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1、六个基本句型典型例句主谓He studies very hard.他学习非常努力。主谓宾We enjoy sports.我喜欢运动。主谓双宾Sports bring me happiness.运动给我带来快乐。主谓宾宾补Exercise makes me healthy.运动使我健康。主系表Exercise is very beneficial.运动益处多多。There be句型There are three reasons why I like it.我喜欢它有三个原因。 五大基本句型1.主(n./pron./to do sth/doing sth/主语从句)谓(vi.如:come

2、, go, arrive, stay, work, fall, rise, die, happen, fail, appear,lie,sit,stand,last) 注意:谓语有时态和语态(1).The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(2).Your brother has gone home.(3).We work hard at English.练习She went home very late yesterday evening. The meeting will last two hours. Great changes hav

3、e taken place in my home town in the past ten years. Things of this sort are happening all over the world every day. 主语从句:(1).Whether it is true remains a question.(2).Whether he will go or not has not been decided.(3).It isn't quite clear why she did it.(4).It is not known where she has gone.(5

4、)What is called atomic energy is actually nuclear energy.2.主-谓(vt.如:visit, spend, forget, raise, have, seat, astonish, satisfy, embarass) -宾 ( n./pron./to do sth/doing sth/宾语从句)(1).I study chemistry and he studies physics.(2).I have never seen such an interesting film.(3).He doesn't know what to

5、 read.2 / 51练习They have carried out the plan successfully.He wrote a letter last night.You must finish reading these books in two weeks.Jim cannot dress himself.宾语从句: (1).I wonder whether or not Mike is at home now.(2).I don't care whether or not his car breaks down.(3).His parents think it a pi

6、ty that their son didn't pass the exam.(4)After what seemed an endless wait, it was at last his turn to step into the consulting room.(5)He was born in what is now known as Shanghai.3.主-谓(vt.)-间接宾语(sb)-直接宾语(sth.)(1).Give sb sth=Give sth to sb: send, pass, hand, show(2).Buy sb sth=Buy sth for sb:

7、 make, get, cook, call, find(3).Ask sb sth=Ask sth of sb练习.Will you lend me your bike?.Peter bought Mary a new dress.Please get him some hot water.Will you tell us something about your school life?.This little boy is always asking the teacher all sorts of questions.Pass me the paper, please.John is

8、teaching Mary how to ride a bicycle.4.主-谓(vt.)-宾-补(n./adj/adv/介词短语/to do sth-如:ask, tell, order,want, wish, encourage, allow, forbid/Do sth-如:“四看”、“二听”、“一感觉”;have, let 与 make /Doing sth/Done by sb.)(1).I saw her enter the lab.(2).Nathan Hale felt his heart beating fast.(3).We elected him our school

9、headmaster.(4).The students often keep their classroom clean and tidy.练习I'll have the bike repaired.I heard him singing happily in the next room.That man made the boy obey him.He painted the door red.She found her bike stolen.Let me have a look. We call her Xiao li.We asked them to stay for lunc

10、h.I wish you to go with me.Don't keep your mother waiting.Suddenly she saw a wallet lying on the ground.When he woke up, he found himself tied down.5.主-系(be/look,smell,taste,sound,feel/prove,remain,stay,keep/turn,get,become,make)-表。练习The news was exciting.He was excited at the news.The teachers&

11、#39; office is clean and tidy.She became a League member in 1978.The Summer Palace looks especially beauitiful in the early morning.The music sounds sweet.Your answer doesn't sound right.The dish smells good/delicious.The liquid tastes bitter.My job is to teach English./teaching English.This sto

12、ry is very interesting.I'm interested in the story.表语从句:(1).China is no longer what it used to be.(2).That's why we love our motherland so much.(3).It looks as if it's going to rain.(4).The reason why he was absent yesterday was that he was ill.5、定语 He is a new student.他是个新生。 但副词,动词不定式,介

13、词短语等作定语时,则放在被修饰的词之后。 The bike in her room is mine.房间里的自行车是我的。 定语从句:(1).A plane is a machine that can fly.(2).The noodles that I cooked were deliicious.(3).Who is the man that is reading over there?(4).The girl that we saw yesterday was Jim's sister.(5).The fish which we bought were not fresh.(6)

14、.Who is the person whom you just talked to?(6).Mrs. Read is the person to whom you should write.6、状语 He lives in London.他住在伦敦。 He speaks English very well. He is playing under the tree. I come specially to see you. My parents often tell us about their bitter life in the past. Ten years ago, She bega

15、n to live in Dalian. The boy was praised for his bravery. When she was 12 years old, she began to live in Dalian. If I am not busy tomorrow, I will play football with you. Having had a quarrel with his wife, he left home in a bad temper。 Inhibited in one direction, it now seems that the Mississippi

16、is about to take another.1.时间状语从句:when,while,as,before,after,since,till(until),as soos as,hardly-when,no sooner-than, 2.地点状语从句:where,wherever3.原因状语从句:because,since,as, now that, in that, considering (that)4.目的状语从句:so that-,in order that-,in case-,for fear that-(以防、以免、生怕)=lest5.结果状语从句:so that-,so/suc

17、h-that-6.条件状语从句:if,unless,as/so long as-,on condition that-,providing(provided) that, assuming that, 名词性从句(一)、什么叫名词性从句?名词性从句在复句中的位置如何?1.主语从句-谓语-宾语.(1).Whether it is true remains a question.(2).Whether he will go or not has not been decided.(3).It isn't quite clear why she did it.(4).It is not kn

18、own where she has gone.(5)What is called atomic energy is actually nuclear energy.2. 主语-谓语(vt.)-宾语从句.(1).I wonder whether or not Mike is at home now.(2).I don't care whether or not his car breaks down.(3).His parents think it a pity that their son didn't pass the exam.(4)After what seemed an

19、 endless wait, it was at last his turn to step into the consulting room.(5)He was born in what is now known as Shanghai.注意;it作形式宾语的特殊句型:(1).owe it to sb. that-“把-归功于-”          (2).Leave it to sb. that-“把-留给某人去做”(3).Take it for granted that-“想当然”

20、0;                (4).keep it in mind that-"记住"(5).I like/enjoy/hate it that-                      &

21、#160;       (6).see to it that-=make sure that-"务必、确保"(7).depend on it that-(1).I enjoy_ when you help_is in trouble.        A.it, those who             B.that, who&

22、#160;             C.this, anyone            D.it,whoever(2).I owe it to you that I'm still alive.(3)I leave it to you to judge.(我让你做判断)(4).You may depend on it that they will help you.(你可以放心他

23、们会帮你的)(5).Would you see to it that the villagers have clean drinking water?(你负责保证)(6)I take it that you won't be coming to Sophie's party.(我想你不回去参加)(7).I'm counting on it that you will come.(我正指望着你回来)3.主语-系-表语从句.(1).China is no longer what it used to be.(2).That's why we love our mot

24、herland so much.(3).It looks as if it's going to rain.(4).The reason why he was absent yesterdy was that he was ill.4. 某些名词(如:the news/idea/fact/hope/belief/promise/suggestion/possibilityproblem/conclusion/opinion/remark评论、意见,saying格言、谚语,evidnce)-引导词(如:that,whether,how,when,where,why)-同位语从句(注意:w

25、hich不能引导同位语从句)(1).Here comes the news that some foreign friends will come to our school.(2).The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.(3).Word came that their headmaster would soon visit our school.(4).I have no idea when she will come back.(二)、名词性从句的引导词:(1).连接词:that, whether/if,as

26、if-在从句中不充当任何成分。(2).连接代词:who, what,which,whose-在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。(3).连接副词:when, where.why,how,how many/much/soon/often/long-在从句中充当状语。注意:(1).if不能引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句以及介词的宾语从句。           (2).与or not或不定式连用,要用whether.        

27、60;  (3).what本身有一定的意义,且在从句中充当一定的成分,而that本身无任何意义,且在从                句中不充当任何成分。            (1).It is unknown whether/if she is ill.(如果 用形式主语,if 和whether

28、都可以)            (2).I don't care if he doesn't show up.他来不来我都不在乎(若宾语从句为否定结构,               则多用if,而不用whether)          

29、;  (3)After years of hard work, he was made what she was.(主语补足语-经过多年的辛劳,                                     &

30、#160;                                                 &

31、#160;                     她被弄成这样)注意:in that(由于、因为),except that(除了-),but that(如果没有、要不是-),besides             that(除了-)    

32、0;     (1)I know nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of Tsinghua University.          (2)He would have helped us but that he was short of money at that time.          

33、 (3)But that I saw it, I couldn't have believed it.(三).弄清一类连词:“无论(不管)-”No matter who-=Whoever-No matter what-=Whatever-No matter which-=Whichever-No matter when-=Whenever-No matter where-=wherever-No matter how + adj/adv-=However + adj/adv-左边:只能引导让步状语从句。而右边:既可以引导让步状语从句,又可以引导名词性从句。(1).I'

34、ll give the book to _wants it.    (A).anyone  (B).those who  (C).whoever      (D).whomever(2).No matter who= Whoever wants to read the book, you may lend it to him.(3).However late = No matter how late he is ,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.(5).Whe

35、never = Every time he saw me, he greeted me.Wherever you go, we'll be thinking of you.(四).弄清同位语从句与定语从句的区别:(1)that引导定语从句时,that充当定语从句的成分;that引导同位语从句时,that不充当从句的任何成分。(2)当when,where,why引导定语从句时,其意义与先行词有关,与先行词的意义基本相同,没有疑问意义;但它们引导同位语从句时,其意义与被同位的词毫无关系,其意义完全与疑问词相同,即when表示;“什么时候”,where表示:“哪儿”。它们引导两种从句时都在从

36、句中做状语。(1).He expressed the hope that he had for many years.      He expressed the hope that he would come to China again.(2).I have the 1st impression that he gave me in 1980.      I have the 1st impression that he is an honest man.(3).The news that you h

37、eard is not true.     The whole nation was plunged into deep sorrow at the news that Abraham Lincoln was murdered at a       theatre.(4)比较:I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.(定语从句)          &

38、#160;    This is the house where I lived 2 years ago.(定语从句)               I have no idea when she will be back.(同位语从句)               Then ar

39、ose the question where we were to get the machines needed.(同位语从句)(五).特殊句型要牢记:(1).It is said/believed/reported/thought/well-known that-(2).It turned out that-“结果是,原来是-”(3).It happened that-“碰巧-”(4).It occurred to me that-= It struck me that-“突然想起-”(5).Word came that-“有消息传来 说-”(6).It seems/appears tha

40、t-“似乎是,好像是-”(7).It is a pity/a fact/no wonder that-“真遗憾、是事实、难怪-”(8).It is possible/probable/likely that-(9).It is important/necessary/strange that-从句中用虚拟语气:(should )+ 动词原形(10).It is certain that-(11).It follows that-“于是乎,从而-”(12).There is no point in doing sth.        T

41、here is no need to do sth.(13).It is up to sb to do sth.  “该由某人做某事,由某人负责”(14).It is just like sb to do sth.“某人恰恰是这个样子”(15).See to it that- = Make sure that-“务必。确保”(16).How did it come about that you were late again yesterday?六、弄清一组句型的区别:(1)It was not until-that-(强调结构)(2).It was +时间段+ago 或 +介词短语

42、+that-(强调结构)(3).It was+时间点名词+when-"当-时已是-时间了”(4).It is/was/will (not) be +时间段名词+ before-(肯定句)“过多久-就/才-”                                


44、    (否定句)“不久-就/才-”(5)It is+ 时间段 +since-   例如:(1).It was not until yesterday that I received his letter.(2).It was on the coasts that lots of people disappeared.(3).It was 3 years ago that he arrived in Australia.(4).It was 10 o'clock in the evening when he came back.(5).

45、It will be hours before he arrives here.(6).It was not long before they drove the enemy from their homeland.(7).It is 3 days since we left our school.(8).It is 10 years since I was a teacher.(我不当教师已经10年了)(9).It is 5 years since he lived in London.(他有5年不在伦敦住了) 定语从句1.什么叫定语从句?先行词?引导词?定语从句的位置如何?(1)

46、.A plane is a machine that can fly.(2).The noodles that I cooked were deliicious.(3).Who is the man that is reading over there?(4).The girl that we saw yesterday was Jim's sister.(5).The fish which we bought were not fresh.(6).Who is the person whom you just talked to?(6).Mrs. Read is the person

47、 to whom you should write.(7).I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.(8).This is the house where we lived last year.(9).The factory where his father works is in the west of the city.(10).Wei Fang is the student whose home caught fire last night.2.定语从句的引导词分为5个关系代词:(1).who-指人,在从句中作主语。(2

48、).whom-指人,在从句中作宾语。(3).whose-指人或物,在从句中作定语。(4).which-指物,在从句指作主语或宾语;which还可以作定语起到限定词的作用(this/that/these/those),但其前面必须有介词。(5).that-指人或物,在从句指作主语或宾语。(5)as-指人或物,在从句中作主、宾、表,既可以引导限制性定语从句(the same-as, such-as, as/so-as),也可以引导非限制性定语从句(位置灵活).3个关系副词:(1).when-指时间,在从句中作时间状语。(2).where-指地点,在从句中作地点状语。(3).why-指原因,在从句中

49、作原因状语。注意:判断用关系代词还是用关系副词,主要取决于什么?取决于引导词在从句中所充当的成分:若引导词在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语时,须用关系代词;若引导词在从句中充当状语时,须用关系副词。(1).I'll never forget the day_you saved me.    That's the special day_I'll never forget.(2).This is the house_my aunt lived last year.    This is the house_my aunt bought

50、last year.(3).We'll visit the village,_was once the site of a famous battle.    We'll visit the village,_a famous battle once took place.(4).Oct.1,1949 was the day_we'll never forget.    Oct.1,1949 was the day_the PRC was founded.(5)He lost his temper, at which point

51、I decided to go home.此时我决定回家(6)Chaplin went to the States in 1910, by which time he had learned to dance and act in comedies.(7)His son insisted on joining the army, in which case he had to give in.(8)3.一般来说,that/which都可以指物(可互用),但在下列情况下,必须用that指物,不用which.(1).当先行词本身为不定代词时:all,much,little, sth,anythin

52、g,everything,noyhing.(2).当先行词被adj最高级/序数词修饰时。(3).当先行词被the very(正是、就是)、the only、the last修饰时。(1).All that glitters is not gold.All that can be done has been done.You can take any room that you like.There is no difficulty that we can't overcome.This is the last time that I'll give you a lesson.T

53、his is  the very book that I'm after.China is not the country that it used to be.(关系代词在从句中作表语时)4.As引导的定语从句:(as在定语从句中必须充当成分:主语、宾语、表语)(1).The same-as-(2).Such-as-(3).As-clause, main-clause.=Main-clause, as-clause.(4).such/as-as-(5)as/so-as-(1).As we know, more than 70 % of the earth's sur

54、face is covered by water.(2).This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see.(3).This kind of computer,as is well-known,is out of date.(5).This is the same bag as I  lost yesterday.(6).I have the same trouble as you (have).(7).Don't talk about such things as you do not understand.(8).Air

55、is a gas, as is known to us.     As we all know, air is a gas.     Air, as we know, is a gas.(9)He can lift so heavy a stone as no one else can.比较:This is so heavy a stone /such a heavy stone that no one can lift it.(结果状语从句)       

56、0;   This is so heavy a stone/such a heavy stone as no one can lift.(定语从句)注意:1.as引导的非限制性定语从句常有,只能指代整个主句的内容,不能指代单个先行词:“如同-              -那样”:           as we know/as is known t

57、o all, as we all can see, as has been said before/above, as has been            pointed out, as might be expected(正如所预料的那样), as is often the case(情况常常是这样),            2.which在非限制性定语从句中,既可以指代整个主句,也可以指代

58、单个先行词。指代的是先行词              本身而不是主句时,不可用as代替which.           3.在非限制性定语从句中作主语时,which既可作系动词be的主语,也可作实义动词的主语,而as             

59、0;只能作系动词be的主语。(1)The apple tree, which I planted last year, has not any fruit.(2)He married her, which/as was natural.(3)He saw the girl, which delighted him.5.特殊的句型(1).Do all one can to do sth.    Do what one can to do sth.    Do/try one's best to do sth.(2).I don't like

60、 the way (that) you walk    I don't like the way (in which) you walk.(3).This/It is the 1st/2nd time that I  have done sth.    This/It was the 1st/2nd time that I  had done sth.(4).He lives in the house whose window faces south.    He lives in the house th

61、e window of which faces south.    He lives in the house of which the window faces south. (5).He entered the meeting hall, in the front of which were sitting some important men.(6)比较:As is reported in the newspaper, talks between the 2 countries are making progress.    &

62、#160;          It is reported in the newspaper that talks between the 2 countries are making progress.              What is reported in the newspaper is that talks between the 2 countri

63、es are making progress.(7)We went up to the roof, from where we had a good view of the procession.    They stood near the window, from where we could see the whole garden.注意:(1)No/never/not-先行词-But-= that-not或who-not:“没有-不-的”          

64、 (2)当先行词是case,condition, situation, position, point, stage 等名词时,表示情况、方面、处境               时,用关系副词where.但先行词是occasion时,用关系副词when.           (!)There was no man but admired him=n

65、o man who didn't admire him.           (2)There is no dificulty but may be smoothed away.=no difficulty that may not be smoothed away.           (3)There are some cases, where this role doesn'

66、t hold good.(适用)           (4)In China there is no one but knows Lei Feng.           (5)There is no rule but has exceptions.           (6)Her sister h

67、as beecome a lawyer, _she wanted to be.            A.who        B.what          C.that        D.which    

68、 (关系代词指代人的职业、身份)6.相似结构,注意辨别:(1)*Is this museum _they visited yesterday?    *Is this the museum _they visited yesterday?    *Is this museum _they stayed yesterday?    *It was the museum_you saw many treasures.    *It was in the museum_y

69、ou saw many treasures.    *It was in the museum_you dropped in that you saw many treasures.(2).She lived in the house_she used to live.                         

70、               _she used to live in.                               

71、60;        _she used to drop in.                                      

72、  _she used to visit.                                        _windows were broken.   

73、                                     the windows_were broken.          

74、;                              and _windows were brokken.               

75、60;                        _the broken windows.     A.where        B.in which      C.at which     D.that       E.which        F.its


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