人教版小学六年级英语下册unit1 How tall are you单元测试卷1带答案_第1页
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1、试题人教版小学六年级英语下册unit1 How tall are you单元测试卷1带答案Part B (1)词汇·积累练一、看图,补全单词。(15分)1heav_2thin_3long_二、你能找到不同类的一项吗?(20分) 来源:()1.A.I Bhis Che()2.A.hand Bfoot Cplay()3.A.older Btall Cshort()4.A.long Bstrong Cfunnier()5.A.boy Bfather Cmother语句·应用练三、你知道它们的汉语意思吗?(15分)()1.His coat is older.()2.His head

2、 is smaller.()3.I'm taller and younger than you.()4.My hands are bigger than yours.()5.My arms are longer than yours.A我的胳膊比你的胳膊长。 B.我比你更高更年轻。C他的上衣更旧。 D我的手比你的手大。E他的头更小。四、火眼金睛,选一选。(20分)()1.My hands are bigger than_Ahe Bhis Chim()2.Are you shorter than me?_AYes,I'm not. BNo,I'm not. CNo,I a

3、m.()3.How old is Alice?_AShe is 11 years old.BI'm 10 years old.CYou are 12 years old.()4.Amy is_than Sarah.Aold Bolder Coldest()5.You're bigger and stronger than_Amy Bhis CMike五、你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?找出来并改一改。(20分)()1.Amy arms are shorter than mine._ A B C()2.My hands is bigger than his._A B C()3.I&#

4、39;m taller and heavyer than you._A B C()4.He tail is longer._A B C()5.Amy is my friends._A B C表达·交流练六、书面表达。(10分)在动物园里看到的动物存在哪些差异?用比较级的句子写下来。(至少写出4句话)_答案全析全解一、1.heavier2.thinner3.longer二、1.B2.C3.A4.C5.A三、1.C2.E3.B4.D5.A四、1.B2.B3.A4.B5.C五、1.AAmy's2.Bare3.Bheavier 4AHis5.Cfriend六、范例:1.The ele

5、phant is heavier than the tiger.2The monkey is thinner than the elephant.3The giraffe is taller than the lion.4The bear is stronger than the zebra.Unit 1How Tall Are You?Part B (2)词汇·积累练一、补全单词并写出汉语意思。(24分)1h_ _vy() 2.th_nner()3k_logr_m() 4.s_ze()5w_ar() 6.f_ _t()语句·应用练二、火眼金睛,选一选。(21分)()1.H

6、ow_are you?I'm 48 kg.Along Bheavy Ctall()2.I'm_than you.Athinner Bthin Cthiner()3.How big are your_?Afoot Bfeet Cfoots()4.How long_your legs?Ais Bare Cam()5.Let_see.AI Bmy Cme()6.My pencil is_cm.A20 B50 C60()7.I_size 20.Awears Bwear Cwearing三、句子大变身。(24分)1Sarah is 50_kg(就画线部分提问)_2My legs are

7、76_cm(就画线部分提问)_3Mike is heavier than me.(就画线部分提问)_4I wear size 17.(变为一般疑问句)_5Are your legs 70 cm?(作肯定回答)_6I'm bigger and stronger than you.(变为否定句)_情景·交际练四、把下列句子按正确的顺序排列。(9分) 来源:AI'm thinner and shorter than you.BHow heavy are you?CYes.I'm bigger and stronger than you.DI'm 48 kg.

8、正确的顺序是:_ _A_五、根据首字母提示补全短文。(14分)Alice h_ two sisters.They are Mary and Ann. A_ is the youngest(最年轻的) of the three.Mary i_ thirteen years old.Ann is seven years o_.Alice and Mary s_ in a middle school(中学)Ann studies in a primary s_(小学)They are all good s_竞赛·提升练六、选一选。(8分)()1.1 foot0.3048_Ameter Bm

9、eters Ccm()2.If a boy is five feet tall,how tall is he in meters?_A1 meter B2 meters C1.5 meters答案全析全解一、1.ea重的2.i更瘦的3.i,a千克4.i号码;尺码5.e穿6.oo脚二、1.B2.A3.B4.B5.C6.A7.B三、1.How heavy is Sarah?2.How long are your legs?3.Who is heavier than you?4.Do you wear size 17?5.Yes,they are.6.I'm not bigger and s

10、tronger than you.四、BDAC五、has,Ann,is,old,study,school,students六、1.B2.CUnit 1How Tall Are You?Part B (3)词汇·积累练一、根据汉语提示补全单词。(24分)1sq_ _d 鱿鱼 2.l_bst_r 龙虾3sh_ _k 鲨鱼 4.d_ _p 深的5s_ _l 海豹 6._v_n 甚至7t_ _l 尾巴 8.l_ttl_ 小的语句·应用练二、你知道它们的汉语意思吗?(15分)()1.A sperm whale can dive into the deep cold water.()2

11、.How big is your fish?()3.My fish is smaller than Sarah's.()4.A sperm whale has 50 teeth.()5.A killer whale is 8 meters.A我的鱼比萨拉的鱼小。B抹香鲸有50颗牙。C虎鲸8米长。D抹香鲸能潜入到很深的冷水中。E你的鱼多大?三、句子大变身。(25分)1My cat is smaller than Sarah's.(就画线部分提问)_2A killer whale can jump out of water.(变为否定句)_3A sperm whale is 35_

12、tons(就画线部分提问)_4I'm 2.1 meters tall.(变为一般疑问句)_5Are these dinosaurs bigger than houses?(作否定回答)_阅读·理解练四、阅读短文,完成各题。(20分)My name is Rose.I am 10 years old.My room is small and nice.There is a bed,a desk,a closet and a shelf.The computer is on the desk.The books are on the shelf.The closet is beh

13、ind the door.There is a picture over the bed.I like my room very much.1Where are Rose's books?They are _ _ _2Where is the closet? 来源:It is_the door.3Is the picture over the bed?_4Her name is_5Does she like her room?_C部分·拓展练五、读一读,并连线。(16分)/teIl/ /tI/ /peIn/ /daIv/pain tail toy dive答案全析全解一、1.ui2.o,e3.ar4.ee5.ea6.e,e 7ai8.i,e二、1.D2.E3.A4.B5.C三、1.Whose cat is smaller than Sarah's?2.A killer wh


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