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1、unit 4 accountingpart i fundamentals to accounting第一部分 会计基本原理1.accounting 'kantn. 会计2.double-entry system 复式记账法2-1 dr.(debit) 借记2-2 cr.(credit) 贷记3.accounting basic assumption 会计基本假设4.accounting entity 会计主体5.going concern 持续经营6.accounting periods 会计分期7.monetary measurement 货币计量8.accounting basis

2、 会计基础9.accrual 'krl basis 权责发生制【讲解】accrual n. 自然增长,权责发生制原则,应计项目accrual concept 应计概念accrue 'kru v. 积累,自然增长或利益增加,产生10.accounting policies 会计政策11.substance over form 实质重于形式12.accounting elements 会计要素13.recognition rekg'n()n n. 确认13-1 initial recognition rekg'n()n 初始确认【讲解】recognize '

3、rkg'naz v. 确认14.measurement 'mem()nt n. 计量14-1 subsequent 'sbskw()nt measurement 后续计量15.asset 'æset n. 资产16.liability la'blt n. 负债17.owners equity 所有者权益18.shareholders equity股东权益19.expense k'spens; ek- n. 费用20.profit 'prft n. 利润21.residual r'zdjl equity 剩余权益

4、sidual claim 剩余索取权 'kæpt()l n. 资本24.gains einz n. 利得25.loss ls n. 损失26.retained earnings 留存收益27.share premium股本溢价28.historical cost 历史成本【讲解】historical h'strk()l adj. 历史的,历史上的historic h'strk adj. 有历史意义的,历史上著名的28-1 replacement r'plesm()nt cost 重置成本29.balance sheet/statem

5、ent of financial position 资产负债表29-1 income statement 利润表29-2 cash flow statement 现金流量表29-3 statement of changes in ownersequity (or shareholdersequity) 所有者权益(股东权益)变动表29-4 notes nts n. 附注part ii financial assets*第二部分 金融资产* assets 金融资产e.g. a financial instrument is any contract that gives

6、rise to a financial asset of one enterprise and a financial liability or equity instrument of another enterprise.【讲解】give rise to 引起,导致 on hand 库存现金 deposits d'pzt 银行存款33.a/r, account receivable应收账款34.notes receivable 应收票据35.others receivable 其他应收款项36.equity investment 股权投资

7、investment 债券投资38.derivative financial instrument 衍生金融工具 market 活跃市场40.quotation kw()'te()nn. 报价 assets at fair value through profit or loss 以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产41-1 those designated as at fair value through profit or loss 指定为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产41-2 financial assets hel

8、d for trading 交易性金融资产 liability 金融负债43.transaction costs 交易费用43-1 incremental external cost 新增的外部费用【讲解】incremental nkr'mntl adj. 增量的,增值的 dividend declared but not distributed 已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利投资收益45.profit and loss arising from fair value changes 公允价值变动损益46.held-to-maturity invest

9、ments 持有至到期投资47.amortized cost 摊余成本【讲解】amortized 'm:taizd adj. 分期偿还的,已摊销的48.effective interest rate 实际利率 ln n. 贷款50.receivables ri'si:vblz n. 应收账款51.available-for-sale financial assets 可供出售金融资产52.impairment of financial assets 金融资产减值52-1 impairment loss of financial assets 金融资产减值损失53.

10、transfer of financial assets 金融资产转移53-1 transfer of the financial asset in its entirety 金融资产整体转移53-2 transfer of a part of the financial asset 金融资产部分转移54.derecognition di'rekg'nn n. 终止确认,撤销承认recognition54-1 derecognize di'rekgnaz v. 撤销承认e.g. an enterprise shall derecognize a financial li

11、ability (or part of it) only when the underlying present obligation (or part of it) is discharged/cancelled.【译】金融负债的现时义务全部或部分已经解除的,才能终止确认该金融负债或其一部分。【讲解】(1)前缀de-,意为“除去、取消、否定、非、相反”(2)discharge ds'td n. 排放,卸货,解雇 v. 解雇,写下,免除(3)cancel 'kæns()l n. n.取消 v. 取消,删去part iii inventory第三部分 存货55.inve

12、ntory 'nv()nt()r n. 存货56.finished goods 产成品57.wip, work in progress 在产品58.raw materials 原材料59.semi-finished goods 半成品60.merchandize di'rekgnaz n. 商品61.cost of inventory 存货成本62.cost of purchase 采购成本63.cost of conversion kn'v()n加工成本64.production overhead 制造费用 'strd costs 仓储成本

13、66.fifo method, first in first out method 先进先出法67.provision for impairment of inventory 存货跌价准备67-1 reverse of provision for impairment of inventory 存货跌价准备转回【讲解】reverse r'vs n. 相反,背面,倒退,失败 adj. 后面的,颠倒的 v. 颠倒,倒转,倒退68.nrv, net realizable 'rilazblvalue 可变现净值69.loss of inventories discovered in a

14、n inventory counting 存货盘亏70.losses or damages of inventories 存货损毁part iv long-term equity investments*第四部分 长期股权投资*71.long-term equity investments 长期股权投资 combination 企业合并73.jointly controlled enterprise/joint venture 合营企业74.equity securities权益性证券75.ownership level所有权比例76.affiliated compani

15、es 关联公司【讲解】affiliate 'flet n. 联号,隶属的机构 v. 使附属,接纳,加入,发生联系77.associate'set; -set n.联营企业78.joint control 共同控制79.significant sg'nfk()nt influence 'nflns 重大影响80.investee in,ves'ti n. 被投资企业81.cost method 成本法82.non-cash assets非现金资产83.initial investment cost 初始投资成本 value账面价值85.lon

16、g-term equity investment acquired by paying cash 以支付现金取得的长期股权投资【讲解】acquire 'kwa v. 获得,取得,学到86.long-term equity investment acquired by the issue of equity securities 以发行权益性证券方式取得的长期股权投资87.reliable measurement/ be reliably measured 可靠计量88.fair value of identifiable net assets 可辨认净资产公允价值89.disposal

17、 dis'puzl of long-term equity investment 长期股权投资的处置part v non-current assets第五部分 固定资产90.fixed assets固定资产91.useful life/service life 使用寿命92.tangible assets 有形资产93.purchased fixed assets 外购固定资产94.self-constructed fixed asset 自行建造95.lump sum payment 整笔付款,一次总付,一次总算【讲解】lump lmp n. 块,块状 adj. 成团的,总共的 v.

18、 混在一起,使成块状 cost 运输费【讲解】delivery d'lv()r n. 交付,交货,递送97.handling costs 装卸费【讲解】handling 'hændl n. 处理 adj. 操作的98.installation costs 安装费【讲解】installation nst'le()nn. 安装,装置,就职99.packing charges 包装费100.professional fees 专业人员服务费101.costs of abandoning the asset at the end of its u

19、se 弃置费用【讲解】abandon 'bænd()n v. 遗弃,放弃102.depreciation d,pri'e()n; -s'e- n. 折旧102-1 accumulated depreciation 累计折旧102-2 original cost原值103.estimated net residual value 预计净残值104.depreciable amount 应计折旧额105.provision for impairment 减值准备106.non-physical deterioration 无形损耗【讲解】deterioration

20、 di,tiri'rein n. 恶化,退化106-1 physical wear and tear 有形损耗【讲解】(1)wear n. 穿着,磨损,耐久性 v. 穿着,用旧,耗损(2)tear n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯107.depreciation rate 折旧率108.depreciation method 折旧方法e.g. a change in the useful life or estimated net residual value of a fixed asset or the depreciation method used shall be acc

21、ounted for a change in an accounting estimate.【译】固定资产使用寿命、预计净残值和折旧方法的改变应当作为会计估计变更。108-1 straight-line method 年限平均法108-2 units of production method 工作量法108-3 the double declining balance method 双倍余额递减法108-4 the sum-of-the-years-digits method 年数总和法108-5 accelerated depreciation 加速折旧109.subsequent expe

22、nditure 后续支出110.disposal of fixed assets 固定资产处置111.losses of fixed assets discovered in an asset count 固定资产盘亏part vi intangible assets第六部分 无形资产112.intangible assets 无形资产113.expenditure on research and development (r&d) 研究开发费用114.self-generated goodwill 自创商誉115.amortization of intangible assets 无

23、形资产摊销116.intangible assets with uncertain useful life 使用寿命不确定的无形资产116-1 indefinite n'defnt useful life 不确定的使用寿命116-2 finite useful life 有限的使用寿命【讲解】finite'fanat adj. 有限的,限定的 n. 有限之物117.disposal of intangible assets 无形资产的处置118.sales of intangible assets 无形资产出售119.retirements of intangible asse

24、t 无形资产的报废part vii investment property第七部分 投资性房地产120.investment property 投资性房地产121.a land use right that is leased out 已出租的土地使用权【讲解】(1)land use right 土地使用权(2)lease out 出租121-1 a building that is leased out 已出租的建筑物122.a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation 持有并准备增值后转让的土地使用权123.own

25、er-occupied property 自用房地产【讲解】occupy 'kjpa v. 占据,占领,占有 held as inventories 作为存货的房地产125.purchased investment property 外购投资性房地产125-1 self-constructed investment property 自行建造投资性房地产126.cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property 采用成本模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产126-1 fair value model

26、 for subsequent measurement of investment property采用公允价值模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产【讲解】subsequent 'sbskw()ntadj. 后来的,随后的e.g. for investment property accounted for using the fair value model, a change from the fair value model to the cost model is not permitted.127.transfer træns'f; trns-; -nz-n. 转换

27、 of transfer 转换日e.g. for a transfer from investment property carried at the fair value model to owner-occupied property, its fair value at the date of transfer is regarded as the carrying amount of the owner-occupied property. the difference between the fair value and the original carrying a

28、mount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.【译】采用公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产转换为自用房地产时,应当以其转换当日的公允价值作为自用房地产的账面价值,公允价值与原账面价值的差额计入当期损益。part viii impairment of assets*第八部分 资产减值*129.impairment of assets 资产减值【讲解】impairment m'prmnt n. 损害,伤害129-1 impairment loss for an asset 资产减值损失129-2 recognizing

29、 an impairment loss for an asset 资产减值损失的确认130.recoverable amount 可收回金额【讲解】recoverable r'kvrbladj. 可收回的,可补偿的,可恢复的130-1 measuring recoverable amount of an asset 资产可回收金额的计量e.g. the recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future

30、cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.【译】可收回金额应当根据资产的公允价值减去处置费用后的净额与资产预计未来现金流量的现值两者之间较高者确定。131.indicators of assets impairment 资产减值的迹象【讲解】indicator 'ndketn. 指标,指示器131-1 testing of assets impairment 资产减值的测试132.internal transferring price 内部转移价格133.asset group 资产组134.impairment testing

31、for corporate assets/to test corporate assets for impairment 总部资产的减值测试134-1 corporate assets 总部资产135.goodwill/business reputation 商誉e.g. where the recoverable amount of an asset group or a set of asset groups is less than its carrying amount (that carrying amount shall include the allocated portion

32、of any goodwill and corporate asset, if goodwill and corporate asset are allocated to that asset group or set of asset groups), impairment loss shall be recognized accordingly.【译】资产组或者资产组组合的可收回金额低于其账面价值的(总部资产和商誉分摊至某资产组或者资产组组合的,该资产组或者资产组组合的账面价值应当包括相关总部资产和商誉的分摊额),应当确认相应的减值损失。136.carrying amount 账面价值e.

33、g. the carrying amount of an impaired asset shall not be reduced to an amount below the highest of the three items below: (i) its fair value less costs to sell (if determinable); (ii) its present value of future cash flows (if determinable); and (iii) zero.【译】抵减后的各资产的账面价值不得低于以下三者之中最高者:该资产的公允减值减去处置费用

34、后的净额(如可确定的)、该资产预计未来现金流量的现值(如可确定的)和零。 arms length transaction 公平交易138.projection pr'dek()n of cash flows 现金流预计139.provision for impairment loss of the asset 资产减值损失计提【讲解】provision pr'v()n n. 准备,条款,规定,供应,(会计上)预计负债part ix liabilities & equities第九部分 负债和所有者权益140.current liability 流动负债141

35、.non-current liability 非流动负债142.short-term loan 短期借款142-1 long-term loan 长期借款143.accounts payable and receipts in advance 应付及预收款项【讲解】receipt r'sitn. 收到143-1 notes payable 应付票据143-2 debenture payables 应付债券143-3 current portion of non-current liability 一年内到期的非流动负债【讲解】portion 'p()n n. 部分,一份 v.分

36、配,给嫁妆143-4 interest payable 应付利息143-5 dividend payable 应付股利 payable 应交税费145.employee benefits payable 应付职工薪酬146.other payables 其他应付款147.long-term payables 长期应付款148.deferred tax liabilities 递延所得税负债149.purchase assets by deferred payment with the substance of financing 具有融资性质的眼前付款购买资产150.equity

37、 instrument 权益工具151.paid-in capital (or share capital) 实收资本(或股本)【讲解】paid-in'peid'in adj. (会费、税款等)已缴纳的 reserves 资本公积153.surplus 'spls reserves 盈余公积154.unappropriated profit 未分配利润155.minority interests 少数股东权益156.non-derivative financial instrument 非衍生金融工具157.hybrid instrument 混合

38、工具【讲解】hybrid 'habrd n. 混合物,杂种,混血儿 adj. 混合的,杂种的158.issue at premium 溢价发行158-1 issue at discount 折价发行158-2 issue at par 面值发行159.treasury shares库存股【讲解】treasury 'tre()r n. 国库,金库,财政部(若t为大写一般指的是美国的财政部门。)part x revenue, expense and profit*第十部分 收入,费用和利润*160.revenue 'revnju n. 收入(辨析:income意为收益,ga

39、ins则通常指资本利得,因此这三种表达收入的关系为:income = revenue + gains)e.g. the amount of revenue arising from the sale of goods shall be determined in accordance with the consideration received or receivable from the buyer under contract or agreement is not fair.【译】企业应当按照从购货方己收或应收的合同或协议价款确定商品销售收入金额,己收或应收的合同或协议价款显失公允的除

40、外。160-1 revenue from the sale of goods 销售商品收入160-2 revenue from the rendering of services 提供劳务收入【讲解】render 'rend v. 提出,致使,给予补偿 n. 交纳,打底,粉刷160-3 revenue arising from the use by others of enterprise assets 让渡资产使用权收入 discount现金折扣161-1 trade discount商业折扣161-2 sales allowance'lans 销售折让162

41、.sales return 销售退回163.sales by installments with the substance of financing 具有融资性质的分期收款销售商品164.consignment sales 委托代销【讲解】consignment kn'sanm()nt n. 委托,运送,托运 of payment in advance 预售款销售166.installment sales 分期收款销售167.collection with acceptance托收承付168.sales attached return conditions 附

42、有销售退回条件的商品销售169.sales and repurchase ri:'p:ts 售后回购170.sales and leaseback 'li:sbæk售后租回171.sales by old for new services 以旧换新销售172.award customers bonus points 授予客户奖励积分【讲解】(1)award 'wd v. 授予,判定 n. 奖品,判决(2)bonus 'bnsn. 奖金,红利,额外津贴173.percentage p'sentd of completion method 完工百分

43、比法, building, operation and transfer 建设经营移交方式175.public infrastructure construction 公共基础设施建设 kn'strk()n contract 建造合同176-1 revenue from construction contract 建造合同收入177.fixed price contract 固定造价合同177-1 cost plus contract 成本加成合同178.segmenting and combining of construction co

44、ntract 建筑合同的分立与合并 of additional assets 追加资产的建造180.incentive payments 奖励款 【讲解】incentive n'sentvadj. 刺激的,激励的 n. 动机,刺激180-1 claim 索赔款181.the proportion that actual contract costs incurred to date bear to the estimated total contract costs 根据累计实际发生的合同成本占合同预计总成本的比例确定【讲解】(1)proportion

45、pr'p()n n. 比例,部分,面积 v. 使成比例,使均衡(2)incur n'k v. 招致,引发,蒙受181-1 the proportion that completed contract work bears to the estimated total contract work 根据已经完成的合同工作量占合同预计总工作量的比例确定【讲解】bear be v. 具有 (相似之处或关系)181-2 surveys s've of the work performed 根据实际测定的完工进度确定 costs 财务费用 o

46、perating revenue 主营业务收入183-1 non-operating revenue营业外收入183-2 non-operating expenses营业外支出part xi financial reports第十一部分 财务报告 reporting 财务报告184-1 interim financial statements 中期财务报表184-2 annual financial statements 年度财务报表184-3 individual financial statements/respective r'spektv financ

47、ial statements 个别财务报表184-4 consolidated financial statements 合并财务报表【讲解】consolidate kn'sldet v. 巩固,使固定,合并185.offset mutually 相互抵消 offset not allowed 不得相互抵消187.reporting period 报告期间 flows from operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流量188-1 cash flows from investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流量1

48、88-2 cash flows from financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流量 method 直接法189-1 indirect method 间接法190.other comprehensive income 其他综合收益【讲解】comprehensive kmpr'hensv adj. 综合的,广泛的,有理解力的 n.专业综合测验191.cumulative effect of changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors 会计政策变更和差错更正的累积影响金额【讲解】

49、cumulative 'kjumjltv adj. 累积的,积累的 contributions by owners and profit distributions to owners 所有者投入资本和向所有者分配利润193.items of gains and losses recognized directly in owners equity and the total of these items 直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失项目及其总额194.segment reporting 分部报告【讲解】segment 'segm()nt n. 段,部分

50、 v. 分割195.identification of business segment 经营分部的认定196.disclosure for related party 关联方披露196-1 disclosure for financial instrument 金融工具的披露part xii contingencies第十二部分 或有事项197.contingency kn'tnd()ns n. 或有事项198.pending litigation or pending arbitration 未决诉讼或未决仲裁【讲解】(1)pending 'pend adj. 未决定的,行

51、将发生的 prep. 在期间,直到时为止(2)litigation lt'ge()n n. 诉讼,起诉(3)arbitration b'tre()n n. 仲裁;公断199.debt guarantee 债务担保【讲解】guarantee gær()n'ti n. 保证,担保,保证人,保证书,抵押品 v. 保证,担保200.product quality warrants 产品质量保证【讲解】warrant 'wr()nt n. 根据,证明,正当理由,认股权证,权证 v. 保证,担保,批准201.onerous contract 亏损合同【讲解】one

52、rous 'n()rs; 'n- adj. 繁重的,麻烦的,负有义务的,负有法律责任的201-1 executory contract 待执行合同【讲解】executory 'zekjtr adj. 实施中的,未生效的,行政上202.restructuring obligations 重组义务mitment k'mtm()nt n. 承诺,承诺事项204.environmental pollution p'lu()n restore 环境污染治理205.contingent liabilities 或有负债205-1 contingent assets

53、或有资产205-2 provision pr'v()n n.预计负债206.potential obligation 潜在义务206-1 present obligation 现时义务207.probable 'prbb()l adj. 很可能207-1 possible 'prbb()l adj. 可能207-2 remote r'mt adj. 极小可能207-3 virtually certain 基本确定【讲解】virtual 'vtjl adj. 有效的,虚拟的,实质上的,事实上的 obligation 法定义务208-1 c

54、onstructive obligation 推定义务【讲解】constructive kn'strktv adj. 建设性的,推定的,构造上的 estimates 最佳估计数part xiii exchange of non-monetary assets第十三部分 非货币性资产交换 of non-monetary assets 非货币性资产交换210-1 monetary assets 货币性资产211.boot but n.补价211-1 pay boot 支付补价211-2 receive boot 收到补价mercial substan

55、ce 商业实质213.assets received 换入资产213-1 assets given up 换出资产part xiv debt restructurings第十四部分 债务重组214.debt restructurings 债务重组214-1 concession kn'se()nn. 让步214-2 court judgment 法院裁定215.contingent payable 或有应付金额215-1 contingent receivable 或有应收金额216.transfer of assets in settlement of a debt 以资产清偿债务【

56、讲解】settlement 'set()lm()nt n. 结算,解决,处理,殖民217.conversion of debt into capital 债务转为资本【讲解】(1)convert kn'vt v. 使转变,转换(2)conversion n. 转换,变换,(金融)兑换(3)conversion into 转换成(4)satisfaction sæts'fæk()n n. 满意,满足,赔偿part xv government grants第十五部分 政府补助218.government grants 政府补助218-1 deferred income递延收益e.g. a government grant related to an asset shall be recognized as deferred income


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