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1、Lead-inNew Words and ExpressionsText AnalysisAfter-reading Activities WritingFun Time第1页/共106页1. Humors about exercise: You know youve reached your fitness goal when youre strong enough to pick up your exercise equipment and throw it out the window. Most Americans are out of shape because the only t

2、hing they ever exercise is their rights.第2页/共106页I dont work out because all the exercise programs start out by saying, Wear loose-fitting clothes. I dont have any loose-fitting clothes! Remember, before beginning any exercise program, check with your doctor - to make sure your heart can take the sh

3、ock of the price of exercise equipment.第3页/共106页2. Healthy Food Recommendedtomato spinach nut cauliflower oats salmon garlic blueberry red wine green tea 第4页/共106页4. Sayings about Health1) Happiness lies, first of all, in health. 幸福首先在于有健康的身体。幸福首先在于有健康的身体。 G. W. Curtis2) Early to bed and early to ri

4、se, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。早睡早起,使人健康、富有、明智。Benjamin Franklin3) Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health. 快乐最利于健康。快乐最利于健康。 Thomas Alva Addison第5页/共106页4) 每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子。 To exercise for an hour every day, in order to have a good health to work fifty years a

5、nd enjoy the whole life. 5) 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 Promote physical culture so as to build up the peoples health.6) 全国性的“全民健身活动” the nationwide “fitness-for-all” sports campaign 第6页/共106页n Ironn Iron Deficiencyn Iron-rich Foods第7页/共106页 Iron is a trace mineral required for red blood cell formation and adequ

6、ate formation of hemoglobin (血色素)- the protein that carries oxygen in the blood and yoglobin(肌血球素), a similar protein that carries oxygen in the muscle tissue. Iron also plays a central role in many vital biochemical pathways and enzyme (酶)systems including those involved with energy metabolism(代谢),

7、 neurotransmitter production (serotonin (含于血液中的复合胺)and dopamine(多巴胺)), collagen formation and immune system function.第8页/共106页 Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world. Two-thirds of children and women of childbearing age are estimated to suffer from iron deficiency and

8、 one-third are prone to disorders of iron deficiency- like anemia. Female athletes, in particular, are at risk for IDNA because aerobic exercise may result in a significant depletion of body iron stores . It may negatively affect endurance performance and muscle fatigability(易疲劳性). 第9页/共106页第10页/共10

9、6页 When you eat, thank your teeth for chewing the food. When you enjoy delicious food, thank your tongue for tasting it. When you swallow, thank your throat for working smoothly. When you grow strong and healthy, thank you stomach for digesting your food. When you speak English, thank your mouth for

10、 making new sounds. When you see a beautiful view, thank your eyes. When you hear a compliment, thank your ears. When you smell delicious food, thank your nose. Decide that from now on, you will always tell your body it is strong and healthy!第11页/共106页In-Class Suppose you were the Director of the co

11、llege PE Department:1)Design a questionnaire on the actual situation of students taking part in physical exercises on your campus. Your Task第12页/共106页 Questionnaire第13页/共106页In-ClassOral Presentation第14页/共106页第15页/共106页第16页/共106页第17页/共106页Sports medicine experts have observed for years that enduranc

12、e athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies. (Ll-2) endurance n. 忍耐,忍耐力 e.g. He showed remarkable endurance throughout his struggle with the cancer. 在整个与癌症作斗争期间,他表现出非同一般的忍受能力。 Long distance runners need great endurance. 长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力 第18页/共106页moderate a. 1. average in amount

13、, quality, etc.; not extreme2. of or having (usu. political) opinions that are not extreme The room is of moderate size-just right for a small family.这间屋中等大小,正好适合一个小家庭住。 FOR EXAMPLE:The deputy of the party leader is more moderate in her views. 该党派领袖的副手观点比较温和。 Antonym:moderateimmoderateim第19页/共106页co

14、nsume vt. consume vt. 1. eat or drink2. use, esp. in large amounts consume vt. wholly to takeassume假定presume推测FOR EXAMPLE:He consumes vast quantities of meat with every meal. 他每餐都吃大量的肉。 This is time-consuming work. 这是一项需要时间的工作. 第20页/共106页consume vt:He would nearly consume a pound of cheese per day.他

15、一天能吃将近一磅奶酪。 这些新型空调中有的比旧型的少耗电70。Some of the new air conditioners consume 70 percent less electricity than the old models.eat or drink 吃,喝use, esp. in large amounts 消耗,花费第21页/共106页consuming a. 占有的,控制的,支占有的,控制的,支配的配的consumer n. 消费者,用户消费者,用户consumption n. 消费,消费量消费,消费量 time-consuming 费时的费时的consumer goods

16、 消费品消费品consumer research 市场调查市场调查petrol consumption. 耗油量耗油量第22页/共106页Word Usingsupplement n. (L10) Translationa multiple vitamin and mineral supplementa special supplement to a monthly financial magazineThey are doing extra jobs outside their regular ones to supplement their incomes.第23页/共106页 to bo

17、unce back ( (遭受挫败损失后遭受挫败损失后) )很快恢复很快恢复他厄运不断,他厄运不断,但似乎每次都但似乎每次都能恢复元气。能恢复元气。 Hes had no end of bad luck, but he just seems to bounce back every time.第24页/共106页respectively ad:They are eating bread and crisps respectively.他们各自吃着面包和薯片。separately or in turn 分别地,各自地第25页/共106页respectful a.respectable a.res

18、pective a.respecting prep.respectful a.respectable a.respectful a.去尊重别人尊敬的,有礼貌的respectable a.别人尊重自己受人尊敬的,高尚的与“尊重”无关分别的,各自的关于第26页/共106页He is a _ professor and we are _.After class, we went back to our _ dorms.We went to visit our _ mothers.respectablerespectfulrespectiverespective第27页/共106页respective

19、 respectful respectable respecting1. They listened in _ silence.2. He was born in a _ family.3. You can refer to laws _ property.4. After party, we went back to our _room.respectfulrespectablerespectingrespective第28页/共106页risk n./v. (L18) be at risk; take/run risks; risk ones life e.g. Up to 2,000 j

20、obs are still .仍有多达2,000人有失业的危险。He when he crossed the old bridge.他冒险过这座旧桥。He when he saved the kid from the fire.他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出来。第29页/共106页plus:conj. and , in addition to 并且,而且prep. with the addition to 加,加上第30页/共106页plus:a. above zero; positive 正的n. a sign showing positive 加号,正号 an advantage 有利因素

21、第31页/共106页sufficient a. (L45)There is no evidence to show that he is guilty.e.g. 近形词近形词 efficient 有效率的有效率的 (efficiency n.)派生词派生词 sufficiency (n. )Use itWhat if you had a lot of money?With sufficient money, I would 第32页/共106页sufficient a.:没有足够的证据表明他缺铁.There is no sufficient evidence to show that he s

22、uffers from iron deficiency.enough足够的,充分的efficient a. capable; producing a satisfactory result without wasting time or energy (指人)有能 力的;有效力的proficient a. deficient a. lacking in sth.; (fml) incomplete缺乏;不 全的,不充足的第33页/共106页liable a. (L24)1) likely; 2) suffering (from) be liable to do sth. / be liable

23、 to sth.What is a person liable to do when he/she is very tired/angry ? He/she is liable to cold in winter.He is liable to headache after a days work.第34页/共106页allowance n. (L26)1) the amount allowed or granted限额,定量限额,定量e.g. : Most of our flights have a baggage of 20kg per passenger. 我们的大多数航班容许每位旅客免

24、费带20公斤行李。 What is your weekly allowance of milk?Use it第35页/共106页e.g. The manager traveled on business with an that covered hotel and restaurant bills.这位经理出差时有包括食宿的补贴。这位经理出差时有包括食宿的补贴。2) Something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose津贴,补贴等allowance n. (L26)第36页/共106页 to

25、 tip over the edge 引起显著变化引起显著变化;(;(使使) )进入另一种状态进入另一种状态Because of financial crisis, many companies were tipped over the edge of bankruptcy. Too much pressure tipped her over the edge of breakdown. 由于经济危机,许多公司由于经济危机,许多公司处于处于破产的破产的边缘边缘。 过多的压力过多的压力使使她她处于处于崩溃的崩溃的边缘边缘。 第37页/共106页phenomenon n.Meaning: C. (

26、pl. phenomena) sth. That exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., esp. sth. which is unusualfatigue n. Meaning: extreme tiredness phenomenonphenomenonfatiguefa乏fat + I + (ar)gue第38页/共106页select vt.:他从提供的书单上挑了两本并买了下来。choose stb./sth., esp. as being the best or most suitable 选择,挑选He selected three

27、books from the offered list and bought them.第39页/共106页select v. - a more carefully considered decision than choosechoose v. - a freely made decision and can refer to a decision between only two items (we usually select or pick from a number greater than two) pick v. - is less formal than selectprefe

28、r v. - like something better 第40页/共106页choose select pick prefer1. I _ walking to cycling.2. Who are you going to _ for the team?3. Our shops _ only the very best quality product.4. She _ the red sweater rather than the green one.preferpickselectchose第41页/共106页yearly a. Meaning: every year or once a

29、 year -ly 加在时间名词之后, 表示 “与. . . 时间一块的, 每. . . 的” e.g. : hourly 每小时的 quarterly 每季度的 daily 每天的 nightly 每夜的 monthly 每月的 加在名词之后,表示 “. . .的, 有. . . 特征的” e.g.: manly 有男子气概的 costly 昂贵的第42页/共106页indicate vt. 1. show, point or make clear2. show (the direction) by hand signals, lights, etc.FOR EXAMPLE:A survey

30、 of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoy life.一个对退休人员的调查表明,大多数退休老人都一个对退休人员的调查表明,大多数退休老人都能独立生活而且享受天伦。能独立生活而且享受天伦。 There are indications that the public librarys readership has been on the rise/increase. 有迹象表明公共图书馆的读者量呈上升趋势。有迹象表明公共图书馆的读者量呈上升趋势。第43页/共106页striking a. (L65)Is

31、there anything striking in your life? What is that?Use itvery noticeable; making a strong impression第44页/共106页derive vt. 1. get or obtain (sth.) (from sth. else)2. have (sth.) as an originFOR EXAMPLE: derive knowledge from reading derive a conclusion from facts从阅读中学到知识从事实推出结论 Our city is noted for s

32、plendid old-fashioned buildings from which tourists can derive great pleasure. 我们的城市以辉煌的古代建筑而闻名,游客可以我们的城市以辉煌的古代建筑而闻名,游客可以从游览中获得很多乐趣。从游览中获得很多乐趣。 第45页/共106页derive vt.:许多人从助人为乐中得到了快乐,他便是其中之一。He is one of those people who can derive pleasure from helping others. These are defensive behavior patterns whi

33、ch derive from our subconscious fears.这些防范的行为模式源自于我们潜意识里的恐惧。get or obtain sth. from sth. else得到,获取have (sth.) as an origin起源于第46页/共106页derive from (L63)The town derives its name from the river on which it was built.Translationcome from 这个市镇沿河而建,由此得名。近形词 第47页/共106页interfere vi. 1. prevent sth. From b

34、eing done or carried out properly2. involve oneself in matters which are combined with other peopleinterfere withinterfere in别人未请而自己主动参与指阻碍事情发生 I have never his affair. 我从不干预他的事。 Every time the telephone rings it my work. 电话一响就打断我的工作。第48页/共106页interfere vi:I dont want to interfere with you; proceed

35、with your work.我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。不要介入那些与你无关的事。Dont interfere in matters that dont concern you.prevent from 妨碍,干扰involve oneself in others matters干涉,干预第49页/共106页remedy:vt. correct or improve 补救,纠正n. a successful way of curing disease or dealing with difficulty 治疗方法,解决方法第50页/共106页国际方面做了大量的工作来挽救中东的局势。A gr

36、eat deal has been done internationally to remedy the situation in the Middle East. 有很多种不同的自然疗法来帮助克服缺铁。There are many different kinds of natural remedies to help overcome iron deficiency.第51页/共106页4. Useful Expressions lead to/result in bounce backup toat riskbe liable tobe associated without of brea

37、thundo the problemthrow upin some casessum uptake in remedy the deficiency第52页/共106页1. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year.A) swallow B) dispose C) consume D) exhaust2. No one imagined that the apparently _ businessman was really a criminal. A) respective B) respectable C) r

38、espectful D) realistic 3. Why should anyone want to read _ of books by great authors when the pleasure comes from reading originals? A) themes B) insights C) digests D) leaflets4. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have_ supplies of petroleum. A) proficient B) efficie

39、nt C) potential D) sufficientC) consumeB) respectableC) digestsD) sufficient第53页/共106页Main idea and main devicesStructure of this textLanguage Points第54页/共106页Problem-Analysis-Solution Exercise may lead to more loss of iron in females, which in turn produces serious effects on their health. Accordin

40、g to sports medicine experts, active women should pay more attention to iron deficiency in their bodies and take correct measures to remedy it before it really becomes a problem.第55页/共106页Problem-Analysis-SolutionThe whole essay is written in a typical problem-analysis-solution-evaluation pattern.Ir

41、on and Effects of ExerciseProblemAnalysisSolutionEvaluationProblemAnalysisProblem:Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. (Para. 1)Provision of evidence for the problem:1) Their study of 62 former

42、ly inactive women who began exercising three times a week showed evidence of iron loss; (Para. 2) 2) Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back; 3) The new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. (Para. 3) Analysis of gene

43、ral causes for it:1) Too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in; 2) Womens monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss; 3) Many women increase their risk of iron loss by rejecting red meat; 4) Women are liable to experience a deficiency as a result of restricting their diet in weight

44、control. (Para 4)Analysis of specific causes for it: ?(1) The average woman takes in only 2/3 of the recommended daily allowance for iron, which would easily cause iron deficiency if they take some exercises. (Para. 5)(2) Some iron is lost in sweat, and intense endurance exercises may cause iron def

45、iciency through bleeding of the digestive system and bleeding of the blood vessels in the feet. (Para. 6)Analysis of effects of iron deficiency: ?(1) Fatigue and poor performance may begin to appear when not enough iron is present in their blood to form the molecules of blood protein that transport

46、oxygen to the working muscles. (2) When their iron reserves go to zero, people often feel weak, tired, and out of breath and their exercise performance is severely compromised; and they are in trouble. (Paras. 7-8)Analysis of importance of checking iron reserves:(1) It is important to check levels o

47、f a different compound, which indicates the amount of storage of iron in the blood. (2) Both women and men are at risk of iron deficiency as a result of a high level of active physical exercise. (3) It is advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.

48、(Para 9)Solution to the problem:(1) If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements (Para. 10)(2) Select breads and cereals with the words iron-added on the label (Para. 11)(3) Eat the foods with plentiful Vit

49、amin C to enhance the amount of iron absorbed. (Para. 11)SolutionEvaluationEvaluation:“Active women need to be a lot more careful about their food choices. If you pay attention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone, you can remedy the deficiency before it really becomes a problem.” (Para 12

50、)第56页/共106页To support his argument, the author quotes as hard evidence the remarks respectively from the associate professor of Purdue University, Roseanne M. Lyle (Paras. 2, 3 and 12), another expert at Purdue (Para. 5), one of the Purdue study designers, John L. Beard (Paras. 8 and 9), and the spo

51、rts diet expert Nancy Clark (Para. 11).第57页/共106页STRUCTUREPart IPart IIPart IIIPart IVParas 1-3: Exercise, evenmoderate exercise, may lead to reduceiron in the blood of women . Paras 4-6: Cause for irondeficiency among women.Paras 7-9: The author makes clearboth the effects of iron deficiency onpeop

52、les health and the importanceof checking iron reserves to active people.Paras 10-12: The author gives his advice on how to remedy iron deficiency.第58页/共106页Text in Part IIron and the Effects of Exercise Para 1. Sports medicine experts have observed for years that endurance athletes, particularly fem

53、ales, frequently have iron deficiencies. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. Translation of Para 1.第59页/共106页 Para 2. “We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program

54、 of moderate exerciseshowed evidence of iron loss, says Roseanne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue. Her study of 62 formerlyinactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Para 3. “Women who cons

55、umed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back, she notes. “But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. Translation of Para2.Translation of Para 3.第60页/共106页 Main Idea:(Paras. 1-3)Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduce

56、 iron in the blood of women.Part IThree groups of women suffering from iron deficiencyuendurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies.uwomen who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron lossuthe new exercisers who fol

57、lowed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels第61页/共106页Language points in Part I1. 缺铁的几种表达方式 iron deficiency reduced iron in the blood of show evidence of iron loss show a decrease in iron levels第62页/共106页Language points in Part I2. Typical patterns for showing the results of sb.s observa

58、tion / scientific research原句原句: :Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. (L. 2)译文译文: :由珀杜大学一组研究人员进行的一项新的研究表明由珀杜大学一组研究人员进行的一项新的研究表明: :即即使是适度的锻炼使是适度的锻炼, ,也可能会降低女性血液中铁离子的含量。也可能会降低女性血液中铁离子的含量。A new st

59、udy (research / opinion poll / survey) by sb. suggests / indicates that 某人进行的一某人进行的一项新的研究项新的研究(科研民意测验调查科研民意测验调查)表明表明第63页/共106页A new study by this research team suggests that the global greenhouse effect has produced a destructive impact on the biological environment.A succession of scientific studie

60、s indicates that exercise can help improve balance and strength in elderly individuals.第64页/共106页Text in Part II Para. 4 Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and onein five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active


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