1、牛津 8A Unit 1 Friends 教案(教材分析)Language functions and focus1. Use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone/somethinge.g.: She has short hair.Her hair is short.2. Use comparatives to compare two people /thingse.g.: Sandys hair is longer than Millies hair.3. Use superlative
2、s to compare three or more people thingse.g.: He is the tallest boy in my class.4. Use as+ adjective+ as to compare people / thingse.g.: Millie is as tall as Kitty.5. Use adjectives to describe someones physical features and appearancee.g.: Sandy is tall and has long hair.Language skillsListening1.
3、Identify main ideas to obtain information about a friend2. Interpret information to obtain a general understanding of the people in aconversation3. Identify specific and relevant information to complete letters about teenagersfuture plansSpeaking1. Use questions and answers to talk about peoples app
4、earance and personality2. Use everyday expressions to show agreement and confirm informationReading1. Guess general meaning from keywords and context2. Skim text for overall meaning and scan for details3. Identify specific information about different people from their friendsdescriptionsWriting1. Co
5、llect information and organize ideas to describe the appearance and personalityof a friend2. Produce a particular text-type for an audience using a given modelStudy skillsLook for main points and keywords to help understand and remember a passagemore easilyBackground informationBook 8A continues the
6、 story about the lives and experiences of the six centralcharacters introduced in Book 7A. Here, the characters are Grade 8 students. Yourstudents will be able to identify with the different situations and contexts. Languageis presented through real-life experiences, exposing students to real commun
7、ication.Overview of the unitThe main topic of this unit is describing the appearance and the qualities of a goodfriend. Students learn to talk about their friends and their future plans.Unit openingBackground informationThe opening page arouses students interest in the topic of the unit through the
8、funnyinteractions of two cartoon characters (Eddie and Hobo). This opening pageintroduces the idea of friendship and sharing.Warm-up activities1. Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Check understanding of kindand share. Ask,e.g.: What does Eddie give Hobo? (He gives him some cake and milk.
9、)Is there anything else in the fridge? (No, there isnt.)What does Hobo want? (He wants to share Eddies pizza in the bowl.)2. Introduce the idea of sharing and friendship. Ask,e.g.: Are Eddie and Hobo good friends? (Yes, they are. They share things.)Who do you like more? Why? ( I like Eddie because h
10、e shares his food withHobo.)Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation in front of the class.牛津 8AUnit1 教案(1 课时)Welcome to the unitObjectives1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe people2. To guess meaning from context3. To generate ideas about peoples appearance and perso
11、nalities4. To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according topersonal preferencesBackground informationThis section introduces students to the unit topic about different personalities offriends. Students answer some questions in a magazine about the qualities of a best
12、friend. It also preteaches some useful words and expressions.Teaching procedures1. Ask more able studentse.g.: Do you have a special friend? What makes him/her special?Accept all reasonable answers. (He/She helps me with my homework. I can alwaystalk to him/her about my problems, etc.)2. Ask student
13、s to look at Part A and explain that they will be reading anadvertisement in “Teenagers magazine. They have to match the qualities with thequestions. For weaker classes, go through the words and phrases on the left. Thenask each question at a time and invite students to say the correct word or phras
14、e.Then ask the class to write the correct letters on their own.3. Go around the class to check that students have written the correct letters.4. Ask more able students to think of other qualities of a good friend, e.g., generous,clever, kind, understands my problems, makes me laugh. Write the words
15、andphrases on the board.5. Read the list of words in Part B and chick that students understand their meanings.Check also understanding of quite important and very important.6. On the board, write What qualities of a good friend are important to you?. Askthe class to think carefully about what qualit
16、ies they appreciate in friends and putticks under the correct headings in the table. Encourage students to work on theirown. Then ask them to compare their answers with a partner. Ask individualstudents to tell the rest of the class about their own choice and their partners choiceof qualities. Write
17、 some structures on the board to enable students to focus on thechoice of adjectives and to maintain a fluent oral performance.Extension activityYou can copy the table. More able students can add more adjectives describingqualities of a good friend. Students can also interview several classmates usi
18、ng thistable. They should write tally marks instead of ticks in the table. Then they cancompare their results with a partner or in class to find out which qualities are themost popular.GameAsk each student to write three adjectives or phrases to describe a classmate on apiece of paper. Remind studen
19、ts to write his or her name as well. Encourage them towork on their own and not to show their choice of words to other students. Thencollect the pieces of paper and put them together. Draw one at a time and read eachdescription. Invite the class to guess whom it describes.牛津 8A Unit1 教案(2 课时)Reading
20、Objectives1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details3. To identify specific information about different people form their friendsdescriptions4. To use adjectives to describe peoples appearance and characteristics5. To recognize the
21、 use of comparatives and superlativesPart ABackground informationThis section presents three letters about best friends for a writing competition heldby Teenagers magazine. The context invites students to think about qualities intheir friends.Teaching procedures1. Review key vocabulary according to
22、the general ability of the class. Tell the classabout a friend or relative. If possible, show his/her photo. Say,e.g.: My best friend is small and thin with long hair. She is very smart and helpful.Then ask questions to check understanding. (Is my friend tall? Is her hair short orlong? Is she willin
23、g to help?)2. Divide the class into three groups and allocate one article to each group. Whilestudents skim the text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do notknow. Then go through the words students have underlined.3. On the board, write the headings Appearance and Personality. Ask e
24、achgroup to go through their letter again and find words or expressions to match eachheading. Invite students from each group to come forward and write their words andexpressions under the correct heading.4. Write the following questions on the board for students to copy in their books.What does he/
25、she look like? (For appearance)What kind of person is he/she? (For personality)What does he/she do or want to do in the future? (For future plan)Invite students from each group to ask and answer these questions and describe theteenager in each article.Part BTeaching procedure1. Explain the context a
26、nd check that students understand what an editor ofmagazine or newspaper does. Then review the adjectives and nouns in the box inPart B1. Ask students to find the words in the articles on page4.2. Ask students to do Part B1 on their own. Tell them that they need to look forspecific details, which fi
27、t each of the persons described in the articles. Encouragestudents to check their answers with a partner. Then ask students to read out thecompleted captions one at a time.3. Explain the context of Part B2 and ask students to find each description in thecorresponding letter. Point to the photos in P
28、art B2 and ask more able students tobriefly describe each person. For weaker classes, read the sentences to the studentsand ask them to match them with the correct photos. Students could workindividually or in pairs.Game1. Cut out some pictures of people of different height and appearance. Number th
29、epictures or give familiar names to each person in the pictures (Mary, Tom, Peter,ect.). Stick the pictures on the board. Describe one of the people without pointing oreven liking at his/her photo. Invite students to guess the person you have described.(Thats picture number five./ Thats Mary.) Then
30、ask individual students to do thesame while the rest of the class guess the person.2. Alternatively, you can divide the class into three or four competing teams. Eachteam can work out description for the other teams to guess. Give a score only for thefirst correct guess.Part CTeaching procedures1. E
31、xplain the context of Part C1and read the six sentences for weaker classes.Depending on students abilities, set this activity either as an individual activity or asa quiz.2. If you use it as a quiz, divide the class into teams of 4-5 students. Set a time limit.The team who gets all the correct answe
32、rs first is the winner.3. Alternatively, you can ask students to close their books while you are readingeach sentence. Give a score to the team who gives the first correct answer.4. Ask students to correct the false sentences.5. Ask more able students to do the extra sentences in Part C1. You can al
33、so askthem to correct the false sentences.6. Explain the context of Part C2and check that students understand the idea ofvoting for somebodyor something. If time allows, organize a class vote. Name a job,e.g., a class monitor, a student representative, etc. ask stronger classes to make a listof qual
34、ities required for the job. Write all the qualities suggested by the students onthe board. For weaker classes, provide this table with the adjectives.Then ask the students to vote for each quality. Before each vote, invite more ablestudents to explain why they will vote or not vote for that particul
35、ar quality. Acceptall reasonable answers, e.g.: I will vote for clever because its important that aclass monitor learns and understands things quickly.7. For weaker classes, read the sentences in the speech bubbles before you ask thestudents to find out who each of the characters will vote for and f
36、ill in the blanks.Then ask Who will Amy/ Simon/ Sandy vote for? to check the answers.8. Divide students into pairs and ask them to vote for one of the best friendsdescribed in the articles on page4. Write down the number of votes for each personon the board.Extension activityOrganize a class vote fo
37、r a best friend. Ona piece of paper, ask students to write abrief description about a person they consider to be a best friend. Invite 6-7studentsto put up their descriptions on the board. Then read the descriptions one at a timeand ask the class to vote for one of them. Ask individual students why
38、they havevoted for that particular person.牛津 8A Unit1 教案(3 课时)VocabularyObjectives1. To use adjectives to describe peoples physical features2. To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people3. To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance ofboys and girlsBac
39、kground informationThis section develops the use of adjectives to describe peoples appearance. Studentsshould be encouraged to develop their range of adjectives as much as possible usingthe tasks on the page as a starting point.As students become more and more able to understand the subtle meanings
40、of words,they will be able to develop ways of accessing imaginative and creative texts tofoster genuine interest and pleasure in what they read. In turn, they will gradually beable to use adjectives to write more interesting and creative texts themselves.Teaching procedures1. Explain the context of
41、the tasks. Ask students to study the pictures and words. Forweaker classes, go through the words and preteach unknown words. Ask students todo Part A on their own first and then compare answers with a partner. Ask severalstudents to read their answers to check correct use of adjectives.2. Go through
42、 the words in the box in Part B. less able students are not likely toknow the adjectives which are only suitable to describe males or females. You mayneed to give them some hints. Ask students to use the words in sentences to checkthat they understand the meanings and use of words. Then ask students
43、 to completethe lists in groups of 4-5.Check answers orally with the class.Extension activities1. Ask students to find more adjectives for each category of the adjectives used inPart A. draw this table on the board and brainstorm as many words as possible.Go through the adjectives and ask students t
44、o draw simple illustrations of theadjectives on pieces of paper. Invite some students to show their illustrations to therest of the class.Provide pictures of people either pinned up on the board or cut out of magazines togroups of four students. Fay an adjective and ask students to find a pictureill
45、ustrating it.2. Ask students to select and write suitable adjectives to describe themselves on apiece of paper. Invite some students to come forward and read the adjectives. Makesure that the atmosphere is supportive and that the rest of the class do not make anyunpleasant comments.3. Ask students t
46、o describe their friends, classmates, relatives or pop/sports starsusing the adjectives they have learned. For stronger classes, encourage them to useany adjectives.Game1. Bring some pictures of people into the classroom or ask students to being pictures.These can be magazine or newspaper cuttings o
47、r photos. Divide students into groupsof five. Give a picture to only one student in each group and ask him/her not to showit to the other students. Give blank pieces of paper to the other students. The studentwith the picture describes the features of the person in the picture while the otherstudent
48、s draw the person. Onthe board, display the drawings together with theoriginal picture. For stronger classes, invite students to find out the mistakes. Forweaker classes, ask students to vote for the best drawing which resembles thepicture.2. Alternatively, tell students who are drawing the pictures
49、 to ask as many questionsas possible to get information about the person they are drawing, e.g., Is yourperson a boy/ a man/ a woman/ tall /small /fat /thin? Is his/ her face square/ round?The student looking at the picture is only allowed to say Yes. or No.牛津 8A Unit1 教案(4 课时)GrammarObjectives1. To
50、 use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone/something2. To use comparatives to compare two people/ things3. To use superlatives to compare three or more people/ things4. To compare two people/ things using (not) as+ adjective+ asBackground informationThis section furt
51、her develops the use of adjectives already introduced in the readingand vocabulary sections. The story moves on from describing best friends for amagazine competition to describing classmates at Beijing Sunshine SecondarySchool. Daniel wants to write to his e-friends about his classmates. We already
52、know some students features from earlier passages but we will learn more abouttheir physical appearance and abilities in this section. Most adjectives are familiar sothat students are able to focus on using them accurately in sentences. The use of(not) as+ adjective+ as is introduced in the context
53、of a survey about outdooractivities.Part ATeaching procedures1. Tell students that we use adjectives to describe people and things. Explain that wecan put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb. Read the examples on thepage and invite students to think of more examples. Prompt students b
54、y giving anexample with an adjective, e.g., placed before a noun, and ask students to put theadjective, e.g., after a linking verb and make another sentence.2. For weaker classes, read the linking verbs in the tip box and check understanding.For stronger lasses, elicit the verbs.3. For less able stu
55、dents, go through the words in Part A to check understanding.Ask students to rearrange the words on their own. Then invite several students toread out their complete sentences to check the answers.4. Give less able students some extra words to rearrange and form completesentences. You can use the ad
56、ditional items on the page. For stronger classes, dividethe students onto pairs and ask each student to think of some jumbled words forhis/her partner to rearrange into a complete sentence. Make sure students includeadjectives in their sentences. To make the activity meaningful, tell students todesc
57、ribe friends, classmates or other familiar people.Part BTeaching procedures1. It is a good idea to use pictures of people, animals or things to teach comparativesand superlatives. For example, use pictures of two pop/sports stars, to elicitexamples with comparative forms, e.g., Jacky is taller than
58、Andy. Andy is thinnerthan Jacky. Andy is more handsome than Jacky. Make sure you use both short andlong adjectives. Write the comparative forms on the board in two columns (short andlong adjectives) and try to elicit the rule form the students, e.g., we add -er to shortadjectives and use more for lo
59、ng adjectives. Then we add than after thecomparatives.2. Add one or two more pictures of pop/sports stars to elicit examples withsuperlative forms. Write the superlative forms on the board in two columns (shortand long adjectives) and try to elicit the rule form students, e.g., we add -est toshort a
60、djectives and use most for long adjectives. Then we add the before thesuperlatives.3. For stronger classes, point out the exceptions, e.g., more pleased, the mostpleased; more real, the most real.4. The table shows the change of form of adjectives when -er/ -est or more/most are added. It also inclu
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