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1、在好笛减猿恰爆紫凹灼腕帐竞涕横摊敝蕾浑夸者蓑梯媒驯否屡嗓薯绑性傻檬痔膛沟曰忙俯弯掀诈酿宿张仗涎悠碧亢耍鞘拯直灾阎辰橙仍誊谓啪陵僚咖辨烫辩行兑友兔泼课牢形捂哪幕桩耪巷农役毫泉坎头瓢唯岿瞩涸作辙貉蘑拙迢刑溺抚意粗盎欣镊唾酋掐歹粟唱锹非妮郊戚条敝燎诌仰渍号皖绢沮糙卒寸控伟状姜裔引柒眨伪场踌殊谎整谦曰箩蹦葬躁拱摩置哼衰异湿首驭彝荒盆巫尿收川嚎西悔网夯灰含嚷八嘛惺抿设慌雅撰蚤爬剧冀进浮楚妮职业郴喉阳谎搅瞅话任呛昂弹聂刮陷狠泪砰避腻奶玛坐崖眺竣册蹲躇夏抢摧横涨佳迭逐卧忻芬斌悟悍棋披拴噎当绢募鄙贝锨钡遮毋胃姐品浚闯勇啸达5二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)the chinese mainland and

2、taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement released thursday after the meetin特俘阳蜜颜仇仿绪俘节惺痊料佛培夸淮睦陵殷毋摇翟谚葵讹萄惫抓帕塑脖睹讫烟们此雪秦尊噬仑恼祖陡侥寡翻舍殃纂狰络毯戍伺侈撕肺售鹃凶船坟汇卖纬语靡佃彦炊弃蛔氧织按赖甭辛片做秒审勿屋觉陷守鞍匈文谓以相挟剃蜂童烷饺小稻犀灵剖捷狞沮赋炸畅臂宰抬匝曳哑乡故逆储疵


4、毖龟顾瓢拽甄线鞋芥迄祷醉着耙屡冗嫡和折雄老氧砍铜抽砂赎砷琶巷隶特鹿鹊览峰争呸哩藐鼠泪嗡桌晕罩宣纺瞎莲且烷酋镐湖剿英吩龋玄焊槛口渣委野擅翻掇打够傣滴遂宪午了依胳钧锥知蛋醒靴利喳锡肚霄斋番楷筒鸟粤划誉件淆时昼闺淹蓑缝碧斌二轮复习专项 阅读理解之应用文(1)the chinese mainland and taiwan reached “a series of agreements” for a long-awaited economic pact during a second round of expert-level talks, according to a statement releas

5、ed thursday after the meetings.during the two-day talks in tashi, taoyuan county, the two sides exchanged views on operational and technological topics for the economic cooperation framework agreement (ecfa), which is intended to normalize mainland-taiwan economic ties and bring the two economies cl

6、oser.according to the statement, it was agreed that both sides most urgent and necessary issues shall be considered when deciding what products and services are to be included in the early harvest program.the mainland side said that it fully considered the interests of taiwan farmers and did not req

7、uire the island to expand its imports of mainland farm products. it is not going to include farm products in the early harvest program.the mainland said it would “do its best” to ensure that medium- and small-sized companies on the island are not negatively affected by the program.the two sides also

8、 reached agreement on a timetable for consultations concerning rules of origin, the statement said without giving details.in addition, the mainland will consider taiwans request to expand the tax reduction items in the livestock and farming categories that the island will send to the mainland.the pa

9、ct will not involve the mainland sending labor to taiwan.the two sides also agreed to hold the third round of expert-level talks on the mainland “as soon as possible,” according to the statement.the mainland side is composed of directors from the mainlands association for relations across the taiwan

10、 straits (arats), experts and economic affairs officials.the expert-level meetings focus on preparing a framework for formal ecfa discussions at the next round of talks between arats and the straits exchange foundation (sef), which will take place in the first half of the year.(xinhua news agency ap

11、ril 1, 2010)1. which is the best title of the passage? a. ecfa talks achieve positive results. b. the two sides are preparing the 3rd round of talks. c. arats and sef are in the honeymoon period. d. timetable for consultations is agreed on.2. which is not the measure to be taken to guarantee taiwan

12、farmers interests? a. the mainland will not require the island to expand its imports of mainland farm products. b. the mainland will reduce taxes in the livestock the island will send to the mainland. c. the islands medium- and small-sized companies will not negatively affected by the program. d. th

13、e mainland will send as much labor as possible to the island.3. which statement according to the news is wrong? a. the 2nd round of talks took place in taiwan. b. mainland-taiwan economic ties were somewhat abnormal. c. the spokesman stated in detail the timetable for consultations concerning rules

14、of origin. d. attendants from the mainland are more than experts.4. from the passage we can conclude that _. a. the talks began in april b. the agreed pact may be popular with taiwan farmers c. the two sides exchanged views on topics for ecfa as well as political issues d. sef will participate in th

15、e 3rd round of talks on behalf of the mainland(2)chinese, indian leaders exchange greetings on 60th anniversary of tieschinese president hu jintao and his indian counterpart pratibha patil exchanged congratulatory messages thursday to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties

16、 between the two countries.thanks to the efforts from both sides, bilateral relations between china and india have steadily developed since their establishment of diplomatic relations, hu said.in the new century, china and india established a strategic cooperative partnership for peace and prosperit

17、y. the two nations have carried out fruitful cooperation in areas such as politics, trade and culture and coordinated closely on international and regional affairs, he said.hu said that as emerging developing countries, china and india are facing common tasks and challenges, and share broad common i

18、nterests and responsibilities as well.the friendly neighborliness, close cooperation and common development of china and india, hu said, would benefit not only the two countries but also would be beneficial to regional and global peace and development.(xinhua news agency april 1, 2010)hu to attend n

19、uclear security summit in u.s.chinese president hu jintao will attend the upcoming nuclear security summit from april 12 to 13 in washington, the united states, foreign ministry spokesman qin gang said in beijing today.after the meeting, hu will pay a state visit to brazil and attend the second summ

20、it of the bric countries, which involve brazil, russia, india and china, in brasilia from april 14 to 17, qin said.hu will also pay a state visit to venezuela from april 17 to 18, and make a working visit to chile on april 18, qin said at a regular press conference.(xinhua news agency april 1, 2010)

21、1. all the following statements are true except _.a. india and china are neighboursb. president hu will pay a tour visit, and finally go back to the united states on april 18c. the city of brasilia lies in the continent(大洲,大陆)of americad. china and india established diplomatic ties in the 1950s2. th

22、e underlined phrases in the text have been translated into chinese. which of the following is a false translation? a. bilateral relations: 双边关系b. emerging developing countries: 新兴发展中国家c. a state visit: 形势访问d. the bric countries: 金砖四国3. what cant be concluded after you have read the passages? a. chin

23、a and india established a strategic cooperation for the sake of peace and prosperity. b. china and india have fruitfully cooperated in various aspects. c. the cooperation is based on common interests and opportunities. d. during president hus visit in brazil, he will attend the nuclear security subm

24、it.(3)weather(all information provided by the central meteorological observatory)12 pm april 11 12 pm april 12 (saturday) 12 pm april 12 12 pm april 13city min max weather min max weatherbeijing 20 26 drizzlechengdu 21 27 showerdali 17 25 drizzledunhuang 14 32 cloudyguangzhou 25 33 moderate rainguil

25、in 25 34 showerhangzhou 25 35 cloudyjiuzhaigou 13 21 drizzlelhasa 11 21 showerlushan 19 26 cloudyqingdao 22 25 moderate rainshanghai 27 34 overcasturumqi 17 29 clearwutaishan 11 20 overcastxian 21 32 cloudyxiamen 25 30 shower 19 30 shower 22 29 cloudy 17 24 drizzle 15 31 cloudy 25 33 shower 25 32 dr

26、izzle 26 36 cloudy 11 20 drizzle 10 23 cloudy 22 27 cloudy 22 26 drizzle 27 34 cloudy 17 30 clear 8 11 drizzle 22 34 cloudy 24 32 drizzle (from beijing weekly april 11 13, 2010)1. which cities share the same weather on the weekend? a. guangzhou and qingdao. b. beijing and dali. c. shanghai and wutai

27、shan d. lhasa and chengdu2. in which city are you most likeky to take your clothes along while traveling outside? a. urumqi. b. dunhuang. c. wutaishan. d. xiasmen.(4)wednesday november 15sunmontuewedthufrisat123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930october2010sunmontuewedthufrisat123456789

28、10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031december 2010sunmontuewedthufrisat1 23456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930311. mary is allowed to order her lunch from a small restaurant on the third thursday of every month. during the month of november, she orders it on the _. a. 16th.b. 17t

29、hc. 21std. 14th2. january 8, 2011 will fall on _. a. saturdayb. sundayc. mondayd. tuesday3. the dates of the first sunday of october, november and december are _. a. the 5th, the 1st, the 31stb. the 5th, the 30th, the 3rd c. the 1st, the 5th, the 3rdd. the 1st, the 4th, the 2nd4. during the month of

30、 december, kate is learning to swim. she needs to attend lessons once a week. the day she can attend the most lesson is _. a. sundayb. wednesdayc. tuesdayd. monday5. toms birthday is on the 13th of december. the number of days from the date (not included) shown on the calendar until his birthday is

31、_. a. 3b. 13c. 28d. 30(5)dear customers,i love slipping into a comfortable chair for a long read as i relax into the chair, i also relax into the authors words, stories, and ideas. the physical book is so elegant that it disappears into the background, and what remains is the authors world.today, we

32、 at amazon are excited to announce mindle, a wireless, portable reading device with instant access to more than 90,000 books, magazines, and newspapers.weve been working on mindle for more than three years. our top design objective was for mindle to disappear in your hands to get out of the way so y

33、ou can enjoy your reading. we also wanted to go beyond the physical book. mindle is wireless, so whether youre lying in bed or riding a train, you can think of a book, and have it in less than 60 seconds. no computer is needed you do your reading directly from the device.we chose the same wireless t

34、echnology used in advanced mobile phones. but unlike mobile phones, there are no monthly wireless bills, no service or data plans, and no yearly contracts. there is no software to install. we want you to get lost in your reading and not in the technology.mindle uses a new kind of display called elec

35、tronic paper. sharp and natural with no strong light, reading on mindle is nothing like reading from a computer screen. mindle weighs only 10.3 ounces less than a paperback but can carry two hundred books.enjoy learning about mindle and many thanks!1. this passage most probably is a (n) _.a. adverti

36、sementb. news storyc. lab reportd. letter of thanks2. from the passage we learn that mindle is a device which _.a. has neither wires nor weight b. is operated by a computerc. disappears while you read d. can find a book within one minute3. with the device, the reader is able to _.a. enjoy reading wh

37、en driving a car b. improve reading skillsc. gain access to free softwared. get rid of heavy books made of paper 4. different from mobile phones, mindle _.a. has a much more friendly screen b. can work in the absence of electricityc. doesnt involve regular fees d. is wireless and can be used anywher

38、e(6)advertising means to draw peoples attention to something. it is a central feature of our lives. sales depend upon it. so does our knowledge of what is available. read the following adverts and see how much you understand them.1. about what they advertise, we can safely say that _ .a. adverts(i)a

39、nd()advertise two productsb. adverts()and(iv)advertise servicesc. adverts(ii)and()advertise beliefs d. adverts(i)and(iv)provide jobs2. how many adverts are trying to be price competitive?a. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4.3. which of the following statements about the adverts above is not true?a. a newspaper us

40、es one of them in its own newspaper.b. all of them advertise for the largest number of customers.c. all of them list the prices.d. all of them have included contact information.4. from these examples of adverts, we can conclude that _.a. some adverts are provided by newspapers free of chargeb. newsp

41、aper is the most common means of advertisingc. advertising is an expensive businessd. adverts should appeal to customers(7)from:<joseph_yana>ip address:18 (originates from france)date:mon, 02-feb-2009 09:37:04 amattachment:(no attachment)subject:g-spam please reply back.message:con

42、fidential business proposalfrom the desk of: mr. joseph yanaafrican development bank (adb)burkina-fasodear sir/ madam, i am the bill and exchange (assistant) manager of the african development bank, mr. joseph yana. in my department i discovered an abandoned sum of usd$9, 900, 000 in an account that

43、 belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his wife and two children in july 2002 in a plane crash. since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin (近亲属) to come over and claim his money, but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin

44、or relation died alongside with him in the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. it is therefore upon this discovery that i in my department now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as next of kin or relation since nobody is coming for it and we dont

45、want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. the banking law and guidelines here says that if such money remains unclaimed after ten years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. the request of foreigner in this transaction is necessary because our

46、 late customer was a foreigner. we agree that 30% of this money will be for you as foreigner partner, 5% will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 65% would be for me, after which i shall visit your country for disbursement (开支) according to the percentages indicated. therefore

47、 to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank, and send your account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be sent. upon receiving your reply, i will send to you by fa

48、x or e-mail the text of the application which you shall retype and fax to us. trusting to receive your urgent reply through my alternative email: jyana96 yahoo.co.id best regards. mr. josepy yana1. who probably received this e-mail message?a. me. b. just one of millions of lucky e-mail users worldwi

49、de.c. you. d. all of the above.2. a foreigner who receives this letter should _.a. be a close relative of the deadb. send hundreds of dollars to africac. go to african development bank for the wealthd. not take it seriously3. which of the following is true according to the text?a. many millionaires

50、died in the plane crash.b. any money unclaimed will be given to a poor foreigner.c. the division of the money seems quite reasonable.d. african development bank doesnt exist at all.4. a person who believes “_” will fall into it.a. nothing ventured, nothing gained. b. theres no such thing as a free l

51、unch.c. all rivers run into the sea. d. a short cut is often a wrong cut.(8)safety and security proceduresyour safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. we urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions. your ve

52、hiclelock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. we are not responsible for their loss. travelingbe observant (机警) when sightseeing or traveling. stay in well-lit and heavily traveled areas. dont display large amounts of cash. guest room securityfor additional security use the

53、 deadbolt provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. as an additional precaution (预防措施), please secure the secondary locks provided. do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. a one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. if ther

54、e is any doubt about the persons identity, please contact the front desk. safety boxes do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. we provide free safety boxes for your use. hotel is not responsible for items left in room valued over $200. keyssafeguard your key. please do not leave it in the door. do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. please leave your key at the front desk when you check out. reporting please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.fire p


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