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1、英文原文the achievements on the technology of the pressure vesselsabstractrecently european and u.s have issued their pressure equipment codes. especially in the pressure vessel code, the en 13445 from european and the asme viii-2 2007 from u.s significantly changed the technical contents and hand out t

2、he new design model and the methods on the foundation of a grand scale research. key words pressure vessels technology progressa. introductionnow the whole world has entered a period of economy globalization. standard internationalization is an inexorable trend of economic globalization. the charact

3、eristics of development trend of current standard technology are as follows:1. design method against failure mode;2. widely application of computer technology;3. more economic construction methods;4. technical specification which reflected comprehensive construction technology;5. more wide applicati

4、on range of product specification.6. to seek national competitive capacity in international trade.b. development in pressure vessel design technology1. technology development in materials used for pressure vesselsin recent years, it is obvious, that the pressure vessel products are getting larger an

5、d larger and with high technical references. nowadays, the main research achievement and technical progress in pressure vessel materials are as follows:2. development in design technologymodern structure design for pressure vessel is getting rid of the traditional concept step by step, to reflect th

6、e design concept with can satisfy technology requirement. in the view of failure mode, under the prerequisite of safety, actual result, safety and economic benefit are combined harmoniously. (1)design method in accordance with failure mode: synthesizing the technical standard of main industrial coun

7、tries in the world, consulting the content of european standards, the international standard iso 16528 classifies the common failure modes of boilers and pressure vessels into 3 classes and 14 kinds, that clearly defines the design technical application concept against failure modes:short term failu

8、re modes:l brittle fracturel ductile rupturel leakage at joints due to excessive deformationsl crack formation or ductile tearing due to excessive local strainsl instability elastic, plastic or elastic-plasticlong term failure modes:l creep rupturel creep - excessive deformations at mechanical joint

9、s or resulting in unacceptable transfer of loadl creep instabilityl erosion, corrosionl environmentally assisted cracking e.g. stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, etccyclic failure modes:l progressive plastic deformationl alternating plasticityl fatigue under elastic strains (mediu

10、m and high cycle fatigue) or under elastic-plastic strains (low cycle fatigue)for pressure equipment standard, at least the following failure modes must be considered in definition of design criterion and methods:l brittle fracturel ductile rupturel leakage at jointsl elastic or plastic instability

11、(2)complicate constitutive relationship and structurealong with the rapid development of computer capacity, now the pressure vessel design technology already can solve the problems about very complicate constitutive relationship or engineering with complicate structure. such as:l materials with diff

12、erent specification in different direction: composite materials, fiber winding pressure equipment;l combined structure analysis design: closed structure combined by flanges, gaskets and bolts, contact of multilaminate shells; l buckling and back buckling of complicate structure: stability analysis o

13、f large poles and combined structure of shell; l dynamic response of combined structure: earthquake response, piping vibration fluid inducting vibration, etc. (3) large-scale numerical value analysistraditional computer aided design (cad) has already transited into computer aided engineering (cae) s

14、tep by step. (4) analysis of multi-physical field couplingfor modern pressure equipment, the interaction between fluid and solid must be solved exactly, at the same time, thermal analysis and impact analysis are indispensable technical methods. therefore, the following problems must be solved too:l

15、coupling of fluid and solid: large vessels, transportation tanks, flowing inside pipingl multi phase flowing: boiler combustion, combustion and reflection of fluidized bed l heat transfer and medium: plate heat exchanger, efficiency of column plate, efficiency of distributor.l impact load: water-ham

16、mer phenomenon, impact(5) method to change safety coefficientin order to increase the competition of home made products, it is a universal trend for countries and regions all over the world to decrease the safety coefficient. the us standard (asme) and european unified standard for pressure vessels

17、(under making) also decreased relative safety coefficient. in asme code sec. viii div. 1 (2007 edition) nb has been decreased to 3.5 from 4.0. and in asme code sec. viii div. 2 (2007 edition) nb has been decreased to 2.4 from 3.04. while the minimum value of nb in european unified standard for press

18、ure vessels is 1.875. in chinese new edition of safety technology supervision rules for pressure vessel , safety coefficient has been decreased to 2.7. from 3.05, safety coefficient nb designed in accordance with analysis design method has been decreased to 2.4 from 2.6, the relative technical stand

19、ard gb 150 and jb 4732 will be adjusted too. (6) structure change due to safety conceptin modern pressure vessel design, the designers have to consider not only safety and technology requirement but also environment protection and saving resources.c. developing trend of international pressure equipm

20、ent standard technology the developing trend of international pressure equipment standard technology has the following feathers:1. coordination between technical rules and technical standards: state technical rules are mandatory rules established by the government to guarantee the safety of pressure

21、 vessels products, products within its jurisdiction have to obey its safety principles, while technical standards are recommended, they stipulate relative technical index for products quality to guarantee the safety of pressure vessels products. but the technical index stipulated by the standards mu

22、st be in accordance with safety principles of the rules. technical standards may be used to guide design, construction, inspection and acceptance of pressure vessels, they are the platform of technical assessment between pressure vessel product construction and trade. 2. research for basic propertie

23、s of pressure vessel materials: (1) low temperature impact properties: to research the laws of materials low temperature impact properties influenced by materials size, conditions, thickness and stress state, to arise the determining method of allowed lowest design metal temperature (mdmt) for chine

24、se technical standard in accordance with the performance of chinese materials and rules of breaking mechanics (2) chart for determining shell thickness of components under external pressure: to study stress-stain relationship of pressure vessel materials in common use., to establish calculating meth

25、od tangential elastic modulus of materials in plastic phase, to arise charts for determining shell thickness of components under external pressure (3) testing technology for materials properties of micro samples: to establish testing center for micro samples, to study visual technology for small pun

26、ch test, micro sample test as well as test process, to provide technical support for safety evaluation and life analysis of pressure vessels3. study for design method of pressure vessels (1) failure mode: to study the pressure typical failure mode of pressure vessels as well as its mechanism and cri

27、terion; to establish design rules in the base of failure mode; to guarantee intrinsic safety of pressure vessels; (2) design method based on failure mode: to arise calculation method for plastic collapse load of pressure vessels with complex structure against five main failure mode as general plasti

28、c deformation failure, increasing plastic deformation failure, out of static failure, fatigue failure and static balance failure with consideration of thermal load, mechanical load , varied load and their combination; to make known the relationship between partial failure stain and stress; arise sub

29、-safety coefficient; to establish design evaluation method for pressure vessels on the base of failure modes; (3) design method for sealing structure on the base of leakage rate: to study design method of large diameter and high pressure, evaluation method for sealing effectiveness of sealing struct

30、ure and design method for sealing structure on the base of leakage rate. (4) digital design method for pressure vessels without life limit: to establish simulating center of pressure vessels; through study for simulation of structure and materials properties , coupling (inter-action of fluid-structu

31、re, soil-structure fluid ), extend pressure vessel operation from normal operation to safety operation with high efficiency in its life without limit (comprehensive consideration of construction, manufacture, operation, maintain abandon); to increase creating design capacity and technical lever of p

32、ressure vessels; to decrease testing times; to speed up development of pressure vessels;4. study for key technology of pressure vessel manufacture(1) welding: to study forecasting and control methods of residual stress; method of defect inspection, evaluation and control;(2) heat treatment: to study

33、 materials and equipments performance regulation effected by heat treatment; to establish forecasting, inspecting and evaluating methods for heat treatment effect, through systematic study in creating mechanism, inspecting method and decreasing method of residual stress. 5. study of pressure vessels

34、 made of special materials (1) pressure vessels made of composite materials: to study properties of composite materials,design and inspecting methods of pressure vessels made of composite materials; (2) pressure vessels made of special materials: to study technology of design, heat treatment, weldin

35、g, structural optimization and quality control of pressure vessels made of special materials, such as biphase stainless steel, nickel base alloy, zirconium, stainless steel with nitrogen, etc.6. pressure vessels inspection based on failure mode(1) study forecasting and inspecting methods for complex

36、 fluid corrosion of high temperature and high pressure vessels: mechanism and forecasting method of for complex fluid corrosion of high temperature and high pressure vessels; live diagnosis and supervision of fluid corrosion; optimization technology of periodic inspection based on forecasting of flu

37、id corrosion (2)to study degrading process, regulation, mechanism and inspection of materials servicing under extreme conditions such as high temperature, high pressure, multi-phase fluid materials, neutron irradiation etc as well as its life forecasting technology. 7. to study further technical ind

38、ex of chinese materials, design calculation methods, manufacture and inspection requirements, especially for accumulation and contrast of basic properties. to win standards international mutual recognition.中文译文压力容器技术进展摘 要:近期欧洲和美国相继颁布了新的承压设备标准,特别是在压力容器领域,欧洲的en134451和美国的asme viii-2 20072全面整理和改编了原有的技术内

39、容,在大规模研究的基础上提出了全新的压力容器建造理念和设计方法。本文将简要介绍目前压力容器技术的技术进展,同时讨论我国压力容器设计技术领域的发展方向和需要深入研究的课题。关键词:压力容器 技术 进展一、引言世界已经进入了经济全球化的发展时期,经济全球化的一个必然趋势是标准的国际化。随着国际资本进入中国建设大型工程装置和国内企业扩大生产装置能力,国际化的工程项目给我国的压力容器行业带来了国际上最先进的技术和管理模式,已经不可避免地给我国的压力容器行业提出了国际竞争,建造大型和高参数压力容器的机会与挑战。事实上这些装置的建设需求是压力容器行业发展的动力,是发展我国压力容器行业的最好时机,也是和世界


41、焊接和无损检测等压力容器相关行业的技术进步,是压力容器行业整体技术水平提高的前提条件。技术发展的动力在于经济的竞争。经济全球化和激烈的竞争使得世界各国必须考虑压力容器的安全性和经济性的和谐统一,因此新的设计、建造方法不断出现,对压力容器的技术研究也在不断深入。当前压力容器技术的发展趋势有如下特点:1. 针对失效模式的设计方法;2. 计算机技术的广泛应用;3. 更经济的设计、制造方法;4. 体现综合建造技术的技术要求;5. 更广的标准适用范围;6. 谋求在国际贸易中的国家竞争力。本文重点讨论设计技术的进展,结合我国的现状,提出关于标准技术的研究方向。希望行业内能够充分重视我国在设计技术上与先进国

42、家的差距,提高设计水平,提高全行业的国际竞争力。二、压力容器设计技术进展1 、压力容器用材料的技术进展近年来压力容器产品大型化、高参数化的趋势日益明显,千吨级的加氢反应器、二千吨级的煤液化反应器、一万立方米的天然气球罐、大直径的长输管线和超超临界动力锅炉等已经在我国大量应用,压力容器在电力、石油化工、核工业、煤化工等领域中的应用场合也日益苛刻。因此,耐高温、高压和耐腐蚀的压力容器用材料的研制与开发一直是压力容器行业所面临的重大课题。对此,各国均投入了大量的人力物力从事相关的研究工作。目前,压力容器用材料的主要研究成果和技术进步表现在以下几个方面:l 材料的高纯净度:冶金工业整体技术水平和装备水

43、平的提高,极大地提高了材料的纯净度,提高了压力容器用材料的力学性能指标,提高了压力容器的整体安全性。欧洲和我国的标准en 10028、gb/t 713、gb 19189都提出了更严格的要求;l 新材料的不断出现、复合材料的使用:asme codecase 2390-2规定了复合增强材料容器的结构设计制造检验要求。但仅仅是不完整的设计方法,没有包含任意缠绕角度的设计方法。l 材料的介质适用性:针对各种腐蚀性介质和操作工况,已研究开发出超级不锈钢、双相钢、特种合金等金属材料,使之适合各种应用条件,给设计者以更多选择的空间,为长周期安全生产提供了保证;l 材料的应用界限:针对高温蠕变、回火脆化、低温

44、脆断所进行的研究,规定材料的气体含量、j系数、x系数,准确地给出材料的应用范围。l 更高强度材料的应用:在设备大型化的要求下,传统的材料已经无法解决诸如 3 万立方米天然气球罐、钢厂的大型球罐、 20 万立方米原油储罐、大口径管线以及超高压容器的选材问题。目前 b 800mpa 的高强容器材料和x80x100的高强管线用材料的应用正在引起国内研究人员的广泛关注。l 深入研究材料的适用范围,如美国在确定材料低温界限的研究中,利用材料的冲击试验取得的数据和经验,与断裂力学的评价指标关联,最终得到相对合理的材料低温界限。l 为了进行计算机数值分析,提出了材料相关性能的数学表达关系,为今后的结构数值分

45、析奠定了基础。2、设计技术进展现代的压力容器结构设计正在逐步摆脱传统观念的束缚,体现真正满足工艺要求的设计理念,追求实效性、安全性和经济性的和谐统一。在信息时代的今天,计算机技术应用已经渗透到压力容器行业的每一个领域。计算机软、硬件的每一个进步都极大地影响着压力容器行业的技术进展。(1) 以失效模式为依据的设计方法:iso 165283综合世界主要工业国家的技术标准规定,参照欧洲标准的内容,针对锅炉和压力容器常见的失效形式,在标准中将其归类为三大类、14种失效模式,明确了针对失效模式的设计技术应用理念:短期失效模式(short term failure modes):l 脆性断裂(brittl

46、e fracture)l 韧性断裂(ductile rupture)l 超量变形引起的接头泄露(leakage at joints due to excessive deformations)l 超量局部应变引起的裂纹形成或韧性撕裂(crack formation or ductile tearing due to excessive local strains)l 弹性、塑性或弹塑性失稳(垮塌)(instability elastic, plastic or elastic-plastic)长期失效模式(long term failure modes)l 蠕变断裂(creep rupture

47、)l 蠕变-在机械连接处的超量变形或导致不允许的载荷传递(creep - excessive deformations at mechanical joints or resulting in unacceptable transfer of load)l 蠕变失稳(creep instability)l 冲蚀、腐蚀(erosion, corrosion)l 环境助长开裂如:应力腐蚀开裂、氢致开裂(environmentally assisted cracking e.g. stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, etc)循环

48、失效模式(cyclic failure modes):l 扩展性塑性变形progressive plastic deformationl 交替塑性alternating plasticityl 弹性应变疲劳(中周和高周疲劳)或弹-塑性应变疲劳(低周疲劳)fatigue under elastic strains (medium and high cycle fatigue) or under elastic-plastic strains (low cycle fatigue)l 环境助长疲劳environmentally assisted fatigue 对于压力设备标准,在确定设计准则和方

49、法中至少要考虑如下失效模式:l 脆性断裂(brittle fracture)l 韧性断裂(ductile rupture)l 接头泄露(leakage at joints)l 弹性或塑性失稳(elastic or plastic instability)l 蠕变断裂(creep rupture)(2) 复杂本构关系和结构随着计算机能力的飞速发展,压力容器设计技术已经可以解决具有高度复杂本构关系或者复杂结构的工程问题如:l 各向异性的材料:复合材料、纤维缠绕容器;l 结构组合分析设计:法兰、垫片和螺栓组成的密封结构、多层壳体的接触问题;l 复杂结构的曲屈和后屈曲:大型杆、壳组合结构的稳定性分析;

50、l 组合结构的动力响应:地震响应、管道振动,流体诱导振动等。(3) 大规模数值分析传统的计算机辅助设计(cad)已逐步过渡到计算机辅助工程(cae)。随着计算机能力的不断增强和分析手段的日益多样化,设计者在结构设计阶段就可以预见到诸如焊接过程中所产生的残余应力、设备组装和运输过程中可能会出现的碰撞等问题,并在设计阶段消除这些问题,分析设计和结构优化设计已经逐渐为设计者所掌握。计算机硬件技术:技术发展方向的大型计算机、多cpu并行计算系统。计算软件全面发展,针对强度、变形、稳定性、多物理场、流体、爆炸模拟仿真、碰撞模拟仿真等应用,出现了一批商业化的工程软件。现代软件是集功能完整性、技术先进性与易

51、学易用性于一体的高端通用机械分析软件,以结构力学分析为主,涵盖线性、非线性、静力、动力、疲劳、断裂、复合材料、优化设计、概率设计、热及热结构耦合、压电等机械分析中几乎所有的功能。在特种设备的强度分析方面应用广泛,其中的电磁和声学计算功能可用于特种设备的无损检测方法仿真研究。(4) 多物理场耦合分析现代压力容器需要精确地解决流体和固体之间的相互作用问题,同时热分析和冲击分析也是不可缺少的技术手段。所以也要解决如下问题:l 流固耦合问题:大型容器、移动容器、管道内流动l 多相流问题:锅炉燃烧、流化床燃烧和反应l 传热和传质问题:板式换热器、塔板效率、分配器效率l 冲击载荷:水锤现象、撞击(5) 变

52、设计安全系数的方法为了增加本国产品的竞争性,降低安全系数是目前世界各国和地区压力容器标准的普遍倾向,美国( asme )和欧洲统一压力容器标准(正在制订中)均降低了相应的安全系数,美国asme viii-1 2007将 n b 由 4.0 降为 3.5 ,asme viii-2 2007 n b 由 3.0 降为 2.44,欧洲统一压力容器标准的 n b 最小值为 1.875 。我国新版容规将常规设计的安全系数由3.0降为2.75,按分析设计方法设计的安全系数 n b 由2.6降为 2.4 ,相应的技术标准gb150和jb4732也将做出调整。传统的降低安全系数的前提条件是: l 结构分析设计

53、水平的提高;l 制造经验的积累和制造技术水平的提高;l 更严格的材料技术要求;l 更科学的质量保证体系。在设计技术和制造水平协调一致的今天,研究成果已经证实,安全系数的降低并不直接影响安全性。标准应该根据实际工况和设计条件的差异、设计计算的精确程度、材料、计算方法、制造质量、检验的综合可靠性,考虑风险工程的能量、后果、人的因素,确定相应的设计裕量。(6) 安全理念所导致的结构变化现代压力容器的设计不仅要考虑安全和满足工艺要求,还要考虑环保和节约资源的要求。l 突破传统的埋地压力容器:设计压力低、消防间距小、失效模式主要要考虑土壤腐蚀;l 体现环保要求的双层埋地容器,可以实现远距离实时监测;l

54、由于高参数所研发的容器:复合材料、缠绕容器三、国际压力容器标准技术发展趋势国际压力容器标准技术的发展方向有以下特点:l 趋同性:信息技术的高速发展,使世界范围内的先进技术迅速普及,围绕压力容器技术发展的技术标准也必然为技术的使用者所接受,因此世界范围内的压力容器技术要求正在向统一的方向发展。特别在设计方法、焊接和无损检测等技术领域,统一要求的趋向明显。国际标准化组织正在深冷容器和移动容器以及承压设备材料等方面开展工作,区域性的标准互认已经开始。l 区域性:由于历史的原因和贸易区域的原因,目前已经形成了以北美国家、以日本为代表的亚洲国家所形成的asme体系和欧洲的ped及其协调标准体系的区域性格

55、局。两个体系的竞争日益激烈,目的在于占领国际市场份额。l 相容性:尽管世界上的各国的技术标准的技术内容和具体技术指标不完全相同,但各国都把自己的标准与其它国家标准相容作为目标,以实现标准的互相认可和促进贸易的发展。asme在1999年进行一个研究项目,对ped进行彻底分析,并将ped的esr与viii-1对设计、建造和行政管理的要求进行系统的比较,证明asme标准增加一些内容以后就可以满足ped的要求。法国和美国也在开展采用本国的压力容器标准来满足中国安全基本要求的研究工作。l 贸易性:标准是国际贸易规则的组成部分和贸易纠纷仲裁的重要依据,主宰国际标准将有利于获得巨大的市场份额和经济利益实施国

56、际标准化战略的实质是争夺国际市场的控制权。l 经济性:技术标准的总体发展方向是降低安全系数、提高生产效率,节约能源和资源,实现产品安全和经济性的和谐统一。重点强调国家产品的国际竞争性。四、压力容器设计技术发展方向在压力容器设计技术高速发展的今天,我们必须充分认识我国的压力容器设计技术的现状,从标准技术和装备能力、综合环境因素等方面系统分析和客观评价我们的优势和劣势,实现压力容器产品设计技术水平的国际化接轨。因此要重点解决如下问题:1、 技术法规和技术标准之间的相互协调:国家的技术法规是国家为保证压力容器产品的安全而设立的强制性法规,在任何其管辖范围内的产品都必须遵守它的安全原则;技术标准应该是推荐性的,规定保证压力容器安全所相应的产品质量技术指标,


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