1、welcome gao rong foreign language schoolhubei engineering university may,2012 new century college english 2 (sflap)learning to speak:an english video courseteaching plan part introductions 5 ( topic & tasks)part inputs 40 ( reading, listening &video clips ) part outputs 40 (listening compreh
2、ension &oral english)part assignments 5 (review &preview) introductionlesson a party time!contents1.topic : parties, festivals and holidays2.function: invitation (extending, accepting, refusing)3.materials:4.means: task-based learningintroductiondifferent kind of partiesparty planninga big p
3、artywhat a partyfestivals and holidaysaloha everyone! oral presentation to describe your favorite party or holiday in no less than 30 words. 2. role play to make a long dialogue according to the following situation : a, whos got a chance to an activity, extends an invitation to b. b can accepts it,
4、and makes further inquiry or refuses it, and gives detailed excuse. leading-inclip 1 snow whiteclip 2 the joy luck clubclip 3high school musical partiesvocabulary (p110)different kinds of partiesbaby showerbachelor partyblock party housewarming partybarbecuefamily reunionslumber partysurprise partyv
5、ocabulary (p114) party planningtype of foodplacetype of partyparty themelistening (p117) listen. marcia and dan are talking about party plans. circle the answer to each question. what kind of party is it? a. a barbecue b. a baby shower c. a surprise party 2. what is the relationship between marcia a
6、nd dan?1. a. brother and sister b. co-worker c. best friendsa big partyglobal viewpoint (p120)proper names colombia argentina thanksgiving da de la independencia el da de la tradicionesother words soapsuds slippery otoshidama gaucho heritage before you watchlanguage noteswhat a party! festivals and
7、holidays global viewpoint (p121) what a party! watch the interviews what a party! and circle true or false. correct the false sentences.1. alejandra went to a party where the dance floor was covered with soapsuds. 2. at the party alejandra went to, everyone wore formal clothes. 3. there were 28 peop
8、le at denniss birthday party. 4. denniss birthday party took place in his apartment. 5. denniss friends cooked the food for his birthday party. truefalsefalse truefalseglobal viewpoint (p121)festivals and holidayswhat do the people say about festivals and holidays? watch the interviews festivals and
9、 holidays and fill in the blanks. thanks giving get together thankful for4.money5.new years day6.unique7.celebrate note: (lourdes) the most important holiday is independence day, which in spanish is dia de la independencia. oral presentationto describe your favorite party or holiday in no less than
10、30 words.world hello daynovember 21national ice cream day july 20world tourism dayseptember 27national men make dinner daynovember 7 role play to make a long dialogue according to the following situation : a, whos got a chance to an activity, extends an invitation to b. and b can accepts it, and mak
11、es further inquiry or refuses it, and gives detailed excuse.spoken english extending, accepting and refusing invitationsuseful expressionsextending invitations do you want to go for a drink with me? how would you like to have dinner with me? would you like to play tennis this friday? would you be in
12、terested in watching a play on saturday? were going for a picnic. how about joining us? accepting invitationssure.id love to.that sounds great. refusing invitationsim sorry, but i cant.id love to, but im busy.unfortunately, i cant. additional information aloha int. (夏威夷人的招呼语)你好,欢迎;珍重,再见 aloha也是夏威夷州的
13、昵称。 几十年来,aloha这个词被人与一种复杂的心理状态联系起来,称为aloha精神。aloha精神通常被描述为一种关心和接纳周围的人,并尊重他们的人格,即使在面对有压力的环境、场合甚至人物。正是由于这种aloha精神,夏威夷州有了它的官方昵称:“阿罗哈州”。盐湖城檀香山区的“阿罗哈体育场”、阿罗哈航空公司和在檀香山码头的阿罗哈塔也是因这种精神而被命名的。 最近这个词开始在美国以外的地区流行起来。出生于檀香山的流行艺人、百老汇明星、好莱坞演员bette midler 经常在全国亮相时用这个词来打招呼。电视剧夏威夷5-o里也经常用这个词。aloha精神也是基于夏威夷的背景的著名迪斯尼系列影视l
14、ilo和stitch的主要创作理念。 (from-http:/ city living (p121-)aloha everyone !whats the story? watch the video and number the events from 1 to 6 to put them in order.aloha everyone !city living (p123 a) tarasun-heeclaudiarobertomiketakeshi_6_1_5_4_2_3_(1)its me (2)whats up (3)would you like to (4)sure(5)its fu
15、n, you know(6)sound great(7)id love to(8)great(9)id like to(10)wait(11)hey listen(12)would you be interested in (13)that sounds great(14)ill call him right away(answers for reference) city living (p124c)watch the video again and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. aloha everyone !spoke
16、n english extending, accepting and refusing invitationsuseful expressionsextending invitations do you want to go for a drink with me? how would you like to have dinner with me? would you like to play tennis this friday? would you be interested in watching a play on saturday? were going for a picnic.
17、 how about joining us? accepting invitationssure.id love to.that sounds great. refusing invitationsim sorry, but i cant.id love to, but im busy.unfortunately, i cant.exampledid you hear the news? sayuri is having a party.really? when?on wednesday. its a pool party.cool! that sounds like fun.do you w
18、ant to go with me?but i dont know sayuri.no problem. she said i could bring a friend.well, ok. id love to go. what time is the party?it starts at 3:00. why dont we meet at my house at 2:30?sounds good!omar:lane:omar:lane:omar:lane:omar:lane:omar:lane:listen to the conversation. does lane accept or refuse omars invitation? its a pool party role play to make a long dialogue according to the following situation : a, whos got a chance to an activity, extends an invitation to b. and b can accepts it, and makes further inquiry or
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