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1、高二牛津高中英语第五模块第一单元阶段测试第一部分: 单项选择(共45题,每题1分,共45分)1. john plays football _, if not better than, david.a. as well b. as well as c. so well d. so well as2. although i enjoy _to music, i dont know _about it.a. listen; many b. listening; much c. listening; many d. to listen; much3. if you dont go to the par

2、ty, _i.a. so do b. so will c. nor do d. neither shall4. -the light in the office is still on.-oh, i forget _.a. turning it off b. to turn it off c. turning off it d. to turn off it5. you can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had _the work.a. to do b. done c. doing d. do6. -what do you suppose

3、made her so unhappy?- _ her wallet.a. lose b. lost c. losing d. to lose7. _ this possible effect may put us in a dilemma.a. having overlooked b. overlooked c. to overlook d. overlooked8. -my brother is not good at speaking english.-i suggest _english for two hours every day.a. he practice speaking b

4、. him to speak c. he speaking d. his practicing to speak9. _ it is to have a picnic in the hills on such a nice day!a. what a fun b. how fun c. what fun d. how a fun10. readers can _quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.a. get over b. get in c. get along d. get through11. it was

5、surprising that _worms could eat up _grain.a. so little ; so much b. such little; so much c. so little; such much d. such small; so many12. they looked forward with hope _from you, but you never wrote a word to them.a. of hearing b. to hear c. to hearing d. hearing13. the boy wanted to play football

6、 in the street, but his parents told him _.a. not to b not to do c. not do it d. do not to14. he _to shanghai, for i saw him a moment ago.a. must have gone b. cant have gone c. mustnt have gone d. cant have been15. let harry play with your toys as well, clare-you must learn to_.a. support b. care c.

7、 spare d. share16. the injured were lying in hospital _the shock from the traffic accident.a. to suffer b. suffered c. suffered from d. suffering from17. weather _ _the size of crops.a. determines b. is determined to c. is determined by d. make up its mind18. there _in the world _china is a great co

8、untry with a long history and rich culture. a. are no doubt ; that b. are not doubts ; if c. is no doubt; that d. is not doubt; if19. i cant _it when people speak with their mouths full.a. live b. stand c. keep d. take20. the poster was revised _the suggestions of other group members.a. based on b.

9、to base on c. basing on d. which based on21. bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_. a. ability b. force c. strength d. mind22. john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _ by a heavy storm. a. kept b. stopped c. slowed d. delayed23. there was nothing they

10、 could do_.a. but wait b. except waiting c. only to wait d. unless they waited24. -go for a picnic this weekend, ok?- _. i love getting close to nature. a. i couldnt agree more b.i afraid not.c. i believe not d. i dont think so.25. my mother always gets a bit _if we dont arrive when we say we will.

11、a. anxious b. ashamed c weak d. patient26. i wont stand your _ to me like that. a. talk b. talks c. talking d. talked27. she used her familys history as a _ for her novel. a. basis b. base c. basic d. basically28. dont be so _ to her!a. mean b. meany c. meanly d. meanness29. joe just wanted to play

12、a joke on her. he did not mean _ sarah.a. hurting b. to hurt c. hurted d. hurts30. she told us she was busy now and that she _ us later.a. was helped b. help c. helped d. would help31. sarah felt like _ when she found out that she had been chatting online with a boy student of her same class. a. cry

13、 b. to cry c. being crying d. crying32. he was determined not to be the first _it.a. say b. saying c. to say d. says33. the brave soldiers were determined to save all the people _ in the field.a. trapped b. being trapped c. were trapped d. trapping34. we drove all the way to the beach, _.a. have fun

14、 b. just for fun c. make fun of d. have a fun35. dont hesitate _me if you have any questions.a. asking b. asks c. to ask d. asked36. thousands of people were at the airport, _ the visiting president.a. cheered for b. cheered about c .to cheer about d. cheering for37.a good student is honest and kind

15、 to others .in other words ,he never _ his friends.a. yells b. teases c. betrays d. blames38. he failed in the driving test again. he_.a. must have disappointed b. must have been disappointedc. might be disappointed d. couldnt be disappointed39 .he felt guilty about losing ,and bad about_ football a

16、s you are.a. being as gifted at b. being so gifted forc. not being as gifted at d. not being so gifted for40. it seems you need to apologize quickly _ a good friend. a. avoiding to lose b. to avoid losing c. avoiding losing d. to avoid to lose41. _ i like most about her is _ care-free attitude.a. wh

17、at; her b. what; that her c .how ; for her d. how; a42. we are going to discuss the reasons that might lead to _.a. breaking friendship b. breaking friendships c .broken friendship d. a broken friendship43. this reading passage _ two letters _an agony aunt of a teenage magazine.a. is made of; writin

18、g for b. is made up of; written toc. is consisted of; written for d. consists of; writing to44. the teacher asked tom to read the text _.a. loudly b. loud c. aloud d. silent45. i didnt feel like i was overlooking my studies, _ maybe i could work harder in maths .a. and b. however c. therefore d. but

19、第二部分:完形填空 (20分)it's 5-year-old karmen's dream to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员). but karmen, living in denver, was born with the aids virus and has spent much of her short life going in and out of the hospital. karmen _46_better than anyone dared to hope. doctors thought she would never walk or talk

20、, but she _47_with a walker and speaks fairly 48 karmen's hopes, dreams, and 49 are being documented with the help of a denver organization called the children's legacy. 50 by the photographer katy tartakoff, the charity helps seriously sick children and their families write their own 51 by

21、providing books that guide _52_ along - my stupid illness, for 53 children, and let me show you my world, for their siblings(兄弟姊妹) and parents. the books contain suggestions of 54 to draw or things to write. tartakoff helps illustrate the books by taking black-and-white photographs of the children.

22、for those children who _55_, the books help their families cope. for those _56_ survive, the books help them heal 57_. karmen may not grow up to be a ballerina, _58 , despite her difficulty walking, she was 59_ when she put on a tutu (芭蕾舞的短裙) her mother had bought her. "she really took _60_ the

23、 persona of a ballerina," says ms. tartakoff. this picture of karmen is one of a collection of ms. tartakoff's _61_ that the charity has published in a book called an alphabet about families living with hiv-aids, _62_ poetry. according to the book, "sometimes karmen _63 her head on her

24、 folded hands because she is _64_ , and sometimes she needs to talk with god." one of her prayers: "dear god, please make my_65 and body strong. please let me grow up." 46. a. has gone b. has fared c. has spent d. has experienced47. a. stands around b. gets up c. walks away d. gets ar

25、ound 48. a. well b. good c. nice d. right49. a. smiles b. illnesses c. struggles d. sadnesses50. a. found b. founded c. built d. created51. a. stories b. novels c. problems d. sicknesses 52. a. him b. us c. them d. her53. a. healthy b. sick c. normal d. ill54. a. charts b. pictures c. photos d. desi

26、gns55. a. live b. fear c. die d. suffer56. a. that b. which c. / d. who57. a. emotionally b. happily c. carefully d. quietly58. a. however b. and c. but d. though59 a. changed b. turned c. shaped d. transformed60. a. after b. in c. on d. to61. a. collections b. photographs c. books d. copies62. a. h

27、olding b. containing c. writing d. including63. a. lays b. lies c. sets d. puts64. a. ill b. dead c. tired d. bored65. a. legs b. arms c. hands d. feet 第三部分:阅读理解the other day, my friend jane was invited to a 40th birthday party. the time printed on the invitation was 7.30pm. jane went off with her h

28、usband, expecting a merry evening of wine, food, and song.by 9.45, everybody was having great fun, but no food had appeared. jane and david were restless. other guests began whispering that they, too, were starving. but no one wanted to leave, just in case some food was about to appear. by 11.00, th

29、ere was still no food, and everyone was completely off their heads. jane and david left hungry and angry.their experience suggests that the words on the printed invitations need to be made clearer. everyone reads and understands the invitations differently. most of us would agree that 6.30 -8.30pm m

30、eans drinks only, go out to dinner afterwards; 8.00pm or 8.30pm means possible dinner, but 9.30pm and any time thereafter means no food, oat beforehand, roll up late.but this is not always the case. if asked to a students' party at 6.30pm, it is normal for guests not to appear before midnight, i

31、f at all, and no one cares. being the first to arrive - looking eager - is social death. when my mother is asked to a party for 6.30, she likes to be them, if not on lime, then no later than seven. my age group (late thirties) falls somewhere between the two, but because we still think we're you

32、ng, we're probably closer to student-time than grown-up time.the accepted custom at present is confusing (混乱的), sometimes annoying, and it often means you may go home hungry, but it does lend every party that precious element (成分) of surprise.81. the underlined words "off their heads"

33、probably mean_.a. tired b. crazy c. curious d. hopeless82. jane and david' s story is used to show that_ .a. petty-goer8 usually get hungry at partiesb. party invitations can be confusing c. people should ask for food at parties d. birthday parties for middle-aged people are dull83. for some you

34、ng people, arriving on time for a students' party will probably be considered_. a. very difficult b. particularly thoughtfulc. friendly and polite d. socially unacceptable84. according to the writer, people in their late thirties_.a. are likely to arrive late for a party b. care little about the

35、 party time c. haven' t really grown up yet d. like surprises at parties85. what is the general idea of the text? a. it' s safe to arrive late just when food is served. b. it' s wise to eat something before going to a party. c. it' s important to follow social rules of party-going. d

36、. it' s necessary to read invitations carefully.第四部分:单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)86she felt g_ about leaving her sick child and going to work.87i must a_ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time.88whenever i get into trouble, he comes to my help without h_.89in order to avoid the p_ for

37、the wrong that he had done, he went to a european country in 1981.90he was too s_ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend.91if you want to pass your exams, youd better change your a_ toward study.92she was a_ to graduate from college and get a well-paid job.93youve put

38、 me in a very a_ position and now i dont know how to deal with the matter.94i tried to p_ him to change his mind but he refused to follow my advice.95i am sorry that i was a_ just now and didnt quite catch what you said.高二牛津高中英语第五模块第一单元阶段测试答案及详解1-5 bbdbc 6-10 cbacc 11-15 bcabd 16-20 dacba 21-25 cdaa

39、a26-30 caabd 31-35 dcabc 36-40 dcbcb 41-45 adbcd第二部分46. b这里fare意为“过活;生活;进展”,与 get on 含义相近 。 c和d 及物动词,后应接名词;a 不符题义。47. d get around 与文中walker(助行架,学步车)连用,含义为“借助助行架四动”。walk away 是“脱身,走开,一走了之”之意,不符上下文意思。a、b 更不符题义。48. a speak(说话)后接副词,b 、c 不符。与(fairly)well连用,表示“话流畅”。 right 虽可作副词,但一方面含义不符,另一方面搭配欠妥,通常有talk

40、right (谈吐得体);guess right (猜对了)remember right(没记错)。 49.c karmen 是个艾滋病毒携带儿童,生命时刻受到威胁,但她怀希望,有梦想,她得不断与病魔抗争才有希望实现梦想。因此,希望,梦想和抗争成了她生活的主旋律,也正因为如此才引起了有关部门的关注,要将其拍成记录片。 50. b 创办组织或机构用found,此处是过去分词短语作状语。51.a story指真实情况的叙述;事情的经过或来龙去脉。根据上下文此处不要他们写小说,也不是要他们单纯写生病期间出现的问题或疾病,故b、c、d不符。52. c 上文helps seriously sick children and their families write their确定此处


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