



1、.常考句型【句型1】how important.!“多么重要啊!”仿写:遵守诺言是多么重要的事!how important a thing it is to keep our promise!【句型2】leave much to be desired“令人不满意”仿写:我们的交通状况令人不满意。the condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.【句型3】have a great influence on.“对有很大的影响”仿写:抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。smoking has a great influence on our he

2、alth.话题写作电子邮件旅游日程安排假如你是李华,在武汉学习的英国朋友tony给你发邮件说周末要来邯郸找你玩。请你根据要点提示给tony写一封邮件向他介绍这两天的安排。1周五晚上在邯郸火车站接tony,住预定酒店;2周六参观邯郸一名胜;3周日在家的活动;4冬季寒冷,请多备衣物。注意:1.适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;2词数100120,开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。dear tony,i am glad to receive your letter and know that you will come to handan this weekend. yours,li hua【审题】1时态:一

3、般将来时为主;2层次:按时间顺序描写要点,最后提出注意事项。一、将短文中可能用到的关键词、短语或句式结构翻译成英语。1在周末 on/at weekends2星期五晚上 on friday evening3在火车站接某人 pick sb up at the railway station4为你预定的房间 the room reserved for you5给某人留下深刻的印象 leave a deep/strong impression on sb6包饺子 make dumplings7拜访我的家人 visit my family8保暖 keep warm9多随身携带衣服 take more c

4、lothes with you10我迫不及待做某事。i can't wait to do sth.11前往 head to12好好睡一觉 have a good sleep13欣赏美丽的景色 enjoy beautiful sights14为所迷住 be struck by二、以下是本邮件的主要内容,根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。1我简要地给你介绍一下这两天的行程。i'd like to make a brief introduction about your two­day visit here.2我为你的安排如下:here are the arrangements

5、for your two­day visit.3周五晚上我在邯郸火车站接你,然后我们去为你预定好的酒店。on friday evening i will pick you up at handan railway station,and then we'll head to the hotel where i reserved a room for you.4我们周六打算参观一些邯郸的名胜古迹,在这儿,你会欣赏到美丽的风景。我相信,你一定会被这儿的美景打动。we are going to visit some tourist attractions in handan,whe

6、re you can enjoy many beautiful sights.and you are bound to be struck by the beauty of the city.5那儿的美丽景色一定会给你留下深刻的印象。the beautiful scenery is sure to leave a deep impression on you.6欢迎你到我家来,如果你喜欢,我愿意教给你如何包水饺,你也会有机会品尝到这种传统的中国美味。welcome you to my house.i'm willing to teach you how to make dumpling

7、s if you like,and you will have a good chance to taste the chinese traditional food.三、根据以上内容,选择合适的连接词,组成一篇完整的文章。 【参考范文】dear tony,i am glad to receive your letter and know that you will come to handan this weekend.here are the arrangements for your two­day visit.we will meet at handan railway st

8、ation this friday evening and then head to the hotel where i reserved a room for you.after a good night's sleep,we are to visit one of the tourist attractions in handan.as a historical city with more than 2,500 years' history,handan offers so many sights for you to choose from,such as cong tai terrace,huiche lane and so on.there you can enjoy the beautiful scenery,which will leave a deep impression on you.on sunday you will meet my family and you can learn to make and taste delicious dumplings if you


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