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1、一、单项填空。1.Its impolite to cut in line when you _ a bus at the bus stop.A. ask forB. look forC. care forD. wait for2. Can a plane fly _the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go _the clouds for hours.A. across; throughB. through; acrossC. across; acrossD. through; through3. Mr Hu, can you tell us how

2、to learn maths well?Sure. But remember nothing can be learned _hard work.A. byB. at C. withoutD. for4.Please try _late for school next time.A. to not beB. not beC. not to beD. to be not5. The soldiers went to the other side of the street side_side.A. by B. in C. to D. with6.They got up early _they c

3、ould catch the early bus.A. becauseB. untilC. so thatD. that7.Can you show me_ an e-mail, please?A. how to sendB. what to sendC. when to sendD. how send8.Mary says she will give me a call _ she arrives in London.A. as soon asB. as well asC. as much asD. as usual as9.To keep the classroom clean, plea

4、se _waste paper whenever you see it.A. throw awayB. pick upC. put upD. send up10. I met many new words _I was reading the English novel. A. if B. thoughC. whileD. before二、完形填空。 Tambun Gediu, now badly hurt and staying in hospital, says it was his wife that saved his life from the mouth of a tiger.“I

5、 was _11_ a rabbit in the forest not far from my home and was ready to catch it when I saw the _12_. Thats when I realized that I was being followed,” said Mr. Gediu. The tiger jumped at Mr. Gediu at once. He stood there with great _13_ so that he did not know what to do for a moment, and then he tr

6、ied _14_ a tree to keep away from the animal, _15_ was pulled down by the tiger.His wife, 55yearold Han Besau, who was in the kitchen, heard the noise, realizing it was coming from the_16_ where her husband was looking for rabbits and she_17_ the nearest “weapon(武器)” a wooden ladle(长柄勺)rushed out of

7、 the _18_ and into the nearby forest. Seeing her husband _19_ hard to stop the tiger tearing(撕裂)him to pieces, she ran _20_ at the animal, shouting at the top of her voice and hitting its head with the ladle until it ran off.Tambun had to wait more than 10 hours before he could be taken to hospital

8、in the nearest town, Gerik, because his village was very far.It was the first time that a tiger had come at someone in the village.11. A. cooking B. following C. feeding D. drawing12. A .rabbit B. tree C. weapon D. tiger13. A. fear B. fun C. attention D. surprise14. A cutting B. finding C. catching

9、D. climbing15. A. or B. so C. but D. and16. A. area B. market C. town D. village17. A. picked up B. dressed up C. made up D. set up18. A. hospital B. bedroom C. kitchen D. bathroom19. A. thinking B. fighting C. waiting D. running20. A. seriously B. luckily C. carefully D. quickly三阅读理解 AA bully is a

10、person who enjoys hurting other people. A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them. 85% of children in the UK have been bullied(欺侮)at least once.How can I tell if a person is a bully?He or she will·try to find your weak pointperhaps you are shy, nervous or easily made worried.·m

11、ake fun of(取笑)you in front of your friends.·borrow money then wont pay you back.What can I do if a bully bothers (骚扰)me?·Tell the bully to leave you alone.·Do not be afraid to ask other people for help, even though the bully tells you not to.·Do not feel ashamed(羞愧)because you ha

12、ve been bullied. You have done nothing wrong! The bully should feel ashamed.·Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you.What should I do if I see a bully bothering someone?·Help people who are being bullied, even though you dont know them.·Be a friend to people who are bulli

13、ed.·Tell a teacher if you see bullying.·Tell bullies to stop. Sometimes bullies are afraid, too.Why do some people become bullies?Some bullies·have never learnt to think about other peoples feelings.·dont like themselves, so they are sad. They think they will be happy if they mak

14、e another person sad.·have been bullied themselves by other bullies.Can bullies change?Yes! Bullies can change when they learn to think about other peoples feelings.Sometimes bullies must be punished(惩罚)before they understand. Sometimes, bullies just need friends. 21. A bully often _.A. makes p

15、eople think about themselves B. borrows money but doesnt returnC. helps people when they are in trouble D. thinks about other peoples feelings 22. If you see a bully bothering your friends, you should _.A. leave them alone B. help them stop the bullyC. make them ashamed D. tell them they are wrong 2

16、3. Which of the following is true?A. Bullies say bad words to people. B. Bullies like themselves very much.C. Bullies make people around them happy. D. Bullies must always be punished. 23. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Bullies Can Change B. World Without BullyingC. Bullying Is Ever

17、ywhere D. Bullying Around Us BJess really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning, he found an invitation(请柬)on his desk. It was from several of his classmates asking him to join them on a camping trip. This was the first time he was asked to join in an out-of-scho

18、ol activity. Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed to like him. In fact, he had been so lonely that he drowned his feeling with food. As a result, he had put on a lot of weight, and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him.Cindy, who was standing near Jess when he read the invitati

19、on, went out quickly to tell the others that the trick(恶作剧)had worked. Everyone was pleased that Jess thought that was true. But there was no camping trip. The whole thing was made up.At first, Cindy thought it was fun. But later, when Jess told her that he was going to buy a sleeping bag with his s

20、avings(积蓄), Cindy had a second idea. She knew that Jesss family had little money, and she hated to see him spend his savings on something he would never use. Cindy also hated to tell Jess the truth. Her close friends would be angry with her.What could she do now?25. The sentence“he drowned his feeli

21、ng with food”means“ ”.A. he ate a lot to make himself feel less lonelyB. he asked for a lot of food from his classmatesC. he brought his food to his classmatesD. he had a lot of food to put on weight26. What would happen if Cindy told Jess the truth?A. Jess would go on the camping trip himself.B. Je

22、sss family would be angry with Cindy.C. Cindy might have trouble with her friends.D. Jess would be thankful to his classmates.27. If Jess really bought a sleeping bag, .A. everyone else would also buy one B. it would be the best in the classC. Cindy would pay for it D. He would have it for no use28.

23、 From the story we can guess .A. everybody would go camping in the classB. Jess had few friends in the classC. Cindy was Jesss best friend I the classD. Jess joined in many out-of-school activities29. Choose the best title for this passage.A. Jess and His School B. Jess and His FriendsC. An Invitati

24、on for Jess D. Jess and His Camping TipC阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Tim was reading a book at home. Someone knocked on the door. He opened the door. 30 .“My name is Rebecca,” said the lady. “Youve got to help me!”“Take it easy, ” 31 . “What happened?”“My grandma died last month.

25、She left all her money, about $1,000,000 to me. She told me she had saved the money in a bank. 32 .”“But yesterday when I went to the bank, I only got an envelope(信封)with nothing in it. The money is gone!” Rebecca took the envelope out of her handbag and gave it to Tim.Tim looked at it carefully und

26、er the light. It was just an envelope with two old stamps on it. 33 .“Dont worry, Rebecca,” he said. “Your money is still here.”ATim gave her a cup of tea BHe thought for a while and smiled CIt was a worried young ladyDShe found the money in her handbagE I could go to get it after her death四.任务型阅读(共

27、10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列各题。A The Internet has become not only a necessary but also a virtual(虚拟的) world for people. With the development of the Internet, internet friendship has also become very popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet. Making i

28、nternet friends is the same as making pen friends. Many famous websites offer quite warm internet friendship. One can find many people on these websites and they share the same interests. It is difficult to make friends with someone you cant see or feel. That is the main problem of internet friendsh

29、ip. A virtual friendship would not last forever without seeing each other, but it is an advantage for some people because they are afraid to speak in pubic. On the other hand, the chances of cheating(欺骗) are very high in an internet friendship. Some people make friends on the Internet with wrong int

30、entions(企图).So while making friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. Here are some suggestions for you. ·Dont give personal information, such as your telephone number, address, location, school name as well as your parents information, to strangers on the Internet.·Do not exc

31、hange personal photos of you or any family member with people you meet over the Internet.·Do not go to meet a person you have just met over the Internet. Youd better ask older or other experienced people for advice if you want to go to meet an internet friend.·Do not accept someones request(要求) if you feel he or she is dishonest.根据上面短文的内容回答问题。34.Is the Internet necessary and virtual for people? _35.What is the main problem of internet friendship? _36.Why is the virtual friendship an advantage for some people? _37.Who can you ask for advice if you go to meet an int


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