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1、学习好资料欢迎下载Lesson plan (model)Teaching contentsModule 11, Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow (新标准英语, 初二上)Description of studentsJunior 2 (42students), middle level of English proficiencyLesson typeListening and speakingLesson duration45 minutesTeaching objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should b

2、e able to:1. understand weather forecast and describe the future weather;2. give suggestions to people who are going out according to the weather;3. be aware of loving the nature and protecting the environmentMain vocabulariescloudy, sunny, degree, temperature, minus, centigradeMain structuresWhat w

3、ill the weather be like?It will be / It may be / It might be Learning strategiesListening to key wordsGroup cooperation in the taskBuilding up confidence in the weather forecast reportTeaching methodsTBLT, CLTTeaching aidsPPT, magnetic white board, white board marker, magnetic starHomeworkIntroduce

4、the weather of your favorite city in China to your best friend and tell him or her -“ when is the best time to visit ”Teaching procedures:StepsStudent activitiesTeacher activitiesDesigning principlesWarm-up (2mins)Say hello to the teacher; talk about mango; sing the song you are my sunshine, with th

5、e record.Greeting; describes the weather in her hometown by talking about the mango in hand; sings the song with students.Relaxed and stimulating classroom climate can be Created; sspriorknowledge can be activated by singing the song happily.1(3mins)With the help of pictures, recognize and learn the

6、 name of weather.Show the pictures of weather to students, and help them recall and learn to describe weather.Visual pictures help ss learn effectively.2(6mins)Learn to describe temperature -5 C with teacher s help;Work in groups and practise to describe 5 groups of temperature.Shows the diagram of

7、-5C and demonstrates how to describe it;Organize the students to practise in groups, thenThe diagram helps ss learn to describe temperature easily;Enough practice prepares for later listening andcheck some students.speaking .3(5mins)Review how to ask and answer today's weather, then learn to ask

8、 and answer the weather in future with the enlightenment of teacher;Practise to ask and answer the future weather in groups, then show in the class.Shows the sentences:A: What's the weather like today?B: It's Then enlightens studentsto say:A: What will the weather be like tomorrow?B: It will

9、 be/may be/ might be Based on the prior knowledge, ss can acquire the new sentence structure easily and effectively;Enough practice prepares for later listening and speaking;Group work cultivates ss cooperative ability and teamwork spirit.4(4mins)Sing the weather song with teacherWhat will the weath

10、er be like?What will the weather be like?It will be windy.It may be rainy.It might be stormy.It will be showery.It may be cloudy.It might be sunny.Sings the weather song with the rhythm of you are my 、sunshine' first by herself, ( then with the whole class.Ss acquire knowledge happily and effect

11、ively; Ss' creativity is inspired.5(6mins)Listen to the weather forecast, then check) the information in the table and correct the wrong information;Listen to the conversation in this unit and finish some exercises.Play the record for the students, then check student answer.Input by listening ca

12、n improve ss listening ability and set up models for ss to make weather forecast in next step.6(11mins)Observe the teacher making the weather forecast of Guilin; Next, work in groups to practise making the weather forecast in China and the world next week, then perform individually in front of the c

13、lass.Demonstrates how to make the weather forecast of Guilin;Creates the situation of weather forecast and organizes the students to make weather forecast in China and in the world next week.Ss learn by using.7(2mins)Make self-evaluation.Offers ss an evaluation table and guides them to make self-eva

14、luation.self-evaluationcanPromote SS further study .8(1mins)Note down in their notebook the homework for this lesson.Assigns homework.9(5mins)Sing the song Welcome with teacher.Shows ss the song Welcome and sing with them:Guide ss to learn for use, end the lesson happily.Welcome to Guangxi ! Welcome

15、 to Nanning!It ' a sgreen city.It ' s sunny. It makes you healthy. It makes you happy. Welcome to Guangxi ! Welcome to Nanning !学习好资料次辿工逃ModuleBeijingsnovstornVwih'XiBctKQet 90汨口bno*.girNiJbabl、be gWe're oft wOaming:the be,paminKBciiy.”When ii"I,onie onBetty:lony:Wc,rc not surtv

16、 Sounds great!VI Not bad, I guessTon,:Daintng TurnU1 Darning h max be qsic ir to Nl 也匕You muftt. c Sounds go Not bad. Wot re offeven be eNdcentigrade dcgree(i) temper aturrOHist be joking! Il nuJ- L _ _ - foiiiii to the I SAitigR/hou 10-21 'CWh.il urr xmi :>“4W;H1B 10,jougry and listening Mat

17、ch the words with the symbols in the table.HungKm* 171204cHey. yvm Io11 Om'ijoutvkl binhda ncMwcek-lo,>: Yc流底炉电52叫II Potty: h' slrfeenng. ha't it? Tony: Yes. ""、really voidBetty: Whai arc you doing tor遗堡国a Ie,仆2 At the montcnU 我、suunot too 丁”一betterjWere going lo Englands be

18、st HM preparing some advice onH mbe coW tomovro » Listen to the weather forecast and check the correct information In the table. Work in paks. Correct the wrong information in tho tabla.Listen and read< 心 KfThe weatherTemp白raluTe 1恻60学习好资料欢迎下载clciud,*rn>visit your country?2 What ckxhcs should shNow say the sentences aloud. UListen and write * rf tho surprise.e speak«r is askingaI When is the best nmc ioL”s Z© hot i 二:"in w I 中 ;盘葭M麒:净*5 ICs uliy g::,n 咫r w 巾小M收se the speaket's 1 nVonatcn.N°W 一场C?ZK 小 m 八 iLlw11Vlic3d 小靴、 ;:黑山:小、pronimcicrt


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