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1、外贸英语函电外贸英语函电Project One Developing CustomerProject One Developing Customer项目一项目一 开发客户开发客户科学出版社科学出版社Task 1 Learning the Format of Business Task 1 Learning the Format of Business LetterLetter 任务任务1 1 了解商务信函格式了解商务信函格式Task TwoTask Two Writing a Letter of Establishing Writing a Letter of Establishing Bus

2、iness RelationsBusiness Relations 任务任务 2 2 撰写一封建立业务关系信函撰写一封建立业务关系信函此项目包含此项目包含2 2个任务:个任务:任务任务1 1 了解商务信函格式了解商务信函格式主要内容主要内容一、一、 知识链接知识链接二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴 三、业务初探三、业务初探四、核心技能训练四、核心技能训练一、一、 知识链接知识链接1 Basic knowledge concerning the layout of a business letter1 Basic knowledge concerning the layout of a busi

3、ness letter Letter-writing is an important way to achieve the goal to communicate with our customers. A good English letter will leave our customer a good impression. If a businessman is unable to write an effective business letter, it is very difficult to represent himself positively, which may cau

4、se problems in doing business. What can be called a good business English letter? A good business English letter should follow the principles as follows. “7C”S Principles in Business Letter-Writing“7C”S Principles in Business Letter-Writing 1 Courtesy 2 consideration 1 Courtesy 2 consideration 3 com

5、pleteness 4 concreteness 3 completeness 4 concreteness 5 clarity 6 conciseness 5 clarity 6 conciseness 7 correctness 7 correctness 一、一、 知识链接知识链接2. The Structure of a Business Letter2. The Structure of a Business Letter A business letter basically consists of A business letter basically consists of t

6、he following 13 parts.the following 13 parts.uthe letterhead the letterhead uthe reference number the reference number uthe date the date uthe inside name and address the inside name and address uThe attention lineThe attention lineuthe salutation the salutation uthe subject linethe subject line一、一、

7、 知识链接知识链接uthe body of the letterthe body of the letteruthe complimentary close the complimentary close uthe signature enclosurethe signature enclosureuthe subject line the subject line uthe carbon copy notationthe carbon copy notationupostscriptpostscript一、一、 知识链接知识链接 Letterhead2. Reference Number3.

8、 Date 4. Inside Name and Address5. The Salutation6. The Subject Line7. The Body of the Letter - -Example(combined-form style) 一、一、 知识链接知识链接- - - 8. The Complimentary Close 9. The Signature10. The Reference Notation11. Enclosure Notation12. Carbon Copy Notation13. Postscript一、一、 知识链接知识链接3. Envelope-A

9、ddressing 3. Envelope-Addressing China National Chemicals Import & Export CompanyDalian, China Overseas Trading Co. 279 Market Street London, E.C.8 stampAIR MAIL一、一、 知识链接知识链接China National Chemicals Import & Export Company Dalian, China Overseas Trading Co. 279 Market Street London, E.C.8 st

10、ampAIR MAILor一、一、 知识链接知识链接4. The Layout of a Business Letter4. The Layout of a Business Letter梳理一下,商务信函有几种常用格式?每种格式的特点是什么?梳理一下,商务信函有几种常用格式?每种格式的特点是什么?(1 1)Indented StyleIndented Style(缩进式)(缩进式) 缩进式的英文书信,信头、信内地址的每行文字均比上行向右缩进一两个字母,正文的每段文字的首行也向右缩进四个字母,签名打印时也应该比结束语缩进三四个字母。(2 2)Combined-form StyleCombine

11、d-form Style(混合式)(混合式) 混合式的英文书信,信头、主题栏居中,日期、结束语和签名放在右边且每行文字齐头;信内地址各行文字及称谓左边齐头;正文每段起行向右缩进四五个字母。 ?一、一、 知识链接知识链接(3 3)Full Block StyleFull Block Style(全齐头式)(全齐头式) 全齐头式的英文书信,要求将信头、收信人的姓名、信内地址等以及正文(包括每段起行)、结束语和签名均靠左边齐头对齐。(4 4)Modified-block StyleModified-block Style(改良齐头式)(改良齐头式) 改良齐头式的英文书信,除了信头居中,结束语、日期和

12、签名放在右边外,要求将收信人的姓名、地址等以及正文(包括每段起行)均靠左边齐头对齐。一、一、 知识链接知识链接根据所学来判断一下,即可得知:根据所学来判断一下,即可得知:Letter 1Letter 1 Should be Full Block Style Full Block Style Letter 2Letter 2 Should be Modified- block StyleModified- block Style Letter 3Letter 3 Should be Indented StyleIndented Style Letter 4Letter 4 Should be C

13、ombined-block StyleCombined-block Style二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴三、业务初探三、业务初探 Arrange the following in proper form as they should be Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter.set out in a letter. Basically, there are four acceptable formats for Basically, there are four accept

14、able formats for business letters. Students can choose one of the layouts as business letters. Students can choose one of the layouts as his/her style. The following is just a sample.his/her style. The following is just a sample. 三、业务初探三、业务初探四、核心技能训练四、核心技能训练-Arrange the given parts in a proper form

15、Arrange the given parts in a proper form as they should be set out in a business letter.as they should be set out in a business letter.The EndThe End任务任务 2 2 撰写一封建立业务关系信函撰写一封建立业务关系信函主要内容:主要内容:一、一、 知识链接知识链接二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴 三、业务初探三、业务初探四、核心词汇英汉互译训练四、核心词汇英汉互译训练五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练六、能力迁移六、能力迁移一、知识链接一、知识链接 E

16、stablishing business relations is the first step in a transaction in foreign trade. If a new firm, or rather a certain corporation of ours, wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from the firms in foreign countries, the persons in charge must first of all find out whom they

17、 are going to deal with. We should not only do everything possible to consolidate old customers but also seek new ones to enlarge our business. 一、知识链接一、知识链接 Writing letters to new customers for the establishment of relations is a common practice in business communications. To establish business rela

18、tions with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures either for a newly established firms or an old one that hopes to enlarge its business scope and turnover. There are several channels through which importers and exporters can get to know each other.一、知识链接一、知识链接1 Channels for obt

19、aining information about a new firm1) banks1) banks2) Chamber of Commerce both at home and 2) Chamber of Commerce both at home and abroadabroad( (国内外商会国内外商会) )3) trade directory3) trade directory(贸易行行名录)(贸易行行名录)4) Chinese Commercial Counselors Office in 4) Chinese Commercial Counselors Office in for

20、eign countriesforeign countries( (中国驻国外商务参赞处中国驻国外商务参赞处) )5) advertisements in newspaper or 5) advertisements in newspaper or periodicalsperiodicals一、知识链接一、知识链接6) the introduction from his business 6) the introduction from his business connections /recommendation by others, connections /recommendatio

21、n by others, such as his subsidiaries or branches, such as his subsidiaries or branches, agents abroad agents abroad 7) the market survey7) the market survey8) visiting abroad by trade delegations and 8) visiting abroad by trade delegations and groupsgroups9) attendance at the export commodities 9)

22、attendance at the export commodities fairsfairs10) internet10) internet一、知识链接一、知识链接2. Useful SentencesWe owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of the Swiss.Office of the Swiss. 2 2)We now avail ourselves of this opport

23、unity to write to We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you with a view to entering into business relations with you.you. 1) 3 3)Through the courtesy of Mr. Smith, we are given to Through the courtesy of Mr. Smith, we are give

24、n to understand that you are one of the leading importers of understand that you are one of the leading importers of electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relations with us. relations with us. 一、知识链接一、知识链接3. Writing St

25、eps Indicate where you get the information about the person or company to whom you are writing the letter.2) Express your intention for export or import.3) Make a brief introduction to your business scope, experience and products.4) Make the reference as to your firms credit standing.1)5) Convey exp

26、ectation for co-operation and an early reply 二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴1 1)through the courtesy ofthrough the courtesy of承蒙承蒙的告知,经的告知,经介绍介绍“由某处得知某人的姓名和地址由某处得知某人的姓名和地址”的英文表述方式如下:的英文表述方式如下:learn/know/obtain/note ones name and address fromlearn/know/obtain/note ones name and address fromowe ones name and address

27、 toowe ones name and address tothrough the courtesy ofthrough the courtesy ofon the recommendation ofon the recommendation ofbe recommended/introduced/given to sb. bybe recommended/introduced/given to sb. bythrough the courtesy of our Commercial Counselors Office of the through the courtesy of our C

28、ommercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A. Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A. (我们)从中国驻美国大使馆商务参赞处(得知贵公司的名称和地址。)(我们)从中国驻美国大使馆商务参赞处(得知贵公司的名称和地址。)二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴2 2)informinformv v. . 通知,告知通知,告知inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事inform sb. that通知某人某事Please inform us of the name of steamer and dat

29、e of shipment.请告知船名和装运期。二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴3 3)specialize inspecialize in专门经营专门经营The corporation is specialized in the export business of electronic products.本公司专营电子产品出口业务。Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.我方专业从事中国食品出口,希望在此行与你

30、方进行贸易。二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴4 4)fall within the business scope offall within the business scope of属于某人经营范属于某人经营范围围类似表达方式还有:类似表达方式还有:come under the range of/lie within the scope of come under the range of/lie within the scope of 5 5)enter intoenter into开始(建立)开始(建立)类似表达方式:类似表达方式:establish/build/set up estab

31、lish/build/set up We wish to enter into business relations with you.We wish to enter into business relations with you.我方希望与贵方建立业务关系。我方希望与贵方建立业务关系。二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴6 6)give you a general idea ofgive you a general idea of概要向你介绍一下概要向你介绍一下7 7)encloseenclosev v. . 随函附寄随函附寄We enclosed our latest product ca

32、talogue.We enclosed our latest product catalogue.我们随函寄上最新目录。我们随函寄上最新目录。8 8)leafletleafletn n. . 小册子,散页印刷品小册子,散页印刷品类似表达方式:类似表达方式:pamphlet/brochure/bookletpamphlet/brochure/booklet9 9)handlehandlev v. . 经营(某种或某类商品)经营(某种或某类商品)类似的表达方式:类似的表达方式:to trade in/to deal in/be in lineto trade in/to deal in/be in

33、 line1010)specificationspecificationn n. . 规格规格二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴1111)quotationquotationn n. . 报价报价 Thank you for your quotation for the computerThank you for your quotation for the computer. . 感谢你方对电脑的报价。感谢你方对电脑的报价。1212)samplesamplen n. . 样品样品1313)upon receipt ofupon receipt of一收到一收到 Upon receipt of

34、your shipping instructions, we Upon receipt of your shipping instructions, we will send the goods. will send the goods. 收到你方的装船说明,我方即发送货物。收到你方的装船说明,我方即发送货物。1414)specific enquiryspecific enquiry具体询盘具体询盘二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴1 1)with reference towith reference to关于,有关关于,有关类似表述:类似表述:with regard to /as for /a

35、s towith regard to /as for /as to 2 2)linelinen n. . 行业行业We have been for many years in the household We have been for many years in the household appliances line.appliances line.我公司经营家用电器已有很多年了。我公司经营家用电器已有很多年了。二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴3 3)in compliance within compliance with按照,根据按照,根据 类似表达有:类似表达有: in accord

36、ance with/ as per/ according to/ in accordance with/ as per/ according to/ with regard to/ with reference to/with regard to/ with reference to/ In compliance with your request, we are In compliance with your request, we are sending you some samples for your sending you some samples for your examinat

37、ion.examination. 应要求,我方寄样品供你方查看。应要求,我方寄样品供你方查看。二、职场经验借鉴二、职场经验借鉴4 4)leadingleadingadjadj. . 占主导地位的,大的占主导地位的,大的5 5)in your areain your area在你地,在你处在你地,在你处6 6)for ones information/referencefor ones information/reference供供参考参考7 7)orderordern n. . 订单订单8 8)meet ones requirementmeet ones requirement满足满足的要求的

38、要求(需要)(需要)三、业务初探三、业务初探Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs, Having obtained your name and address from the Having obtained your name and address from the Internet, we are writing you in the hope of Internet, we are writing you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.establishing business relations wi

39、th you. We are one of the largest trade companies in the We are one of the largest trade companies in the U.S.A., and having offices in most major cities in U.S.A., and having offices in most major cities in our country. At present, we are interested in various our country. At present, we are intere

40、sted in various kinds of Chinese textiles and should appreciate your kinds of Chinese textiles and should appreciate your catalogue.catalogue. We look forward to hearing from you soon. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully, 三、业务初探三、业务初探 看完此信函,兴奋之余,小梅急于知道该如何看完此信

41、函,兴奋之余,小梅急于知道该如何给其发一封信函,表明愿意与其建立业务关系。给其发一封信函,表明愿意与其建立业务关系。这封信函该怎样写呢?这封信函该怎样写呢? 信函主要写作要点已经清信函主要写作要点已经清楚,那这封完整的信函该怎样写呢?楚,那这封完整的信函该怎样写呢? 分析:信函应包括以下要点:分析:信函应包括以下要点: 1 1)本公司主要从事纺织品、服装、鞋帽等出)本公司主要从事纺织品、服装、鞋帽等出口。口。 2 2)欲建立业务关系。)欲建立业务关系。 3 3)随函寄宣传册一本。)随函寄宣传册一本。三、业务初探三、业务初探参考答案参考答案Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs, We know

42、n your name and address from the We known your name and address from the website of and note with website of and note with pleasure the items of your demand just fall pleasure the items of your demand just fall within the scope of our business line. First within the scope of our business line. First

43、 of all, we avail ourselves of this of all, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce our company in opportunity to introduce our company in order to be acquainted with you.order to be acquainted with you. 三、业务初探三、业务初探 Our firm is an Chinese exporter of Our firm is an Chinese exporter of v

44、arious Canned Foodstuffs. We highly hope to various Canned Foodstuffs. We highly hope to establish business relations with your establish business relations with your esteemed company on the basis of mutual esteemed company on the basis of mutual benefit in an earlier date. we are sending a benefit

45、in an earlier date. we are sending a catalogue and a pricelist under separate catalogue and a pricelist under separate cover for your reference. We will submit our cover for your reference. We will submit our best price to you upon receipt of your best price to you upon receipt of your concrete inqu

46、iry.concrete inquiry. We are looking forward to receiving your We are looking forward to receiving your earlier reply.earlier reply.四核心词汇英汉互译训练四核心词汇英汉互译训练1专营专营 specialize in 2. 供你方参考供你方参考 for ones information/reference 3. 建立业务关系建立业务关系 establish/build/set up business relations with sb. 4. 商务参赞处商务参赞处

47、Commercial Counselors Office 5. 目录目录 catalogue 6. 一收到一收到 upon receipt of 7. quotation 报价报价 8. leading exporter 大出口商大出口商9. enclose 随函附寄随函附寄 10. with reference to 关于关于五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练训练训练1 1:将下列信函译成汉语:将下列信函译成汉语Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs, We owe your name and address to the Bank of We owe your name and addres

48、s to the Bank of China, Lagos Branch, through whom we have learnt you China, Lagos Branch, through whom we have learnt you are exporters of Chinese textiles and cotton piece are exporters of Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods. For your information, textiles are our main goods. For your informat

49、ion, textiles are our main import, but now we are specially interested in import, but now we are specially interested in importing Printed Shirting from your country.importing Printed Shirting from your country. If you can assure us of workable prices, If you can assure us of workable prices, excell

50、ent quality and prompt delivery, we shall be excellent quality and prompt delivery, we shall be able to deal in these goods on a substantial scale.able to deal in these goods on a substantial scale. 五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练 We would therefore highly appreciate it if you We would therefore highly appreciate

51、it if you would send us by airmail catalogues, sample books would send us by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information regarding Printed and all necessary information regarding Printed Shirting, so as to acquaint us with the material Shirting, so as to acquaint us with the mater

52、ial and workmanship of your supplies.and workmanship of your supplies. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练敬启者:敬启者: 我们从中国银行拉各斯分行得知贵公司的名称我们从中国银行拉各斯分行得知贵公司的名称和地址,知道贵公司是纺织品和棉布匹的出口商。和地址,知道贵公司是纺织品和棉布匹的出口商。我,我们主要进口纺织品,但是目前我们有意从贵我,我们主要进口纺

53、织品,但是目前我们有意从贵国进口印花棉布。国进口印花棉布。 如果贵方能够保证合理的价格,优良的质量并如果贵方能够保证合理的价格,优良的质量并迅速交货,我们会就此产品做一笔大的交易。迅速交货,我们会就此产品做一笔大的交易。 因此如果贵方能够航寄给我们目录、样品书及因此如果贵方能够航寄给我们目录、样品书及所有相关信息,以便我们能够对贵方供货的材料及所有相关信息,以便我们能够对贵方供货的材料及工艺有所了解,我们将不胜感激。工艺有所了解,我们将不胜感激。 盼早复。盼早复。五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练敬启者:敬启者: 我们从远大进出口公司得知贵公司商号与地址,特此来我们从远大进出口公司得知贵公司商号

54、与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵公司建立业务关系。多年来,本公司经营休函,希望能同贵公司建立业务关系。多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类(见下图)进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围,请惠寄闲鞋类(见下图)进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围,请惠寄商品目录与报价单。商品目录与报价单。 恭候佳音。恭候佳音。 谨上谨上 五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练训练训练2 2 参考答案参考答案 Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of Jan.21 ,2010 , With reference to your letter of Jan.21 ,2010 , we

55、are glad to learn that you wish to enter into we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into relations with this corporation in the line of relations with this corporation in the line of textiles.textiles. In compliance with your request, we are sending In compliance with your request, we are send

56、ing you by air a catalogue together with a range of you by air a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.pamphlets for your reference. 五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练训练训练2 2 参考答案参考答案 If any of the items listed in the catalogue If any of the items listed in the catalogue meets your interest,

57、 please let us have your meets your interest, please let us have your specific enquiry, and our quotation will be specific enquiry, and our quotation will be forwarded without delay.forwarded without delay. In the meantime, you are requested to furnish In the meantime, you are requested to furnish u

58、s with the name of your bank prior to the us with the name of your bank prior to the conclusion of the first transaction between us.conclusion of the first transaction between us. Best Regards, Best Regards,五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练训练训练3 3:根据下述情境,完成相应的信函:根据下述情境,完成相应的信函 写作情境:宁波宏远食品进出口有限公司,主写作情境:宁波宏远食品进出口有限公司,

59、主营各类罐头食品(见下图)。该公司业务员从阿里营各类罐头食品(见下图)。该公司业务员从阿里巴巴网站上看到加拿大凯顿食品贸易公司的名称和巴巴网站上看到加拿大凯顿食品贸易公司的名称和地址,于是欲去函表示愿意与其建立友好的业务关地址,于是欲去函表示愿意与其建立友好的业务关系,并另函寄一份产品目录和价格表以供参考,希系,并另函寄一份产品目录和价格表以供参考,希望能够收到具体的询盘。请根据上述内容拟写一封望能够收到具体的询盘。请根据上述内容拟写一封信函,要求内容完整、术语使用准确、句式表达规信函,要求内容完整、术语使用准确、句式表达规范。范。五、核心技能训练五、核心技能训练训练训练3 3 参考答案参考答

60、案 Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs, We known your name and address from the We known your name and address from the website of and note with pleasure website of and note with pleasure the items of your demand just fall within the the items of your demand just fall within the scope of our business line. First of all,


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