seek medical care as often as women. D. Men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases.63. Which of the following best completes the sentence "Dear me, if it could happen to him," in paragraphs?A. I should avoid playing golf. B. I should consider myse
41、lf lucky. C. it would be a big misfortune. D. it could happen to me, too.64. What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by "the ostrich approach" in paragraph 6?A. A new treatment for certain psychological problems. B. Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved. C. Unwillingness
42、to find out about one's disease because of fear. D. A casual attitude towards one's health conditions.65. What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men?A. They may increase public expenses. B. They will save money in the long run. C. They may cause psychological stress on men. D. Th
43、ey will enable men to live as long as women.第二卷(共75分)五单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示,写单词完成句子。66. The speech contest will be held next Friday. I must make full p_ for it.67. We finished the work on time under the g_ of an expert in the field.68. I will be f_ to look out of the window from a h
44、igh building and it is said to be a disease named acrophobia(恐高症).69. They are having a heated a_ over whether smoking is bad for the health.70. In modern times, people should pay attention to their psychological health as well as their p_ health.71. It is said that he accepted the gifts with _(满意).
45、72. Tom is so anxious that he cant _ (专注) on his teachers lessons.73. Our school bought a lot of new teaching _(设备) this term.74. How _(尴尬的) I was when I made a mistake with many people looking.75. If you have already taken too much medicine, go to the _(急救) room of your nearest hospital now.六动词填空(共
46、10个小题;每小题1分,满分10分)76. The law requires that everyone _(have) his car checked at least once a year.77. _(follow) my instructions, and you cant miss it.78. He keeps _(ask) me personal questions, which makes me unhappy.79. Sam is the only one of the boys who _(invite) to the dinner the other day.80. Ma
47、ry told me the film is interesting and it is worth _ (see).81. With so much work _(fill) my mind, I almost break down.82. The little girl is looking forward to _(give) a lot of presents on her birthday.83. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty _(express) in art and architecture
48、.84. As we all know, the best way to protect the environment is _(plant) more trees.85. I didnt quite catch what you said. I _(look) into the sky.七 同义句扎转换(共20空;每空0.5分,满分10分)86. They are thinking about how they will get there in time. They are _ how _ get there in time.87. She sat down and began to r
49、ead as soon as she entre the room. _ _ the room, she sat down and began to read.88. People can get annoyed easily when they are under great pressure. people _ get annoyed when they are under great pressure.89. John bought me much bread but little of it tastes good. John bought me much bread, little
50、_ _ tastes good.90. The boy regrets that he has wasted a lot of time. The boy regrets _ _ a lot of time.91. After he stopped exercising in the gym, he became fat. He _ _ after he stopped _ _ in the gym.92. We shouldnt depend on our parents since we are teenagers. We are _ _ _ _ of our parents _ _ we
51、 are teenagers.八 完成句子(共20空;每空0.5分,满分10分)93. 我发现这里布置的家庭作业不像我以前在原校时那么繁重。 I found that the homework was not as heavy _ _ I used to get in my old school.94. 爸爸说他给我买了一辆新自行车。我迫不及待地要回家看看。 Dad says hes bought me a new bike. I _ _ to go home and see it.95. 妈妈和爸爸外出度假, 比预期的时间提前一天返回家中。Mom and Dad arrive back fr
52、om vacation a day earlier _ _.96. 很多青少年感到孤独, 好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are _ _.97. 你现在这个样子看上去就很棒。You look great _ you _.98. 这就是你的过错。 没有必要为自己辩解了。It is your _. There is no need for you to _ _ anymore.99. 他坚决要求及时了解计划的任何变化。He
53、 insisted he _ _ of any changes in the plan.100. 对人苛刻的老板不会受工人们欢迎的。The bosses who are _ _ people wont become _ _ workers.九 任务型阅读How can effective house rules be established?First of all, get your teenager to take part in making the rules, which can help keep them motivated to follow them. Ask their o
54、pinion about what sorts of things they think are important when creating the rules and try to include some of their ideas. When creating the list of rules, dont list every single rule imaginable. Instead, try to limit it to the ten most important rules. Ive seen some parents come up with several pag
55、es of rules which turn out to be more like a rule book rather than a list. Remember, it is important to make the list easy to remember and to be a basic guide. Then, it is important that you write out the list of rules and hang them in a prominent (显眼的) location. Keeping the rules on the refrigerato
56、r or displayed somewhere where everyone can see them is a good reminder. Revise the rules whenever theres a need, not very frequently though. Explain clearly in advance what negative consequences will be in store when a rule gets broken. But ensure that none of your consequences are equal to abusive parenting. For example, take off the rule that says “if you dont get home by 11 at night, make arrangements to stay elsewhere until morning”. Let helping with small household chores like cleaning up their own rooms serve as consequences for disobeying r
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