1、英语高级写作课程教案学期:2012 2013学年第2学期学时:32学分:2授课对象:外国语学院10级英语专业学生教 材:写作教程 第四册,2007,上海外语教育出版社任课教师:宇文静 陈琳1课程成果:通过本课程的学习,学生能够初步掌握科学研究的基本方法和能力,巩固和加深所学的基本理论和技能,了解英语论文写作的有关知识、技巧、和策略,选择和确定适当的论文题目,初拟论文提纲。2教学方法: 课堂讲授,举例,演示3课程考核:课程成绩(100%)=平时考核(100%)+期末考试(0%)平时考核 100分=100分+0分1.平时成绩:100分折合为总成绩的100%注: 100分: 作业8次中取5次,每次2
2、0分;0分: 随机抽查5次出勤,不计分,3次无故缺勤者取消其成绩。2期末成绩:无3考试方式:大作业lecture 1: introduction to thesis writing (unit 1)一、 课程成果(outcome) 1. understand the aim of the course2. grasp generally some information about graduation thesis 3. understand what constitutes a good topic for research二、 学时安排2 hours 三、重点难点1. principle
3、s and requirements of graduation thesis2. components of graduation thesis3. steps of graduation thesis writing四、教学内容introduction to graduation thesis1 what is a thesis? it is a research paper composed by a college student when he/she has finished college study with the help of his /her supervisor, w
4、hich is also called graduation thesis.2 significance of thesis writinga.institutional purpose:b. personal purposes: 3 scales of thesis writingliterature, translation, linguistics, tefl, cross-culture, other social science ( e.g. business english, est, etc.) 4 evaluation of a thesisletter grade ( a.
5、b. c. d. f) is based on its content, structure, language and format. apart from that, oral defense also counts in many colleges, and so does it in our institute. 5 principles of thesis writinglearning principle; independence principle; scientific principle; scholarly principle; creative principle; n
6、orm principle.6 requirements of thesis writinglength; format; content; book binding and layout.7 steps of graduation thesis writingchoose a topic, collect and organize materials, compose the first draft, revise the draft and finalize it.五、作业read unit 2 after class.lecture 2: choosing a topic for a t
7、hesis (unit 2)一、 课程成果(outcome) 1. know what steps to follow when choosing a topic2. learn how to improve topics that have problems二、 学时安排2 hours三、重点难点know how to work out an effective research topic.四、教学内容1. principles for choosing a thesis topicsignificance (importance) and interest; manageability/
8、practicality; flexibility2. what topics should be avoided?3. process of choosing a topicdecide on the subject area-choose a topic-focus into a question-design a title3.1 subject areas: literature, linguistics, translation, tefl, cross-culture and other subject areas3.2 finding a research problem3.3
9、design a title4. exercise 1: literary criticism /comparative studyexercise 2: revise the following topics五、作业search for as many thesis titles as possible to get the idea of title designing and design your own title.lecture 3: collecting & organizing material (unit 3)一、 课程成果(outcome) 1. learn how
10、 to find and evaluate the sources2. learn how to document the sources.二、 学时安排2 hours三、重点难点choose proper material; write a thesis statement.四、教学内容1 major sources of related literature2 guidelines for choosing proper materials3 documenting material4 reading in depthexercise : analyze the different par
11、ts of the following thesis statement.五、作业read the textbook unit 3 and create your working bibliography, using apa style.lecture 4: outlining a thesis (unit 6)一、 课程成果(outcome) 1. know the format of an outline2 be familiar with the types of outline3 grasp how to construct an outline.二、 学时安排 2 hours三、重
12、点难点1 the format of an outline2 how to construct an outline.四、教学内容1 what is an outline?2 the benefits of an outline3 process of constructing a thesis4 types of the outline5 formats of the outline6 conventions and contents of outlines7 principles for structuring an outlineexercise: outlining the follo
13、wing thesis五、作业based on your topic and thesis statement, with the accumulation of related material, please construct your own outline.lecture 5: introduction writing (unit 7)一、 课程成果(outcome) master the elements of the introduction chapter of a thesis.二、 学时安排2 hours三、重点难点understand and know how to co
14、mpose the introduction chapter.四、教学内容components of the introduction chapter:l introductionl background of the study l the professional significance of the studyl overview (structure) of the thesisexercise: find the problems in the introduction chapter of the thesis at hand.五、作业finish the introductio
15、n chapter for your thesis.lecture 6: literature review (unit 7)一、 课程成果(outcome) 1. know what are included in a literature review2 know how to compose a literature review.二、 学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master how to organize a literature review and how to summarize and paraphrase.四、教学内容what is a literature revi
16、ew?procedure for writing a literature reviewexercises: 1: find a focus for the following titles2: write a summary五、作业write a literature review briefly.lecture 7: quotation (unit 8)一、 课程成果(outcome) master the way of quotation.二、 学时安排2 hours三、重点难点different quotation formats for different material.四、教学
17、内容differences between quotation and citationtypes of quotation: direct and indirectquotation of different material: poetry, drama, etc.exercise: revise each of the following sentences, deleting quotation marks used inappropriately, moving those placed incorrectly, and using more formal languages.五、作
18、业remember the format of quotation.lecture 8: citation (unit 8)一、 课程成果(outcome) master the way of citation.二、 学时安排 2 hours三、重点难点different citation formats for different material.四、教学内容purposes of documentationtypes of citation: in-text citation and referencesformats of in-text citation: mla, apa, chi
19、cago manual style五、作业remember the apa format of citation.lecture 9: methodology (unit 4) 一、 课程成果(outcome)1. know how to conduct a research in a linguistic thesis2. know how to write the methodology part in a linguistic thesis3. know how to write a good findings and discussion二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点maste
20、r how to conduct a research in a linguistic thesis.四、教学内容definition of methodologymethodology in a thesis on linguistics1. components2. organization 3. how to carry out research4. findings and discussionexercise: analyze samples: what research tools are used? how?五、作业learn spss after class: spss教程.l
21、ecture 10: methodology (unit 4) 一、 课程成果(outcome)1. know how to design a good questionnaire;2. master the methods to interpret a work of literature.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master questionnaire design and how to interpret a work of literature.四、教学内容questionnaire design1. criteria for a good questionnaire2.
22、 steps for questionnaire design3. exercise: process the following datamethodology in a literary thesis1. methods: explication(解读), analysis, comparison and contrast2. literature criticism: 五、作业design a questionnaire to collect opinions of the second- year non-english majors on their l2 learning stra
23、tegies.中国非英语专业大二学生英语学习策略lecture 11: conclusion, abstract & acknowledgements (unit 7)一、 课程成果(outcome)1. know how to write the conclusion of a thesis2.know how to write the abstract of a thesis3 know how to draft acknowledgement.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master conclusion writing and abstract writing.四、教
24、学内容conclusion writing1. restatement2. summary3. future research directionabstract writing1 types of abstract: descriptive and informative2. requirements3 key wordsacknowledgements1. purposes2. requirementsexercise: read the following abstracts and then discuss the merits and defects of the abstracts
25、.五、作业choose key words for your thesis.lecture 12: format-listing sources (unit 8)一、 课程成果(outcome)know how to document sources at the end of the thesis.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master the use of punctuations and italicization.四、教学内容basic rules for bibliographic citation1. authors2. books3. author with an e
26、ditor4. author with an translator5. work in an anthology6. magazines7. encyclopedia or dictionary entry8. electronic sources9. notes: chinese referencesexercise: create the reference entry with the given information五、作业design your own references.lecture 13: format and mechanics (unit 8)一、 课程成果(outco
27、me)know some rules of format and mechanics.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master contents format and page number format.四、教学内容format1 contents2 tables and figures3 page numbersmechanics1 capitalization2 abbreviations3 italicizing and underlining4 numbers5 tables and figuresexercisefind out the problems of the f
28、ollowing contents五、作业根据以下论文内容,加页码并自动生成目录lecture 14: language style (additional material)一、 课程成果(outcome)know the characteristics of thesis language.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master diction and voice.四、教学内容diction: formaltone: judgment: careful and impartialbasic tone: rational, impersonal and unemotionalvo
29、ice: third-person pronouns (he, she, they or it)subjects of sentenceseconomy: write concisely and straightforwardlyuse of tenses: 1. literature2. theory or philosophy3. research results4. review of literatureunbiased languageconstructing paragraphsa paragrapha single unitdeclare a pointoffer support
30、 for the pointa topic sentencea tiny thesis statementexercise: find out the problems of these sentences.五、作业revise your introduction and literature review parts.lecture 15: summary (unit 9)一、 课程成果(outcome)get a systematic idea of thesis writing.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点master the requirements of structure
31、, language and format.四、教学内容title: informative, revealingabstract: should contain the following elementsresearch topic, research purpose, research methods, research results, implications, conclusion.key words: high frequency in the thesis, focus of the thesis, 3-5 wordsintroduction:a. background of
32、the study b. the professional significance of the studyc. overview (structure) of the thesisliterature review: cover the basic categories introduction: central theme or organizational pattern body: organize sources chronologically, thematically, or methodologically conclusions/recommendations: discu
33、ss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. where might the discussion proceed?methodology: what (tool/instrument); who(subjects); how(data collection, procedures)findings:data presentation & data descriptiondiscussion: supplying meaning to statistics, tables, charts, etc. making co
34、mments that are relevant to the research intention/purposeconclusion: restate the research purpose, some background information, etc;summarize research design, results, interpretation and implication, etc;suggest future research direction by pointing out limitations of the study and tentative propos
35、als for future research.acknowledgements: a. confined to one page, immediately after the conclusion b. language: sincere, brief, properc. order: more important-less important; individual collectivereferences: 英文参考文献基本格式: 期刊: 作者. 文章名.(需用引号,且引在“.”之外)期刊名(斜体). 第几期(年代):页码.专著: 作者. 文献题名(斜体). 出版地:出版社, 出版年.中
36、文参考文献基本格式:专著:主要责任者.文献题名文献类型标识.出版地:出版社,出版年期刊:主要责任者.文献题名j.刊名,出版年(期):页码.language: formal, objective, concise, propercontents: 自动生成目录,注意页码及字号。tables and figures: 注意标题书写,tables两边不封。page numbers: 正文前和正文的页码不同,前者小写罗马数字,后者小写阿拉伯数字,需用分隔符。exercise: evaluate the two sample papers on page 154-215五、作业review what we have learned.lecture 16: oral defense (additional material)一、 课程成果(outcome)know how to give a good oral defense.二、学时安排2 hours三、重点难点ppt design.四、教学内容introduction
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