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1、Wordscatch /kt/ v. 抓到 (caught /k:t/, caught)fisherman / fimn/ n. 钓鱼人,渔民boot /bu:t/ n. 靴子waste /weist/ n. 浪费realize / rilaiz/ v. 意识到第1页/共58页 catch v. 抓到, 抢取, 感染(疾病)最近他得了重感冒最近他得了重感冒, 不能上班。不能上班。 He has recentlycaught a bad cold and cant go to work.赶车赶车catch a bus第2页/共58页我没太明白他的意思。I dont quite catch his

2、 meaning.无论她走到哪里无论她走到哪里, 都能吸引别人的注意。都能吸引别人的注意。She catches peoples attention wherever she goes.v. v. 精神上把握, 理解吸引第3页/共58页 fisherman nc. 钓鱼人, 渔民(复)fishermen第4页/共58页 waste n. (单)浪费 那是在浪费时间/金钱/食物。Its a waste of time / money / food.a waste (of sth.)nu. 废物废物, 废料废料, 垃圾垃圾第5页/共58页他把钱浪费在香烟上。He wastes a lot of m

3、oney on cigarettes.v. waste sth. on sb./sth. in doing sth.因(做)因(做)而浪费而浪费第6页/共58页 realize v. 意识到realize sth. / that 从句他还没意识到自己的错误呢。他还没意识到自己的错误呢。意识到意识到He hasnt realized his mistakes yet.我意识到我错了。我意识到我错了。I realized that I was wrong.实现梦想实现梦想 realize ones dream第7页/共58页Grammar1. 动名词: 动词词尾加动词词尾加 -ing (构成法与现

4、在(构成法与现在分词一样)分词一样), 在句中发挥名词功能的词。具在句中发挥名词功能的词。具有名词性有名词性, 可有复数形式可有复数形式, 有所有格、形容有所有格、形容词等修饰。词等修饰。主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态一般式一般式完成式完成式doingbeing donehaving donehaving been done第8页/共58页动词性质:可有宾语, 状语, 组成动名词短语他希望你别介意我说的话。He hoped you didnt mind my saying it.出国旅行很让人激动。 (主)名词性质:名词性质:在句中可以做主语、宾语在句中可以做主语、宾语Travelling

5、abroad can be very exciting.第9页/共58页我喜欢读书。 (宾)I enjoy reading books.他一言不发就走了。 (介宾)He left without saying a word.第10页/共58页ExerciseC Join these pairs of sentences with the words given in parentheses. Make any other necessary changes.1. He went out of the restaurant. (without) He did not pay the bill.H

6、e went out of the restaurant without payingthe bill.第11页/共58页2. She bought a pair of boots. (instead of) She did not get a pair of shoes.3. She was afraid. (of) She did not spend the night alone.She bought a pair of boots instead of getting a pair of shoes.She was afraid of spending the night alone.

7、第12页/共58页4. (After) She heard the news. She fainted.5. Think carefully. (before) Answer my question.6. (On) I saw the plane coming towards me. I dashed for cover. After hearing the news, she fainted.Think carefully before answering my question. On seeing the plane coming towards me, I dashed for cov

8、er.第13页/共58页 2. 比较 interesting / interested, excited / exciting, amused / amusing, shocked / shocking, surprised / surprising这些形容词由动词变化而来, 以-ed结尾的有被动含义, 表示 修饰以-ing结尾的词是主动的, 表示 修饰人;物或某件事。“感到”,“令人”,第14页/共58页3. its =its +it is /it hasn. 它的天气很热。Its hot today.(is)下过雨了。Its rained.(has)这只狗喝了牛奶,然后就洗自己的耳朵。Th

9、e dog drank its milk and washed its ears.第15页/共58页4. realize understand意识到意识到(起初不明显的事情)(起初不明显的事情)懂得或理解懂得或理解(的意思)的意思)我不知道已经这么晚了。I didnt realize how late it was.她不懂现代音乐。She cant understand modern music.第16页/共58页Choose the correct words in the following.1. I (realized) (understood) he was not telling m

10、e the truth.2. This poem is difficult. (Its) (Its) impossible for you to (understand) (realize) (its) (its) meaning.第17页/共58页3. There was some (excited) (exciting) news on the radio.4. He is not an (interesting) (interested) person.5. He is an explorer. He leads an (excited) (exciting) life.6. I am

11、not (interesting) (interested) in other peoples affairs.第18页/共58页Text Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never cat

12、ch anything - not even old boots.第19页/共58页 After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. You must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sittin

13、g in a boat and doing nothing at all!第20页/共58页Listening 1. Whats your favourite sport?Fishing is my favourite sport. 2. Does it worry you if you dont catch anything? No, it doesnt. 3. Do you often fish without catching anything? Yes, I do.第21页/共58页 4. Are all fishermen unlucky?No, they arent. 5. But

14、 some are, arent they? Yes, they are. 6. What do they catch instead of fish?They catch old boots and rubbish. 7. Why do you think you are even less lucky than these fishermen?Because I never catch anything.第22页/共58页 8. Where have you spent whole mornings?I have spent whole mornings on the river. 9.

15、What do you always go home with?I always go home with an empty bag.10. What do your friends say you must do?They say that I must give up fishing.第23页/共58页11. What do they say about fishing?They say that its a waste of time.12. What dont they realize?They dont realize one important thing.13. What are

16、 you really interested in?Im really interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.第24页/共58页1. Fishing is my favourite sport.钓鱼是我最喜爱的一项运动。第25页/共58页fishing 作主语。 钓鱼钓鱼,动名词动名词若主语是不定式,动名词或从句时,视为若主语是不定式,动名词或从句时,视为 数。数。单单烹饪占去了她大部分时间。烹饪占去了她大部分时间。Cooking takes most of her time.favourite 最喜爱的最喜爱的没有没

17、有 比较级和最高级比较级和最高级第26页/共58页2. I often fish for hours without catching anything.我经常一钓数小时却一无所获。第27页/共58页for + 时间 表示动作 时间。持续一段持续一段without (adv. / prep.)= not having没有水,鱼不能活。没有水,鱼不能活。Fish cant live without water.without + v.-ing动名词动名词介词宾语介词宾语。“不,未”,作第28页/共58页没有向父母要钱,这个男孩就去上学了。Without asking his parents fo

18、r money, the boy went to school.第29页/共58页3. But this does not worry me.但我从不为此烦恼。第30页/共58页worry sb. 使某人担心使某人担心房子使我担心。房子使我担心。The house worried me.我担心女儿。我担心女儿。My daughter worried me.worry about sb./sth. 担忧,担心担忧,担心没什么可担心的。没什么可担心的。Theres nothing to worry about.第31页/共58页adj. worried worrying感到担忧的感到担忧的(abo

19、ut sb./sth.)叫人担心的叫人担心的同类词:interest, excite, surprise, shock, amuse第32页/共58页4. Some fishermen are unlucky.有些垂钓者就是不走运。第33页/共58页unlucky adj. 不走运的不走运的(反)(反)lucky第34页/共58页 5. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。第35页/共58页instead of + 名词/代词/动名词/名词性句子,意思为本想怎么样,结果却

20、本想怎么样,结果却(instead of 后的动作一定是后的动作一定是 )不做的不做的我本想呆在家里,结果却去上学了。我本想呆在家里,结果却去上学了。I went to school instead of staying at home.第36页/共58页他没去上课,而是和朋友去看电影了。He didnt go to school;instead , he went to a movie with his friends.instead adv. 在句中表示转折反义,意思为在句中表示转折反义,意思为 “替代、更换、而是”(不加宾语)第37页/共58页6. I am even less luck

21、y.我的运气甚至还不及他们。第38页/共58页less + adj.(原级)构成较低比较级,构成较低比较级,“不如不如”A + be + less adj. + than B这个房间不如那个大。This room is less large than that one.=evennot so/as adj./adv. as修饰 adj. 比较级第39页/共58页 可修饰比较级的词:可修饰比较级的词: even, (very) much, (by) far, yet, still, far and away, a little, a great deal 修饰原级的词:修饰原级的词: somew

22、hat, so, very, rather, quite, pretty, fairly, too 修饰最高级的词:修饰最高级的词: the very, much the, (by) far the, far and away the 第40页/共58页7. I never catch anything - not even old boots.我什么东西也未钓到过-就连旧靴子也没有。第41页/共58页8. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.我总是在河上呆上整整一

23、上午,然后空着袋子回家。第42页/共58页After having spent the whole mornings on the river, after 在在之后之后conj. +prep. +句子句子n. / v.-inghaving spent 形式,强调动作形式,强调动作在主句动作在主句动作 完成。如果强调两个动作几完成。如果强调两个动作几乎同时完成,用乎同时完成,用动名词的完成动名词的完成之前之前动名词的一般形式动名词的一般形式。在河边呆上整整一上午之后第43页/共58页听到这个消息后,她哭了。After hearing the news, she cried.上学后,我学到了许多

24、知识。上学后,我学到了许多知识。After I went to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.After going to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.两种形式可以互换,但主、从句主语必须一致。两种形式可以互换,但主、从句主语必须一致。第44页/共58页spend + 时间 + 在某地在某地度过多长时间在某地度过多长时间with (prep.) (反)(反)without她和朋友住在一起。她和朋友住在一起。She is staying with a friend.绿封面的书绿封面的书 a book wit

25、h a green cover一个蓝眼睛女孩一个蓝眼睛女孩a girl with blue eyes和一起, 跟, 有, 用 第45页/共58页9. You must give up fishing! my friends says. Its a waste of time. “你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“ 这是浪费时间。” 第46页/共58页give up doing sth. =stop doing sth.放弃做某事放弃做某事你该戒烟了。你该戒烟了。Its about time you gave up smoking.Its a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。这是浪费

26、时间。第47页/共58页10. But they dont realize one important thing. 然而他们没有认识到重要的一点。第48页/共58页11. Im not really interested in fishing.我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣。第49页/共58页be interested in (doing)sth.对(做)对(做)感兴趣感兴趣我对读书感兴趣。我对读书感兴趣。I am interested in reading books.第50页/共58页12. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!第51页/共58页 a boat in在船上在船上do nothing at all无所事事无所事事第52页/共58页Often-used phrases1.我最喜爱的运动2. 令某人担心(2)3. 代替(2)4. 更不走运my favourite sportworry sb.sb. be worried abo


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