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1、unit1 this is me!period 1 welcome to the unit 班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1. 学会介绍自己。2. 学会使用适当的问候语。3. 争做有礼貌的中学生。【自主梳理】【课前预习】 英汉互译:1.my master _2.look after _3.meet my friend_4.whats your name?_5.nice to meet you._6.一只电子狗_7.晚安 _8.交朋友_9.北京阳光中学_10.看这本书 _认真阅读eddie和hobo的对话,你能正确地回答下面的问题吗?1. whats the e-dogs name? _2

2、. who is the master? _同学们,试试看,你能写出正确的问候语吗?1. 9:30_ 2. 14:20_ 3. 20:40_ 4. 18:00 _除此之外,你还会其它的问候语吗?_【盘点收获】课堂知识点拨1. this is me! 译:_使用背景 新学期开始,同学们之间互相介绍,介绍自己常用“i am”; 而介绍别人则常用“this is ” 切记!不能用“he/she is ”或“that is”体会妈妈,这是我的新朋友,玛丽。- mum, my new friend,mary.拓展 this is 还可以用在电话交谈里做自我介绍,切记!电话中介绍自己不能用“i am” 体

3、会 - who is speaking? 是谁呀? - daniel. 我是丹尼尔。2. oh,i love this e-dog. 译:_解析1 love -爱,喜爱(表达强烈的感情) 拓展 love后面可以接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语 love sb. - 喜爱某人 love sth. - 喜爱某物 love to do / doing sth. - 喜爱做某事 (doing代表动名词) 链接 like -喜欢(用法同love); enjoy -喜欢,enjoy sth. /doing sth.练习 1. we love our country, china. 译:_ 2. do

4、 you love reading english newspapers? 译:_ 解析2 e-dog-电子狗(e是“电子”的缩写 ) 如:e-mail-电子邮件 3. im eddie. whats your name? 译:_解析1 i m eddie. = my name is eddie. 译:_解析2及拓展 询问对方的名字可以用whats your name? 还可以用may i have your name? 介绍自己时可以用my name is, 也可以用im4. are you my master? 译:_ 解析 master - 主人练习 we are masters of

5、our country now. 译:_拓展 master - (尤指私立学校的) 男教师, 船长 辨析 1. he is our english master. 译:_ 2. mr. cook is the master of the ship. 译:_5. read this book now. 译:_ 解析 read - 读,看(报刊,杂志,书籍等带文字的材料)练习my mother is reading a magazine. 译:_辨析 翻译短语: read a book _ read newspapers _ read a map _6. how to look after you

6、r e-dog 译:_解析 look after - 照看/照顾(某人);保管/看护(某物) 拓展 look after = take care of, look after well = take good care of 练习1. my sister is ill. i have to look after her at home. 同义句:my sister is ill. i have to her. 2. please look after your things well. 同义句:please your things . 7. good morning. good afterno

7、on. good evening. good night. 使用语境 在英语里,在一天中不同的时间里见面要用不同的问候语 思考 a. 早上和上午(早上6点到中午12点)见面时说_ b. 下午指日落前(午后12点到傍晚6点)见面时说_ c. 晚上即太阳落山至入睡前(傍晚6点到晚上9点)见面时说_ d. 晚上人们相互之间告别时说_(晚安) 注意:回答时一般与原问候语相同 拓展 night 一般指晚上9点到次日凌晨6点, 与night有关的短语有: a. at night 在夜里 b. in the evening 在夜晚 c. day and night 日日夜夜 d. all night lon

8、g 整夜10. -nice to meet you. -nice to meet you, too. 译:_使用语境 第一次见面常见的打招呼的方式 拓展 how do you do? - 第一次见面非常正式的打招呼的方式思考 how do you do? 的回答是什么?_【自主训练】【课堂反馈】一、书本第 7 页二、从右边一栏中选出与左栏相对应的句子。( )are you millie? a. nice to meet you.( )whats your name? b. good afternoon.( )nice to meet you. c. daniel.( )how are you?

9、 d. yes, i am.( )good afternoon. e. fine, thanks.三、选择题( ) 1. good morning. _ . a. thank you    b. good morning   c. hello   d. goodbye( ) 2. im sandy. what _ your name? a. is           b. are    

10、          c. be             d. have( ) 3.are you mr green? yes, _. a. i do b. you do c. i am d. you are( ) 4. kitty loves_ . a. dances b. dance c. dancing d. is dancing ( ) 5. where_ he_ from? a. is/c

11、ome b. does/come c. is/comes d. do/come ( ) 6. he_. a. wears glass b. puts on glasses c. wear glasses d. wears glasses( ) 7. amy_ long hair. a. is b. have c. has d. does( ) 8. i talk _ my classmates _ lunchtime. a. with/on b. to/to c. to/at d. to/in( ) 9. there_ a pencil and two rulers in the pencil

12、-box. a. are b. is c. be d. have( ) 10. _you _ the bus every day? a. do/take b. are/take c. does/take d. do/takes四、选择适当的动词填空。watch buy go be take1. do you _ the bus to school every day?2. he _ very good at computer games.3. li jinyu often _ many things in the shop.4. some old men like _ tvs very muc

13、h.5. ma xiaoyu often _ running with her mother at the weekend.五、翻译句子:1.你知道怎样拼这个词吗? do you know _ _ spell the word?2. 请看这本书。 please _ _ _.3. 你是我们的同学吗?-是的,我是。 _ you _ classmate? yes, _ am.4. 我们每天11:35分回家。 we go home at _ _.5. 我要去踢足球,请照看一下我的衣服和表。 im going to _ football. please help me _ _ my clothes an

14、d the watch.6. 这是你的随身听吗?是的,谢谢。 _ _ your walkman? yes, thanks.【课后作业】一、单项选择( ) 1. whats your name?- _.a. my name is daniel b. im daniel c. he is daniel d. ab( ) 2. are you my english teacher? -yes, _.a. we are b. you are c. im d. i am( ) 3. we have four lessons _ the morning and we do our homework _ t

15、he evening.a. at; in b. in; in c. at; at d. in; at( ) 4. i have _ e-cat. its very lovely.a. an b. a c. the d. /( ) 5. whats the time? - _.a. half to ten b. half ten c. half past ten d. ten half( ) 6. its time to go to bed, amy! -ok, _, daddy.a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening d. good

16、night( ) 7. whats the name of her dog?a. its an english dog. b. its name mimi. c. its name is mimi. d. its name is mimi.( ) 8.the baby is too young. her mother must _ her.a. look at b. look for c. look after d. look like二、动词填空1. sandy and lucy _ (be) in the same class. 2. do you _ (know) that girl?

17、3. daniel _ (wear) glasses every day. 4. millie often _ (fly) a kite with her brother. 5. she _ (not like) comic books. 6. does simon _ (watch) tv on saturday? 7. where does he have lunch? he always_ (have) lunch at school. 8. they want _ (play) table tennis. 9. dave usually _ (go) running in the mo

18、rning. 10. cats enjoy _ (eat) fish.三、完形填空。 i have a good friend. his name is tom. he is _1_ american boy. he studies in my school. we are in the _2_ class. he is in row one and i sit behind _3_ .tom likes _4_ and studies it very hard. now he can speak a little of it. _5_ school, tom often plays foot

19、ball. in the evening, he _6_ his homework at home. on sunday evening, tom often _7_ tv or _8_ some reading. tom and his _9_ love china. they often say, “the chinese people are _10_ and we like china very much.”( ) 1. a a b an c the d /( ) 2. a one b different c two d same( ) 3. a him b he c his d sh

20、e( ) 4. a canada b china c england d chinese( ) 5. a for b after c on d before( ) 6. a is b has c does d makes( ) 7. a watches b looks c finds d reads( ) 8. a talks b does c looks d writes( ) 9. a house b home c family d study( ) 10. a friendly b an friend c friends d a friend【学习感悟】家长签字:_unit1 this

21、is me!period 2、 3 reading i ii班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1.使学生在阅读中理解本课所出现的新单词,理解课文大意并能进行综合性的问答。2. 通过学习,能口头向同学介绍自己,并能从交流中获取其他同学的信息。【自主梳理】【课前预习】 翻译下列词组1. 一个阳光中学的新生_2. 12岁 _ 3. 留着短发_4. 喜爱阅读_5. 见见我的新同学_ 6. 喜欢运动_7. 踢足球_8. 放学后_9. 又高又苗条_10. 来自南京_11. 擅长数学_12. 会见我的新同学_今天北京阳光中学来了位同学,我们先来了解他们的基本情况。你知道下列情况吗?(t or f)( )

22、1. millie is 11years old.( ) 2. simon is not tall.( ) 3. simon often plays football.( ) 4. daniel is good at maths.( ) 5. sandy has short hair.( ) 6. millie loves reading.( ) 7. daniel comes from beijing.( ) 8. sandy doesnt like listening to music.【盘点收获】课堂知识点拨1. welcome to class1, grade 7. 译:_ 解析1 c

23、lass, grade与数词连用构成专有名词表示班级和年级时,首字母必须大写 提醒 英语中, 地点的表达方式要按照由小到大的顺序排列,和汉语中地点的表达方式相反 练习 a. 他们是八年级5班的学生。they are students in _ _, _ _.b. 我住在中国江苏。i live in _, _.c. he lives at no. 78 helping road, xinxiang. 译:_拓展 对班级或年级提问用 - what class / what grade are / is in ? 练习 -你的妹妹在哪个班级?-她在三班。 _ _ is your sister in?

24、 she is in _ _.解析2 welcome to +地点 - 欢迎来到 , 但如果welcome后面直接跟地点副词(here, there, home时),to要省略 练习 a. 欢迎来到南通。_ _ _. b. welcome home. 译:_ (省略to)拓展 youre welcome. - 不用谢、欢迎下次光临、欢迎你 练习 a. -thanks you for your help. -youre welcome. 译:_ b. -ill go to your hometown(家乡). -youre welcome. 译:_2. im 12 years old. 译:_解

25、析 year - 岁数, years 是名词复数, 大于1岁的都要用years 练习 a. 我的小狗一岁了。my dog is _ _ _. b. 我爷爷六十岁了。my grandfather is _ _ _. = my father is 60.思考 对年龄的提问:_;whats your age? ;may i know/have your age? 但在英语中直接问别人年龄是不礼貌的。解析 year - 年 拓展 this year - 今年 next year - 明年 last year - 去年 every year - 每年 happy new year! - 新年好!3. i

26、 have short hair. 译:_= _ hair is short.解析1 have - 留着,长着 体会 he has black hair. 译:_解析2 hair - 头发(一般用作不可数名词) 提醒 描述头发的形容词顺序:长短-曲直-颜色-头发体会 a. my grandfather doesnt have much hair. 译:_ b. my mother has long brown hair. 译:_ 提醒 have 的意思很多,has是have的三单形式拓展 a. i have some story books. 译:_ b. i have lunch at ho

27、me, but tom has lunch at school. 译:_4. i love reading. 译:_ 思考 句中reading是_词作love的_语练习 a. 我爱游泳。_ b. 他们爱踢足球。_5. i often play football after school. 译:_解析(1) play + 球类名词: play basketball_ play pingpong_ play table tennis_解析(2) after - 在之后 afternoon - _(正午之后) 反义词- _ 上课前/后 - _/_ class 午饭前/后- _/_ lunch6. s

28、he is tall and slim. 译:_解析(1) very -相当,十分,非常(表示程度,修饰形容词或副词) 拓展 very much - 十分,很(修饰动词放在句尾)练习 a. 这本书相当好。 this book is _ _. b. 他非常喜欢英语。 he likes english _ _.对比(2) tall -高的(指人高,树高); 反义词是: _(矮的) 练习 a. there is a tall tree in my school. 译:_ b. 在我们班tom的个子很高。 tom is _ _in my class.7. he is from nanjing. 译:_

29、解析 be from - 来自(地方);是(地方)的人 同义词组:come from 练习 a. 我来自河南新乡。i _ _ xinxiang, henan. = i _ _ xinxiang, henan.b. 他的朋友来自北京。his friend _ _ beijing. = his friend _ _ beijing.8. she is good at maths. 译:_解析 (1)be good at - 擅长,后接名词、代词或者动名词作宾语 练习 a. 你英语学得好吗?_ you _ _english?b. john擅长游泳。john _ _ _ _.【课堂反馈】书本 9-10

30、 页【课后作业】一、单项选择( ) 1.he likes playing basketball, so he wants to buy basketball. a. a; a b. ; c. ;a d. the; a( ) 2.what is he good at? . a. swim b. swims c. to swim d. swimming( ) 3.where your english teacher ? a. is; come from b. does; from c. do; come from d. is; from( ) 4. do you love _ music in t

31、he evening? a. to listen b. to listen to c. listening d. listening to( ) 5._tom and jack good at english? yes. they like it very much. a. is b. am c. are d. do ( ) 6. i like going to the playground and basketball there. a. play b. playing c. to play d. plays( ) 7. lets _ our classmates now.a. meetin

32、g b. meet c. meets d. to meet( ) 8. which class are you in? - im in _.a. class one, grade seven b. grade seven, class onec. seven grade, one class d. class one, seven grade二、翻译句子1. 安迪篮球打得很好。andy is _ _ basketball.2. 我们英语老师又高又苗条,她有长长的黑头发,她很喜欢读书。our english teacher is _ and _.she _ _ _. she enjoys _ v

33、ery much.3. 基蒂的中文名字叫张可,她喜欢跳舞。kittys _ _ is zhang ke. she _ _ _ _.4. 欢迎到我们学校,让我们一起来见见我们的六位新同学。 _ _our school. lets _ six of the new _.三、填写个人名片,完成自我介绍的短文name _be from _ be good at _ be in class _ be _ years old(picture) my hair _long/ short. my friend is _【学习感悟】家长签字:_unit1 this is me!period 4 grammar

34、班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1.理解be动词的一般现在时的各种形式,掌握否定句,疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。2.能结合本单元话题,用一般现在时的知识进行交际。【自主梳理】【课前预习】 重点单词和短语1. 开心的_ 2. over there _3. our english teacher_4. our chinese teacher_在p11找到下面表格的单词人称 主代 格词第一人称第二人称第三人称第三人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数单数单数单数单数复数复数复数 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他,她,它们你知道正确使用be动词的秘诀吗?i 用 _you 用 _,is 跟着_ _

35、 _,单数_,复数_。用系动词be( am, is, are)的正确形式填空1. _ you fine?2. i _ mr. chen.3. _ your mother a nurse?4. he and i _ teachers.5. how _ he? he _ ok.6. who _ this? this _ wang kang.7. _ you a student? yes, i _.8. where _ beijing? it _ in china.9. -what _ these?-they _ pens.10. i _ fine, too. thanks.【盘点收获】课堂知识点拨

36、 语法知识- be动词的一般现在时的用法1. 概念:be动词的一般现在时表示目前的人或事物的状态和特征。 如: she is not happy. 2. 构成:be 的一般现在时有三种形式am, is, are. 用法口诀:我是am, 你(们)是are; is 跟着他、她、它 。 单数用is; 复数都用are 。一般现在时的句型变化:(1)肯定句:主语 + be动词(am/is/are)+ 其它 如:sandy is tall and slim.(2)否定句: 主语+be动词 + not + 其它 如: she is not happy. 注意:is和are与not可以写成缩略形式: is n

37、ot = isnt; are not = arent 注意:am, is和are与人称代词也可以缩写为: im; youre; were; theyre; hes; shes; its 如:im not happy. (3)一般疑问句: be动词 + 主语 + 其它 肯定回答:yes, 主语 + be. 否定回答:no, 主语 + be + not. 如: is she happy? -yes, she is. / no, she isnt. 看课本p116, 做下面有关形容词的一般现在时的练习句型形式句型结构(归纳)例句肯定句主语 + be动词 + 表语 i _ a good student

38、. 我是一个好学生。he _ a good student. 他是一个好学生。否定句主语 + be动词 + not + 表语i _ _ a good student. 我不是一个好学生。he _ _ a good student. 他不是一个好学生。疑问句一般疑问句be 动词 + 主语 + 表语 ?_ you a good student? 你是一个好学生吗?(肯/否定回答:yes, _ _.no, _ _.)_ he a good student? 他是一个好学生吗?(肯/否定回答:yes, _ _.no, _ _.)特殊疑问句疑问词 + be动词 + 表语 ?who _ a good student? 谁是一个好学生?(回答:zhang xiao _.)【自主训练】【课堂反馈】一、书本 12 页二、将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句并作肯、否定回答。 a. i am from nantong. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句:_ 肯、否定回答:_ b. daniel is polite and helpful. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯、否定回答:_ 三、用be动词正确形式


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