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1、Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.浙江地区第二课时Section A (3a3c)a new TV program called Monkey句中过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,即相当于a new TV program that is called Monkey。eg:I know a boy called Jim.我认识一个叫吉姆的男孩。o.意为“把变成”,有时也可作turn into“变成”。eg:Water can turn into ice in cold weather.水在寒冷的天气里会变成冰。hi

2、de动词,意为“隐藏;隐蔽”,其过去式为hid。eg:They hid some balls under the desk.他们把一些球藏在桌子底下。come out出现;出版;开花eg:The moon came out from the clouds.月亮从云里出来了。Her book wont come out until next year.她的书要到明年才能出版。The flowers came out yesterday.那些花昨天开了。more than意为“超过;多于”,相当于over。eg:I lived in Shanghai for more than/over five

3、 years.我在上海住了5年多。【拓展】no more than (only)仅仅;不过not more than不多于;不超过western形容词,意为“西方的”。【拓展】eastern东方的southern南方的northern北方的重点短语归纳for the first time第一次in fact事实上 一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。1Dont the baby.Its time for him to go to sleep.2She is so thin that her arms and legs are like 3The boy under his bed and no

4、body found him.4The little cat liked to play with its 5If you want to learn culture,you can read this book.excitestickshidtailwestern二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6他们去野餐了而没有去钓鱼。They went for a picnic 7老师提醒他要更加努力地学习。The teacher he should study harder.8从前,在印度的一个村子里有六个瞎子。 , there were six blind men in a village in In

5、dia.instead of going fishingreminds him thatOnce upon a time9这本书一问世就受到了孩子们的欢迎。The book became popular with children it came out.10露西五岁的时候开始对弹钢琴感兴趣。Lucy the piano at the age of 5.11我第一次听到这个故事。I heard this story 12十年的时光把他变成了一位老人。Ten years him an old man.as soon asbecame interested in playingfor the fi

6、rst timeturned into 三、语法填空。Once upon a time,there were ten suns in the sky.The ten suns 13. (come) out every day.The heat from the ten suns shining all 14. (make) the earth very hot at once.People and animals died 15. the heat.Rivers dried up.There 16. (be) no crops in the fields.The Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) asked Hou Yi 17. (solve) the problem.One day,Hou Yi climbed 18. the top of Tianshan Mountain.He 19. (shoot) nine suns.20. a result,there was only one sun in the sky.Everything 21. (go) w


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