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1、SharingArgumentation-volunteering service: methods and meanings 需要帮助的人 在贫困中挣扎 忽视 社会资源分配不公平 有所改变 受灾地区 灾民People in need/ touble struggle in povertyneglect, ignore, take no notice of, turn a blind eye to, pay no attention tothe unfair distribution of the resourcesmake a difference/make any differencedi

2、saster hit/struck areavictim of natural disasters 承担责任 对.善加利用 照顾 捐赠 满足需要 帮助.走出困境 与他人分享我们所拥有的东西 量力而行帮助他人 给他们鼓励让他们可以和我们一样共享精彩丰富的人生 积少成多bear/shoulder ones responsibilitymake good use of .take care of; pay care for; attend to; care fordonate; give awaymeet the need; satisfy help/get sb out of troublesha

3、re what we have with othershelp others according to ones ability give them encouragement so that they can enjoy as rich and full a life as usEvery little make a mickle 起积极的作用 为.提供帮助 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔 提供无偿帮助 送.给.; 给.提供. 陪伴某人 与某人聊天play an active roleoffer help/aid to Give a man a fish, you feed him for a da

4、y; teach him how to fish, you feed him forever. offer help/aid for freepresent sb with sth; provide sb with sth; provide sth for sbaccompany stbchat with sb 获益 获得 送人玫瑰,手有余香 只有通过分享,我们才能. 幸福感 benefit; be beneficial to; be of tremendous benefit togain; obtain; getThe fragrance always stays in the hand

5、that gives the rose.Sending roses away and the fragrance remain.Its only by sharing that we.In sharing, we a sense of happiness 团队合作 提高人际交往能力 对.很重要 参与 空余时间 逐步地,一点一滴地 敬老院 福利院 无偿献血车 血站cooperate/work in a teamimprove interpersonal skillsbe important/critical tojoin in/take part in/participate inspare t

6、imelittle by little/step by step nursing homewelfare centervoluntary blood donation vehicleblood bank 号召.做. 响应号召 志愿精神call on sb to doin answer to the callvolunteering spirit 由于社会资源的分配不公平,很多人仍然在贫困中苦苦挣扎,他们需要志愿者们的帮助。 Due to the unfair distribution of the social resources, many people, who are still str

7、uggling in poverty, need help from the volunteers. 一个人的力量也许很有限,但积少成多。 One mans power may be limited. Yet many a little make a mickle. 帮助他人不仅是在承担社会责任,也是自我完善的过程。就像我们常说的,送人玫瑰,手有余香。 Helping others means not only bearing social responsibility but also self-improvement. Just as the saying goes, The fragra

8、nce always stays in the hand that gives the rose. 因此,我们要号召更多的人投入到志愿服务的行列里来。 Therefore, we should call on more people to do the volunteering service. 只要有空余时间,我们就应该参与到志愿服务中去。 we should join in volunteering work as long as we have spare time. 志愿服务也会让志愿者受益。 Volunteering is beneficial to the volunteers t

9、hemselves too. 参与到志愿服务中来,人们可以学会团队合作,加强人际交往能力,这两点都对他们的职业发展很重要。 Involved in volunteering service, people can learn how to work well in a team and how to improve their interpersonal skills, both of which are critical to their career development. 这不一定意味着我们只是在灾区提供志愿服务。 It doesnt necessarily mean that we

10、all volunteer in disaster hit areas. 他们不仅需要经济援助,还需要爱和关怀。 It is not only financial assistance that they need, but also love and care. What they need is not only financial assitance but also love and care. 我们可以逐渐让世界变得更美好。 Little by little, we are sure to help make the world better.【写作内容写作内容】Narration-

11、A volunteering service亚运结束,作为最佳志愿者,你接受某英文报的采访,亚运结束,作为最佳志愿者,你接受某英文报的采访,请根据以下内容准备一段感言。请根据以下内容准备一段感言。经经 历历感感 受受申请获批申请获批兴奋、期待兴奋、期待被分配到亚运村被分配到亚运村(Asian Games Village),负责洗衣负责洗衣(do the laundry work)有些失望有些失望每天洗千件衣服每天洗千件衣服枯燥、辛苦枯燥、辛苦下决心尽力完成下决心尽力完成锻炼自己的好机会锻炼自己的好机会当选最佳志愿者当选最佳志愿者终身难忘终身难忘【写作要求写作要求】只能用只能用5个句子表达所给的

12、全部内容。个句子表达所给的全部内容。【评分标准评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Be a volunteer 申请 申请获批 兴奋,期待be admitted/accepted as a volunteer for. My application for being a volunteer for.be approved.apply forbe/ feel excited and look forward to it/ expect it 被分配到被分配到 每天每天 锻炼自己锻炼自己 下定决心做下定决心做. be assigned/

13、 appointed to be assigned/ appointed to do every day develop my abilities/ improve/challenge myself be determined to do make up ones mind to do 当选最佳志愿者当选最佳志愿者 终生难忘终生难忘 be selected/ chosen as one of the best volunteers be awarded the title the best volunteer be rewarded with the title the best volunt

14、eer be unforgettable/ an unforgettable experience 兴奋 失望 枯燥 辛苦 feel excited feel disappointed be boring/ tiring/dull tiring/exhausting/tiresome /tough work to my excitement/ disappoinment what greatly excited / disappointed me was that.Narration 人称 时态 衔接1人称人称过去过去 When I learnt that I had been finally

15、 accepted as a volunteer for the Asian Games, I was very excited. I had been looking forward to it with such expectation , but) / Nevertheless, / However, the news that I was assigned to do the laundry work in the Asian Games Village left / made me a little disappointed. Every day, I needed to wash

16、about 1000 items of clothing, which was really boring and tiresome. But knowing that it was a good chance to improve myself, I was determined to try my best to complete the job. In the end, I was selected as an excellent volunteer and the 16 days was an unforgettable / a once-in-a-life-time experien

17、ce.Practical writing-An application letter 希望成为.的志愿者 擅长 性格开朗 serve as a volunteer for be good at be skill in be expert in be accomplished in be outgoing/lively have a sunny disposition a person of cheer humour 易于相处 乐于助人 热心的 考虑周全的 对.熟悉 be easy-going be easy to get along with be obliging be accommodat

18、ing be helpful be warm-hearted be considerate/thoughtful sb be familiar with sth sth be familiar to sb know sth like the back/palm of ones handformat 1. Purpose of writing this letter 2. Personal information 3. What makes you qualified for the job? 4. How would you do your job if you were chosen? 假如你是李华,你所在的城市将举办世博会,现在正招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求给组委会写一封申请信。 性别:女 年龄:20岁 就读年级和专业:大三英语专业 个人条件:英语口语突出,方便与外国友人直接交流;性格开朗,考虑周全,乐于助人;对本地情况了如指掌;曾有过多次志愿服务经历。 Dear sir, I am writing to apply for the post of a volunteer of the Expo. My name is Lihua and I am a 20-year-


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