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1、第1页/共49页 Learning objectives 学习目标学习目标 1.Be able to read, understand the lesson. 2.Try to retell and recite the lesson with the key words given. 第2页/共49页 Which house do you want to live in?villabuilding第3页/共49页Now lets have a look at a modern house第4页/共49页kitchen 第5页/共49页dining room第6页/共49页living roo

2、m第7页/共49页bathroom第8页/共49页bedroom 第9页/共49页Look & Saycomplete street strange district bedroomvillage country第10页/共49页building modern dining room kitchen provincearea stranger第11页/共49页Previewing Check i. Complete the sentences with the proper words. completed modern strange surprise District 第12页/共

3、49页ii. Phrases and sentences.1. 收到某人来信 2. 来自我姐姐的信3. 明年 4. 一栋漂亮的新房子五个月前 6. 感到惊奇7.看起来奇怪 8.肯定是9.和我们呆在一起 receive ones letter a letter from my sister next year a beautiful new housefive months ago feel surprised / get a surprise look strange must bestay with us 第13页/共49页10.我刚买了一个漂亮的新房。我刚买了一个漂亮的新房。 I have

4、 just a new house.11.如果你到重庆来,我会给你一个惊喜。如果你到重庆来,我会给你一个惊喜。 If you come to Chongqing, I will give you . 12.桥竣工后,人们就可以坐公交车从桥上通过了。桥竣工后,人们就可以坐公交车从桥上通过了。 People could go across the bridge by bus after it .13.他的声音听起来很奇怪。他的声音听起来很奇怪。 His voice _ _ _ _.14.重庆是最现代化的城市之一。重庆是最现代化的城市之一。 Chongqing is one of the _ _ _

5、 _ .boughta surprisecompletedsounds strangemodern cities第14页/共49页iii. Background reading 1Who lives in the Diaojiaolou? Tujia people live in the Diaojiaolou. 2. Which story of the roof is bigger? The first story of the roof is bigger. 3. What is the second story used for? paragraph 3第15页/共49页 ( )1.

6、The writer had a letter from_ A. his mother B. his brother C. his sister( )2. The writers sister lives in _ and the writer lives in _. A. Nigeria, England B. England, China C. Nigeria, ChinaCAvideo第16页/共49页ii. Reading comprehension1.What did the writers sister say in her letter? She would come to En

7、gland next year. 2.When did the work on the house begin? Five months ago. 3. Why is the house special? Its a modern house and it looks strange to some people.第17页/共49页Read loudly !Read clearly !Read dramatically ! 第18页/共49页letter from yesterday. lives in . letter, she said come to next . If get surp

8、rise. now living house country. Work begun before . was completed ago. letter, I told her stay with . rooms garden. a house, so strange . must be house district.第19页/共49页 iii: Group workDo you want to live in a house, design(设计) your own house and describe it. 第20页/共49页Lesson 23 第21页/共49页第22页/共49页 L

9、earning objectives 学习目标学习目标 1.学习导学案学习导学案“学习探究学习探究”部分部分2.熟练掌握重点语法和短语的用法熟练掌握重点语法和短语的用法第23页/共49页学习探究学习探究 1. surprise1)n. 令人惊奇的事 have a surprise/ to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的让我惊讶的是,他丢了他的书。 ,he lost his book. To my surprise 2) v. 使惊讶 他刚才用奇怪的声音吓了我一跳。He me with a strange voice just now.surprised 第24页/共49页3)adj.

10、 surprising 令人惊讶的 surprised 惊讶的surprising 与surprised 的区别:surprising 形容物,surprised形容人这条让人惊讶的消息让我很惊讶。The news makes me very_. 4)be surprised at sth 对.感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶我对这条消息感到很惊讶。I was_ the news. =The news _me.=The news made me_.surprisedsurprised at surprised surprised 第25页/共49页2.t

11、here be 与have1)there be 表示某个地方有. have 表示某人或某地有.我有一所带花园的房子。 a house with a garden.我们学校有4千多学生。 more than four thousand students in our school. = more than four thousand studentsThere is There are Our school has 第26页/共49页2)there be 使用就近原则, 而have则由主语决定桌子上有两本书和一支笔。There a pen and two books on the desk.=T

12、here two books and a pen on the desk.3)there be与have不能连用明天我们学校有一场运动会。There a sports meeting in our school tomorrow.isarewill be第27页/共49页3.总结系动词1)一般在句子中用副词修饰动词或动词短语,但应该用形容词来修饰系动词。 我认真的听这首曲子,它听起来很美。I listened to the music , and it sounds .2系动词分类:感官动词sound look smell taste feel “变得”become turn go “保持”k

13、eep remain stay 虽然他的奶奶一个人住,但他从不感到孤独。Though his grandmother ,she never . carefullybeautifullives alonefeels lonely 第28页/共49页 感官动词第29页/共49页第30页/共49页Translation:第31页/共49页 第32页/共49页 a pencil a pear a book a banana a pencil case第33页/共49页BeijingShanghai BostonTorontoMoscowWhat is the weather like in ?Its

14、第34页/共49页what what time time is it is it now?now?第35页/共49页6:106:25 6:407:004:0517:00(5 p.m.)18:00(6 p.m.)7:159:209:30第36页/共49页How far is it from your school to your house ?Its about two kilometers.第37页/共49页How far is it from _ to _?It is 92 km from _ to _.BeijingTianjinShanghaiHong KongGuangzhouChan

15、gchunLasha92km1,261km2,374km2,228km3,627km1,046km第38页/共49页第39页/共49页Beyond BandHow many singers are there now?How mangy singers were there a few years ago?What happened?第40页/共49页Whats the name of the song? yesterday Whats the name of the band? the Beatles Rock BandHow many singers are there in the ba

16、nd? 第41页/共49页How many singers are there in the band?第42页/共49页There was a mouse under the table.There were three apples on the table.Was there a mouse under the table?No, there wasnt.Were there any apples on the table?No, there werent.第43页/共49页How many chickens are there now?There are seven lovely ch

17、ickens.How many chickens were there last week?There was only one.How many chickens were there yesterday?There were four.第44页/共49页There wasnt a car in front of the building.There was a car in front of the building.But now there are two cars in front of the building.第45页/共49页第46页/共49页达标练习参考答案:达标练习参考答案:1.唯一的现代化住宅 the only modern house 2.在有些人看来奇怪 look strange to some people 3.一个惊喜晚会 a surprising party _ 4.收到某人来信 receive ones letter _ 5.写信给某人 write a letter to sb. _ 6. 房子竣工了_the house has been completed 7.在这个区域 _in this district_ 第47页/共49页二、单选1-5: B B/C D B D6-10: D A B B/C A/C/D 11-15


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